Jade not finding view in different folder - node.js

I have a directory like this
from app.js in app, I have the following code:
libPath = __dirname + '/../lib'
... express stuff ...
app.configure(function() {
app.set('view', libPath + '/views')
... express stuff ...
app.use(express.static(libPath + '/public'))
... rest of the app ...
Now, the problem is that Jade can't find any of the views, but all the static assets are found. Thus, app.set('view') isn't working, but express.static is. If I copy the views directory to app, using __dirname + '/views' works fine. Anyone know why this is happening?
doing app.get('view'), I get a directory like this: /Users/jong/Workspace/app/../lib/views. I tried doing the absolute route /Users/jong/Workspace/lib/views as well to no avail. It's just weird that this directory works for static assets but not templates.

You have a mistype, the correct option name is views, not view.
Configure your application like
app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');
app.set('view engine', 'jade');
app.set('view options', { layout: true });
But the main root of issue is that you seem to misunderstand how express (and the MVC at all) works.
express sends out the static data to the browser, using your express.static configure directive, once the request url matches the existing static file path.
Otherwise, it tries to find any defined route for the requested path and to execute the associated controller (which may or may not use the template engine in turn).
So, in order to show e.g. the index page (even if it has no parameters), given you have an index.js in your views folder, you have to do something like
app.get('/', function (req, res, next) {
res.render('index', {});


How to make a virtual static path by express?

I'm trying to make a virtual static path using express but there was some problem I can't deal with.
That's what I found in doc of Express:
// Serve static content for the app from the “public” directory
// in the application directory:
// GET /style.css etc
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
// Mount the middleware at “/static” to serve static content only when
// their request path is prefixed with “/static”:
// GET /static/style.css etc.
app.use('/static', express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
Here is the directory structures:
If I just try the code below, nothing go wrong. And I can find the same directory structures in Sources option in Chrome DevTools;
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/dist'));
But when I try to make a virtual directory using code below, it went wrong.
app.use('/music', express.static(__dirname + '/dist'));
My site can not show correctly and console show errors of getting static files .That's what i found in Chrome DevTools:
directory structures
I thought the directory structures should like this "music/static/css".
Can anyone tell me what's wrong. Thx!

Node.js: Path issues for EJS page templates

Using a MEAN environment (Express 4) and EJS as a template engine, I am struggling with a path issue.
Root path of my project: /Users/admin/projectX/
path of pages (.ejs format): /Users/admin/projectX/views/pages
path of partials(.ejs format): /Users/admin/projectX/views/partials
Code samples:
app.set('view engine', 'ejs'); //using ejs as template engine instead of jade
app.set('views', __dirname + '/views'); //defining absolute path of views folder
//sample route for calling index.ejs
.get(function(req, res) {
res.render('/pages/index'); //index.ejs is located in the pages folder (full path see list above)
For some reason I keep getting this error:
Error: Failed to lookup view "/pages/index" in views directory "/Users/admin/projectX/views"
IMHO the path should correctly add up to /Users/admin/projectX/views/pages/index, so why can't it be found?!

Node and handlebars folder structure

I would like to change my file and folder structure a bit, I tried looking for solutions already online but didn't find anything simple and I have a feeling this thing should have an simple solution.
I have currently this
var expressHandlebars = require('express-handlebars');
app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');
app.engine('hbs', expressHandlebars({extname: 'hbs', defaultLayout: 'main'}));
My folder structure is as follows
-- frontend
---- (doesn't matter, gulp takes care of this for FE).hbs
-- layouts
---- main.hbs
-- index.hbs
What I wanna archive is to have
-- frontend
---- (doesn't matter, gulp takes care of this for FE).hbs
-- backend
---- views
------ index.hbs
---- main.hbs
Basically, I want when I open my views folder in root to have frontend and then backend folder. Backend folder in root should have main layout and then in folders different partials for specific views.
I can add backend folder without issues which changing
app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');
app.set('views', __dirname + '/backend');
But how do I swap the that layout is in the root of the views folder?
Just doing this will throw an error because he will look for layout in /backend/layouts/main.hbs and I want it to be in the root.
Also, later I render things by saying res.render('index', data);. Proposed solution should be able to do the same, or at least res.render('views/index', data); because the new views would be in folders.
Any help or tips appreciated.
Nevermind, found it out with help of coworker.
There is an actual option for this which I managed to miss when looking over documentation.
app.engine('hbs', expressHandlebars({
extname: 'hbs',
defaultLayout: 'main',
layoutsDir: './views/backend'

Express + Jade: Failed to lookup view error

So i have a directory structure as following
And under my index.js file i have set up the code for template engine with Express as follow
app.set('view engine', 'jade');
app.set('views', __dirname + '/public/views');
app.get('/', function(req, res){
I have tried everything as far as the path structure but still keep getting the failed to lookup error
Edit: So it works when you have the views directory set out in the main path app/views instead of app/public/views. Still not understanding the underlying cause for this

Expressjs not recognizing static files

I have a nodejs app and am using expressjs. I've defined my static directory, but when I access it, it doesn't load. My express config is:
var app = express.createServer().listen(8001);
app.use('/public', express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
app.use(express.session({ secret: "appsession" }));
app.use(express.errorHandler({showStack: true, dumpExceptions: true}));
app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');
app.set('view engine', 'hbs');
Inside my /public directory I have 3 folders, css, js, and img. Inside css I have a style.css. When I try to access it directly via http://localhost:8001/public/css/style.css I get: Cannot GET /public/css/style.css
Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?
It seems to be related to how I have my routes setup. I'm doing it like this:
var routes = require('./routes')(db);
pp.get('/', routes.index);
Then in my index.js file, I have:
module.exports = function(db) {
return {
index: function(req, res, next) {
I have my error handling enabled, but when I use the routing in this way, it doesn't use expresses error handling, however if I take this out, it does.
You setup the static http middleware as follows:
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
And retrieve a file in ./public/css/style.css with the url:
public is not part of the path when you actually request the file.
Change your static handler to this:
app.use('/public/css', express.static(__dirname + '/public/css'));
Then http://localhost:8001/public/css/style.css should get what you want
Full sample app that allows curl http://localhost:8001/public/css/style.css:
var express = require("express"),
app = express.createServer();
app.use('/public/css', express.static(__dirname + '/public/css'));
Was running into the same issue found the answer here
When you have try to use nested files it kinda get lost,
it says fixed on the tracker a year ago, however i tried today and worked fine
I figured it out.
I have two services running on my host. Django is running the site at the root: http://myURL.com, and then Node is running at http://myURL.com/node
The configuration is fine with all the files in Node. The index.html file is requested fine, but the index.html when it requests the stylesheets and static files, the request gets caught by Django before it makes it to Node. Django saw the file and had no idea what it is and returned the 404 error.
By disabling Django from catching the requests to those files it all works fine.
