NodeJS API - security issues - security

I am making an API in NodeJS that 'll be used by a website and iPhone native app at the same time.
There is a chance that API URL will be exposed to user when used in javascript for website. I only want authorized access to the API. Don't want anyone call API via console. like user/delete/[user-id], anyone can use this URL to delete a user.

Check out
There are plenty of authentication strategies to use. Don't reinvent the wheel here. ;)


Options for integrating DocuSign into an SPA

I'm working on a submission for a conference. I'd like to integrate DocuSign with Alfresco's Angular based developer framework and specifically the Alfresco Content App.
In order to keep things simple, I'd like to think about workflows that could be done 100% from the browser without any backend code of my own.
I suspect I could create a "Sign this document now" type action for any document found in the Alfresco UI. That could initiate an OAuth flow that would not require any backend services of my own.
I think I would need to put my integrator key into the SPA. This would then be visible to anyone using the app. From reading through docs, I'm unclear if it is OK to "leak" this key?
Are there other use cases I can implement in an SPA without adding backend services of my own? Things like, sending a doc out to be signed by one or more people? Or embedding a signing experience in the Angular UI?
I have seen the following series on the DocuSign blog:
Having read through that and also the REST API documentation, I'm still unclear if it is even possible to implement something like this without any support from my own backend service.
I also have not found any place online where I can reach out to a developer evangelist from DocuSign to discuss my options. I believe DocuSign developers monitor SO, so figured this was the next best thing.
Great question. Browsers implement the Same Origin Policy. So, as I wrote in the blog series (see all three of my posts listed below), you will need a CORS gateway to make API calls from your Angular program running in the browser itself to the DocuSign system.
The good news is that creating a private CORS gateway isn't hard. See part 2 of the series:
Part 1. Introduction
Part 2. Building a private CORS gateway
Part 3. An example React SPA
Your app will need an access token when it makes API calls to DocuSign. There are multiple techniques available to give your app the access token it needs:
Your app can, by itself, authenticate the user with DocuSign. In this case, because of the security issues--as you mentioned in your question--you do not use the OAuth Authorization Code Grant flow. Instead, you use the OAuth Implict Grant flow, which is designed for this use case. This flow is demonstrated in part 3 of the blog series.
You can implement the OAuth Authorization Code Grant flow in your server, and then create a private API between your server and your browser app to obtain the access token.
A private API
As an alternative to using CORS, you can just implement your own private versions of the DocuSign API methods on your server. Then your browser app would send a private_send_envelope request to your server. Your server would manage the access token, send the request to DocuSign, and relay the response back to your browser app.
This pattern is the same as your question about implementing a backend service. It will work fine but is not as elegant as implementing everything within your browser app. Depending on your immediate and future API needs by your SPA, this might be a good idea or not.
CORS support is the key
Until DocuSign has CORS support you'll need to build something on the backend. Either a CORS gateway (which only involves configuration, not software) or a private API gateway.
Please ask your DocuSign sales or technical contact to add your information to the internal DocuSign proposal for CORS support, PORTFOLIO-1100. This will help raise the priority of CORS support. Thanks.
Specific answers
I think I would need to put my integrator key into the SPA. This would then be visible to anyone using the app. From reading through docs, I'm unclear if it is OK to "leak" this key?
Answer: It is okay to add your integrator key (IK) to your browser app if and only if the IK is set for Implicit Grant usage (check the "Mobile App" checkbox on the IK's property sheet).
Having read through that and also the REST API documentation, I'm still unclear if it is even possible to implement something like this without any support from my own backend service.
Answer: at this time you will either need to implement a private CORS gateway or implement backend software.

Share AccessToken between AngularFire2/Firebase and NodeJS

I feel like I am wanting to do something that is either easy, or very wrong. Not sure which one yet.
I am wanting to build an application that is backed by Firebase for:
Realtime Database
I will build an Angular2 Front end Single Page App using AngularFire2. Using AngularFire2, the user will authenticate using GoogleAuthentication provider. The Angular2 app will interact with the firebase realtime database directly under most cases.
But I have some cases that I want a NodeJS/Express REST API layer todo more complex business logic and interact with FireBase Database. What I want to have happen is when the user authenticates with AngularFire2 that the accessToken can be used on the API calls to NodeJS in the HTTP Header. Then inside the NodeJS Firebase SDK I just authenticate using that token.
How would you go about doing this? I've been digging through documentation for a while now and still haven't figure it out.
Took lots of digging, but I found the solution. I hope this is a useful thread for others to find.
The accepted answer at: Answer gives a good lead to this. Specifically look at:
Authenticating your privileged workers
Emulating users or limiting access from a server process
Validating client identity via security

Create system oauth for API based on my service

I would like to develop a system that can help any developer to create an application based to my API.
My problem is authentication.
I have see (for example) as work google with your services; I would like create an system of oauth (private) such as google (concept) that an developer, after sign to my portal, get APP ID and APP SECRET.
When developer self create these credentials, can use for call API based to https.
My API are developed by nodejs and express system.
I say which way is more stable for create an system robust for this scenario.
Thanks for any support. Any idea is appreciate
You can try, it can work as a middleware with express.

Magento to NodeJS via REST APIs using OAuth

I'm trying to call one of Magento REST APIs (say products api) from a NodeJS application using a regular HTTP Request. I know that Magento APIs requires OAuth to authenticate the user/application, and this is where I'm a bit lost.
With Magento or any OAuth application, the end-user who is using the app has to click "Authorize" in order for that application to receive the token, and then the application will be able to communicate directly with Mangento APIs.
In my case, we are talking about 2 servers, Magento and NodeJS, that will talk to each other. So There is no user involve to sort of "Click" the authorize button and validate the auth request.
The point of what I'm trying to achieve is grab product data from Magento, store it in a DB, then make some changes, after that make it accessible via NodeJS REST APIs. (That is a hard requirement and I can't change it).
My question is, Do we have to write custom Magento REST APIs that doesn't require OAuth, or maybe require the regular basic HTTP Authentication (username/password). Or there is a way to use OAuth and authenticate my Node application directly?
I hope my question is clear, if not please let me know and I will try to fix it. Thanks!
After wrestling with a similar situation, I decided to use Magento's SOAP API. All you have to do as far as authentication goes is to set up an API user in the Magento backend and then use the username/password in your API calls (I think, it's been awhile). Not sure if this fits your use case but it saved me a lot of OAuth headache.

Is it possible to login someone with their facebook account through a restful service?

I ran across this Node.js example, which makes me think that it is possible, but when I tried to setup the example locally, it doesn't seem to do anything. It would seem to me that it would not be possible, as the login for most of these services, like Facebook Connect and OpenID, require a redirect to the provider's site, then a redirect back to your site.
What I am trying to accomplish in the long-run is to develop an application using a combination of PhoneGap with a Node.js restful backend. I am not integrating with Facebook, other than to use the login credentials. I have to admit that my understanding of OAUTH, OpenID, and Facebook Connect is rather novice. I would like to have my PhoneGap application simply send over the credentials and have my Node.js authenticate them.
Yes this can be done. I believe the server-side code handles the redirect. Here is a good explanation of the solution.
