Point multiple domains to one website on IIS7 - iis

This is not SEO related in any way please do not post any thing about SEO ranking as it is not a factor here.
I have 2 urls
old.websitename.com and new.websitename.com
I need to support both urls for a certain length of time and rather than creating 2 sites in IIS I wanted to see if there was a way of doing this by hosting just a single site.
I can not do any redirects on the urls and both urls will need to be active eg I can not have a user go to old.websitename.com and be redirected new.websitename.com. if they go to old.websitename.com they need to stay on that url and not be redirected in any way.
Can this be done on IIS 7 (note this is IIS not Apache or PHP based)

You just need to create a binding for each hostname.
Right click the site. "Edit Bindings"
Click Add
Enter the hostname
Repeat 1-3 for each hostname.


How do I redirect OldSite.com to NewSite.com/Sub/NewPage

I need to redirect several URLs to a new site that will have pages that replace the old sites. I don't care if the URL is masked or not. I just need the URL's to go to the new pages on the new combined site.
For example:
Oldsite.com redirects to NewSite.com/Sub/NewPage
Oldsite2.com redirects to NewSite.com/Sub/NewPage2
Oldsite3.com redirects to NewSite.com/Sub/NewPage3
and so on.
I've tried domain forwarding on the DNS level, but that isn't working (likely because of the subdirectories).
Problem is the New site was developed in Webflow and I don't have access to implement custom code for redirects.
My thought is to host a separate site to act as a hub that handles all the custom redirects to the New webflow site.
Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.
Your scenario here isn't entirely clear on the types of redirections you're attempting to do.
If you're trying to redirect all paths from the old site to a specific destination page, like this...
oldsite.com/* ➜ newsite.com/sub/newpage
...many modern DNS providers support that.
If yours does not, you can switch your nameservers to Cloudflare DNS free edition, and you'll have the ability to define up to 3 page rules that support wildcard redirections like this.

How to redirect example.mydomain.com to folder.mydomain.com via DNS/.htaccess?

Is it somehow possible to redirect example.mydomain.com, a subdomain which does not actually exist, to folder.mydomain.com using either .htaccess or DNS? How can this be achieved?
When I access DNS from the control panel and click on the Web DNS tab, I see Personal web DNS settings, under which I believe I can submit domains and their values. However, I am confused with the type (web alias, web forward, A, CNAME, TXT, SRV, AAAA...). Could someone help me?
If the .htaccess way is simpler, I would then prefer it.
Thank you.
You wouldn't be able to use .htaccess as the subdomain does not exist.
I assume, from the process you described, that you are using One.com hosting. If so, the following guide will be of help:
Manage your DNS settings
Essentially, a web forward DNS entry will work for you:
Click on the Web DNS tab.
In the hostname/domain column, enter the subdomain you would like to redirect.
Set the type to web forward
Set the value to where you would like to be redirected when visiting the subdomain.
Click the (+) sign to save your changes.
It will take up to 90 minutes for your changes to take effect.

Website A 'redirect' to subdomain of website B, with content of website A

There has been a question made towards me recently to do the following:
We have a website with Drupal running in IIS.
On that site is an URL Redirect to a website hosted externally, obviously with a name completely irrelevant to the name of our company.
The question now is the following;
They want to change to URL to a subdomain of our website. Example: from "www.external-site.com" to "www.sub.internal.com" (while still showing content of the external website)
They want the current page of that website to be reflected in the URL bar. So it wouldn't say "www.sub.internal.com", but it would say "www.sub.internal.com/solutions/page1.html" (instead of "www.external-site.com/solutions/page1.html")
It's possible that I forgot another 'condition' but have mentioned before this.
So, if someone visits through our URL Redirect to External-website, it needs to show our subdomain instead of their domain in the URL, AND it needs to show the current page when people start browsing while still using our subdomain in the URL.
Now, I checked the external-website, and it seems that most of the links available are relative links (if this would be any useful information).
Currently, the external website is hosted externally, and will remain to be so for next few years. (I believe we bought the company)
I have been asking around and looking up, and the best possible thing seems to use domain forwarding, but even then it still doesn't seem to comply with the entirety that they asked of me.
I am but a 'simple' .NET programmer, held responsible to do support for anything involving the websites, and I can't say I have extended knowledge about infrastructure. (But I can ask people to do this for me)
Is there anything that could solve this?
Thanks so much!
IIS's URL rewite and Application Request Routing (ARR) combo can help you what you want to achive. Here are few links which may guide you to configure ARR. Please note that these links dont exibit exact solution to your problem however you can take clue from it and fabricate your solution accordingly.
It sounds like you'll want to use a full-page iframe: do not redirect but show a page with an "inner page" instead: that inner page is the external web site. That way, users do not see the external site in their URL bar.
You need to configure the equivalent of Apache Virtual Host with Reverse Proxy on IIS.
See this answers:

How to redirect one page to a different URL than the rest of the HTTP redirect IIS8

First off, apologies for not knowing the nomenclature for what I'm looking for, I'm not typically a Windows web admin.
I have a SharePoint website which contains several subsites. We also have several alternate URLs that point to specific pages, and some of those alternate URLs have friendly URLs which also redirect to other specific pages. We're in the process of migrating from a SharePoint 2007 site to this one, and in the process, I'm trying to remove our reliance on our registrar for handling some of this redirection, because it is apparently not a free service.
Currently our registrar does the following redirects:
http://alias1.tld/* redirects to http://subsite1.ca/page1
http://alias1.tld/friendly redirects to http://subsite1.ca/page2
http://alias2.tld/ redirects to http://subsite1.ca/page3
I know I can accomplish the first and second by setting the sites up in IIS, and using the HTTP Redirect function, but I'm not sure how I can do the second one. In Apache this would be easy, but I'm not sure what I'm looking for here.
Is this something that should be handled within SharePoint, and have that take care of redirecting alias1.tld/friendly to the specific page, or is this something I need to setup in IIS? Is this what URL rewrite is for, or is there a different IIS way to do this?
I'm not sure that this is the best way to do it, but I got things working how I wanted them. Here's what I ended up doing:
Create a new subsite on subsite1 to give me the URL subsite1.ca/subsubsite
Create a redirect from alias1.tld to subsite1.ca/subsite
Create 2 pages for the new subsite. One for the default page and one to use to redirect to page2. Both pages are redirects, Default points to Page1, the second points to Page2.
Set the subsite to use Managed Navigation for global and current through Site Settings > Navigation, and created a default term set by selecting the new subsite in the list and then clicking Create Term Set, then clicking OK.
Then created a term store for the one page that needs to be handled differently by going to Site Settings > Term Store Management. Click on the Term Set created in the last step, then select New Term. On the Term-Driven Pages tab, create the friendly URL and then select the target page, which is the redirect page created in step 3, then click Save.

Using URL Rewrites to allow 1 IP address to host two subdomains

I have a scenario where I need to two different subdomains to come through the firewall and be rewritten or redirected to areas on the server. For example if I have sub1.mydomain.com/testsub1.html entered externally, I want it to hit the IIS "Default web site/folders/sub1/testsub1.html" and likewise, if sub2.mydomain.com/testsub2.html is received I want it to go to "Default web site/folders/sub2/testsub2.html". We were told that URL Rewritew would be the way to go on this. So we set up rules in the Default web site, to use the MatchURL pattern for:
1. sub1.mydomain.com(.) and to rewrite it to "Default web site/folders/sub1(R:1)" with the action type of Rewrite.
2. sub2.mydomain.com(.) and to rewrite it to "Default web site/folders/sub2(R:1)" with the action type of Rewrite.
If I hit http://sub1.mydomain.com/testsub1.html, I get a file not found error. What I am seeing in the logs is the GET /testsub1.html. If I change the URL to http://sub1.mydomain.com/folders/sub1/testsub1.html, it works perfectly and I see GET /folders/sub1/testsub1.html in the logs and the proper page is displayed in the browser.
What am I missing to make this work without the full path?
Bindings are the best way to handle this. They can listen on the same IP address for different hostnames. Create two separate websites in IIS and configure each of their bindings for that particular subdomain.
More information: http://blogs.technet.com/b/chrad/archive/2010/01/24/understanding-iis-bindings-websites-virtual-directories-and-lastly-application-pools.aspx
