Keep getting signed out of Orchard - orchardcms

I have deployed Orchard to my online webserver. It's all working quite nicely, untill I log into the dashboard and try to create pages and such. I keep getting signed out, Orchard tells me access is denied. When I enter my credentials again, I log in and am able to view the page and continue. But after some clicking, I'm signed out again. Before getting signed out, there appears to be a long wait. What could cause this?
Update: I have the idea that it's a time out of some sort. Either on the cookie, or some process on the server taking a long time. Overall, the performance of the site on the server isn't that great. Pages take a long time (several seconds) to load. It's a shared hosting environment, so I don't have acccess to the server itself unfortunately. But as a comparison; I'm also running a Wordpress installation on the same box and that's just plain quick.

First hypothesis: your shared host is too weak, and has strict memory restrictions that cause the application to restart all the time. Fix: find a decent ASP.NET hosting company. That their plan works with a PHP app such as WordPress is no good indication of the quality of their ASP.NET service.
Second hypothesis: you are missing a machine key:


Issue with malicious files showing up in IIS site folders

If this is something in another thread I'm happy to read but I've been keeping google hot without a result.
I have an IIS site that is getting hammered with some search engine exploit file creations. Basically trying to direct traffic to videos on YouTube by getting them indexed. I've disabled all FTP accounts to start and then went through confirming everything is updated including things like PHP. I'm having a bear of a time figuring out where these are coming from. I have started resetting the passwords on the anonymous user credential for each website but I don't think this is a password exploit.
The info I have:
They all seem to be created by Network Service but I can't tell which site they are coming in through.
I'm using up to date and active AV and active malware scanning.
All windows updates are in place
I have attempted to use process monitor and the only thing I can see is that the file creation comes from NETWORK SERVICE
The only thing I've thought of at this point is an exploit somewhere but without any viruses, missing updates or malware I'm at a loss of where to go with this.
I have tried to put auditing in place but this server has a pretty immense load overall so there is a number of completely safe temp files created and deleted constantly. This is compounded by the files being created at random times. I may keep a clean deck for a day or two and then get hit for a few hours. I did try auditing anyways and stopped at 15gb of security events without a hit.
I am considering containerizing into credentialed app pools but that will be a pretty significant time and resource overhead for a guess.
Any ideas or suggestions? I'm nearing the point of visiting a fortune teller down the road to see if they have any idea. :D

Why my website is very slow at start. i use resellerclub share to fix this one

I m hosting mvc website and it really slow at the start. it take 40s to 1 minute. how to fix this.
i have tried bundling and minication. Debug mode=false in webconfig
my wesite is
My first thought on seeing this is that your hosting provider shuts down your server when it is idle for more than a few seconds in order to make room for other customers. That it takes so long to start up is because your shared application is literally booting up if you make a request after the site is down for a while.
If it works fine locally, I am going to bet you are best off finding a better hosting provider. If you update to use .net core you can use any linux host out there. I'm going to bet this isn't a .net issue.
Edit: I agree. I used to work there and I can confirm that they do this to manage the load by limiting the application pool memory considerably for each client. Considering the number of customers on the shared server it gets really difficult to manage, it really does not cause issues for most apps but if your application is memory hungry, they won't do anything to fix it permanently. The best they can do is free your app memory pool temporarily but it will get full once again. Your best option would be to move to another provider if this persists.

How to fine-tune NodeJS server deployed to Azure WebApp for massive load

I deployed node js server to Azure WebApp, and it worked fine. But, I see that sometime the response time is very slow. Also, I see that somewhere above 500 request/second the server start to fail handling request, and I see it use only 15% CPU. Now, I checked and the server return 500 error because the pipe is busy (by the win32 error code). That's why I was wondering if there is something I can change in the IISNode config to improve the server request capacity.
I already enabled the AlwaysOn feature, and also I add a check in Pingdom to keep the site alive. Also, I already changed nodeProcessCountPerApplication to 0 so it use all the available process.
Thank you,
One thing you can do is enable Always On. Without it, when your site hasn't been visited for 20 minutes the site gets taken down. Then the next time someone makes a request to your site Azure Web Apps warms up (re-sets up) your site but this process takes a few seconds.
Note that Always On is only available for sites in Basic, Standard, or Premium SKUs
Also, check out this page for tips on debugging Node.js apps in Azure Web Apps:

Determining Cause of Suspended Website on Windows Azure

I have a Website hosted on Windows Azure. This website is a custom ASP.NET MVC 4 site hosted as a shared web site instance. Within the past couple of days, I've started to get large spikes in CPU Time. These spikes have been sustained and have caused my web site to get suspended. However, I'm not sure how to determine the cause of these spikes. Here is what I've done so far:
I attempted to look at the diagnostics via the Windows Azure FTP drop. I did not see anything there.
I reviewed my Google Analytics to see if there was anything out of the ordinary. The site had 20 visitors yesterday. So nothing crazy.
How can I identify the culprit of the the CPU spike? Once it spikes, it just sits there for hours. I'm not sure what would cause this.
Thank you
Have you tried running your site on your local box and simulating your visitor traffic, exercising all your website's features?
Testing locally is 1000's of times easier and more revealing than trying to debug a site that's running live.
If you still can't find anything wrong when running locally, consider using logging and tracing to strategic points in your site so that you can see how often, and how long it takes for your site to execute complex operations.

IIS Service Disruption: What all causes them?

I haven't found a definitive list out there, but hopefully someone's got one going or we can come up with one ourselves. What causes disruptions for .NET applications, or general service disruption, running on IIS? For instance, web.config changes will cause a recompilation in JIT (while just deploying a single page doesn't affect the whole app), and iisresets halt everything (natch, but you see where I'm going). How about things like creating a new virtual directory under a current web app?
It's helpful to know all the cases so you know if you can affect a change to a server without causing issues with the whole thing.
EDIT: I had IIS 6 in mind when I asked, but of course a list of anything different in other versions would be helpful as well to people.
It depends on what exactly you are talking about with disruptions. IISReset can cause a Service Unavailable message to display for a short time as IIS is shutdown and re-started.
Changes to the web.config, or adding a .dll file to the bin directory of an application causes a recycle of the application domain but that is not a disruption exactly, more of a "delay" in responding, the user will NOT see an error just a delayed response from the server. You can also get that from changing any files in App_Code or .vb files on non WAP developed sites.
You can also get IIS Worker Process Shutdowns due to inactivity, default setting is 20 minutes. Again this is a delay, not a lack of service.
