Hello the following code is a wordfeud program. It allows you to search through a list of words matching a prefix, suffix, and some letters. My question is, instead of using the list at the bottom, I want to use a external text file containing the words and load it into the list. How do I go about doing this?
count :: String -> String -> Int
count _[] = 0
count [] _ = 0
count (x:xs) square
|x `elem` square = 1 + count xs (delete x square)
|otherwise = count xs square
check :: String -> String -> String -> String -> Bool
check prefix suffix word square
| (length strippedWord) == (count strippedWord square) = True
| otherwise = False
strippedWord = drop (length prefix) (take ((length word ) - (length suffix)) word)
wordfeud :: String -> String -> String -> [String]
wordfeud a b c = test1
test =["horse","chair","chairman","bag","house","mouse","dirt","sport"]
test1 = [x| x <- test, a `isPrefixOf` x, b `isSuffixOf` x, check a b x c]
Very simple, with help of the lines function (or words, when words are seperated by some other form of whitespace than line breaks):
-- Loads words from a text file into a list.
getWords :: FilePath -> IO [String]
getWords path = do contents <- readFile path
return (lines contents)
Furthermore, you'll probably have to read up on IO in Haskell (I recommend googling 'io haskell tutorial'), if you haven't done so already. You'll also need it to introduce interactivity into your program.
I have to write a code, that only returns numbers from a String.
I know how to remove a number from a String:
numbersInString = map removeNumbers.words
removeNumbers "" = ""
removeNumbers (s:ss)
| isNumber s = removeNumbers ss
| otherwise = s : removeNumbers ss
But I need it when deleting non-numbers.
For example:
removeNonNum :: String -> [String]
removeNonNum "234+8" == ["234", "8"]
words only splits on whitespace, so make your own recursive removeNonNum function (this code uses span :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])):
import Data.Char
removeNonNum :: String -> [String]
removeNonNum "" = []
removeNonNum s#(x:_)
-- we have numbers at the start, extract them and add them to the list
| isNumber x =
let (numbers, rest) = span isNumber s
-- recurse onto the remaining parts
in numbers:removeNonNum rest
-- we don't have numbers at the start, skip them and continue recursing
| otherwise = removeNonNum $ dropWhile (not . isNumber) s
I'm new to the Haskell. I am finding following task difficult:
Enter a string of characters. Output all palindromes to the file (use the IO monad to work with the file system and input / output, use the list monad to work with the strings).`
Any code is may be helpful. Thank you in advance!
This is what I have tried so far:
palindrome :: Char -> [String]
palindrome n
| n < 0 = []
| even n = map (\front -> front ++ reverse front) fronts
| odd n = map (\front -> front ++ tail (reverse front)) fronts
where ispalindrome :: (Integral a, Show a) => a -> Bool
ispalindrome x = show x = reverse (show x)
main = do
input <- getline
putStrLn print :: IO ()
So this is basically consists of 4 things.
Read Input from the stdin
Convert input string into list of strings
From the above list find out the strings which are palindromes
print these palindromes into file.
If you convert above into functions the signatures of these will be.
String -> [String]
[String] -> [String]
Don't bother about the signature of 1st and 4th for now. These are anyways one line code readily available on internet.
2 is a single function available in Data.List called words.
3 can be again in two parts. A function which find out if a given string is palindrome. Signature will be
String -> Bool
This is also one line code.
Once you have above function the only part remaining is filtering out the strings which are palindromes in given list of strings.
My haskell is a bit rusty so I don't promise the code below will work %100 yet I tried to stick to the main idea.I hope this answer helps. If you think anything is wrong both logically and syntactically, just write a comment and I will fix it asap.
isPalindrome :: [Char] -> Boolean
isPalindrome w = isPalindrome' w reverse w
isPalindrome' :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Boolean
isPalindrome' [] [] = true
isPalindrome' (x:xs) (y:ys) = if x == y then isPalindrome' xs ys else false
isPalindrome' _ _ = false
function above should be fine for checking for palindromes.
for writing to file part, you can create a list of palindromes first, then write all palindromes to a file in another function. so basically, first you split your string into words, then for words in given string you find palindromes, then you write the palindromes into a file.
how to read string from user?
main = do
userInput <- getLine
how to split word with delimiter?
split :: Char -> [Char] -> [[Char]]
split delimiter string = split' delimiter string [] []
split' :: Char -> [Char] -> [Char] -> [[Char]] -> [[Char]]
split' delim [] substr splittedStr = splittedStr if substr == [] else reverse substr ++ splittedStr
split' delim (x:xs) substr splittedStr = if x == delim then split' delim xs [] (reverse substr) ++ splittedSubstr else split' delim xs (x ++ substr) splittedSubstr
main idea is you stack characters until you see your delimeter and store them in a list when you see a delimiter.
how to filter palindromes in list?
to filter palindromes in list you use haskell's filter function as
filter isPalindrome (split ' ' userInput)
In the end, you can write a main block to run all of this in right order
main = do
userInput <- getLine
let splittedInput = split ' ' userInput
let palindromes = filter isPalindrome splittedInput
let output = concat (intersperse "\n" palindromes)
writeFile "file.txt" output
I was recently handed an assignment I have almost completed and I am currently in need of some help.
The first functions I needed to implement were lookUp, split, combine and keyWordDefs.
I then had to implement a function expand :: FileContents -> FileContents -> FileContents that takes the contents of a text file and an info file and combines them using the above functions to build a string representing the output file.
Here is my code so far:
module MP where
import System.Environment
type FileContents = String
type Keyword = String
type KeywordValue = String
type KeywordDefs = [(Keyword, KeywordValue)]
separators :: String
= " \n\t.,:;!\"\'()<>/\\"
lookUp :: String -> [(String, a)] -> [a]
-- Given a search string and a list of string/item pairs, returns
-- the list of items whose associated string matches the search string.
lookUp x y = [a|(b,a) <- y, x==b]
split :: String -> String -> (String, [String])
-- Breaks up a string.
split as [] = ("",[""])
split as (b:bs)
| elem b as = (b:xs,"":y:ys)
| otherwise = (xs, (b:y):ys)
(xs,y:ys) = split as bs
combine :: [Char] -> [String] -> [String]
-- Combines the components of a string from its constituent separator
-- characters and words, as generated by a call to split.
combine [] y = y
combine (x:xs)(y:ys) = y : [x] : combine xs ys
getKeywordDefs :: [String] -> KeywordDefs
-- Takes the contents of an information file in the form of a list
-- of lines and which returns a list of keyword/definition pairs.
getKeywordDefs [] = []
getKeywordDefs (x:xs) = (keyword, concat defs) : getKeywordDefs xs
(_, (keyword : def)) = split " " x
defs = combine spaces def
spaces = [ ' ' | s <- [2..length def]]
expand :: FileContents -> FileContents -> FileContents
An example of the function expand is this:
expand "The capital of $1 is $2" "$1 Peru\n$2 Lima."
"The capital of Peru is Lima."
I suppose that this is going to work by 1st looking up (with function lookUp) if there is a "$" in the input string, then split the words, then replacing words that begin with "$" with the second input string, then combining them again all together? I am really confused actually, and I would like to know if anyone here understand how function expand will work.
Any help is welcome :)
Your expand function should look something like this:
-- It's probably better to change the type signature a little bit
-- because we're not returning the contents of a file, we're returning a string.
expand :: FileContents -> FileContents -> String
expand fc1 fc2 = let
keywordDefs = getKeywordDefs fc2
in replaceSymbols fc1 keywordDefs
Then you need a function named replaceSymbols, which splits up fc1 whenever it sees a $X, and then substitutes that $X for the result of looking up $X in keywordDefs.
replaceSymbols :: FileContents -> KeywordDefs -> String
Have a go at implementing that function and reply to this answer if you still need help :).
I wanted to write a Haskell function that takes a string, and replaces any space characters with the special code %20. For example:
sanitize "http://cs.edu/my homepage/I love spaces.html"
-- "http://cs.edu/my%20homepage/I%20love%20spaces.html"
I am thinking to use the concat function, so I can concatenates a list of lists into a plain list.
The higher-order function you are looking for is
concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]
In your case, choosing a ~ Char, b ~ Char (and observing that String is just a type synonym for [Char]), we get
concatMap :: (Char -> String) -> String -> String
So once you write a function
escape :: Char -> String
escape ' ' = "%20"
escape c = [c]
you can lift that to work over strings by just writing
sanitize :: String -> String
sanitize = concatMap escape
Using a comprehension also works, as follows,
changer :: [Char] -> [Char]
changer xs = [ c | v <- xs , c <- if (v == ' ') then "%20" else [v] ]
changer :: [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
changer [] res = res
changer (x:xs) res = changer xs (res ++ (if x == ' ' then "%20" else [x]))
sanitize :: [Char] -> [Char]
sanitize xs = changer xs ""
main = print $ sanitize "http://cs.edu/my homepage/I love spaces.html"
-- "http://cs.edu/my%20homepage/I%20love%20spaces.html"
The purpose of sanitize function is to just invoke changer, which does the actual work. Now, changer recursively calls itself, till the current string is exhausted.
changer xs (res ++ (if x == ' ' then "%20" else [x]))
It takes the first character x and checks if it is equal to " ", if so gives %20, otherwise the actual character itself as a string, which we then concatenate with the accumulated string.
Note: This is may not be the optimal solution.
You can use intercalate function from Data.List module. It does an intersperse with given separator and list, then concats the result.
sanitize = intercalate "%20" . words
or using pattern matching :
sanitize [] = []
sanitize (x:xs) = go x xs
where go ' ' [] = "%20"
go y [] = [y]
go ' ' (x:xs) = '%':'2':'0': go x xs
go y (x:xs) = y: go x xs
Another expression of Shanth's pattern-matching approach:
sanitize = foldr go []
go ' ' r = '%':'2':'0':r
go c r = c:r
I am trying to format text to be in the shape of a rectangle; currently I have been able to get it properly left justified, but the last line does not extend as far as possible.
I am trying to calculate the optimum field width in order to minimise or remove this entirely.
I am totally stuck. The code below shows the relevant functions. At the moment it gets stuck in an infinite loop.
Where am I going wrong?
On a side note, what is the best way of debugging Haskell code?
(Yes, I'm very new to this.)
optimumFieldWidth is supposed to compare line lengths until the length of the top line is equal to that of the bottom line, then return the field width which causes this to be true.
module Main where
import System
import Data.List
main = do
(f:_) <- getArgs
xs <- getContents
putStr (show (bestFieldWidth maxLineLength xs))
bestFieldWidth :: Int -> String -> Int
bestFiledWidth _ [] = 0
bestFieldWidth lineLength xs
| length (last input) == length (head input) = lineLength
| otherwise = bestFieldWidth (length (head (rect (lineLength-1) xs))) xs
where input = lines xs
rect :: Int -> String -> [String]
rect _ [] = []
rect lineLength xs
| length input <= len = [input]
| otherwise = take len input : rect len (drop len input)
where input = trim xs
len = bestFieldWidth lineLength xs
maxLineLength :: Int
maxLineLength = 40
All responses are appreciated. Thank you.
I thought I'd put the actual solution here in case any other nutters wish to do this.
Please bear in mind that it was written by a moron so it probably isn't the most elegant solution.
maxFieldWidth :: Int
maxFieldWidth = 30
rect :: String -> String
rect xs = (unlines (chunk (bestFieldWidth (maxFieldWidth) (lines input)) input))
where input = itemsReplace '\n' ' ' xs
--Should be called with the point maximum desired width as n
bestFieldWidth :: Int -> [String] -> Int
bestFieldWidth _ [] = error "bestFieldWidth: Empty List"
bestFieldWidth n xs
| n == 6 = 6
| 1 == (length (last input)) = n
| otherwise = (bestFieldWidth (n-1) xs)
where input = chunk n (unlines xs)
chunk :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunk n [] = []
chunk n xs = ys : chunk n zs
where (ys,zs) = splitAt n xs
itemsReplace :: Eq a => a -> a -> [a] -> [a]
itemsReplace _ _ [] = []
itemsReplace c r (x:xs)
| c == x = r:itemsReplace c r xs
| otherwise = x:itemsReplace c r xs
It seems that the condition length (last input) == length (head input) once false never goes true in subsequent calls to area, thus making this function always take the otherwise branch and keep calling itself indefinitely with the same values of xs and thus input.
Possible cause of this is that you use the lines function, which splits a string with newline characters, in a way not dependent on lineLength and inconsistent with your line-splitting in the rect function.
In answer to your side note, here is an excellent guide to debugging Haskell: http://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~dons/blog/2007/11/14
There's also Debug.Trace, which allows you to insert print statements. It should of course only be used while debugging, because it makes your function have side effects.