Mapping Alt+Tab in Vim - vim

In Vim, I have mapped F9 key to :w<CR>. After pressign F9, I usually switch back to firefox to see the result. is it possible to map a key to Alt+Tab so I can save the file and switch, with pressing a single key? for example nmap :w<Cr><M-Tab>

Vim handles vim keybindings, not system keybindings. So in short, no you can't do that. However, you can use something else to accomplish this. For example xdg-open on Linux or open on Mac are the standard "use the default program to open this" commands. You could use this to open the current file (or a link) in your web browser.
nnoremap <F9> :w<CR>:!open %<CR>
nnoremap <F9> :w<CR>:!open<CR>
If you're on a mac you could use some AppleScript via osascript to simply "activate" Firefox if you don't want to open a new window. I'm sure there's something similar for Linux it's just been a couple years since I've had to do that.


Vim windows navigation inside vim inside vim-terminal not working as expected

Vim windows navigation breaks for me once I perform these steps:
from (bash in my case) terminal open vim (8.1) in terminal mode
>vim -c ":term ++curwin"
then from the vim-terminal open vim
From inside vim, open a new split window
try navigating
and it doesn't work
Using Vim as a terminal emulator and Vim again inside of it, I see. Are you trying to create a black hole?
Anyway, if the built-in terminal allowed this it would function as a keyboard trap, effectively making it impossible to move the focus to another (host) Vim window.
It's really a classic case of the host capturing a keystroke and preventing the hosted program to receive it. Pretty much like screen using <C-a> as leader and thus preventing you from incrementing the number under the cursor in Vim.
And just like screen that lets you do <C-a>a to send an actual <C-a> to the hosted program, Vim's built-in terminal lets you do <C-w>. to send an actual <C-w>.
Therefore, you can do <C-w>.<C-w>. to achieve your goal (however misguided it might be).
See :help terminal-typing.

Vim using <c-6> to switch alternative file is not functional on Mac terminal

Vim using <c-6> to switch alternative file is not functional on Mac terminal while MacVim works.
The current version of Vim is 7.3.
To switch to the alternate file you can use control-shift-6 (<C-^>) or :e #. Both of these work in the Terminal.
Take a look at :h CTRL-^
It's not possible to map <C-#> in terminal mode. It's a limitation of terminals that they can't handle most Ctrl key combinations. The only ones that work are A-Z and just a couple others. Similarly, you can't detect combinations like Ctrl+Shift+a; they just come through as <C-a>.
You'll either have to remap the key to something else, or configure your terminal emulator to send a different key combination when you press that. Either way, you'd have to configure your Vim to accept something other than <C-6> when using a terminal.

Key mapping confusion in VIM,How to make vim works in a smart way?

I want to bind Ctrl-w with :q command in vim That is to say, I want to use Ctrl-w to close the current window of vim,
So I add this to my ~/.vimrc :
nmap <C-W> :q<cr>
When I use this to close a window that has something unsaved,this command cannot work.
So I want to make it works in a smart way: When the content is saved, just close the window. When the content remains unsaved, ask me whether to close the window directly like this command
I don't know if this is clear enough for you, but thanks in advance.
There's the :confirm command for that. Just put it in front of :quit:
:nmap <C-W> :confirm q<cr>
The simplest thing to do would be to set confirm in your vimrc - this will prompt you before closing without saving (and a few other things, too; see :help confirm).
Otherwise, you could write a little vim script which uses &modified and confirm() (see :help confirm()).

Remap ⌘S to save a file in VIM

I have recently switched from using MacVim to just using Vim on the command line. One feature I miss is being able to save a file with ⌘S rather than having to go back into normal mode and then :wq
I am using Vim inside iTerm2. Is there any way to get ⌘S to save a file both in insert and normal mode?
You can use iTerm2 to map Cmd-S to some other combination that the shell and Vim will recognize (e.g. Ctrl+S) , then you can simply map that command via a .vimrc file as Andrew pointed out.
In summary:
edit iTerm2 Keys with a new entry that maps Cmd-S to Ctrl+S.
Add commands for mapping Ctrl+S to vimrc file (like Andrew describes) or like this site.
Here is an even simpler way to do it: using iTerm2's "Send Text". Basically you can map Cmd-S to send a text to the current vim session :w\n.
Well, I'm not sure that command-line Vim can register the ⌘ key, and I'm not on my Mac to confirm, but you can map ⌘S in .vimrc like this.
inoremap <D-s> <ESC>:w<CR>i "insertmode
nnoremap <D-s> :w<CR> "normalmode
Again, this will only work if command-line vim can recognize the ⌘key.
It is not possible to map to ⌘ in the console version of Vim. If you want to be able to use ⌘ in a mapping you'll need to switch back to MacVim.

How do I run a terminal inside of Vim?

I am used to Emacs, but I am trying out Vim to see which one I like better.
One thing that I like about Emacs is the ability to run a terminal inside Emacs. Is this possible inside of Vim? I know that you can execute commands from Vim, but I would like to be able to run a terminal inside of a tab.
Outdated from August 2011
Check out Conque Shell (also on GitHub). Lets you run any interactive program inside vim, not just a shell.
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to achieve (I've never used Emacs), but you can run commands in Vim by typing:
:! somecommand [ENTER]
And if you want to type in several commands, or play around in a shell for a while, you can always use:
:! bash (or your favourite shell) [ENTER]
Once the command or shell terminates, you'll be given the option to press Enter to return to your editor window
Vim is intentionally lightweight and lacking in the ability to do non-editorish type things, just as running a full-blown shell inside a Vim pane/tab, but as mentioned above there are third-party addons such as vim-shell that allow you to do that sort of thing.
Typically if I want to switch between Vim and my shell (Bash), I just hit CTRL+Z to pause the Vim process, play around in my shell, then type 'fg' when I want to go back to Vim - keeping my editor and my shell nice and separate.
Updated answer (11 years later...):
I would recommend using tmux instead of screen as suggested in the original answer below, if you choose to use that solution.
Vim 8.1 now has a built in terminal that can be opened with the :term command. This provides much more complete integration with the rest of the Vim features.
I would definitely recommend screen for something like this. Vim is a text editor, not a shell.
I would use Ctrl+AS to split the current window horizontally, or in Ubuntu's screen and other patched versions, you can use Ctrl+A|(pipe) to split vertically. Then use Ctrl+ATab (or equivalently on some systems, Ctrl+ACtrl+I which may be easier to type) to switch between the windows. There are other commands to change the size and arrangement of the windows.
Or a less advanced use of screen is just to open multiple full-screen windows and toggle between them. This is what I normally do, I only use the split screen feature occasionally.
The GNU Screen Survival Guide question has a number of good tips if you're unfamiliar with its use.
The way that I get around this is:
pause Vim with Ctrl + Z,
play in the terminal,
then return to exactly where you left with Vim by just typing the command fg.
If enabled in your version of Vim, a terminal can be started with the :term command.
Terminal window support was added to Vim 8. It is an optional feature that can be enabled when compiling Vim with the +terminal feature. If your version of Vim has terminal support, :echo has('terminal') will output "1".
Entering :term will place you in Terminal-Job mode, where you can use the terminal as expected.
Within Terminal-Job mode, pressing Ctrl-W N or Ctrl-\ Ctrl-N switches the mode to Terminal-Normal, which allows the cursor to be moved and commands to be ran similarly to Vim's Normal mode. To switch back to Terminal-Job mode, press i.
Other answers mention similar functionality in Neovim.
:sh then Ctrl+D to get back in (bash)
You could map Ctrl+D in vim to run :sh, which allows you to toggle between bash and vim quickly.
noremap <C-d> :sh<cr>
The main new feature of Vim 8.1 is support for running a terminal in a Vim window.
:term will open the terminal in another window inside Vim.
Added in Vim 8.1.
Keep in mind that whenever a terminal window is active, most keystrokes will simply be passed to the terminal instead of having their usual functions. Ctrl-W and its subcommands are the main exception. To send a literal ^W input to the terminal, press Ctrl-W .. You can also open the Vim : command line by pressing Ctrl-W :. The other Ctrl-W commands work as normal, so managing windows works the same no matter what type of window is currently selected.
Eventually a native :terminal command was added to vim in 2017.
Here is an excerpt from the :terminal readme:
This feature is for running a terminal emulator in a Vim window. A
job can be started connected to the terminal emulator. For example, to
run a shell:
:term bash
Or to run build command:
:term make myprogram
The job runs asynchronously from Vim, the window will be updated to
show output from the job, also while editing in another window.
This question is rather old, but for those finding it, there's a new possible solution: Neovim contains a full-fledged, first-class terminal emulator, which does exactly what ConqueTerm tried to. Simply run :term <your command here>.
<C-\><C-n> will exit term mode back to normal-mode. If you're like me and prefer that escape still exit term mode, you can add this to your nvimrc:
tnoremap <ESC><ESC> <C-\><C-N>
And then hitting ESC twice will exit terminal mode back to normal-mode, so you can manipulate the buffer that the still-running command is writing to.
Though keep in mind, as nvim is under heavy development at the time I'm posting this answer, another way to exit terminal mode may be added. As Ctrl+\Ctrl+n switches to normal mode from almost any mode, I don't expect that this answer will become wrong, but be aware that if it doesn't work, this answer might be out of date.
I know that I'm not directly answering the question, but I think it's a
good approach. Nobody has mentioned tmux (or at least not as a
standalone answer). Tmux is a terminal multiplexor like screen. Most
stuff can be made in both multiplexors, but afaik tmux it's more easily
to configure. Also tmux right now is being more actively developed than
screen and there's quite a big ecosystem around it, like tools that help
the configuration, ecc.
Also for vim, there's another plugin: ViMUX, that helps a lot in
the interaction between both tools. You can call commands with:
:call VimuxRunCommand("ls")
That command creates a small horizontal split below the current pane vim
is in.
It can also let you run from a prompt in case you don't want to run the
whole command:
<Leader>vp :VimuxPromptCommand<CR>
As it weren't enought, there are at least 6 'platform specific plugins':
vim-vroom: runner for rspec, cucumber and test/unit; vimux support via g:vroom_use_vimux
vimux-ruby-test: a set of commands to easily run ruby tests
vimux-cucumber: run Cucumber Features through Vimux
vim-turbux: Turbo Ruby testing with tmux
vimux-pyutils: A set of functions for vimux that allow to run code blocks in ipython
vimux-nose-test: Run nose tests in vimux
Here is a nice "use case": Tests on demand using Vimux and Turbux with Spork and Guard
Someone already suggested, but they didn't mention why. Consequently, when I came away from this question I wasted a lot of other time trying the other (much higher ranked) options.
Shougo/vimshell is the answer. Here's why:
In addition to being a terminal emulator, VimShell allows you to navigate through terminal output in normal and visual mode. Thus, if a command you run results in output that you'd like to copy and paste using the keyboard only...VimShell covers this.
None of the other options mentioned, including the :terminal command in NeoVim do this. Neovim's :terminal comes close, but falls short in at least the following ways as of 2/18/2017:
Moves the cursor to the end of the buffer, instead of at the last keeping it in the same spot like VimShell does. Huge waste of time.
Doesn't support modifiable = 1 see a discussion on this at Github, so helpful plugins like vim-easymotion can't be used.
Doesn't support the display of line numbers like Vimshell does.
Don't waste time on the other options, including Neovim's :terminal. Go with VimShell.
It's possible to open a new tab with a terminal in vim since 2017 as #fjardon said:
Just type: :terminal. It will open a tab by default above your current tab.
If you want it to open in another place you can try the following options:
:below terminal : open the terminal below current tab.
:below vertical terminal : open the terminal always vertically to the right.
You can play with these until you find what you like. After this you can set a map in your .vimrc configuration file, for me, I use:
nmap <leader>tt :below vertical terminal<CR>
This way I can type <space>tt (space my leader key) to open it quickly.
As a side note:
You can switch between your tabs (terminal and other buffers) with Ctrl+W Ctrl+W.
You can enter an editable mode in your terminal if you want to copy your commands with Ctrl+W N and go to normal terminal mode with i or a.
You might want to take a look at the :sh command (see :help sh in Vim).
Various commands
No, you cannot:
By far, I have tried a lot of solutions mentioned here, what I really wanted is to keep the terminal open while coding a similar experience in VsCode. Then I came across this solution which is working perfectly for me.
Before Installing:
I am using Nvim 0.5 but I think it can work for any version and checked also on vim
I am using macOS Catalina Version 10.15.7
Setup your integrated terminal
Step -1-
Create a script with the name myQuickTerminal.vim or whatever name you want.
Put the following script
" ▒█▀▀█ █░░█ ░▀░ █▀▀ █░█   ▀▀█▀▀ █▀▀ █▀▀█ █▀▄▀█ ░▀░ █▀▀▄ █▀▀█ █░░
" ▒█░▒█ █░░█ ▀█▀ █░░ █▀▄   ░▒█░░ █▀▀ █▄▄▀ █░▀░█ ▀█▀ █░░█ █▄▄█ █░░
" ░▀▀█▄ ░▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀░▀   ░▒█░░ ▀▀▀ ▀░▀▀ ▀░░░▀ ▀▀▀ ▀░░▀ ▀░░▀ ▀▀▀
" " This is a script that will trigger a terminal quickly than the FloatTerminal
" open new split panes to right and below
set splitright
set splitbelow
" turn terminal to normal mode with escape
tnoremap <Esc> <C-\><C-n>
" start terminal in insert mode
au BufEnter * if &buftype == 'terminal' | :startinsert | endif
" open terminal on ctrl+n
function! OpenTerminal()
split term://zsh
resize 10
nnoremap <leader> n :call OpenTerminal()<CR>
NOTE: if you want to run bash instead of zsh for a particular reason then replace zsh with bash.
Step -2-
Lets source it, put this in init.vim for neovim or `.vimrc' for vim
source $HOME/.config/nvim/modules/mySpecialScripts/myQuickTerminal.vim
This will be preloaded ahead as you save and resource it, you can use source $MYVIMRC for quick reloading the init.vim file.
Step -3-
I mapped as you can see in the script n to open a terminal in a new pane, my is the (Space bar) and once I click (space + n) a terminal will be triggered and I will enjoy writing my code while the terminal is opened.
To quit insert mode in the terminal, press Esc.
Now, to switch to the code editor pane, use CTRL+w w. This shortcut can get annoying once you have more than two panels open, so I added the following shortcuts too.
I mapped these too for quick jumping among opened panes, use these
" Better window navigation
nnoremap <C-h> <C-w>h
nnoremap <C-j> <C-w>j
nnoremap <C-k> <C-w>k
nnoremap <C-l> <C-w>l
If you want your terminal to exit the current buffer with key. you can use
tnoremap <Esc> <C-\><C-n>:q!<CR>
But since I want to switch in between several buffers I use without close the terminal I use instead:
tnoremap <Leader><Esc> <C-\><C-n>:q!<CR>
Final results
Only way I know of is by using vim-shell, a third-party patch.
I use this now, you may can try. VimShell
Split the screen and run command term ++curwin to run the terminal inside the Vim buffer. Following command does both and worked for me:
:bo 10sp | term ++curwin
If you are interested in quick answer, here is it: :vert term. It will split your screen vertically and open up terminal.
Try vterm, which is a pretty much full feature shell inside vim. It is slightly buggy with its history and clear functions, and still in development, but it still is pretty good
Assuming your version of vim supports +term command first, set shell for vim to use in one command (e.g. set=/usr/bin/zsh), and then run the command +term (i.e. bo 15vs +term). you may have to do some additional maneuvering of your windows (i.e. deleting one and rotating), but you'll have your terminal.
With vim 8.1.3741, just type :terminal to start a terminal inside of vim.
Try map :nnoremap ]t :terminal<CR> to do that quicker!
I acknowledge that I am not strictly answering your question, but what has worked better for me when using Vim and Terminals in the same window is Tmux (which is kind of a "run in the background software" like, similar to screen, although this one works better with splits and tabs).
This post will help you to understand how they work together: 'Tmux and Vim — even better together'.
This way we can convert Vim into a powerful IDE
