How to use other subscriptions to create new web site on Azure - azure

In the new Azure Portal, people who with 3-Month Free Trial subscription can create up to 10 websites.
I create a website using 3-Month Free Trial subscription already. Otherwise I have other subscriptions like Windows Azure MSDN and Pay-As-You-Go, but how can I create new website using these other subscriptions.
I mean, when I try to create new website, there's no way to select subscriptions, and the new website is always under 3-Month Free Trial subscription.

Based on your above description, I am not sure if you have a Paid Windows Azure Subscription.
So what you really need is to get a paid subscription first and that you can get directly from Windows Azure Account section at Portal. Paid subscription means you will have to pay for any other services (i.e. storage, bandwidth etc as applicable) you will use. You will have 10 free websites and will not pay anything if you just use Windows Azure Websites (ONLY) but still pay for Azure storage or anything else.
If you have multiple subscription associated with one single live account and accounts have Preview features enabled then I can see that new Management Portal does not have a way to select specific subscription to create a service. You would need to login to older portal and setup different Live ID for different subscription in "User Management" section and then use that specific Live ID to access specific subscription to create your website. (Note: The preview Portal is still in preview that's why such functionality in not available yet).

The new subscription needs to have the Preview features enabled:
"All you have to do is activate the Web Sites preview on the new subscription by going to Account (View my bill) -> Preview Features: "


Azure Lighthouse onboarding customers not in customers list

Days ago I onboarded a customer using Service Principal with an ARM template in our blob storage, then the client went to this URL:{Blob Url}, accepted us as their resource manager, and we could make connections and go-to resources but via PowerShell, why it doesn't show to us in our Azure Lighthouse Customers page?
I can work with the resources, make deployments, and such but doesn't show in the list, I want to know if it is because we need to be gold competency or an expert MSP because we don't want to make a public offer in the market, we just want to manage certain customers.
It should be displayed there. No special conditions are required such as the ones you've mentioned. Are you definitely signed in to your own partner/MSP tenant with an account that has delegated access to the customers? Does anything show up under delegations within the Azure Lighthouse section?
If you have access to the customer tenant, does your company show up under Service Providers within Azure Lighthouse on the Azure portal?
Case closed, the Service Principal itself doesn't have the privileges on the service provider's tenant to make your user a reader. So the solution for this was:
Remove the offer in the customer tenant.
Add new authorization in the ARM template for a user/group with "Reader" built-in role id. (In our case, we decided to use an AD group because people in the organization is temporary)
Upload the new ARM template and re-onboarded the client.
After a couple of hours, the client's subscription showed in the subscription list in the section: Directories + subscriptions, checked it, and saw all the resources from the service provider's tenant.
I found a solution for this issue.
The Azure Lighthouse->My customers list on the azure portal only shows subscriptions activated in the global directories and subscription filter.
Please go to the global directories and subscriptions filter (in the portal top navigation) and open the drop downs for directories and for subscriptions and check, if your customer subscription appears here.
If yes, select all entries in both drop downs.
After that go back to Azure Lighthouse->My customers
and check, if the customer subscription appears now.

Issue with Azure domain purchasing process

I am trying to learn how to use Azure's web app services to set up a custom domain, but I am getting a consistent issue with it think I don't have a paid subscription. I am on the "Shared" service level and have a Pay-As-You-Go subscription, yet when I try to click the "Buy Domains" button in the Web App dashboard for my application it automatically shows me a screen "To buy a custom domain, you must have a paid Azure subscription." I have been try to refresh and reconfigure all the options related to my subscription, but it won't seem to let me buy a domain. Are the subscriptions I have not sufficient to do this?
I experienced the same problem. I had just signed up for a new azure account and then converted my subscription from free-trial to pay-as-you-go. Somehow this doesn't propagate correctly because the subscription still showed the free trial credit. I filed a ticket with MS Support, and received an actual phone call back from a support person. They resolved it behind the scenes. Credit disappeared, but my subscription was successfully now showing pay-as-you-go in the portal.
Successfully buying a domain through the portal is another challenge though.
Are you the Service-Admin or Co-Admin?
It might be an operation only Service-Admin can execute.

Windows Azure Active Directory remove/transfer tenant domain

I joined to Windows Azure Active Directory beta trial when was initially launched.
At initial process, site forced me to use a new LIVE account instead of the one I already have which is and also controls all my Azure services. Anyway, I did create a new one as
Next, I did be able to create the active directory domain as and added my domain as secondary domain.
While ago, Active Directory tab appeared in Azure control panel and it came empty. So I assumed it needs to be link somehow but couldn't find anything about it.
After that, I tried to create a new domain but when I type mycompany into the name field of the create a directory page, it says "This domain is not unique" which is predictable since other live account holds the name.
Tried to delete entire account but didn't work. Also in here says :
"The original domain name that was provided for your tenant when you signed up cannot be removed from your tenant."
Since I'm the owner of the both account, I would like to move (or re-create etc.) under my actual Azure account which is
Please advise. Thank you!
I didn't realize you had an existing subscription you were looking to work wit. So what you are seeing is expected behavior as there is no subscription associated with your Azure AD account.
We are propping an update this weekend and Monday that will help you here. On Tuesday morning, do the following:
Log into Azure using your Azure AD account.
It will tell you that you have no subscription - set up a 90 day trial subscription - you will not be charged anything for this.
Click onto Active Directory tab in the Azure Portal.
Add a new user - and select to add a user with a Microsoft Account - specify the account that is the administrator of your Windows Azure subscription and make them a "global administrator".
Log off
Log in to Azure portal using the same Microsoft Account that you just added.
Go into Settings.
Click on administrators tab
Select your Azure Subscription
Click "add" in the tray at the bottom
Now add the Azure AD user account you would like to have be a co-admin on your Azure subscription.
That should do it. Now when you log in using your Windows Azure Account you'll be able to administer your Azure subscription.
Just a reminder - try this on Tuesday morning! We will have the update propped by then.
You can make this work though by creating a new 90 trial subscription - you do this on the page where you are being told there are no subscriptions associated with your account.
You need to log into Azure using your account (the Windows Azure Active directory account you created).
To do that, go to the Azure Management portal - if you are already logged in using a Microsoft Account (formerly LiveID) you will need to log-out first - Then the left hand side of the login page you should see a link that says "Office 365 users: Sign in using your organizational account".
Click on that link, and now log into the Azure portal using your Azure AD Account ( Once you do that, you should see your Windows Azure AD tenant in the Active Directory tab in the portal.

How can I enable a subscription to create websites?

I have two subscription plans in Windows Azure and I'd like to configure a website to use a different subscription plan of my account.
How do I do this?
When creating a new website, there are 3 options: Quick create, Create with database and From Gallery. In each option there is a combo box labeled "Subscription". Use this field to select the subscription under which the new website will be created.
For example, when creating a new website with database:
If there is an affinity group selected in the "Region/affinity group" combo box, you'll have to change it to a region (e.g. "East US") to be able to see the other subscriptions, because otherwise you'll only see the subscription that contains the selected affinity group.
While the website feature is in preview, only subscriptions that have this preview feature activated will be shown.
After a website has been created, it's not possible to change the subscription it belongs to via the administrative portal. If you want to migrate one website, create a new website under another subscription, transfer the contents to this new website and then change the domain name to point to the new website, if there is one.
If you want to have ALL the services under a subscription migrated to another, you can submit a request to the Windows Azure Billing Team as explained in this answer.
Note: If the 'Subscription' drop-down is not there, the service you want to enable might be in preview, and you have to explicitly enable the subscription for it, view this answer for details.

Co-Administrator can't see subscription in new Azure portal

Simply, I have an Azure corporate subscription. I have a co-administrator who has his own personal 90-day trial subscription. When the co-administrator uses the new preview portal ( he can see their personal subscription (where he is admin) but cannot select or view the corporate subscription (where he is co-administrator).
Any ideas? We want to have multiple people within our company assigned as co-administrators so they can play with the preview features (Virtual Machines, Azure Web Sites, Media Services).
I had this problem as well, in fact trying to see data via the site was proving unfruitful.
As it turns out the new portal has its own user management features that are more granular than the admin/co-admin of the old portal.
Allow a subscription owner to make you a contributor or owner in the new portal and you should be able to see more data on the subscription via the new portal.
To do that:
As the service administrator, go to the new portal
Browse to Subscriptions
Locate & select the subscription you need to add users into
In the subscription details blade, select settings
Under resource management, select users
You'll notice that even though you are a co-admin, you're not listed among the users.
Add the user and make them a contributor/owner
There's more information on Azure's role-based access control here:
The Azure Admin has changed so the 2 current answers are outdated. Follow the following steps:
Open the subscription, click on 'my permissions' then 'click here to view complete access details for this subscription'
In Access Control (IAM), Click on Role assignments, then click Add
Choose 'Add role assignment' then choose the role to be 'Contributor' and choose which user you want to add from the right hand pane , then click Save.
Make sure the user is listed as a contributor under 'Role Assignments'
The main problem with Windows Azure preview portal is that if you are account administrator for any specific Windows Azure Subscription, it will only show configuration specific to that particular subscription when u used the live ID which is account administrator for other Windows Azure Accounts. If same live ID is service administrator of two different Subscriptions then in preview portal both subscription details will show up. This issue is related with Windows Azure Preview Portal and still in progress.
So if you want to solve this problem, you should use OrgID/liveID which is service administrator in multiple subscriptions (if applicable) this way that LiveID will shows details with both subscriptions.
