How to use the experimental offscreenTab API? - google-chrome-extension

I've been searching for examples and reference and have come up with nothing. I found a note in offscreenTab source code mentioning it cannot be instantiated from a background page (it doesn't have a tab for the offscreenTab to relate to). Elsewhere I found mention that popup also has no tie to a tab.
How do you successfully create an offscreenTab in a Chrome extension?

According to the documentation, offscreenTabs.create won't function in a background page. Although not explicitly mentioned, the API cannot be used in a Content script either. Through a simple test, it seems that the popup has the same limitation as a background page.
The only leftover option is a tab which runs in the context of a Chrome extension. The easiest way to do that is by using the following code in the background/popup:
chrome.tabs.create({url: chrome.extension.getURL('ost.htm'), active:false});
// active:false, so that the window do not jump to the front
ost.htm is a helper page, which creates the tab:
chrome.experimental.offscreenTabs.create({url: '...'}, function(offscreenTab) {
// Do something with !
To change the URL, use chrome.experimental.offscreenTabs.update. is a tabId, which ought to be used with the chrome.tabs API. However, at least in Chrome 20.0.1130.1, this is not the case. All methods of the tabs API do not recognise the returned tabID.
A work-around is to inject a content script using a manifest file, eg:
{"content_scripts": {"js":["contentscript.js"], "matches":["<all_urls>"]}}
// contentscript.js:
chrome.extension.sendMessage({ .. any request .. }, function(response) {
// Do something with response.
Appendum to the background page:
chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender, sendResponse) {
// Instead of checking for index == -1, you can also see if the ID matches
// the ID of a previously created offscreenTab
if ( && === -1) {
// index is negative if the tab is invisible
// ... do something (logic) ...
sendResponse( /* .. some response .. */ );
With content scripts, you've got full access to a page's DOM. But not to the global object. You'll have to inject scripts (see this answer) if you want to run code in the context of the page.
Another API which might be useful is the chrome.webRequest API. It can be used to modify headers/abort/redirect requests. Note: It cannot be used to read or modify the response.
Currently, the offscreenTabs API is experimental. To play with it, you have to enable the experimental APIs via chrome://flags, and add "permissions":["experimental"] to your manifest file. Once it's not experimental any more, use "permissions":["offscreenTabs"].


How can I disable javascript for the page that's being opened?

I was up till 1 am last night trying to find an example of how to do this. My theory is that I'd write a function that would comment out all javascript.
The second option would be to add the url to the list of javascript settings.
Right now my extension is very simple:
function linkOnClick(info, tab) {
{title: "Load with no Javascript", contexts:["link"], onclick: linkOnClick});
This is my first extension and I'm kind of lost.
edit: let me know if I should also post the manifest.json.
edit: I can't mark this as solved for 2 days (why? who knows.), so I'll probably not remember to mark this as solved. So accept this as the official making: SOLVED.
chrome.contentSettings.javascript.set is the thing that disables javascript.
Here's the part that disables javascript.
(Google, here's what an actual example should look like):
{'primaryPattern':AnyDomainName, /*this is a string with the domain*/
'setting': "block", /* block the domain. Can be switched to "allow" */
'scope':'regular'}, /*it's either regular or incognito*/
/*optional action you want to
take place AFTER something's been blocked'*/
Here's the script I used to import into my json script for my chrome extension.
var link=""
var pattern=""
function linkOnClick(info, tab) {
r = /:\/\/(.[^/]+)/;
'setting': "block",
chrome.contextMenus.create({title: "Load with no Javascript", contexts:["link"], onclick: linkOnClick});
I couldn't tell how any of this worked by reading the page! They really need add complete working examples or allow a way for users to add examples. I can't even use it. The git hub link is what saved me.

Re-inject content scripts after update

I have a chrome extension which injects an iframe into every open tab. I have a chrome.runtime.onInstalled listener in my background.js which manually injects the required scripts as follows (Details of the API here : ) :
var injectIframeInAllTabs = function(){
console.log("reinject content scripts into all tabs");
var manifest =;{},function(windows){
for( var win in windows ){
chrome.tabs.getAllInWindow(, function reloadTabs(tabs) {
for (var i in tabs) {
var scripts = manifest.content_scripts[0].js;
console.log("content scripts ", scripts);
var k = 0, s = scripts.length;
for( ; k < s; k++ ) {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabs[i].id, {
file: scripts[k]
This works fine when I first install the extension. I want to do the same when my extension is updated. If I run the same script on update as well, I do not see a new iframe injected. Not only that, if I try to send a message to my content script AFTER the update, none of the messages go through to the content script. I have seen other people also running into the same issue on SO (Chrome: message content-script on runtime.onInstalled). What is the correct way of removing old content scripts and injecting new ones after chrome extension update?
When the extension is updated Chrome automatically cuts off all the "old" content scripts from talking to the background page and they also throw an exception if the old content script does try to communicate with the runtime. This was the missing piece for me. All I did was, in chrome.runtime.onInstalled in bg.js, I call the same method as posted in the question. That injects another iframe that talks to the correct runtime. At some point in time, the old content scripts tries to talk to the runtime which fails. I catch that exception and just wipeout the old content script. Also note that, each iframe gets injected into its own "isolated world" (Isolated world is explained here: hence newly injected iframe cannot clear out the old lingering iframe.
Hope this helps someone in future!
There is no way to "remove" old content scripts (Apart from reloading the page in question using window.location.reload, which would be bad)
If you want to be more flexible about what code you execute in your content script, use the "code" parameter in the executeScript function, that lets you pass in a raw string with javascript code. If your content script is just one big function (i.e. content_script_function) which lives in background.js
in background.js:
function content_script_function(relevant_background_script_info) {
// this function will be serialized as a string using .toString()
// and will be called in the context of the content script page
// do your content script stuff here...
function execute_script_in_content_page(info) {
{code: "(" + content_script_function.toString() + ")(" +
JSON.stringify(info) + ");"});
execute_script_in_content_page.bind( { reason: 'onUpdated',
otherinfo: });
execute_script_in_content_page.bind( { reason: 'onInstalled',
otherinfo: });
Where relevant_background_script_info contains information about the background page, i.e. which version it is, whether there was an upgrade event, and why the function is being called. The content script page still maintains all its relevant state. This way you have full control over how to handle an "upgrade" event.

Can js code in chrome extension detect that it's executed as content script?

I have a google chrome extension that shares some code between it's content script and background process / popup. If it some easy and straightforward way for this code to check if it's executed as content script or not? (message passing behavior differs).
I can include additional "marker" javascript in manifest or call some chrome fnction unavailable from content script and check for exceptions - but these methods looks awkward to be. Maybe it's some easy and clean way to make this check?
To check whether or not your script is running as a content script, check if it is not being executed on a chrome-extension scheme.
if (location.protocol == 'chrome-extension:') {
// Running in the extension's process
// Background-specific code (actually, it could also be a popup/options page)
} else {
// Content script code
If you further want to know if you're running in a background page, use chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage()=== window. If it's true, the code is running in the background. If not, you're running in the context of a popup / options page / ...
(If you want to detect if the code is running in the context of an extension, ie not in the context of a regular web page, check if chrome.extension exists.)
Explanation of revised answer
Previously, my answer suggested to check whether background-specific APIs such as chrome.tabs were defined. Since Chrome 27 / Opera 15, this approach comes with an unwanted side-effect: Even if you don't use the method, the following error is logged to the console (at most once per page load per API):
chrome.tabs is not available: You do not have permission to access this API. Ensure that the required permission or manifest property is included in your manifest.json.
This doesn't affect your code (!!chrome.tabs will still be false), but users (developers) may get annoyed, and uninstall your extension.
The function chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage is not defined at all in content scripts, so alone it can be used to detect whether the code is running in a content script:
if (chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage) {
// background page, options page, popup, etc
} else {
// content script
There are more robust ways to detect each context separately in a module I wrote
function runningScript() {
// This function will return the currently running script of a Chrome extension
if (location.protocol == 'chrome-extension:') {
if (location.pathname == "/_generated_background_page.html")
return "background";
return location.pathname; // Will return "/popup.html" if that is the name of your popup
return "content";

How to transfer data between the content scripts of two different tabs?

In my extension I need to transfer some data from one tab's content script to another tab's content script. How can I choose certain tab using chrome.tabs, if I know a part of that tab object's name or url in it? How can two tabs' scripts communicate?
Apparently I don't have method sendMessage in chrome.extension. When I run the following from content script:
I get in console:
Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method 'sendMessage'
First, note that messages passed within an extension are JSON-serialized. Non-serializable types, such as functions, are not included in the message.
Within a content script, you have to pass the message to the background page, because there is no method to directly access other tabs.
// Example: Send a string. Often, you send an object, which includes
// additional information, eg {method:'userdefined', data:'thevalue'}
chrome.extension.sendMessage(' ... message ... ');
In the background page, use the chrome.tabs.query method to get the ID of a tab. For the simplicity of the example, I've hardcoded the patterns and urls. It might be a good idea to include the query values from the previous message, in this way: {query:{...}, data:...}.
// background script:
chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function(details) {
title: "title pattern",
url: "http://domain/*urlpattern*"
}, function(result) {
// result is an array of tab.Tabs
if (result.length === 1) { // There's exactely one tab matching the query.
var tab = result[0];
// details.message holds the original message
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(, details.message);
chrome.tabs.sendMessage was used to pass the original data to a different tab.
Remark: In the example, I only passed the message when the query resulted in one unique tab. When uniqueness is not a prerequisite, just loop through all resulting tabs, using result.forEach or:
for (var i=0, tab; i<result.length; i++) {
tab = results[i];
From a content script you only can communicate with the background process.
You may communicate between two content scripts in differents tabs using the backgound as intermediate.
Also the DOM provide other way to communicate between DOM windows, but with the same origin policy...
To get a tab's url, you may execute a content script on it. The content script can get the url using window.location.href

How to close the current extension tab?

I'm trying to close the Options page of the extension.
I have a Cancel button and I'm using this code:
chrome.tabs.getCurrent(null, function(tab) {
chrome.tabs.remove(, function() {});
When I'm trying to use it, it always gives this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getCurrent' of undefined
What's wrong with the code?
It works for me with one little fix:
chrome.tabs.getCurrent(function(tab) {
chrome.tabs.remove(, function() { });
Just make sure you're really running this code in options page of your extension and not just some HTML page, because chrome.tabs API is available only for extensions.
Most likely you're running your code from a content script, where chrome.tabs is undefined. If this is the case, you can instead send a message to the background page and have the background page (which has access to chrome.tabs) make the call.
Note that from a background page, you would use chrome.tabs.getSelected since getCurrent will return undefined.
In the options page, you can just do:
If you wanted to use chrome.tabs.getCurrent, do you have tabs defined in the permissions section within the manifest?
I have time to continue my extension after a very long time. I checked the documentation again. So it was a inline script, that I had probably blocked with Content Security Policy in the manifest, because I hadn't read the documentation precisely.
Now Chrome blocks inline scripts by default, so I'll have to fix it anyway.
Only this worked for me:
chrome.tabs.query({ active: true }, function(tabs) {
