What would the UML sequence diagram of the following code look like? - uml

What is UML sequence diagram of the following code featuring a class with two inner classes where each one is instantiated once as seen in the main function?
class A{
class B{
C f(){}
class C{}
static void main(){
A a = new A()
B b = new B();
C c = new C();
c = b.f();

You could use an automated sequence diagram generator in Eclipse such as Diver: Dynamic Interactive Dynamic Interactive Views For Reverse Engineering. It generates both static and dynamic sequence diagrams and looks to answer your question.
I adjusted your code a bit to make it compile and used Diver to generate a sequence diagram:
That is the sequence diagram for this code:
package org.testing;
public class A {
static class B
C f() {
return new C();
static class C {
public static void main(String args[]) {
A a = new A();
B b = new B();
C c = new C();
c = b.f();


How to use class functions in another class?

How can i use class instance in another class like a pointer in C++ to class instance functions?
class A {
this.block = [];
return this.blocks.length;
another class:
class B {
this.instance = instance;
this.instance.method(); // here i'm getting cannot get length of undefined
If i'm trying to to like that i'm getting problems to call it
You can try this. Here, when creating B class's instance I give into it an A class's instance as argument. Then inside B we can call A instance's methods, and access its properties.
Also, as #ViaTech posted you can use static methods to access them without needing to initialize an object of the class. That is what static methods is. Refer Static Methods
class B {
this.instance = instance;
class A {
console.log("A's method");
var a = new A();
var b = new B(a);
b.method(); // A's method
You can easily do this in JS by calling a static method like so:
class A {
static write(){ //static method
console.log("Called write from A");
class B {
let b = new B();
Option 2, you instantiate the class in the constructor of the other like so:
class A {
console.log("Non-static write() called from class A");
class B {
constructor() {
this.a = new A();
let b = new B();
There are a few ways:
I accidentally switched between PHP and Javascript, but the principles are the same for both)
Use static functions:
Normally, you have a this in the class. Say you have this code:
class Car {
let color;
public function setColor(newColor){ this.color = newColor;}
let car = new Car();
The setColor function's this refers to that car. You can make let anotherCar = new Car(), then when you do anotherCar->setColor('red') you only change that car, not the first one. Simplistic: You can create multiple instances.
If you do not need that, but need the class once, you can make it static. A simple way to explain would be "you have a collection of seperate functions, just put into a wrapping class (which doesn't do a lot really)". For instance, you might have some sanatizing methods:
class Sanitize {
static function makeHtmlSave(input){
return doYourMagicHere(input);
static function removeXssCode(input){
return doMoreMagicHere(input);
This way, you can reuse it multiple times. If you want to use it, you do Sanitize::makeHtmlSave(someCode) where you need it. There isn't a Sanitize thing, it's just a wrapper to access the frunctions inside it.
Use extend:
You can extend a class. Say you have a generic class Vehicle, which has some properties (eg a motor, numberWeels, color) and you can extend that with more specific classes:
class Vehicle {
let color;
public function setColor(newColor){ this.color = newColor}
class Car extends Vehicle {
let hasAirco = false;
public function hasAirco(newValue){ this.hasAirco = newValue};
If you do let car = new Car(), you get a Car object, that extends/enlarges/complements the Vehicle class, so you can use both its (public) functions. Internally, Car can use the functions of Vehicle too.
Just pass it
class One {
// some stuff
class Two{
let otherObject;
this.otherObject = givenObject;
You can now do this let a = new One(); let b = new Two(a);. You can not use the functions of One inside Two, but you can still use a->doSomething(). This solution feels like the easiest, but it almost never is. Classes/objects are tricky stuff, but I've rarely uses this solutions. There are use cases, but often it's a bad smell indicator.

Check inheritance in nodejs

What is the best way to check inheritance in nodejs?
I'm trying to use instanceof in a instance of a class of another module that inherits a class for this module.
file a.js
class A{
class B extends A{
var b = new B();
b instanceof A ///this work
global.c instanceof A //this doesn't work
module.exports = A;
file c.js
var A = require("./a");
class C extends A{
global.c = new C();
It is because of loading issue! When you load class C, it request class A and it is run before the C is defined.
I have tried it myself, if I did it as you mentioned and requested both classes, the second one comparision failed.
However this one works:
class A{
console.log(b instanceof A) ///this work
console.log(global.c instanceof A) //this now work
class B extends A{
var b = new B();
module.exports = A;
var A = require("./a");
class C extends A{
global.c = new C();
The main method
const a = require('services/a');
const aInst = new a();
having output
To better understand whats going on, I have created this example
console.log('Hello, I am class A and I am not yet defined');
class A{
class B extends A{
var b = new B();
console.log('Hello, I am class A and I will compare something');
console.log(b instanceof A) ///this work
console.log(global.c instanceof A) //this doesn't work
module.exports = A;
console.log('Hello, I am class C and I am not yet defined');
var A = require("./a");
console.log('Hello, I am class C and I will now try to defined myself');
class C extends A{
console.log('Hello, I am class C and I am defined');
global.c = new C();
console.log('Hello, I am class C and I am in global.c');
Having this output
Hello, I am class C and I am not yet defined
Hello, I am class A and I am not yet defined
Hello, I am class A and I will compare something
Hello, I am class C and I will now try to defined myself
Hello, I am class C and I am defined
Hello, I am class C and I am in global.c
If you change it to require "a" first, then the C is not loaded at all
server.js change :
Having this output
Hello, I am class A and I am not yet defined
Hello, I am class A and I will compare something

Kotlin thread safe native lazy singleton with parameter

In java we can write thead-safe singletons using double Checked Locking & volatile:
public class Singleton {
private static volatile Singleton instance;
public static Singleton getInstance(String arg) {
Singleton localInstance = instance;
if (localInstance == null) {
synchronized (Singleton.class) {
localInstance = instance;
if (localInstance == null) {
instance = localInstance = new Singleton(arg);
return localInstance;
How we can write it in kotlin?
About object
object A {
object B {}
object C {}
init {
I used kotlin decompiler to get that
public final class A {
public static final A INSTANCE;
private A() {
INSTANCE = (A)this;
static {
new A();
public static final class B {
public static final A.B INSTANCE;
private B() {
INSTANCE = (A.B)this;
static {
new A.B();
public static final class C {
public static final A.C INSTANCE;
private C() {
INSTANCE = (A.C)this;
static {
new A.C();
All of object have constructor invoke in static block. Based on it, we can think that it's not lazy.
Сlose to the right answer.
class Singleton {
companion object {
val instance: Singleton by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.PUBLICATION) { Singleton() }
public static final class Companion {
// $FF: synthetic field
private static final KProperty[] $$delegatedProperties = new KProperty[]{(KProperty)Reflection.property1(new PropertyReference1Impl(Reflection.getOrCreateKotlinClass(Singleton.Companion.class), "instance", "getInstance()Lru/example/project/tech/Singleton;"))};
public final Singleton getInstance() {
Lazy var1 = Singleton.instance$delegate;
KProperty var3 = $$delegatedProperties[0];
return (Singleton)var1.getValue();
private Companion() {
// $FF: synthetic method
public Companion(DefaultConstructorMarker $constructor_marker) {
I hope Kotlin developers will make non reflection implementation in future...
Kotlin has an equivalent of your Java code, but more safe. Your double lock check is not recommended even for Java. In Java you should use an inner class on the static which is also explained in Initialization-on-demand holder idiom.
But that's Java. In Kotlin, simply use an object (and optionally a lazy delegate):
object Singletons {
val something: OfMyType by lazy() { ... }
val somethingLazyButLessSo: OtherType = OtherType()
val moreLazies: FancyType by lazy() { ... }
You can then access any member variable:
// Singletons is lazy instantiated now, then something is lazy instantiated after.
val thing = Singletons.something // This is Doubly Lazy!
// this one is already loaded due to previous line
val eager = Singletons.somethingLazyButLessSo
// and Singletons.moreLazies isn't loaded yet until first access...
Kotlin intentionally avoids the confusion people have with singletons in Java. And avoids the "wrong versions" of this pattern -- of which there are many. It instead provides the simpler and the safest form of singletons.
Given the use of lazy(), if you have other members each would individually be lazy. And since they are initialized in the lambda passed to lazy() you can do things that you were asking about for about customizing the constructor, and for each member property.
As a result you have lazy loading of Singletons object (on first access of instance), and then lazier loading of something (on first access of member), and complete flexibility in object construction.
See also:
lazy() function
Lazy thread safe mode options
Object declarations
As a side note, look at object registry type libraries for Kotlin that are similar to dependency injection, giving you singletons with injection options:
Injekt - I'm the author
Kodein - Very similar and good
Object declaration is exactly for this purpose:
object Singleton {
//singleton members
It is lazy and thread-safe, it initializes upon first call, much as Java's static initializers.
You can declare an object at top level or inside a class or another object.
For more info about working with objects from Java, please refer to this answer.
As to the parameter, if you want to achieve exactly the same semantics (first call to getInstance takes its argument to initialize the singleton, following calls just return the instance, dropping the arguments), I would suggest this construct:
private object SingletonInit { //invisible outside the file
lateinit var arg0: String
object Singleton {
val arg0: String = SingletonInit.arg0
fun Singleton(arg0: String): Singleton { //mimic a constructor, if you want
synchronized(SingletonInit) {
SingletonInit.arg0 = arg0
return Singleton
The main flaw of this solution is that it requires the singleton to be defined in a separate file to hide the object SingletonInit, and you cannot reference Singleton directly until it's initialized.
Also, see a similar question about providing arguments to a singleton.
I recently wrote an article on that topic.
TL;DR Here's the solution I came up to:
1) Create a SingletonHolder class. You only have to write it once:
open class SingletonHolder<out T, in A>(creator: (A) -> T) {
private var creator: ((A) -> T)? = creator
#Volatile private var instance: T? = null
fun getInstance(arg: A): T {
val i = instance
if (i != null) {
return i
return synchronized(this) {
val i2 = instance
if (i2 != null) {
} else {
val created = creator!!(arg)
instance = created
creator = null
2) Use it like this in your singletons:
class MySingleton private constructor(arg: ArgumentType) {
init {
// Init using argument
companion object : SingletonHolder<MySingleton, ArgumentType>(::MySingleton)
The singleton initialization will be lazy and thread-safe.

Groovy: Is there a way to implement multiple inheritance while using type-checking?

abstract class Entity {
double getMass() {
abstract class Location {
Entity[] getContent() {
abstract class Container {...} //inherits, somehow, from both Location and Entity
class Main {
void main() {
double x
Container c = new Chest() //Chest extends Container
Entity e = c
x = e.mass
Location l = c
x = l.content //Programmer error, should throw compile-time error
Essentially, is there a way to achieve this, without sacrificing any of the three properties outlines in main():
Direct access to fields, even virtual fields
Assigning to both super-classes
Typechecking (at compile-time)
I don't think you can do that with classes. Maybe you'd wanted traits (under discussion update: available in Groovy 2.3 and already rocking!) or, for a pure dynamic solution, #Mixin, which you'd back up with a good test suite.
My guess: #Delegate is your best friend here, but, as it stands, you can only store a Chest object in a Container type variable. So you'd need some interfaces.
Even if the superclass is not under your control, you can use groovy as operator to make it implement an interface.
First, i rewrote your classes to remove the abstract and add interfaces:
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked as TC
interface HasMass { double mass }
interface HasContent { Entity[] getContent() }
#TC class Entity implements HasMass { double mass }
#TC class Location {
Entity[] getContent() {
[new Entity(mass: 10.0), new Entity(mass: 20.0)] as Entity[]
Note i didn't added HasContent to Location, to show the usage of as.
Second, comes the Container and Chest. #Delegate is added and it auto-inherits the interfaces of the delegates:
abstract class Container {
#Delegate Location location = new Location()
#Delegate Entity entity = new Entity()
#TC class Chest extends Container { }
Last, it becomes type-checkable, as long as you stick to interfaces:
#TC class Mult {
static main(args) {
def x // use 'def' for flow-typing
Container c = new Chest() //Chest extends Container
HasMass e = c
x = e.mass
def l = c as HasContent
x = l.content //Programmer error, should throw compile-time error
assert c.content.collect { Entity it -> it.mass } == [10.0, 20.0]

How does JRebel work?

Does JRebel use Javassist or some kind of bytecode manipulation? I'm asking this out of pure interest, I don't actually "need" to know :)
JRebel uses class rewriting (both ASM and Javassist) and JVM integration to version individual classes. Plus it integrates with app servers to redirect class/resource and web server lookups back to the workspace. And it also integrates with most app servers and frameworks to propagate changes to the configuration (metadata or files). That's the short of it. The long of it takes 10 world-class engineers to develop and support and is our commercial secret :)
This is the closest reasoning I have read on how JRebel works by Simon, ZT Technical Evangelist.
Pasting the contents here:
Jrebel instruments the application and JVM classes to create a layer of indirection. In the case an application class is loaded, all method bodies will have a redirection using the runtime redirection service, as shown in Figure 2. This service manages and loads the class and method versions using anonymous inner classes created for each version that is reloaded. Let’s look at an example. We’ll create a new class C with two methods:
public class C extends X {
int y = 5;
int method1(int x) {
return x + y;
void method2(String s) {
When Class C is loaded for the first time, JRebel instruments the class. The signature of this class will be the same, but the method bodies are now being redirected. The loaded class will now look something like this:
public class C extends X {
int y = 5;
int method1(int x) {
Object[] o = new Object[1];
o[0] = x;
return Runtime.redirect(this, o, "C", "method1", "(I)I");
void method2(String s) {
Object[] o = new Object[1];
o[0] = s;
return Runtime.redirect(this, o, "C", "method2", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
To the redirect calls, we passing in the calling object, the parameters to the method that has been called, our class name, our method name and the types of the parameters and return. JRebel also loads a class with the implementations at a specific version, initially version 0. Let’s see what that looks like:
public abstract class C0 {
public static int method1(C c, int x) {
int tmp1 = Runtime.getFieldValue(c, "C", "y", "I");
return x + tmp1;
public static void method2(C c, String s) {
PrintStream tmp1 =
null, "java/lang/System", "out", "Ljava/io/PrintStream;");
Object[] o = new Object[1];
o[0] = s;
Runtime.redirect(tmp1, o, "java/io/PrintStream;", "println","(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
Let’s now say the user changes their class C by adding a new method z() and invoking it from method1. Class C now looks like this:
public class C {
int y = 5;
int z() {
return 10;
int method1(int x) {
return x + y + z();
The next time the runtimes uses this class, JRebel detects there is a newer version that has been compiled and on the filesystem, so it loads the new version, C1. This version has the additional method z and the updated implementation for method1.
public class C1 {
public static int z(C c) {
return 10;
public static int method1(C c, int x) {
int tmp1 = Runtime.getFieldValue(c, "C", "y", "I");
int tmp2 = Runtime.redirect(c, null, "C", "z", "(V)I");
return x + tmp1 + tmp2;
The Runtime.redirect call will always be routed to the latest version of the class C, so calling new C().method1(10) would return 15 before the code change and 25 afterwards. This implementation misses a lot of detail and optimizations, but you get the idea.
Source: http://zeroturnaround.com/rebellabs/why-hotswap-wasnt-good-enough-in-2001-and-still-isnt-today/
Great article on this topic by Dave Booth. Reloading Java Classes: HotSwap and JRebel — Behind the Scenes.
