Cross-origin permissions from chrome-extension:// pages? - google-chrome-extension

I want to "proxy" web pages through a chrome-extension:// page (using an full-frame iframe), so that they show up as an extension page, instead of a webpage. I still want to apply content scripts to them, however, and have not had any success doing this. Is there a way to allow the chrome-extension page to access the contents of the iframe because it's "privileged" and should be allowed to get around XSS limitations?
Whenever I try to executeScript( { code : blah , allFrames: true }) I get an error about XSS about the chrome-extenion page, not the http page inside it...


Prevent showing the UI5 app internal page without successful authentication

OpenUI5 version: 1.86
Browser/version (+device/version): Chrome Dev
Upon the authentication I validate the user session:
if (isUserSessionValid) {
const oRouter = UIComponent.getRouterFor(this);
} else {
If isUserSessionValid is true, then I forward an user to the internal page, otherwise I show the login dialog.
The problem is, however, that an user can change the value of isUserSessionValid in DevTools and then getting forwarded to the UI5 app internal page. Of course, due to a lack of a valid session, no piece of the business data will be displayed, just an empty UI5 app template, but I would like to prevent even such screen.
If it would be a classical webapp, I would just send an appropriate server response with a redirect to the login page (e.g. res.redirect(403, "/login");). But, if I understand it correctly, since I'm sending am asynchronous request, a plain res.redirect won't work out and I'm required to implement a redirection logic on the UI5-client, which can be manipulated and bypassed by user.
How to prevent a manipulation of a view navigation in UI5 and ensure that unauthorized user can't get any piece of the UI5-app code?
The answer from SAP:
If you want to prevent an unauthorized user from accessing the client-side code (e.g. view/controller) you need to enforce
authorization on the server also for those static files. When bundling
the application code you also need to ensure that those files are
separate from the "public" files. One approach would be to have 2
separate components, one for the public page/auth dialog and one for
the actual application.

How to fill login prompt with Webdriver IO?

I'm working on a CLI with OCLIF. In one of the commands, I need to simulate a couple of clicks on a web page (using the WebdriverIO framework for that). Before you're able to reach the desired page, there is a redirect to a page with a login prompt. When I use WebdriverIO methods related to alerts such as browser.getAlertText(), browser.sendAlertText() or browser.acceptAlert, I always get the error no such alert.
As an alternative, I tried to get the URL when I am on the page that shows the login prompt. With the URL, I wanted to do something like browser.url(https://<username>:<password>#<url>) to circumvent the prompt. However, browser.url() returns chrome-error://chromewebdata/ as URL when I'm on that page. I guess because the focus is on the prompt and that doesn't have an URL. I also don't know the URL before I land on that page. When being redirected, a query string parameter containing a token is added to the URL that I need.
A screenshot of the prompt:
Is it possible to handle this scenario with WebdriverIO? And if so, how?
You are on the right track, probably there are some fine-tunings that you need to address to get it working.
First off, regarding the chrome-error://chromewebdata errors, quoting Chrome DOCs:
If you see errors with a location like chrome-error://chromewebdata/
in the error stack, these errors are not from the extension or from
your app - they are usually a sign that Chrome was not able to load
your app.
When you see these errors, first check whether Chrome was able to load
your app. Does Chrome say "This site can't be reached" or something
similar? You must start your own server to run your app. Double-check
that your server is running, and that the url and port are configured
A lot of words that sum up to: Chrome couldn't load the URL you used inside the browser.url() command.
I tried myself on The Internet - Basic Auth page. It worked like a charm.
URL without basic auth credentials:
URL WITH basic auth credentials:
Code used:
it('Bypass HTTP basic auth', () => {
const banner = $('div.example p').getText().trim();
expect(banner).to.equal('Congratulations! You must have the proper credentials.');
What I'd do is manually go through each step, trying to emulate the same flow in the script you're using. From history I can tell you, I dealt with some HTTP web-apps that required a refresh after issuing the basic auth browser.url() call.
Another way to tackle this is to make use of some custom browser profiles (Firefox | Chrome) . I know I wrote a tutorial on it somewhere on SO, but I'm too lazy to find it. I reference a similar post here.
Short story, manually complete the basic auth flow (logging in with credentials) in an incognito window (as to isolate the configurations). Open chrome://version/ in another tab of that session and store the contents of the Profile Path. That folder in going to keep all your sessions & preserve cookies and other browser data.
Lastly, in your currentCapabilities, update the browser-specific options to start the sessions with a custom profile, via the '--user-data-dir=/path/to/your/custom/profile. It should look something like this:
'goog:chromeOptions': {
args: [
Good luck!

Using tabs.executeScript in iframe

I'm trying to implement an extension that can auto fill all fields in an application website. Currently it works great in main frame, but doesn't work if the fields are in a iframe.
I'm allowing users to either use content script to auto inject JS or click a button to inject JS manually.
The problem I have is my JS is not injecting into iframe even I set allFrames to true, but content script work.
"content_scripts" : [
"matches" : ["https://*/my_url/*"],
"js" : ["/auto_fill.js"],
"all_frames": true
This content scripts work fine, JS is being injected. However,
my_button.addEventListener('click', () => {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {
file : "/auto_fill.js",
allFrames : true
This executeScript doesn't work, nothing happen.
The iframe I'm trying to work with is kinda a dynamic iframe (where I have to click few buttons to load and navigate to the application site I want)
Do I have to find out the iframe id or tab id in order for this to work, please provide some hints.
Please let me know if I'm not making myself clear.
Thank you so much for your time.
As the comments revealed, the extension is using the activeTab permission without host URL patterns (just as the documentation suggests), but this permission only grants access to the tab's main URL. When an iframe points to a different URL origin, it won't be granted by activeTab, which is an intentional restriction enforced since Chrome 45, see

Showing a notice when site fails to load completely

Sometimes during overload some sites fail to load.
I can detect this error using chrome.webRequest.onErrorOccurred api.
I guess the content script will not run at all in this case so sending message from background page to content script is of no use.
How can I paste a notice in the site body that it has failed to load?
Maybe using script execute from the background page? Will the page have a body content?
You've got a few options here. If you're using chrome.webRequest.onErrorOccurred() though I'd suggest you redirect the tab to an error page when an error occurs, using chrome.tabs.update().
For example:
chrome.tabs.update(details.tabId, {url: "URL FOR AN ERROR PAGE"});
{types: ["main_frame"]});
This will redirect the tab the error occurred in when a web request with a resourceType of main_frame errors.
There are a few things you need to consider here. Do you only want to capture errors from requests with a type of main_frame? If not, just remove the 'types' filter from the event.
The other thing you need to consider is what page you're redirecting to. You can package a HTML file within your extension and then redirect to that. To generate the URL of your error page you can run chrome.extension.getURL('customerrorpage.html').

How can I get all of the visited urls visited in a chrome extension background page

I am trying to create an extension that will (simply) access every url the user views, the larger scope of the project is browser history across multiple computers/browsers for easier browsing history search but that is irrelevant here. My current code will read the url Sometimes, but not every page:
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
if(changeInfo.status == "loading"){
//process url
How can I get this code to read every single url in multiple tabs? I am doing this in a background page.
You can add a content script that runs on every page and sends a message to the background page with the value of location.href. You can use chrome.extension.sendMessage() for this.
