Eclipse tab color setting not working (GUI options) - linux

I updated Eclipse to 4.2.0 (I'm running Archlinux). Eclipse seems to be not taking its own parameters:
Note how the preview is showing correctly, but the main interface is showing this:
Any advice on how to solve this?
I'm using a dark theme in my GTK. It used to show correctly before the update.

If you run into this trouble, try this little command:
#rename .css .not /usr/share/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.platform_4.2.2.v201302041200/css/*.css
You will need to replace 4.2.2.v201302041200 with your Eclipse version number.
What I'm saying is, remove or rename the theme CSS files, you will be surprised of the neat, clean and simple interface Eclipse gets, and it will follow YOUR colour settings.
Notice how even the sidebar buttons got cleaner/non-bloated.
For Ubuntu 13.10 the location of the CSS files is different:
As Greg Kramida suggested, the command should be:
#rename -v 's/\.css/\.css\.not/g' /opt/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.platform_4.3.1.v20130911-1000/css/*.css
Updated 2014-09-19
For those running the new version "Luna" 4.4.0 the directory has changed (platform became ui.themes) so the new command is:
#rename .css .not /usr/share/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.themes_1.0.0.v20140604-1608/css/*.css
Updated 2015-05-23
As the version of eclipse keeps changing (at least in my linux distro) I found this command to be more useful:
# rename .css .not /usr/share/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.themes*/css/*.css

The UI look like the Eclipse 3.X stream. Did you switch the Preferences>Apparence Theme to classic? Try the GTK one to see if it's better.
However, there is still some issues with the Eclipse 4 css rendering.
If the first solution came out with no luck, what you can do is to create a plugin like this one :
Then focus on the following properties on your css file
CTabItem {
CTabItem:selected {
Where you can adjust the tabs colors.
Here are some resources:
You may also find the Eclipse 4 CSS spy useful.

Appearently Eclipse is listening to the stylesheet of winxp. Try adjusting that one:


Only partial syntax highlighting in Kotlin script file

I opened a folder in Android Studio which contains a Kotlin script file (.kts). I configured a JDK as SDK in Project Structure (but I added no gradle files), and running the file as Kotlin script works fine. However the syntax highlighting is only PARTIALLY working, see below example (Linux Mint 19.3 and AS 4.1.3):
Some of the stuff missing:
unused variable should be gray (val unused)
to/forEach keyword should be yellow and italic
misspelled variable names should be red
bad style such as extra spaces should be underlined
What's even going on here? Is this some sort of "fallback" mode?
Any way to use the "full" syntax highlighting from normal Android projects, so I can spot mistakes earlier?
For reference, this is what it "should" look like (pasted into a random Android project):
Renaming the file to end in *.main.kts (scriptname.main.kts) enabled full highlighting for me!
I get this type of issues from time to time with IntelliJ IDEA. I haven't found the reason why it happens, neither do I know the 100% working solution. But here are the options that usually help me solve it:
Restart IDE
Invalidating caches: File > Invalidate Caches...
Re-import the project. Remove the .idea folder and the project.iml file and try to import the project again.
Update the IDE. Last time I had this issue, nothing helped but updating IDEA to 2021.1.
I hope some of these options will help.

Pen Width font turning to White automatically (Jaspersoft Studio 6.4 Arch Linux Gnome)

Im having some glitching issues while using JasperSoft Studio. (using the latest version from the AUR).Im using GNOME.
Steps to reproduce :
Add Text Field. Select it.
Go to Properties -> Borders -> Click on a border on the square.
The Pen Width (1.0 by default) appears for an instant and then "disappears" (Its still there as I can select it but i think the font color becomes white)
This can be temprorarily resolved by going to preferences and toggling the theme from classic -> GTK or vice versa. The resolution exists only for the current report and does not remain for other opened reports. Really annoying bug.
Ive tried Adwaita and GTK other themes etc...but no use. The bug persists.
I have a version 6.1.1 of Jaspersoft Studio on another machine running the latest UBUNTU GNOME and it works near perfectly.I tried running this version of Jasper on arch using various settings but it stops working as soon as I open a JRXML file. Nothing is clickable and I have to kill the process. I am guessing its a GTK issue.
I dont want to go back to using Ubuntu as I love the Arch experience. Can someone help me to run the AUR version of Arch without this glitch.
And if you think 6.1.1 should run fine on Arch...can someone help me overcome the GTK issue (Ive already tried export SWT_GTK3=0; but it doesnt work)
Try editing the script (probably in /opt/jaspersoftstudio) and add the line
export SWT_GTK3=0
Then try running JSS via that script and see if it helps.
I haven't had the same issue as you but I've been having a lot of Gnome-related problems and I'm using the same combination as your - Arch (Manjaro) and Gnome with JasperSoft Studio 6.4.3. Works perfectly since I added that line.
You can also edit the .desktop file to exec runjss instead of the default exec line. does not exist in BlueJ

Trying j2me app development. I got a simple Hello to work, and a simple TextBox user as well. But when I tried to compile code for a file browser I got " does not exist".
The WTK according to the Sun website is supposed to include JSR75. And there's a camera demo .java file that uses it.
I've looked in various places (the WTK, BlueJ, even Netbeans) for menu options to turn it on. Nothing. And a search of this forum turned up exactly ONE message and it pertains to another IDE, and it seemed to work for him in BlueJ.
So what am I missing and how do I get it?
In NetBeans, you go to Project Properties (right-click the project, and select Properties). Then click "Platform" and mark "File Connection and PIM Optional Packages 1.0".
On a whim I did a search for JSR75 jar download and found a few zipped jar files that seemed to contain the file classes. I unzipped one of them and put it in the Libraries/Userlib directory of BlueJ; and now I seem to have the File... Classes. Reading and writing seem to work in the emulator.
I'll take another look at Netbeans when I get a chance.

How to set dark ui theme in monodevelop > 4.0

I'm using unity 5.4 on linux and it comes with monodevelop 5.9.6. I want to change UI theme (not editor theme) to dark but there's no option like pointed out on
There's no Edit->Preferences->Visual Style->User Interface Theme
Another approach is to change gtkrc. I found a gtkrc inside bin/ directory but replacing that with gtkrc on
doesn't make a change.
Any avaliable solution?
If you're using flatpak builds, there is a new version ( which includes a dark theme:
Commit: Add a module for Dark theme.
Go into tools->options->syntax highlighting. Weird place for it to be, I know.

Where is the CSS file for Eclipse 3.8 located?

I am using Eclipse 3.8 on Linux. I have researched how I can hide the statusbar/progress bar on the Eclipse interface and found the following solution:
Hide status bar or progress bar in Eclipse
Which suggests an edit to the Eclipse style sheet. They reference the following directory:
Which I am unable to locate, or anything similar to it. I have searched in the .eclipse subfolder of my user home directory, to no avail.
Where can I find the CSS file for Eclipse 3.8 on Linux? Thank-you.
I am using eclipse 4.4 on linux mint mate, it could hide the toolbar via "Window -> hide toolbar", and also 4.4 is improved a lot than previous version, especially on linux.
