Help me translate following block of the Haskell code. The run function produces text string that corresponding to a given regex that abstracted as Pattern.
Declaration of the type Pattern you can see below in the block of F# code. You can test run function like
genex $ POr [PConcat [PEscape( DoPa 1) 'd'], PConcat [PEscape (DoPa 2) 'd']]
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns #-}
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Control.Monad.Stream as Stream
import Text.Regex.TDFA.Pattern
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Applicative
genex = Stream.toList . run
maxRepeat :: Int
maxRepeat = 3
each = foldl1 (<|>) . map return
run :: Pattern -> Stream.Stream T.Text
run p = case p of
PBound low high p -> do
n <- each [low..maybe (low+maxRepeat) id high]
fmap T.concat . sequence $ replicate n (run p)
PConcat ps -> fmap T.concat . Stream.suspended . sequence $ map run ps
POr xs -> foldl1 mplus $ map run xs
PEscape {..} -> case getPatternChar of
'd' -> chars $ ['0'..'9']
'w' -> chars $ ['0'..'9'] ++ '_' : ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z']
ch -> isChar ch
_ -> error $ show p
isChar = return . T.singleton
chars = each . map T.singleton
Below I give my poor attempt. It works but incorrectly. The problem is in the following.
Let assume parse produces Pattern like that
parse "\\d\\d";;
val it : Pattern = POr [PConcat [PEscape (DoPa 1,'d'); PEscape (DoPa 2,'d')]]
parse "\\d{2}";;
val it : Pattern = POr [PConcat [PBound (2,Some 2,PEscape (DoPa 1,'d'))]]
So feeding both patterns to run I expect to receive seq [['2'; '2']; ['2'; '3']; ['2'; '1']; ['2'; '4']; ...] that corresponding to seq ["22"; "23"; "21"; "24"; ...] (2 symbols per string)
This is valid in the first case,
POr [PConcat [PEscape (DoPa 1,'d'); PEscape (DoPa 2,'d')]] |> run;;
val it : seq = seq [['2'; '2']; ['2'; '3']; ['2'; '1']; ['2'; '4']; ...]
seq ["22"; "23"; "21"; "24"; ...]
but not in the second
POr [PConcat [PBound (2,Some 2,PEscape (DoPa 1,'d'))]] |> run;;
val it : seq = seq [['2']; ['2']; ['2']; ['3']; ...]
seq ["2"; "2", "2"; "3", "2"; "1", "2"; "4";...] (1 symbol per string)
I tested different variants with the following clauses:
| POr ps -> Seq.concat ( run ps)
| PConcat ps -> (sequence ( (run >> Seq.concat) ps))
| PBound (low,high,p) ->
but all in vain. I can't figure out the valid translation.
-Maybe I should use String or Array instead of char list.
-And I assume that Seq is quite good analogue to Control.Monad.Stream. Is it right?
Thanks in advance for help
open System
/// Used to track elements of the pattern that accept characters or are anchors
type DoPa = DoPa of int
/// Pattern is the type returned by the regular expression parser.
/// This is consumed by the CorePattern module and the tender leaves
/// are nibbled by the TNFA module.
type Pattern = PEmpty
| POr of Pattern list // flattened by starTrans
| PConcat of Pattern list // flattened by starTrans
| PBound of int * (int option) * Pattern // eliminated by starTrans
| PEscape of DoPa * char // Backslashed Character
let maxRepeat = 3
let maybe deflt f opt =
match opt with
| None -> deflt
| Some v -> f v
/// Cartesian production
/// try in F# interactive: sequence [[1;2];[3;4]];;
let rec sequence = function
| [] -> Seq.singleton []
| (l::ls) -> seq { for x in l do for xs in sequence ls do yield (x::xs) }
let from'space'to'tilda = [' '..'~'] |> List.ofSeq
let numbers = ['0'..'9'] |> List.ofSeq
let numbers'and'alphas = (['0'..'9'] # '_' :: ['a'..'z'] # ['A'..'Z']) |> List.ofSeq
let whites = ['\009'; '\010'; '\012'; '\013'; '\032' ] |> List.ofSeq
let rec run (p:Pattern) : seq<char list> =
let chars chs = seq { yield [for s in chs -> s] }
match p with
| POr ps -> Seq.concat ( run ps)
| PConcat ps -> (sequence ( (run >> Seq.concat) ps))
| PBound (low,high,p) ->
let ns = seq {low .. maybe (low + maxRepeat) id high}
Seq.concat (seq { for n in ns do yield sequence (List.replicate n (((run >> Seq.concat) p))) })
// Seq.concat (seq { for n in ns do yield ((List.replicate n (run p)) |> Seq.concat |> List.ofSeq |> sequence)})
//((List.replicate low (run p)) |> Seq.concat |> List.ofSeq |> sequence)
// PConcat [ for n in ns -> p] |> run
| PEscape(_, ch) ->
match ch with
| 'd' -> chars numbers
| 'w' -> chars numbers'and'alphas
| ch -> chars [ch]
| _ -> Seq.empty
I don't know why you didn't translate Data.Text from Haskell to string in F#, you just need to mimic two functions. Apart from that I did just a few changes to make it work, this way you can compare it easily with your original code, see replaced code between (* *)
open System
// Mimic Data.Text as T
module T =
let concat (x:seq<_>) = System.String.Concat x
let singleton (x:char) = string x
/// Used to track elements of the pattern that accept characters or are anchors
type DoPa = DoPa of int
/// Pattern is the type returned by the regular expression parser.
/// This is consumed by the CorePattern module and the tender leaves
/// are nibbled by the TNFA module.
type Pattern = PEmpty
| POr of Pattern list // flattened by starTrans
| PConcat of Pattern list // flattened by starTrans
| PBound of int * (int option) * Pattern // eliminated by starTrans
| PEscape of DoPa * char // Backslashed Character
let maxRepeat = 3
let maybe deflt f opt =
match opt with
| None -> deflt
| Some v -> f v
/// Cartesian production
/// try in F# interactive: sequence [[1;2];[3;4]];;
let rec sequence = function
| [] -> Seq.singleton []
| (l::ls) -> seq { for x in l do for xs in sequence ls do yield (x::xs) }
let from'space'to'tilda = [' '..'~'] |> List.ofSeq
let numbers = ['0'..'9'] |> List.ofSeq
let numbers'and'alphas = (['0'..'9'] # '_' :: ['a'..'z'] # ['A'..'Z']) |> List.ofSeq
let whites = ['\009'; '\010'; '\012'; '\013'; '\032' ] |> List.ofSeq
let rec run (p:Pattern) (*: seq<char list> *) =
(* let chars chs = seq { yield [for s in chs -> s] } *)
let chars (chs:seq<char>) = string chs
match p with
| POr ps -> Seq.concat ( run ps)
| PConcat ps -> T.concat << sequence <| run ps (* (sequence ( (run >> Seq.concat) ps)) *)
| PBound (low,high,p) ->
seq {
for n in [low..maybe (low+maxRepeat) id high] do
yield! ( ( T.concat << sequence) (List.replicate n (run p)) )}
(*let ns = seq {low .. maybe (low + maxRepeat) id high}
Seq.concat (seq { for n in ns do yield sequence (List.replicate n (((run >> Seq.concat) p))) *)
// Seq.concat (seq { for n in ns do yield ((List.replicate n (run p)) |> Seq.concat |> List.ofSeq |> sequence)})
//((List.replicate low (run p)) |> Seq.concat |> List.ofSeq |> sequence)
// PConcat [ for n in ns -> p] |> run
| PEscape(_, ch) ->
match ch with
| 'd' -> chars numbers
| 'w' -> chars numbers'and'alphas
| ch -> chars [ch]
| _ -> Seq.empty
If you are translating Haskell code to F# you may try using this code which mimics many Haskell functions, including those using Type Classes.
I did a test translating as close as possible to your original Haskell code but using F# List (not lazy) and looks like this:
#load "Prelude.fs"
#load "Monad.fs"
#load "Applicative.fs"
#load "Monoid.fs"
open Prelude
open Control.Monad.Base
open Control.Applicative
module T =
let concat (x:list<_>) = System.String.Concat x
let singleton (x:char) = string x
type DoPa = DoPa of int
type Pattern = PEmpty
| POr of Pattern list
| PConcat of Pattern list
| PBound of int * (int option) * Pattern
| PEscape of DoPa * char
let maxRepeat = 3
let inline each x = foldl1 (<|>) << map return' <| x
let rec run p:list<_> =
let inline isChar x = return' << T.singleton <| x
let inline chars x = each << map T.singleton <| x
match p with
| PBound (low,high,p) -> do' {
let! n = each [low..maybe (low+maxRepeat) id high]
return! (fmap T.concat << sequence <| replicate n (run p))}
| PConcat ps -> fmap T.concat << sequence <| map run ps
| POr xs -> foldl1 mplus <| map run xs
| PEscape (_, ch) ->
match ch with
| 'd' -> chars <| ['0'..'9']
| 'w' -> chars <| ['0'..'9'] # '_' :: ['a'..'z'] # ['A'..'Z']
| ch -> isChar ch
| _ -> failwith <| string p
let genex = run
I'm currently doing an assignment for college where we are implementing an polynomial calculator in Haskell.
The first part of the assignment is doing poly operations, and that is already done.
We get extra credit if we implement an parser for the polynomial, which I'm currently doing by turning a string to a tuple of [(factor, [(variable, exponent)])].
This means "-10y^4 - 5z^5" => "[(-10, [('y', 4)]), (-5, [('z', 5)].
The sub-problem I'm having trouble with is when I encounter polynomials like "5xy^2z^3" that should be stored as [(5, [('x',1), ('y', 2),('z',3)]], I don't know how to parse it.
Any suggestion on how I could approach this?
Thank you in advance for your help!
-- Slipts lists by chosen Char, only used with '+' in this project
split :: Char -> String -> [String]
split _ "" = []
split c s = firstWord : (split c rest)
where firstWord = takeWhile (/=c) s
rest = drop (length firstWord + 1) s
-- Remove all spaces from a string, for easier parsing
formatSpace :: String -> String
formatSpace = filter (not . isSpace)
-- Clever way to parse the polynomial, add an extra '+' before every '-'
-- so after we split the string by '+', it helps us keep the '-'
simplify_minus :: String -> String
simplify_minus [] = ""
simplify_minus (x:xs)
| x == '^' = x : head xs : simplify_minus (tail xs)
| x == '-' = "+-" ++ simplify_minus xs
| otherwise = x : simplify_minus xs
-- Splits an String by occurrences of '+' and creates a list of those sub-strings
remove_plus :: String -> [String]
remove_plus s = split '+' s
-- Removes multiplication on substrings
remove_mult :: [String] -> [[String]]
remove_mult [] = []
remove_mult (x:xs) = (remove_power (split '*' x)) : remove_mult xs
-- Function used to separate a variable that has an power. This translates ["y^2] to [["y", "2"]]
remove_power :: [String] -> [String]
remove_power [] = []
remove_power (x:xs) = (split '^' x) ++ remove_power xs
-- Wrapper function for all the functions necessary to the parser
parse_poly :: String -> [(Integer, String, Integer)]
parse_poly [] = []
parse_poly s = map (tuplify) (rem_m (remove_plus (simplify_minus (formatSpace s))))
rem_m :: [String] -> [String]
rem_m l = map (filter (not . (=='*'))) l
helper_int :: String -> Integer
helper_int s
| s == "" = 1
| s == "-" = -1
| otherwise = read s :: Integer
helper_char :: String -> String
helper_char s
| s == [] = " "
| otherwise = s
tuplify :: String -> (Integer, String, Integer)
tuplify l = (helper_int t1, helper_char t3, helper_int (drop 1 t4))
where (t1, t2) = (break (isAlpha) l)
(t3, t4) = (break (=='^') t2)
main :: IO()
main = do
print(parse_poly "5*xyz^3 - 10*y^4 - 5*z^5 - x^2 - 5 - x")
-- [(5,"xyz",3),(-10,"y",4),(-5,"z",5),(-1,"x",2),(-5," ",1),(-1,"x",1)]
You have pretty much everything there already, but you do need to use break recursively to grab everything until the next variable. You probably should also use the similar span to first grab the coefficient.
parsePositiveMonomial :: String -> (Integer, [(Char, Integer)])
parsePositiveMonomial s = case span isDigit s of
([], varPows) -> (1, parseUnitMonomial varPows)
(coef, varPows) -> (read coef, parseUnitMonomial varPows)
where parseUnitMonomial [] = []
parseUnitMonomial (var:s') = case break isAlpha s' of
I am trying to think of a way of how to improve speed of my program and one of the parts is anagram generation. Would the async features help in this case or there is another technique of manipulating strings?
let anagramWords = [|"rolex";"viagra";"win";"free";"cash";"grand";"prize";
"nude";"porn";"casino";"lottery";"spins";"sex";"gold"; "buy"; "clearance";
"business"; "biz"; "money"; "opportunity"; "earn"; "extra"; "potential"; "sleep"; "discount";
"bargain"; "credit"; "affordable"; "loans"; "mortages"; "quote"; "dollars"; "invest"; "investment";
"bitcoin"; "silver"; "save"; "unsecured"; "pennies"; "million"; "billion";"bureaus";"stock";
"bankruptcy"; "eliminate"; "debt"; "billing"; "iphone"; "selling"; "obligation";"trial";
"vacation"; "winner";"membership"; "preview"; "sample"; "priority"; "website"; "gift"; "gifts";
"present"; "deal"; "fantastic"; "outstanding"; "values"; "act"; "lifetime"; "urgent"|]
let rec distribute e = function
| [] -> [[e]]
| x::xs' as xs -> (e::xs)::[for xs in distribute e xs' -> x::xs]
let rec permute = function
| [] -> [[]]
| e::xs -> List.collect (distribute e) (permute xs)
let genAnagrams word =
|> (fun x -> String(x |> Array.ofList))
|> Seq.ofList
|> Seq.toList
One very simple way to make this a bit faster is to make permute use arrays instead of lists and use Array.Parallel.collect instead of List.collect. Even with the inefficiency of taking the head off an array, it becomes about 30% faster for me for a word of 10 characters.
open System
let rec distribute e = function
| [] -> [[e]]
| x::xs' as xs -> (e::xs)::[for xs in distribute e xs' -> x::xs]
let arrayHeadTail = function [||] -> None | xs -> Some (xs.[0], Array.tail xs)
let rec permute xs =
match arrayHeadTail xs with
| None -> [| [] |]
| Some (e, xs) -> Array.Parallel.collect (distribute e >> List.toArray) (permute xs)
let genAnagrams word =
|> Seq.toArray
|> permute
|> String.Concat<char>
I want to implement a generic recursion operator for (at first simple) ADTs.
(Simple means that only with constructors whose argument types are the defined one.) The general idea is to be able to use something as simple as $(recop ''Alg).
It is easy to write down the recursion operator manually for a given type.
data D = E | C D D
recD :: t -> ((D, t) -> (D, t) -> t) -> D -> t
recD rE rC = let r = recD rE rC in \case
E -> rE
C pC0 pC1 -> rC (pC0, r pC0) (pC1, r pC1)
I wanted to use templates for that. My problem is the recursive call e.g. r pC0. I got it working without the recursive call.
newNames :: String -> Int -> Q [Name]
newNames stem n = sequence [ newName (stem ++ show i) | i <- [1::Int .. n] ]
match' :: PatQ -> ExpQ -> MatchQ
match' pat exp = match pat (normalB exp) []
recop :: Name -> ExpQ
recop name = do
TyConI (DataD _ algName [] {-_-} ctors _) <- reify name
let ctorNames = [ ctorName | NormalC ctorName _ <- ctors ] :: [Name]
let ctorTypes = [ [ typ | (_, typ) <- bts ] | NormalC _ bts <- ctors ]
rs <- newNames ("r" ++ nameBase algName) (length ctorNames)
pss <- sequence [ newNames ("p" ++ nameBase algName ++ nameBase ctorName) (length ctorTypes) | (ctorName, ctorTypes) <- zip ctorNames ctorTypes ]
let pats = zipWith conP ctorNames (map varP <$> pss) :: [PatQ]
let prs = zipWith (\p r -> tupE [varE p, r]) ps "recursive calls"
lamE (varP <$> rs) $ lamCaseE [ match' pat $ foldl appE (varE r) prs | (r, pat, ps) <- zip3 rs pats pss ]
I don't know how to get the hole of "recursive calls" filled. I have no idea and suspect that it's not easily doable.
You do it exactly the same way you've done it in your concrete code; you generate let r = .. in .. and refer to that r to construct the recursive calls. Right now, you are just constructing the \case { .. } portion. Keep in mind you can rewrite recD as
recD =
recD_ = \rE rC ->
let r = recD_ rE rC
in ...
in recD_
Credit goes to user2407038 who answered the question in a comment.
The general pattern is to use an additional let construct:
recursive = let recursive_ = expression in recursive_
so you can refer to recursive_ in expression.
What I am trying to do is to remove duplicates of a specific given char in a string but letting the first char to remain. I.e:
let myStr = "hi. my .name."
//a function that gets a string and the element to be removed in the string
someFunc myStr "."
where someFunc returns the string showen as below:
"hi. my name"
It is easy to remove duplicates from a string, but is there a way to remove the duplicates but letting the first duplicated element remain in the string?
Here's one approach:
let keepFirst c s =
Seq.mapFold (fun k c' -> (c', k||c<>c'), k&&c<>c') true s
|> fst
|> Seq.filter snd
|> fst
|> Array.ofSeq
|> System.String
let example = keepFirst '.' "hi. my .name."
let someFunc (str : string) c =
let parts = str.Split([| c |])
if Array.length parts > 1 then
seq {
yield Array.head parts
yield string c
yield! Array.tail parts
|> String.concat ""
Note that the character is given as char instead of a string.
let someFunc chr (str:string) =
let rec loop (a: char list) b = function
| [] -> a |> List.rev |> System.String.Concat
| h::t when h = chr -> if b then loop a b t
else loop (h::a) true t
| h::t -> loop (h::a) b t
loop [] false (str.ToCharArray() |> Array.toList)
Note that the character is given as char instead of a string.
Edit: Another way would be using regular expressions
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let someOtherFunc c s =
let pat = Regex.Escape(c)
Regex.Replace(s, sprintf "(?<=%s.*)%s" pat pat, "")
Note that, in this case the character is given as string.
Edit 2:
let oneMoreFunc (c:char) (s:string) =
let pred = (<>) c
[ s |> Seq.takeWhile pred
seq [c]
s |> Seq.skipWhile pred |> Seq.filter pred ]
|> Seq.concat
|> System.String.Concat
When devising a function, think about gains from making its arguments generic. To pass state through the iteration, barring mutable variables, Seq.scan could be a weapon of choice. It folds into a tuple of new state and an option, then Seq.choose strips out the state and the unwanted elements.
In terms of functional building blocks, make it accept a predicate function 'a -> bool and let it return a function seq<'a> -> seq<'a>.
let filterDuplicates predicate =
Seq.scan (fun (flag, _) x ->
let p = predicate x in flag || p,
if flag && p then None else Some x ) (false, None)
>> Seq.choose snd
This can then easily reused to do other things as well, like 0 together with odd numbers.
filterDuplicates (fun i -> i % 2 = 0) [0..10]
// val it : seq<int> = seq [0; 1; 3; 5; ...]
Supplied with a call to the equality operator and fed into the constructor of System.String, you'll get near the signature you want, char -> seq<char> -> System.String.
let filterDuplicatesOfChar what s =
System.String(Array.ofSeq <| filterDuplicates ((=) what) s)
filterDuplicatesOfChar '.' "hi. my .name."
// val it : string = "hi. my name"
I hope this works by just pasting and running it with "runghc euler4.hs 1000". Since I am having a hard time learning Haskell, can someone perhaps tell me how I could improve here? Especially all those "fromIntegral" are a mess.
module Main where
import System.Environment
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
hBound = read (args !! 0)::Int
squarePal = pal hBound
lBound = floor $ fromIntegral squarePal /
(fromIntegral hBound / fromIntegral squarePal)
euler = maximum $ takeWhile (>squarePal) [ x | y <- [lBound..hBound],
z <- [y..hBound],
let x = y * z,
let s = show x,
s == reverse s ]
putStrLn $ show euler
pal :: Int -> Int
pal n
| show pow == reverse (show pow) = n
| otherwise = pal (n-1)
pow = n^2
If what you want is integer division, you should use div instead of converting back and forth to Integral in order to use ordinary /.
module Main where
import System.Environment
main :: IO ()
main = do
(arg:_) <- getArgs
hBound = read arg :: Int
squarePal = pal hBound
lBound = squarePal * squarePal `div` hBound
euler = maximum $ takeWhile (>squarePal) [ x | y <- [lBound..hBound],
z <- [y..hBound],
let x = y * z,
let s = show x,
s == reverse s ]
print euler
pal :: Int -> Int
pal n
| show pow == reverse (show pow) = n
| otherwise = pal (n - 1)
pow = n * n
(I've re-written the lbound expression, that used two /, and fixed some styling issues highlighted by hlint.)
Okay, couple of things:
First, it might be better to pass in a lower bound and an upper bound for this question, it makes it a little bit more expandable.
If you're only going to use the first two (one in your previous case) arguments from the CL, we can handle this with pattern matching easily and avoid yucky statements like (args !! 0):
(arg0:arg1:_) <- getArgs
Let's convert these to Ints:
let [a, b] = map (\x -> read x :: Int) [arg0,arg1]
Now we can reference a and b, our upper and lower bounds.
Next, let's make a function that runs through all of the numbers between an upper and lower bound and gets a list of their products:
products a b = [x*y | x <- [a..b], y <- [x..b]]
We do not have to run over each number twice, so we start x at our current y to get all of the different products.
from here, we'll want to make a method that filters out non-palindromes in some data set:
palindromes xs = filter palindrome xs
where palindrome x = show x == reverse $ show x
finally, in our main function:
print . maximum . palindromes $ products a b
Here's the full code if you would like to review it:
import System.Environment
main = do
(arg0:arg1:_) <- getArgs
let [a, b] = map (\x -> read x :: Int) [arg0,arg1]
print . maximum . palindromes $ products a b
products a b = [x*y | x <- [a..b], y <- [x..b]]
palindromes = filter palindrome
where palindrome x = (show x) == (reverse $ show x)