nodester init app error - node.js

When i try init app on nodester (from win) i get error above. I think this problem was started when nodester reached 1.0 status.
(1) Setup a new app from scratch?
(2) You just want to setup your existent app?
note: if you choose 2 be sure that you are into app's dir
(1) 1
nodester info initializing git repo for <folder> into folder <folder>
nodester warn this will take a second or two
nodester info cloning your new app in <folder>
nodester ERROR { [Error: Command failed: ] killed: false, code: 1, signal: null}
nodester not ok!
Folder and my files on disc is successfully created. Creating, starting and stoping app working fine. Please help.

Actually nothing has change in that part, which is weird. What I can suggest you is to run that command in the git-shell. On windows the git command usually is not in the PATH. Maybe that can be the problem. Also you can join us on or #nodester in freenode. So we can help you a little bit more.


MeteorUp volumes and how Meteor can access to their contents

First, thank you for reading my question. This is my first time on stackoverflow and I made a lot of research for answers that could help me.
I'm developing a Meteor App that is used as a CMS, I create contents and store datas in mongoDb collections. The goal is to use these datas and a React project to build a static website, which is sent to an AWS S3 bucket for hosting purpose.
I'm using meteorUp to deploy my Meteor App (on an AWS EC2 instance) and according to MeteorUp documentation (, I added a docker volume in my mup.js:
module.exports = {
meteor: {
volumes: {
'/opt/front': '/front'
Once deployed, volume is well set in '/opt/myproject/config/':
sudo docker run \
-d \
--restart=always \
--expose=3000 \
--hostname="$HOSTNAME-$APPNAME" \
--env-file=$ENV_FILE \
--log-opt max-size=100m --log-opt max-file=10 \
-v /opt/front:/front \
--memory-reservation 600M \
--name=$APPNAME \
echo "Ran abernix/meteord:node-8.4.0-base"
# When using a private docker registry, the cleanup run in
# Prepare Bundle is only done on one server, so we also
# cleanup here so the other servers don't run out of disk space
if [[ $VOLUME == "" ]]; then
# The app starts much faster when prepare bundle is enabled,
# so we do not need to wait as long
sleep 3s
sleep 15s
On my EC2, '/opt/front' contains the React project used to generate a static website.
This folder includes a package.json file, every modules are available in the 'node_modules' directory. 'react-scripts' is one of them, and package.json contains the following script line:
"build": "react-scripts build",
React Project
React App is fed with a JSON file available in 'opt/front/src/assets/datas/publish.json'.
This JSON file can be hand-written (so the project can be developed independently) or generated by my Meteor App.
Meteor App
Client-side, on the User Interface, we have a 'Publish' button that the Administrator can click when she/he wants to generate the static website (using CMS datas) and deploy it to the S3 bucket.
It calls a Meteor method (server-side)
Its action is separated in 3 steps:
1. Collect every useful datas and save them into a Publish collection
2. JSON creation
a. Get Public collection first entry into a javascript object.
b. Write a JSON file using that object in the React Project directory ('opt/front/src/assets/datas/publish.json').
Here's the code:
import fs from 'fs';
let publishDatas = Publish.find({}, {sort : { createdAt : -1}}).fetch();
let jsonDatasString = JSON.stringify(publishDatas[0]);
fs.writeFile('/front/src/assets/datas/publish.json', jsonDatasString, 'utf8', function (err) {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
2. Static Website build
a. Run a CD command to reach React Project's directory then run the 'build' script using this code:
process_exec_sync = function (command) {
// Load future from fibers
var Future = Npm.require("fibers/future");
// Load exec
var child = Npm.require("child_process");
// Create new future
var future = new Future();
// Run command synchronous
child.exec(command, {maxBuffer: 1024 * 10000}, function(error, stdout, stderr) {
// return an onbject to identify error and success
var result = {};
// test for error
if (error) {
result.error = error;
// return stdout
result.stdout = stdout;
// wait for future
return future.wait();
var build = process_exec_sync('(cd front && npm run build)');
b. if 'build' is OK, then I send the 'front/build' content to my S3 bucket.
On local environment (Meteor running on development mode):
FYI: React Project directory's name and location are slightly different.
Its located in my meteor project directory, so instead of 'front', it's named '.#front' because I don't want Meteor to restart every time a file is modified, added or deleted.
Everything works well, but I'm fully aware that I'm in development mode and I benefit from my local environment.
On production environment (Meteor running on production mode in a docker container):
Step 2.b : It works well, I can see the new generated file in 'opt/front/src/assets/datas/'
Step 3.a : I get the following error:
"Error running ls: Command failed: (cd /front && npm run build)
(node:39) ExperimentalWarning: The WHATWG Encoding Standard
implementation is an experimental API. It should not yet be used in
production applications.
npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1 npm
ERR! front#0.1.0 build: react-scripts build npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the front#0.1.0 build script. npm ERR!
This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional
logging output above.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR!
/root/.npm/_logs/2021-09-16T13_55_24_043Z-debug.log [exec-fail]"
So here's my question:
On production mode, is it possible to use Meteor to reach another directory and run a script from a package.json?
I've been searching for an answer for months, and can't find a similar or nearby case.
Am I doing something wrong?
Am I using a wrong approach?
Am I crazy? :D
Thank you so much to have read until the end.
Thank you for your answers!
!!!!! UPDATE !!!!!
I found the solution!
In fact I had to check few things on my EC2 with ssh:
once connected, I had to go to '/opt/front/' and try to build the React-app with 'npm run build'
I had a first error because of CHMOD not set to 777 on that directory (noob!)
then, I had an error because of node-sass.
The reason is that my docker is using Node v8, and my EC2 is using Node v16.
I had to install NVM and use a Node v8, then delete my React-App node_modules (and package-lock.json) then reinstall it.
Once it was done, everything worked perfectly!
I now have a Meteor App acting as a CMS / Preview website hosted on an EC2 instance that can publish a static website on a S3 bucket.
Thank you for reading me!
!!!!! UPDATE !!!!!
I found the solution!
In fact I had to check few things on my EC2 with ssh:
once connected, I had to go to '/opt/front/' and try to build the React-app with 'npm run build'
I had a first error because of CHMOD not set to 777 on that directory (noob!)
then, I had an error because of node-sass.
The reason is that my docker is using Node v8, and my EC2 is using Node v16.
I had to install NVM and use a Node v8, then delete my React-App node_modules (and package-lock.json) then reinstall it.
Once it was done, everything worked perfectly!
I now have a Meteor App acting as a CMS / Preview website hosted on an EC2 instance that can publish a static website on a S3 bucket.
Thank you for reading me!

Failed exitCode=-4071

I am following this guide. Having problem deploying to azure.
Full Error
remote: Failed exitCode=-4071, command="D:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\6.9.1\node.exe" "D:\Program Files (x86)\npm\3.10.8\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js" install --production
remote: npm ERR! EINVAL: invalid argument, rename 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\node_modules\.staging\spdx-license-ids-3f30671f' -> 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\node_modules\sails-hook-grunt\node_modules\grunt-contrib-cssmin\node_modules\maxmin\node_modules\pretty-bytes\node_modules\meow\node_modules\normalize-package-data\node_modules\validate-npm-package-license\node_modules\spdx-correct\node_modules\spdx-license-ids'
I do a demo following the tutorials that you mentioned. It works correctly on my side. I used node.js v7.9 locally. If it is possible, please have a try to update the node.js version to latest locally. The following is my details steps.
1.Following the document to install Sails and create a demo project
$npm install sails -g
$sails new test-sails-project
2.go to localhost:1337 to see your brand new homepage
$ cd test-sails-project
$ sails lift
We can check that it works correctly in the local
4.Following the document step by step
a.Add iisnode.yml file with the following code in the root directory
loggingEnabled: true
logDirectory: iisnode
b.set port and hookTimeout in the config/env/production.js
module.exports = {
// Use process.env.port to handle web requests to the default HTTP port
port: process.env.port,
// Increase hooks timout to 30 seconds
// This avoids the Sails.js error documented at
hookTimeout: 30000,
c.hardcode the Node.js version you want to use. In package.json
"engines": {
"node": "6.9.1"
5.Create a Azure WebApp on the Azure portal and get the profile.
6.Push the code to the Git remote and check from the Azure portal.

Running AtlasBoard on Azure Web App with iisnode

I´m trying to run AtlasBoard in an Azure Web App, but can´t get it to work. I have created a new board using the "Get started in 30 seconds" steps and the demo board runs fine when I start it locally. It works both by starting it with atlasboard start 3333or if I run node start.
I´ve added the node_modules directory to .gitignore.
I´m using git deployment on Azure and this seems to work fine. The deployment log also shows that the npm modules are installed.
This is the last ouput from the deployment:
Using start-up script start.js from package.json.
Generated web.config.
The iisnode.yml file explicitly sets nodeProcessCommandLine. Automatic node.js version selection is turned off.
Selected npm version 3.5.1
npm WARN Invalid name: "HRMTS AtlasBoard"
npm WARN wwwroot No description
npm WARN wwwroot No repository field.
npm WARN wwwroot No README data
npm WARN wwwroot No license field.
Finished successfully.
However, the app doesn´t seem to start and when I look at the log message in the Kudu console, I get this:
Error: error installing D:\home\site\wwwroot\packages\demo
at process.<anonymous> (D:\Program Files (x86)\iisnode\interceptor.js:73:106)
at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
at process.emit (events.js:188:7)
at process._fatalException (node.js:267:26)
Does anyone have a clue about what´s wrong here?
If you are using the repo of the demo application at to test on Azure, there several additional modifications we need do to make the test run on Azure Web Apps.
First of all, assume you have successfully deploy the application to Azure, and it failed when start running the application. Then you can leverage Kudu console site or Visual Studio Online extension (refer to the answer of How to install composer on app service? for how to enable extensions of Azure Web Apps) to check the error log at D:\home\site\wwwroot\packages\demo\npm-debug.log.
There are similar errors:
155 error node -v v0.6.20
156 error npm -v 1.1.37
157 error message SSL Error: CERT_UNTRUSTED
It seems that the atlasboard runs command with very low node version on Azure. We can manually modify the dependent scripts to bypass the errors.
If you get error during deployment, you should modify the npm version in package.json before deployment, for example:
"engines": {
"npm": ">2.0.0",
"node": ">=0.10"
After deployment:
check and modify the port in the start.js in the root directory:
atlasboard({port: process.env.port||3000 , install: true},
function (err) {
if (err) {
throw err;
modify the install function in D:\home\site\wwwroot\node_modules\atlasboard\lib\package-dependency-manager.js to use a higher npm version and remove --production param, e.g :
var npmCommand = isWindows ? "D:\\Program Files (x86)\\npm\\3.5.1\\npm.cmd" : "npm";
executeCommand(npmCommand, ["install", pathPackageJson], function(err, code){
Then restart your website.
Any further concern, please feel free to let me know.

Azure Node.JS Tutorial Default Template Engine

Im following the tutorial here. I when trying to run the project at this point. I get an error saying that there is no defined templating engine. The tutorial has us remove the app.use
Below is my console error when trying to go through the tutorial. Just to be sure I went back through it three times. I get the same error. I notice in the that this was addressed but I cant figure out what if anything i am supposed to do with that info. Can you advise?
This is the tutorial:
I get the error on trying to run npm start to see the todo UI. When I run start at the beginning of the tutorial, it works.
Thank you.
Kaona (master *) todo $ npm start
> todo#0.0.0 start /Users/Kaona/GitHub/todo
> node ./bin/www
throw new Error('No default engine was specified and no extension was provided.');
Error: No default engine was specified and no extension was provided.
at new View (/Users/Kaona/GitHub/todo/node_modules/express/lib/view.js:62:11)
at EventEmitter.render (/Users/Kaona/GitHub/todo/node_modules/express/lib/application.js:569:12)
at ServerResponse.render (/Users/Kaona/GitHub/todo/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:961:7)
at /Users/Kaona/GitHub/todo/routes/tasklist.js:27:17
at /Users/Kaona/GitHub/todo/models/taskDao.js:43:17
at Base.defineClass._toArrayImplementation (/Users/Kaona/GitHub/todo/node_modules/documentdb/lib/queryIterator.js:187:17)
at /Users/Kaona/GitHub/todo/node_modules/documentdb/lib/queryIterator.js:183:26
at /Users/Kaona/GitHub/todo/node_modules/documentdb/lib/queryIterator.js:234:17
at successCallback (/Users/Kaona/GitHub/todo/node_modules/documentdb/lib/documentclient.js:2069:17)
at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/Users/Kaona/GitHub/todo/node_modules/documentdb/lib/request.js:84:13)
Per #ryancrawcour #larrymaccherone's direction. The solution is to add app.set('view engine', 'jade'); to the app.js file in the tutorial. See Error: No default engine was specified and no extension was provided
According to the error, I guess your machine is a Mac, but I think my steps below on linux that's similar with yours on MacOS.
The tutorial sample shows a local node app created by express generator for using Azure DocumentDB.
So the first step is creating an Azure DocumentDB instance on Azure new portal. I think it's simple, and copy the connection information of the DocumentDB created for the express app.
To create a express app like the tutorial doing, I did the steps below.
Command npm install express-generator -g
On MacOS, may need to add the prefix cmd sudo because it's for global env, see
Command express todo
Generate a empty express app via express generator
Command cd todo && npm install
installation for dependent libraries registed in the package.json
Now, you can command npm start in the dir todo and browse the url http://localhost:3000
Command git clone from Github project and copy the files of the path src of git repo to the dir todo.
Edit & configure the config.js with the connection information of your DocumentDB.
Hope it helps. Best Regards.

node.js/karma/end-to-end testing: failed to proxy /app/index.html (Error: connect ECONNREFUSED)

The following are messages I'm getting while trying to run end-to-end test from AngularJS tutorial on MS Windows 8 Professional. Could you please advise how can I make this test running well?
[2013-06-10 17:27:54.100] [WARN] config - "/" is proxied, you should probably change urlRoot to avoid conflicts
INFO [karma]: Karma server started at http://localhost:9876/
INFO [launcher]: <<< Starting browser Chrome
INFO [launcher]: --- Starting browser Chrome
INFO [Chrome 27.0 (Windows)]: Connected on socket id E20UigDmDqhk3jaRRYAP
WARN [proxy]: failed to proxy /app/index.html (Error: connect ECONNREFUSED)
The error you're seeing indicates that you haven't started the webserver. Since you are using ./scripts/ to run your e2e tests, you need to have your webserver serve the app from localhost:8000 and the docroot needs point to the angular-phonecat folder, not the app folder. This can be done by simply running ./scripts/web-server.js (see step-00)
Note that there is a second way to run your e2e tests. You can just visit
Yes, the problem is that the web server isn't running. Its easiest to run a local one.
See the angular-seed (template project) at for details about how to setup a project (from this template) to be able to run testing.
git clone
I cloned as 'angular-seed-template-project' and use that as a template for my own projects.
I git pull on this to bring down the latest work and run npm update to pull in its latest dependencies
They actually say to fork angular-seed on git-hub which would allow you to easily git pull to update your project with the latest changes (as per How do I merge a parent fork?). However my understanding is that you can only fork a github project once, which would preclude using angular-seed as a template. Obviously I need to look at this in greater detail.
cd <the-project>
npm test to run the unit tests
npm start to start the web server with the current-dir's app as the base. This will not run as a processs by default so either do that in a different terminal to where you run the command-line commands or start as a process (which is called node that you will need to kill later) - npm start &
npm run update-webdriver to install Selenium and more
npm run protractor to run the end to end integration tests
Doing it this way as per the agile-seed instructions will avoid this error.
