I'm currently migrating from behat 2.3 and BehatBundle to behat 2.4 and Symfony2Extension.
My problem is : behat outputs nothing when I run php bin/behat.
like :
$ php bin/behat
It seems to crash in Behat\Behat\Console\BehatApplication::createContainer when compiling the container, but got no errors.
Anyone knows this issue ?
Provide as argument to bin/behat a bundle name of the suite you want to run.
I'm following a tutorial to install a program on an RHEL environment and I've overcome some errors up until this point. I'm at the end of the installation process, attempting to confirm the validity through "make test", which returns the following error:
[user#localhost verilator-4.018]$ make test
Can't open perl script "/bin/verilator": No such file or directory
[Makefile:228: smoke-test] Error 10
I first checked to see if there was a verilator-4.018/bin/verilator file, which there was.
I then tried researching the error online and got a single result, where a user stated the issue could be solved by "Setting VERILATOR_ROOT to the root of your checkout", but I'm not too sure how to interpret this since I'm a beginner.
I tried setting as root:
[root#localhost verilator-4.018]# make test
But got the same error messages.
Also, please let me know how I can rephrase the title to make it more specific. I thought it was difficult to be specific about a question where I need interpretation help.
There is no /bin/verilator ... there is bin/verilator. But it's more tricky than that : The tests are done with test_regress/driver.pl, so "bin/verilator" is one level up.
Edit test_regress/driver.pl, line 782 to
my #cmdargs = ("perl", "$ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT}../bin/verilator",
... and the firsts tests can be run.
More bugs : "smoke-test" fails : Will use a file from the install destination. Please do # make install ... and the next tests can also be run.
Test result → make-test__result.txt https://www.dropbox.com/s/tebcqj7bl5dkzx8/make-test__result.txt?dl=0
Please notice the SYSTEMC settings. verilator was built with $ export SYSTEMC_INCLUDE=/usr/local/include/ && export SYSTEMC_LIBDIR=/usr/local/lib-linux64 && ./configure && make
SYSTEMC is required for the tests to pass. See verilator/README
I've installed Nutch 2.3 on windows 10 through Cygwin. I'm following this Nutch tutorial https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/nutch/NutchTutorial, and all is good.
But now I'm stuck at this point:
`$ ./nutch inject crawl/crawldb urls
`Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.nutch.crawl.InjectorJob`
While Injectjob.java is already in C:\cygwin64\home\apache-nutch-2.3\src\java\org\apache\nutch\crawl.
I've tried ant -find apache-nutch-2.3 and it builds the build.xml successfully. But even though the issue is still undergoing.
Solved by running Nutch from the correct path as quote here "If you install using "ant", then you will get a new folder in /nutch called /nutch/runtime/local and this is from where you must actually run nutch." could to find or load main class org.apache.nutch.crawl.InjectorJob.
I have installed 2 PHP version in my DirectAdmin environment: php5.5 (php1_release) and php7.1 (php2_release). Now I have one user set to php 7.1 with the PHP Versions Selector under Domain Setup. On the website in the browser it seems to work well, phpinfo tells me that php7.1 is running for this domain. But when I use composer from the command line it gives an error because it detects php5.5:
Any ideas how to solve this?
Try compiling with the full path of the php binary - "/usr/local/php70/bin/php70" - instead of just "php". Now command will be like that.
/usr/local/php70/bin/php70 composer.phar update
Important note : PHP binary Path will be different for each server.
I have run groovy script for a while from command line. Recently I have started to work with spock/groovy in the eclipse. I have run couple of test using Groovy Console when console was loaded from eclipse. Any way after these activities I have tried to execute groovy from command line and it failed with the following error:
Caused by: groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Conflicting module versions. Module [groovy-xml is loaded in version 2.4.3 and you are trying to load version 2.4.1
I was using gvm tool to reinstall groovy and set is a primary version but still have the problem. Something was changed from eclipse where my groovy installation gets affected and can not be fixed by by reinstalling.
I have some search done but did not find solution. most solution were mentioning this problem but they were trying to fix this withing eclipse, where in my case I am trying to fix it outside of eclipse. Also will be nice if I be able to prevent this from happening in the future. If somebody have similar experience please share.
When a groovy script or a grails app is executed, there is no output/input available -> just a clear console screen. Even without starting the X-Window-System, the output is not visible.
I tried also:
grails compile --plain-output (does not work too)
executing grails commands in IntelliJ (works fine with grailsCommand, but not on CommandLine)
How can the output made visible?
Thank you
What version of grails?
env|grep JAVA_HOME
env|grep GRAILS
which grails
grails is aliased to `/home/vahid/ggts-bundle/grails-2.3.7/bin/grails'
alias|grep grails
alias grails='/home/vahid/ggts-bundle/grails-2.3.7/bin/grails'
Do you see anything actually being done, or is it after completion that it does not show up?
grails refresh-dependencies --plain-output 2>&1 > /tmp/vh.txt
The above redirected all output to /tmp/vh.txt
cat /tmp/vh.txt
|Loading Grails 2.3.7
|Configuring classpath
|Environment set to development
|Dependencies refreshed.