Encryption algorithm for encypting sensitive-data - AES-256? - security

In one of my applications, I am to store user credentials and tokens. As the credentials are used directly on third-party services, I cannot hash them and thus need to store them as-is.
As I am not an expert on encryption, I googled and found that AES 256-bit key size-is a good idea to encrypt such data.
I would like to know the opinion of the SO community on the same, before I make a final decision.
Edit: Thanks to all for discussion, I am moving ahead using AES256 as the encryption mechanism for now, which seems like a good choice.

if you ask user for credential every time, then why do you need to store them in db? just keep it in memory and pass to external system. you can even ask user once and keep their password in memory for the whole session. if, for some reason you have to store them in db, them of course encrypt it. as far as i know, current standard is AES256. but still somewhere you have to keep unencrypted key.
to sum up: if you want to authenticate users and then use their password only for the time of session then you don't have to store it in database. keep salted hash for authentication purpose and keep user provided password in session for external systems
btw. is your swap encrypted?


Is this a good way to encrypt user data?

I'd like to encrypt the user data I store on my server so that it is safe if my server were to be compromised. Is the following a good way to do it:
Each user's password is the passphrase to a GPG keypair. All the user's data is encrypted using the public key before being saved to the database. The password is discarded and the keypair is kept only for the duration of the session, so the data can only be decrypted when the password is supplied.
From the point of view of someone compromising your server, the only way to ensure the data is safe is the way you are doing, when the user have to supply the key to decrypt every time.
Any other technique leaves some weakness that could be exploited.
But you have to be sure the other way (I mean when user provides the password) is secure too, using https and preventions against session attacks, cross scripting and etc.
If you do not have specific hardware to do an extra line of protection as when they are generated pseudo-random numbers based on time (as do the banks tokens) or something like that, the best idea is to keep the keys with the user or to use a third part storage with greater security as the SQL on Azure or Amazon.
I used the same approach after thought a lot about where to put my encrytion keys to make data obscure even if my server got compromised. The only secure way I found was "with the user".
your approach protects you from only 1 attack: stealing your database (and only if you encrypted keys properly). if your server gets compromised they can take your ssl private key and listen your network traffic (with users' keys)

How to have my deployed application securely encrypt a password and then decrypt it later for automation use

This question has been answered before but the key difference may be that I want to be able to decrypt the password later on and that this is for a deployed application where someone could get a handle on the code assemblies (as opposed to a website behind a firewall)
Basically, I want my application, when deployed, to accept a user password. I want to store that user password somewhere (encrypted) and then decrypt it later for use in an automation routine.
I'll make a few assumptions to simplify things. You can assume that the password in memory is secure (while it is in memory) and that a strong hasing algorithm (feel free to name the best options) is sufficient. Even so, what would prevent someone from reflecting my code and finding the hash key or technique i'm using to decrypt the password (would i even store the hashkey in the code?). I could obfuscate but my understanding is that it is still possible to read. Also, note that one way encryption is not sufficient here. I need to decrypt and use the password later on. Any ideas?
To directly answer the question, you're looking for asymmetric encryption (not hashing which is a one-way process) if you want to encrypt then decrypt your data. The OWASP Top 10 on Insecure Cryptographic Storage is a good jumping off point to learn more about this.
Now to indirectly answer your question, don't do this! Passwords should be stored with a strong cryptographic hash function including a random salt (you'll see this mentioned in the OWASP link as well). If you're trying to return password ciphertext to plain text text then authenticate to other services whilst impersonating someone else, you're missing the root cause of your problem. You've not provided much info on this but it seems the question you should be asking is how you (securely) go about identity impersonation and authentication to a downstream service.

Encrypt, Decrypt without a hard-coded password

I am trying to find a technique to encrypt and decrypt a file in a program without hard coding the password into the program and without asking the user for it.
It would be nice if I could also decrypt the file from another program that I also am writing.
So far I haven't had much luck finding a good technique that looks secure enough for my liking.
I'm writing this in c# but the language isn't important I just need someone to point me in the right direction towards an algorithm/technique.
This is a recurring problem with no safe real solution. If you want to be able to encrypt/decrypt something safely, you need a key. Your program needs to know that key. If the key is stored, somebody else can find it and use it to access your encrypted data.
Think of it like this: If your program should be able to access the encrypted data without hard coding the key into the program and without asking the key from the user, then why can't any other program do the same and acquire the encrypted data?
I think you need to define the problem further before you are ready to talk about how to code it.
Specifically, who should be able to decrypt the data? And what technique would you use to prevent others from doing it.
As it stands, the question may was well be "I'd like a lock on my door that doesn't require a key." The statement hasn't really defined the goal with enough clarity.
Put a web resource up with the password on it, and have the code request that web resource. Of course, to do this securely involves SSL and a webhost, but it fits your needs.
If your program features user accounts with their own passwords, you could do something like:
Set up a users table containing a column for storing an encrypted copy of the program-wide password.
Encrypt a copy of the program-wide password in each user's account using the user's password as the key.
When the user logs in, the system password is decrypted using their password and stored as a session-length cookie (SSL only) on their browser.
In this way, each user can get a copy of the system password silently in the background.
HOWEVER, this approach has some serious drawbacks.
First, the system password becomes no more secure than the WEAKEST user password. If Bob from Accounting sets his password to "password123", then that can be used to retrieve a copy of the system password.
Second, an attentive attacker will notice that cookie contains the system password, and then you're screwed.
You could obviate that by actually storing the decrypted password on a third machine accessed via SSL, then retrieve it for each transaction based on the user's session ID; but this would mean if the third server goes down for any reason, your entire system is down. It would also impose performance penalties, and your data server's security would depend on the password server's security.
And after all that convolution, in the end there's no really good solution; you just have to either prompt them for the password or store it on the server itself and lock the server down as tight as you can.
In cryptography the strength of the encryption scheme is the function of secrecy and strength of the key. This means that the key must be secret (i.e. not accessible to the attacker). Now, if there key is not in user's hand and not in the application code, where it is? And how secret it is?
So you need to re-think your task. Maybe good obfuscation of the key will drive away most not-very-skilled attackers. The simplest way to obfuscate the key is to use some text phrase of your program as a key. This makes operations with the key less obvious for an occasional lurker (professionals know different ways to find the encryption keys in the application).
Maybe the best answer could be a password generated by some means (like the size of a file or any other fixed value in the system). So you store in code the way to obtain the password rather than the password itself.

Login system, security

I need to make a log-in system and having basically no previous knowledge of how it's done (with security in mind) I studied it on the internet. The way I would do it now is something like this:
Server has login information in a database table - username and a password hash per user (encrypted with SHA224 for example).
When client wants to authenticate, password is encrypted with SHA224 (client-side) and sent with username to the server to verify a match in the database.
If the user ticked "Remember me" option, an authentication key is generated on the server, inserted into a database along with the IP of the client.
The authentication key is sent to the client and stored in cookies.
Now, when the client returns, authentication key from cookies is sent to the server, the server finds it in the database and checks if the IPs match as well. If it does, the user is authenticated and a new authentication key is generated and sent to the user (and stored in cookies) for next visit.
My questions are:
How does encrypting password make this any safer? The hash still can be captured on the way from client to server and misused just as well as if it was plaintext. I know that this is an elementary question but I somehow couldn't find an answer to this one.
Is this security system secure enough? (or better yet - Did I get it right?)
Why does hashing a password make the system more secure
Hashing is not equal to encryption. Encrypted data can be decrypted back into plain text. Hashed data cannot be decrypted.
By hashing your user's passwords, nobody can see what passwords are used. So if your data gets stolen, the hashes cannot be decrypted by the hacker. The same goes for the system administrator, he/she cannot 'lookup' a password. This can be an all to common scenario in shared hosting environments.
Storing passwords
The easiest way to get your password storage scheme secure is by using a standard library.
Because security tends to be a lot more complicated and with more invisible screw up possibilities than most programmers could tackle alone, using a standard library is almost always easiest and most secure (if not the only) available option.
The good thing is that you do not need to worry about the details, those details have been programmed by people with experience and reviewed by many folks on the internet.
For more information on password storage schemes, read Jeff`s blog post: You're Probably Storing Passwords Incorrectly
Whatever you do if you go for the 'I'll do it myself, thank you' approach, do not use MD5 anymore. It is a nice hashing algorithm, but broken for security purposes.
Currently, using crypt, with CRYPT_BLOWFISH is the best practice.
From my answer to: Help me make my password storage safe
As for the infamous remember me option.
Create a random token and give it to the user in the form of a cookie.
If the user presents a cookie with this token, you give them access. Key is to only accept each token once. So after it is used, replace it with a new random token.
This token is, in essence, just another password. So in order to keep it safe, you do not store the token, but a hash of it. (just as you did with the password)
Your suggestion of binding the cookie to an IP-address will unfortunately not work. Many people have dynamic IP-addresses, some even change from request to request during a single session. (this is for example caused by load-balancing proxies).
Sending passwords to the server
The only method currently usable for sending a password from a web browser to server is by using a SSL-secured connection. Anything else will not be safe, as you cannot guarantee the integrity of the solution on the client side.
Some points I want to add:
the hashing of the password is not done on the client. You cannot do it reliably. The necessary technique for computing the hash (JavaScript in your case) might not be available and you cannot trust the result. If somebody can retrieve the hashes of the passwords in your database he could just login without knowing the actual passwords.
make sure to use SSL or another secure transport for transmitting the given passwords from the client to the server. SSL is a good idea for everything after all.
you should not use a single hash algorithm for storing the passwords in the database. Have a look at HMAC. That is far better. Additionally read about salts in cryptography.
Never ever invent your own crypto
mechanisms. Use someone else's.
Crypto is beyond tricky, and unless
you're Bruce Schneier, you have an
extremely slim chance of improving
it, while having a huge chance of
screwing it royaly.
Do not encrypt passwords, hash them.
If you're using hashes, salt them.
If you don't have
to use straight hashes, use HMAC,
they're much more resistant to
precalculated attacks.
If you're
sending stuff across an unsecure
link, add a NONCE to the transmission
to prevent replay attacks. This goes
for both client->server and
If you're using salts and nonces, make sure they have high entropy. 'secret' is not a good one. Make it random, make it long, make it use large character sets. The extra computation cost is minimal, but the security you gain from it is enormous. If you're not sure how, use a random password generator, and then use ent to measure entropy.
Do NOT use a
timestamp as a nonce, unless you have
a very specific need and really know
what you're doing.
Use session
protection. SSL isn't perfect but
it's helluva better than nothing.
If you're using SSL, make sure to disable weak protocols. SSL session starts with 'offerings' of lists of ciphers both sides can do. If you let clients use a weak one, an attacker will definitely use that.

Keeping passwords safe

Situation 1 - Connecting the server to the database:
Its always said that passwords should not be stored in plain text, however to connect to the mysql database requires the password, in plain text it seems... I'm guessing the best solution to this is to store it in an encrypted form, decrypt it in my app as needed and then erase it from memory (SecureZeroMemory in windows I guess so the compiler cant optimise it out).
Situation 2 - Users logging into the server from a remote computer:
As for users passwords my plan is to never actually store the original password at all.
Instead I will store a randomly generated "salt", for each user, prefix there password with it then hash it, which seems to be a relatively common way. However I don't have an SSL connection available at this point, so I'm guessing the plain text passwords could be intercepted, what's a good solution to this?
What are good algorithms (links to C/C++ implementations would be handy as well if you have them) for doing this, a look on the net comes up with 100's of them?
If I got SSL, would the following be secure (assuming a strong hash algorithm is used), or should a different method be used?
Client requests salt for a user name
Client prefixes password with salt, then hashes it before sending the hash to the server
Server compares hash recieved to the one on the server for that user name
Connecting the server to the database
Just storing the database password in the server - encrypted or not - is a bad idea. It is obvious storing it in plain text, of course. And if you just store it encrypted, the server still needs the key to decode it. It is usually not very hard to find the key in the server code. The best solution is to let the user starting the server enter the password and store it nowhere. Alternatively - and probably even better - you can store all sensitive information - for example database users, passwords, and so on - encrypted and let the user starting the server enter a master key to decrypt this information.
Connecting a user to the server
This is really a hard problem and easy to mess up. A quote from this great article article on the topic I absolutely recommend reading.
No, really. Use someone else’s password system. Don’t build your own.
A good solution might be using the Secure Remote Password Protocol.
You are correct that if you're not using SSL then the passwords can be intercepted.
It is common practice to never decrypt a user's password, so keep it stored hashed with a salt and when the user types in their password you will add the salt and hash it, comparing it with the stored, hashed password. This will allow you to never have the decrypted version of the password every.
You really should look into securing the connection so that the password is secure when the user types it in.
Update to answer edited question:
If you have the communication secured using SSL you can still use any number of extra measures of security you like including hashing the password. As added security it is a good idea to remember that the password you store should be stored hashed with a salt. That salt should be kept safe and never be accessible anywhere except by your application. This way when the user submits the password you just add the salt and hash and you compare that version with the stored version.
Situation 1 - Connecting the server to the database
There isn't an easy answer here. In order to connect, the server needs the password (or symmetric key, or private key or whatever). It must get it either from the disk or some external means (like an administrator typing it at startup). Adding some indirection, such as encrypting all the sensitive stuff under a master password, can add some convenience but otherwise doesn't change the situation.
Typically, it is fine to put the password or key in a file on a server. If you do this, make sure to set the permissions on the file so that only the users that need it have access to it. This is an excellent reason to have different processes on your system run as different users, and to set up separate roles/accounts and passwords for each.
Situation 2 - Users logging into the server from a remote computer
You are headed in the right direction here, I think. What it sounds like you're asking for is a secure authentication protocol. You want one that provides mutual authentication and prevents a man-in-the-middle attack by failing if such an attack is attempted. There are many to choose from of course.
It is also worth mulling whether your authentication should operate based on "something you know" (passwords) or "something you have" (public/private keys). Assuming based on your question that what we're looking for is passwords, two that I like are SRP and Kerberos.
SRP was mentioned earlier, and that doesn't get nearly the attention it deserves. SRP has the advantage that it doesn't require the server to know the password, or key, or anything that an attacker could use to gain access. If you broke into a correctly configured server using SRP and stole all the data, you'd still need to do something like a dictionary attack on each key individually before you had anything you could use to impersonate a user.
I also like Kerberos because it is supported by tons of software (I know Postgres supports it, I've only found mentions of mysql not supporting any good authentication technology) and has a system of 'tickets' that provides a single sign on capability. Kerberos needs some other technology to help strengthen its initial authentication exchange and SRP would be great for that but I'm not sure they've done that yet. Something about it making the KDC (key server) stateful I think.
Kerberos' weakness is that you have to be more wary of the server storing the keys. While it doesn't store the passwords in plaintext, it does store the keys, which are essentially hashed versions of the passwords. And while the client doesn't exactly send either the password or the key straight over when authenticating (this is a Real auth protocol after all), it does use the hashed password as the key, and so anyone else who knows the algorithm and knows the key could do the same. We say that the server stores a "password equivalent". As a result, all the manuals tell administrators to put the kerberos services on their own separate, locked-down boxes to minimize the chance of compromising their contents.
The nice thing is, once you settle on a strong authentication exchange, other good things typically fall out of it for free. You end up with both parties sharing a mutual 'secret' that can be used once for the duration of the session, never sent over the wire, and can't be known by a third party. Want encryption? There's the key, all ready to go. This is exactly how SRP-secured SSL is defined in RFC 5054.
Not sure if this is what you are asking for.
But a simple PHP example using the built in sha1 function:
// Check the hashed password from the database
if (sha1($salt.$password) == $providedPassword)
// User is authenticated
return TRUE;
// User is not authenticated
return FALSE;
One thing you could do is also hash the password with javascript before it is sent over the wire. The question is how is the salt string shared between client and server? One possibility is to use a session variable. And then use the session variable to unhash the password afterwards on the server. This would mean that the man in the middle would need to know one other piece of info to make sense of the password. Not as secure as SSL, but perhaps an extra layer of defense against casual network sniffers.
I could also imagine a hashing scheme linked to some sort of captcha system used to salt the password on the local client before sending over the wire. The client would be providing the text for the salt string by completing the captcha. You could look it up on your end.
The main concern is the man in the middle not understanding the plain text password.
SSL should be used, but the above techniques might be useful where SSL is not possible.
Newer MySQL uses hashed password over the wire, so you don't have to worry about man-in-the-middle.
If you worry about the password stored in your configuration file, you can encrypt the configuration file with a password. However, the problem is that you have to enter a password to start your application.
I wrote a similar application over 15 years ago. Back then, PGP was my choice. I am not even sure it's still around.
