SharePoint returns extra system columns - sharepoint

I do query to SherePoint. I have created query, viewquery and query options.
Web services returns me great results, but it include some other system columns such as:
ows_Modified , ows_DocIcon, ows_Editor. I don't want them. How do I return only those which is in ViewQuery string?
My queryoptions is:
<IncludeMandatoryColumns>False</IncludeMandatoryColumns><ViewAttributes Scope='Recursive' />

In order to return only selected columns (and not all of them) use ViewFields property of SPQuery object. You can find some more information about it and a sample code here:
In order to do it from javascript, you can try code as written here (that post is on another topic, but it still shows how to specify fields to select):


What is the internal id(name/number) for a saved search record type?

I created a savedSearch for a savedSearch itself via UI with an internal id customsearch_savedsearch.
When I'm loading the search using a suiteScript. It shows me an Unexpected error has occured.
var search = nlapiLoadSearch(null, 'customsearch_savedsearch');
The above statement works fine for all other record-types, But fails for a savedSearch record type.
What could be the internal id for the savedSearch record type?
You cannot use null for the first parameter. When loading or creating a search, you must specify the record type for the search as well. Whatever record type customsearch_savedsearch searches for, that's what you would pass in as the first parameter.
So for instance if your saved search is a Customer search, then you would load it by:
var search = nlapiLoadSearch('customer', 'customsearch_savedsearch');
var search = nlapiSearchRecord(null, 'customsearch_savedsearch');
nlapiSearchRecord(type, id, filters, columns)
Performs a search using a set of criteria (your search filters) and columns (the results). Alternatively, you can use this API to execute an existing saved search. Results are limited to 1000 rows. Also note that in search/lookup operations, long text fields are truncated at 4,000 characters. Usage metering allowed for nlapiSearchRecord is 10 units.
This API is supported in client, user event, scheduled, portlet, and Suitelet scripts.
If `
var search = nlapiSearchRecord(null, 'customsearch_savedsearch');
does not work`use
var search = nlapiSearchRecord('', 'customsearch_savedsearch');
Everything looks correct in your statement. I think the problem is that SuiteScript does not support SavedSearch record types. Here is a list of supported types.
You should be able to run this using the above mentioned
var search = nlapiSearchRecord(null, 'customsearch_savedsearch',null,null);
I've used this in my code and haven't had any issues. Make sure you have the right permissions set on the saved search. To start with, set it as Public. And in the Audience, "select all" roles.
Your syntax is correct. However, Saved Search type (also like Budget record) is not scriptable even you are able to create a saved search. That is why you encountered that error. Most likely, those record types listed on the SuiteScript Record Browser are supported. You may check the list here:
***Note: You should log in first to the account..
I know this is a bit of an old question, and I came across it in my own attempt to do the same, but I just tried the following with success:
var search = nlapiLoadSearch('savedsearch', 'customsearch_savedsearch');
Seemed a little on the nose, but it did the trick.

Search for documents by key using Domino Data Service

Domino Data Service is a good thing but is it possible to search for documents by key.
I didnt find anything in the api and the url parameters about it.
I tried the above and the requests usually fail on the server timeout after 30 seconds. Calls to /api/data/documents won't serve the purpose with parameters like sortcolumn or keysexactmatch, therefore calls to
/api/data/collections should be used for these.
Also, I don't think that arguments like sortcolumn would work on a document collection, because there isn't a column to be sorted in the first place, columns are in the views and not in documents, so view collection should be queried instead. That also mimics the behavior of getDocumentByKey method, which can't be called against document, but against the view. So instead:
I would call
and instead of
I would call:
where 'viewname' is the name of the view that is searched.
That is much faster, which comes in handy when working with larger databases.
You would do something like the following:
GET http://HOSTNAME/DATABASE.nsf/api/data/documents?search=QUERY&searchmaxdocs=N
N would be the total number of documents to return and QUERY would be your search phrase. The QUERY would be the same as doing a full text search.
For column lookups it should be something like this:
GET http://HOSTNAME/DATABASE.nsf/api/data/documents?sortcolumn=COLUMN&sortorder=ascending&keys=ROWVALUE&keysexactmatch=true
COLUMN would be the column name. ROWVALUE would be the key you are looking for.
There are further options for this. More details here.

Orchard - Query Custom Fields in Content Item

I have a Content Type "News" with custom field "NewsDate" (DateTimeField) and "Active" (BooleanField)
Now I'm need to get 3 active atimes order desc by NewsDate
Get all news, make them toList() and from there manipulate the data is not a solution.
P.S. I need to do something like:
var items = contentManager
.OrderByDescending<CommonPartRecord, DateTime?>(record => record.PublishedUtc)
.Slice(0, 3);
but instead of PublishedUTC use my custom field "NewsDate" and add Active == true, However it is not possible due to Orchard architecture of storing custom data in a separate field as XML data.
In a nutshell I want to generate from code behind the following Query:
DECLARE #temp as TABLE(id int, xmldata xml)
INSERT #temp VALUES(1,'<Data><News><NewsDate>07/14/2011 11:42:00</NewsDate><Link Title="" DisplayText="" Link="" OpenInNewTab="True"></Link></News></Data>')
INSERT #temp VALUES(2,'<Data><News><NewsDate>07/11/2011 12:11:00</NewsDate><Link Title="" DisplayText="" Link="" OpenInNewTab="True"></Link></News></Data>')
INSERT #temp VALUES(3,'<Data><News><NewsDate>02/21/2012 16:56:00</NewsDate><Link Title="" DisplayText="" Link="" OpenInNewTab="True"></Link><NewsLink></NewsLink></News></Data>')
TOP 3 [id],
[xmldata].value('(Data/News/NewsDate)[1]', 'datetime') as NewsDate
FROM #temp
P.S. I looked through the code for DynamicContentQueryTests, however all the examples uses the Part, and in my case Fields are just in the ContentItem:
E.g. News content type contains NewsDate field (datetime field) and some parts as well
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Querying fields is possible since 1.4 through Projector and underlying index tables and new APIs on Content Manager. Your simplest bet actually may be to create a projection.
To get the values of fields that have been attached directly to a Content Item, you need to first look for the Content Part with the same name as the item, which is created by Orchard. So in your case in the Parts list for each News Content Item you'll find a part called "NewsPart", and inside this the Fields property will have your NewsDate and Active fields.
However, like you say Orchard serializes the field values into XML for storage to prevent it having to change the database structure every time you add/remove a field to/from a content type. For this reason, querying and ordering by fields is not recommended because all the serialized data needs to be de-serialized for each Content Item. If you want to be able to do this, the best way is to make your own Content Part with a Content Part Record and use your own table for storage, then you can do this:
contentManager.Query<NewsPart, NewsPartRecord>()...
...and query/sort on whatever values you like.
Bertrand is correct. Check this link : You can implement your requirements easily with Projection Module. The link will tell you the steps to do that. If you don't want a widget, you can create a page with your query too. Once the module is enabled, you will see the option to create a Projection Page in the left hand side navigation.
Can't you simply parse the XML? You can query your content type 'News'. Something like -
var contentItems = contentManager.Query<ContentPart>("News").Join<TitlePartRecord>().Join<AutoroutePartRecord>().Join<CommonPartRecord>().List();
Once you have that, you can access the XML data by :
foreach (var item in contentItems)
var contentItem = (ContentItem)item.ContentItem;
ContentItemVersionRecord contentItemRecord = contentItem.VersionRecord;
string data = contentItemRecord.Data;
//Call some function here to parse 'data' and store the object in the list.
'data' has the information in XML format that you need.
You can parse it and then store the objects in your list that you can order by your custom field.

CAML Query with Contains and Or Clause Issue

What I want to achieve : Take a keyword array as input and query Sharepoint List to return all rows which contain the keywords in the list.
I have built a simple CAML query to query my list with one keyword (pdf) .
<Query><Where><Contains><FieldRef Name='Keyword'/><Value Type='Text'>pdf</Value></Contains></Where></Query>
This works fine.
But, when I try to use Or clause in the CAML query(see below), I get the following error
"One or more field types are not installed properly. Go to the list settings page to delete these fields."
<Query><Where><Or><Contains><FieldRef Name='Keyword'/><Value Type='Text'>pdf</Value></Contains></Or></Where></Query>
I googled for the syntax and everything looks good. Please let me know what is missing.
Thanks in advance.
In CAML Query if you want to use OR you must and should have 2 conditions.
The field reference name must be the internal name. You can find this by going to the colmn page in list/library settings and the name is the end of the URL. Spaces and underscores in the name must be handled differently.

SharePoint CAML OrderBy Modified does not work

I have made a query against a list. I want to get the last modified item which meets a certain condition, and my query looks like this:
<Query><OrderBy><FieldRef Name='Modified' Ascending='FALSE' /></OrderBy><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='kortnummer'/><Value Type='String'>kv11</Value></Eq></Where></Query>
I get the listitems i need, just not in the right order. Changing Ascending to true does nothing, so obviously there is something with the OrderBy clause that is not right..
According to MSDN it should be possible to order by Modified.
Any idea why my OrderBy does not work?
I always put the OrderBy after the Where.
Otherwise you could make sure that you are using the internal name. I usually use SharePoint Manager 2007 to get the internal field names. Codeplex SharePoint manager
I can see that on a list in my SharePoint, the modified column internal name is "Last_x0020_Modified".
If you're doing this in a C# string to get an SPListItemCollection, you don't need "<Query></Query>" tags.
