Default Silverlight splash screen missing (but only in CRM 2011)? - dynamics-crm-2011

Something weird is happening.
My Silverlight applications for CRM 2011 are missing their default loading splash-screens.
I can create a simple Silverlight app without setting the RooVisual element...
//this.RootVisual = new MainPage();
which will create an "endlessly loading" effect. Normally, if I run it via the debugger or host it in an IIS, it's as you'd expect: I get the typical SL loading indicator. However, if I place it in CRM 2011 web resource (doesn't seem to matter if it's a local CRM installation or online) and use that as part of a form, I just get a white rectangle.
Now, so far, all my SL controls are used in local installations, so loading times are non-existent. However, I'm creating a solution which might end up being used on-line, and leaving it as it is, a client could think the application has hung-up or crashed while in fact it is still downloading.
I've also tried using a custom splash-screen, with the same results.
What could possibly be wrong? Is this some documented (or undocumented :P) CRM feature that I missed?

Well in our CRM 2011 environments they always show the Silverlight loading screen, so I'm not sure why they aren't displaying for you.
Have you tried just a generic 3rd party silverlight application?
One thing you could do is have an HTML web resource that has a loading screen on it and then using your silverlight application hide the loading screen (which it will do only after it's loaded).

I've solved it!
The issue, as it turns out, is naming the CRM resources with a .xap on the end, for example new_mySL.xap.
I could swear that we didn't do it in our older projects and that the splash screens worked correctly... as such, I don't know if there was some CRM update that changed this or perhaps my mind is simply playing tricks on my (quite possibly the latter).


After updating Notes client / designer help navigator is broken

Last week I tried to update my Notes client installation from 9.0.1 FP9 to FP10 IF 3. For technical reasons I had to roll back which proved to be quite difficult, and I ended up completely uninstalling Notes and doing a fresh installation of 9.0.1 (standard) then FP9 IF 2.
Everything's fine (and much more responsive than before, too) with one serious exception:
Within the client help popup window for Notes client and Domino Designer help is hardly usable now; obviously there's no CSS style or whatever applied to the nav page / frame:
As you can see in the screenshot styling of the main window part (green frame) is fine. But everything that is releated to navigation (red frames) appears to be raw html. Javascript calls are apparently working but it's really hard to navigate the "chapters". Same applies to Designer help, of course.
Here's what I tried to solve that riddle:
uninstalled and re-installed full client 3 times; sometimes I ran the
installation as local Admin other times I didn't (no difference)
just installed plain Notes 9.0.1 from scratch then tested Client help before updating to FP9IF2 (no difference)
restored the entire [Notes-Programm]\framework directory from a
backup I took when Notes help still was working as expected (no difference)
copied over the entire \Notes\ folder from a different PC where popup help is still working fine (no difference)
Problem with that is: being a Developer I need to have a functioning help window in my Domino Designer. The navigator as it is right now however is plain useless. And designer_help.nsf isn't of help at all when it comes to Java, LotusScript etc. objects and classes.
One of my co-workers has the same phenomenon while another one hasn't.
Question: did anyone else experience something like that? Where you able to solve it? How?
This seems to be related to an issue with the embedded browser windows that Domino Designer uses to open the Help website.
Try to open following link in a modern browser (such as Chrome or Firefox) and the navigation should be fine.
Bookmark it and use it when you need it.
Try using the IBM Nice tool to see if it can fix your issue
Meanwhile I restored my entire Windows system partition from a backup created just before all that began (lucky me that I have both regular local backups plus a separate system partition). And that finally helped resolve the problem.
Meanwhile I'm 99% sure that this is due to a rather new registry and/or firewall setting not yet known to IBM's NICE tool.

custom controls added as OSGI plugin appear twice

I added a couple of custom control into a plugin and imported them on the server using the update site. They are working quit well so far but when i open an application in the designer client i can see the custom control from the plugin twice.
I tried to add them the same way bootstrap4xpages is adding a plugin but mine is duplicated.
One entry is without any icon the other has the standard grey cc icon. Not the end of the world but i must have done something wrong. Any idea why that happens?
It's a known issue with 9.0 and 9.0.1, specific to components that are Custom Controls. I encountered it quite a while ago. Mark Leusink had the same problem for Debug Toolbar and discussed it with the IBM developers at IBM Connect last year. So I would hope it will be addressed in the next point release, 9.0.2.
It still works fine though, regardless of which one you select.

Saving webpart in SharePoint online

I have a complex form in my webpart. It has JS, JQuery, Bootstrap and form is too complex. I have deployed the form in farm solutions. It works fine.
Then I tried to deploy it to sharepoint online. It has been done. After I have inserted webpart and try to save page shows message "Saving", and it never ends.
I tried several times and failed.
How to overcome this issue?
Is there any shortcut to save and close rather than waiting?
Have a look in the browser's developer tools to see what's going on. Could be a JavaScript error that causes the page to hang or that a ressource isn't being properly loaded. Also run Fiddler to see what goes over the wire and the HTTP status codes.
You can't assume that something that previously worked in a farm solution (a full-trust environment) will just work in SharePoint Online (low-trust environment). That's highly unlikely to be the case.

Glimpse HUD not showing

I am trying to integrate Glimpse into my existing ASP.NET MVC 5 project. But I cannot see any HUD at bottom right corner as demonstrated in their site. I have all of the assemblies downloaded from NuGet, using Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate and running in localhost.
Can anyone tell me what could be the problem? I am not finding any relevant topic online either.
#Md.lbrahim by looking at the comment replies of you above, it seems that Glimpse is indeed active and rendering its <script> tags.
Can you check with the browser developer tools whether the Glimpse client is actually rendered at the bottom but maybe hidden by another element that has a higher z-index?
If you still can't get the HUD to show up, then maybe create an issue on our issue tracker and try to provide as much details as possible (browser used, versions, other installed packages that might interfere with Glimpse rendering etc...)

Sharepoint Services 3.0 CSS not working

Sometimes the style sheet disappears when naviguating on our WSS 3.0 sites (white background on the site, no colors, no formatting, etc.). This has mainly happened with IE6 (corporate browser for the majority of our computers). The fixes were :
clean up temporary internet files
if it still doesn't work, upgrade to IE 7
However, this time, the upgrade to IE 7 hasn't worked, the style sheet isn't applied. When we clean up temporary internet files, things go back to normal, but after a while the css disappears again.
Here are a few ideas on what you could try:
Fiddler should be able to tell you if there is a network problem.
Check the HTML for anything unusual. Is it malformed in any way? Can you save a copy and run it through an online validator (although this is limited in use as SharePoint's default markup isn't compliant).
If some users are having the issues but others aren't, check their permissions on the server.
You could also try using the SharePoint "Log in as another user" feature to see if the problem can be reproduced on your machine when logged in as them. You may also want to try running Internet Explorer as that user.
Check the Event Viewer on both client and server for anything unusual.
Check the IIS logs on the server for any errors.
Check the SharePoint ULS logs on the server in the "12 Hive" for errors that might be related to this problem.
Try running Process Monitor on the client and reproduce the problem. Search for keywords such as FAIL or ERROR to see if anything appears. Make a note of the time the problem occurs and see if the Process Monitor logs give any additional information.
Is there some javascript that's involved as well? Could it be a virus scanner that is set way to strict? As you pointed out in one of the comments, the CSS isn't even being requested (at IIS log level, which is as basic as you get, not even in SHarePoint yet), so it HAS to be something on the client PC.
