Cassandra and pig integration cause error during startup - cassandra

I have a problem trying to start sample pig and cassandra config (from examples/pig)
2012-07-27 14:34:49,020 [main] ERROR - ERROR 1070: Could not resolve CassandraStorage using imports: [, org.apache.pig.builtin., org.apache.pig.impl.builtin.]
It looks like some classpath problem still I can't find the reason. ANyone knows what jars might cause this problem ?
I had set my variables to:
export PIG_HOME=/home/sebastian/cassandra/source/pig-0.10.0
export PIG_INITIAL_ADDRESS=localhost
export PIG_RPC_PORT=9160
export PIG_PARTITIONER=org.apache.cassandra.dht.RandomPartitioner

CassandraStorage is in org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.pig and needs the Cassandra jars to run.

Check if you have the following in your class path
Add all the above in the
Do these changes in pig_cassandra
Let me know if you have the same problem. I will share the code.


Cassandra source code ConfigurationException expection URI in cassandra.config found cassandra.yaml

For my master thesis, I have to modify the source code of Cassandra. So, as suggested by, I git clone, then run ant, and everything seems nice (I managed to build the project without any error), but when I run the unitTests (cassandra/test), I have this strange error:
Expecting URI in variable: [cassandra.config].
Please prefix the file with [file:\\\] for local files and
[file:\\<server>\] for remote files.
If you are executing this from an external tool, it needs
to set Config.setClientMode(true) to avoid loading configuration.
at org.apache.cassandra.config.YamlConfigurationLoader.getStorageConfigURL(
at org.apache.cassandra.config.YamlConfigurationLoader.loadConfig(
at org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor.loadConfig(
at org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor.daemonInitialization(
at org.apache.cassandra.auth.jmx.AuthorizationProxyTest.setup("
I would like to test my modifications on the source code with the unitTests (because I didn't find any tutorial of how to set up cassandra from the source code on Windows, so if you have one, I would like to have the link ^^) but I didn't manage to find any solution for this bug :(. Anyone know a solution to this problem?
I am working on Windows 10 with IntelliJ and I have updated my Jdk and ant to the latest version.
I was facing the same issue. Those variables ("cassandra.config", "cassandra.storagedir", etc...) are System variables.
You can either set them in your code by doing something like:
System.setProperty("cassandra.config", "file:///<PATH>/cassandra.yaml");
You can also set them whilst running the jar file:
java -Dcassandra.config=file:///<PATH>/cassandra.yaml -jar <JAR>
Start a new process in jdk 1.8 and start embedded cassandra in it. and run your junit in your java version. I faced similar isue which jdk11 upgrade. Now i fixed this.
import org.cassandraunit.utils.EmbeddedCassandraServerHelper;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
public class EmbeddedCassandraApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

Logstash 5 configure log4j logging for itself (not as plugin)

This is just for future reference since I solved it myself.
When I switched from logstash 2.x to 5.x, I was dealing with this warning (when I was runnig my logstash on this path D:\somepath\logstash-5.0.1):
Could not find log4j2 configuration at path /somepath/logstash-5.0.1/config/ Using default config which logs to console
After some searching on internet and digging in ruby code (in the extracted logstash) I have found out this:
necessary to use path.settings (as mentioned many times) correctly
use correctly file or directory as URL path.
Finally I run my logstash as:
logstash.bat --path.settings=file://D:/somepath/logstash-5.0.1/config

Error grabbing Grapes ... unresolved dependency ... not found

The beefed up logging has shown me that there is an issue deleting the old jar from the cache, which leads to the fatal "not found" error. There are other threads similar to this, but only when someone is locking the file with their IDE. We are running a single groovy script from Jenkins, and no one is logged into this box.
We ran process explorer right after the failure and there were no locks. Then I login with the user that Jenkins is using to run the script, and I get no error deleting the files.
Also it seems there was a fix in IVY 2.1 to not fail when the jar cannot be deleted, and I'm on Ivy 2.2 (Groovy 1.8.4). What gives?
Couldn't delete outdated artifact from cache: C:\Users\myUser\.groovy\grapes\com.a.b.c\x-y-z\jars\x-y-z-1.496.jar
then the false(?) error:
Caught: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error grabbing Grapes -- [unresolved dependency: com.a.b.c#x-y-z;1.+: not found]
at smokeTestSuccess.<clinit>(smokeTestSuccess.groovy)
Interestingly enough, this happens everyday the first time the script is run after 5am. I guess the cache gets invalidated through some default config at 5am? Is this some kind of clue??
Original post:
I am intermittently getting an error when running a number of different Groovy scripts which all share an identical #Grab declaration. (file names changed to protect the innocent). First the full Grab declaration:
#GrabResolver(name = 'libs.release', root = 'http://myserver:8081/artifactory/libs-release', m2compatible = 'true') #Grapes([
#Grab(group = 'com.a.b.c, module = 'x-y-z', version = '1.+', changing = true),
]) #GrabConfig(systemClassLoader = true)
Then the error:
Caught: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error grabbing Grapes -- [unresolved dependency: com.a.b.c#x-y-z;1.+: not found]
Upon doing numerous internet searches, the cause always seems to be very simple, either one of these two basic problems:
1. Repository unreachable
2. Jar file doesn’t exist
However, in the artifactory logs, I've proven that the file is actually being downloaded:
*Artifactory did accept the request for download:
2014-07-17 07:58:19,938 [ACCEPTED DOWNLOAD] libs-release-local:com/a/b/c/x-y-z/1.477/x-y-z-1.477.jar for anonymous/
*Artifactory did deliver jar:
The scripts all work about 100% of the time if they are simply restarted. This all leads me to believe that the issue is the Grab timing out. Theoretically the second time I run the script, the file is in the cache, and things happen faster, thus it doesnt fail.
For the above real request, I can see about 20 seconds of elapsed time in the http log from request to download.
Does my theory seem correct?
Is there a way to increase the amount of time that the script will wait for the #Grab to resolve?
Does putting a try / catch block around the #Grab statements seem like a good idea? Or will that just hide the real problem?
thanks in advance!!!!
I think I finally figured out the answer to my own question.
I believe there is some sort of bug within Groovy 1.8.4 (or Ivy 2.2), especially since this behavior does mirror an ancient documented Ivy bug with this exact error message scheme and behavior.
Upgrading to Groovy 2.3.6 (which includes Ivy 2.3) appears to solve the issue.
I also still have no idea why the jars cannot be deleted, nothing is locking them. I experimented with moving the grape cache to a less secure folder to rule out a permission issue, but this didn't help:
UPDATE 8/19:
Once we upgraded to Groovy 2.3.6, the error went away, but I then figured out that the jar was no longer being downloaded at all, when using the "1.+" resolver. Something in the defaultgrapeConfig.xml was causing an issue. Everything is finally working properly after (in addition to the Groovy upgrade) we overrode defaultgrapeConfig.xml with our own stripped down file using this command line JAVA_OPT:
which had these contents:
<settings defaultResolver="downloadGrapes"/>
<chain name="downloadGrapes">
For completeness (further steps):
In Jenkins GUI, update the job(s):
a. Update the drop down for each script: Execute Groovy Script > Groovy Version > Groovy-2.3.6
b. Update the JAVA_OPTS for each script (have to click the ‘advanced’ button under the script to see JAVA_OPTS):
Optional logging switches: -Divy.message.logger.level=4
In the actual Groovy script itself, delete this option within the #GrabResolver annotation: , m2compatible = 'true'
If you get this or a similar error:
"could not find client or server jvm under [Whatever JAVE_HOME is], please check that it is a valid jdk / jre containing the desired type of jvm"
Delete groovy.exe & groovyw.exe from D:\Software\Groovy-2.3.6\bin (if the exe’s do not exist, the Jenkins groovy plugin will use the bat file versions of these, and they handle the 32-bit / 64-bit problem better than the exe’s)

WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.accumulo.start.classloader.AccumuloClassLoader)

Does anyone know how to get rid of the following warnings when starting accumulo:
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.accumulo.start.classloader.AccumuloClassLoader).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See for more info.
I am running accumulo 1.4.0 hadoop 0.20.2 and zookeeper 3.3.3. I understand this warning happens because the class can not find the file and yes I have read My file has the following lines copied from an accumulo 1.4.3 log4j file (I dont have the option to upgrade my system to 1.4.3):
# default logging properties:
# by default, log everything at INFO or higher to the console
# hide Jetty junk,A1
# hide "Got brand-new compresssor" messages,A1
# hide junk from TestRandomDeletes,A1
# hide almost everything from zookeeper,A1
# hide AUDIT messages in the shell, alternatively you could send them to a different logger,A1
# Send most things to the console
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} [%-8c{2}] %-5p: %m%n
I have put this log4j file everyone. In the accumulo/bin folder, in the accumulo/conf folder, in the accumulo/lib folder but can not get rid of this warning (I know it has to go on the accumulo class path but dont know where that is). I also can't pass a log4j.configuration option to the java compiler because the accmulo executable comes pre-compiled (I just run it).
Thanks in advance for the help.
EDIT: Below is the result of an "accumulo classpath" command on my system:
[admin-cloud#NODE1 bin]$ echo $ACCUMULO_HOME
[admin-cloud#NODE1 bin]$ accumulo classpath
Accumulo List of classpath items are:
Line 84 of bin/accumulo in Apache Accumulo 1.4.0 sets the variable XML_FILES to $ACCUMULO_HOME/conf and then adds XML_FILES to the CLASSPATH variable which is later passed to the java command.
It sounds you have a misconfiguration of ACCUMULO_HOME either through your shell environment or in $ACCUMULO_HOME/conf/
I was troubleshooting an installation someone else set up that was having the same problem. My solution to this problem was simply that there actually was no in the conf directory! So I just copied up one of the from the conf/examples directory, restarted and everything worked like it should!

Procrun and log4 configuration

I'm using procrun to start a Windows Service for my java process. I can get the service to start, but the log4j configuration that I set up doesn't seem to be working. This is what I see in the stderr file that procrun creates:
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (com.jar.aa.MainEntry).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
Here is the command that I specify to install the service:
%INSTALL_SERVICE_CMD% //IS//SERVICEAGENT --DisplayName="DispName" --Install=%SERVICE_EXE_HOME%\prunsrv.exe --LogPath=%INSTALLER_HOME% --LogLevel=Info --StdOutput=auto --StdError=auto --StartMode=Java --StopMode=Java --Jvm=auto --Startup=auto --JvmMx=512 ++JvmOptions=-XX:MaxPermSize=128m --StartPath=%START_CLASS_PATH%\ --Classpath=%CLASSPATH%;MyJar.jar --StartClass=com.jar.aa.MainEntry --StopClass=com.jar.aa.ExitEntry ++StopParams=--stop ++JvmOptions=-Dfile.encoding=UTF8 ++JvmOptions=-Dorg.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogFactoryImpl
I have my log4j properties placed in the same directory as this install script.
Can anyone tell me what I might be missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not sure if my memories are correct, but i think i had the same problem and solved it by including the log4j configuration file in my jar file. In your case MyJar.jar.
If it still gives troubles try placing your jar at the beginning of your classpath definition. HTH
