Resharper create property with backing field - resharper

How do you create property with a backing field in Resharper?
This is the first thing you would want to do with a class and I cannot find how to it.
Its so simple.

Within the body of the class, type prop and hit Tab. Supply the property's type and name. This will create an autoproperty (these days, it is typically one of these you would want to create).
Then, with the cursor on the property name, hit Alt+Enter and choose To property with backing field.

The quickest way I've found is to type your property as if it exists already:
this.MyProperty = "hello";
Then Alt-Return on the property name, and choose Create Property 'MyProperty' then hit tab to choose between auto-property, managed backing field, or default member body.
I believe this is quicker than using the prop shortcut, hitting tab, specifying the property type, hitting tab twice, specifying the name, and then pressing Alt-Return on the property name and choosing the 'to property with backing field' selection.
You could also create a Live Template so that there is slightly less work, e.g:
/// <summary>
/// Private backing field for $Property$ property
/// </summary>
private $Type$ $BackingField$;
public $Type$ $Property$
return this.$BackingField$;
this.$BackingField$ = value;
The parameter $BackingField$ can be generated automatically from $Property$ by the "first character in lower case" macro of the template editor and setting it to "Not editable".
But I believe the first method is the quickest and easiest.

If you already have a property with a getter and setter, sometimes you will find that the backing field you used is no longer available because you changed the base class for the current class or you made other changes. For example, in the LinesMax property below, the backing field Height is available from an inherited class:
public int LinesMax
get { return ConvertValGet(AdjustMetricEnum.Height, Height); }
set { Height = ConvertValSet(AdjustMetricEnum.Height, value); }
If the above code works but I decide afterwards no longer to inherit the class that exposes the Height property, the two Height variable names will turn red in the IDE to indicate that they're no longer available to the code.
At that point, I may want to create a private backing field. To easily create that, I can first modify the Height name to _height, then place the cursor on either _height name, hit Alt-Enter then choose Create field '_height'. A backing field will be created.


Custom selector challenges

I have a custom screen with a multiple custom selectors, which change what they select based on dropdown lists.
The solution I implemented is shown in a previous case:
Dynamically changing PXSelector in Acumatica (thanks).
My challenge is twofold:
1.) If the dropdown selection is "No Lookup", then I want the PXSelector Attribute to essentially be removed - leaving just a text entry. Not sure if this is even possible...
2.) If one of the selectors (let's say Projects) is selected, I'd like the selection of the following selector (let's say Tasks) to filter based on the Project selected.
Thanks much...
1) I think the only way to do this is to create your own attribute.
Something like that:
public class PXSelectorTextEditAttribute : PXSelectorAttribute
bool selectorMode;
public PXSelectorTextEditAttribute(Type type, bool selectorOn):base(type)
selectorMode = selectorOn;
public override void FieldVerifying(PXCache sender, PXFieldVerifyingEventArgs e)
base.FieldVerifying(sender, e);
public static void SwitchSelectorMode(PXSelectorTextEditAttribute attribute, bool onOff)
attribute.selectorMode = onOff;
You will be able to turn on and off the 'selector' part of the attribute. With the field verifying turned off you will be able to put any value to the field just like in simple TextEdit field. However, the lookup button in the right end of the field still will be visible. I have no idea how to hide it.
2) This behavior can be implemented easily. You will need something like that(example based on cashaccount):
[PXSelector(typeof(Search<CABankTran.tranID, Where<CABankTran.cashAccountID, Equal<Current<Filter.cashAccountID>>>>))]
If you want to see all records when the cashaccount is not defined then you just modify the where clause by adding Or<Current<Filter.cashAccountID>, isNull>
Also don't forget to add AutoRefresh="true" to the PXSelector in the aspx. Without it your selector will keep the list of the records untill you press refresh inside of it.

WPFExtendedToolkit PropertyGrid Standard Values

I'm trying to display XmlElement's attributes in Xceed PropertyGrid. For that purpose I defined custom wrapper class. It wraps XmlElement, iterates over XmlAttributes and creates custom PropertyDescriptor for each XmlAttribute. All "virtual" properties' type is String. All works fine.
Now I want to have drop-down list of possible attribute values for every attribute that has restricted set of values. In Xceed's PropertyGrid, there is ItemsSourceAttribute for that. But it has to be applied as follows:
And here is the problem - I can not provide proper argument for MyCustomItemsSource constructor. What can I do about this?
It seems that there is another possibility - to define a TypeConverter, override GetStandardValues, and supply this converter to "virtual" property. But PropertyGrid just ignores this attribute.
How this simple task can be done with Xceed PropertyGrid?
Solved. I implemented custom editor
public class AttributeValuesEditor: Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.PropertyGrid.Editors.ComboBoxEditor
protected override IEnumerable CreateItemsSource(PropertyItem propertyItem)
var property = propertyItem.PropertyDescriptor as XmlAttributePropertyDescriptor;
return property.GetCompletionValues();
Here, the context is passed into method in the form of PropertyItem. Now it is possible to differentiate between different attributes and return appropriate items.

Binding the style property of all cells in a JavaFX TableView

I have a JavaFX TableView where each row should have a conditional style.
The styling is dependent on whether the source item of of the table row is present in a certain list or not.
This is what I have so far:
1) The data class that holds the data of a table row together with two boolean properties (true if the data is contained in list X) and a string property that should bind to the correct style attributes.
private class WebPageData {
private WebPage page;
private BooleanProperty isReferenced = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false);
private BooleanProperty isReferencing = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false);
private StringBinding style = new When(isReferenced).then("...").otherwise(...);
2) A change listener on table selection change that updates each boolean property accordingly, when the table selection changes
tblResultData.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndices().addListener(new ListChangeListener<Integer>() {
public void onChanged(ListChangeListener.Change<? extends Integer> arg0) {
if (arg0.getList().size() == 0) {
} else {
// for coloring only consider the first selected row
// multi select must be doable for certain other features
WebPage selectedWebPage = tblResultData.getItems().get(arg0.getList().get(0)).page;
// holds a list of data for every table row
for (WebPageData data : {
boolean referenced = selectedWebPage.getReferencedWebPagesList().contains(;
boolean referencing = selectedWebPage.getReferencingWebPagesList().contains(;
Now what I want to do is to somehow bind the style property of each table cell to the style property of WebPageData - so that the change listener updates the two boolean properties, therefore the style property of WebPageData is updated and in consequence the style of the table cell changes.
I tried to bind the style during creation phase by using a custom TableCellFactory, but of course this approach fails as there is no WebPageData instance present at this time. As the TableColumn classes don't provide an opportunity to iterate over all cells (so I could bind the style after the table actually gets its data), the only option I currently see is to keep a reference to each created table cell. I don't consider this solution is good practice.
So is there any other option to bind the cell styles? If I don't bind them, I have to set the styles manually each time the table selection changes - which puts me to the "I can't iterate over cells" problem again.
import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
import javafx.scene.control.TreeTableRow;
public class HighlightBoundTreeTableRow extends TreeTableRow<Thing> {
private static final String CHOSEN_STYLE_CLASS = "chosenStyle";
private final ObjectProperty<Boolean> chosen = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
private final ChangeListener propertyChangeListener = (obs, ov, nv) -> updateHighlight();
protected void updateItem(Thing item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
chosen.unbind(); // unbinding something that is not bound has no effect
chosen.removeListener(propertyChangeListener); // also ok to remove a listener that was never there
if (empty) {
chosen.bind(item.chosenProperty()); //bind will also set the intial value
private void updateHighlight() {
if (chosen.get()) {
} else {
I know this was asked forever ago but maybe it'll help someone.
I had a similar issue I wanted to solve. I know you're using a TableCell and this involves a TreeTableRow but I believe the concept is the same: You want to change a field in your data object and have that change update the styling on wherever that object is being displayed in a table.
So I extended TreeTableRow and gave that class its own property field to hold on to. Every time that row is updated I unbind that property and rebind it to the field I want to listen to. (I do the same with the listener.) Since every time updateItem() is called it could be getting a different instance of my data object.
"chosenStyle" is just a class in my style sheet that changes the background color. Using classes instead of calling setStyle() makes it easier to remove the styling.

Disable a EditorGrid row when a model attribute has been updated

Here's my request :
I have an EditorGrid which renders some rows based on its associated ListStore.
The ListStore has a collection of instances of my model which has an attribute called "markeAsDeleted" which is updated elsewhere in the UI.
My question is :
How is-it possible to change the rendering of the corresponding row to turn it 'disabled' when my 'markAsDeleted' attribute is 'true' ?
What's I'm expecting is a kind of a rendrer to add to my EditorGrid instance which updates the row as the model attribute is updated.
Hiding the column with filtering would be your best best.
If you set store.setMonitoChanges(true); then I believe it will reconise when anything changes that model in the store and fire an storeUpdate from there you could re-Apply your filter (if it doesnt do that automatically anyway);
store.addStoreListener(new StoreListener<BaseModelData>() {
public void storeUpdate(StoreEvent<M> se) {
After reading the comments on another answer I notice you are using a Grid filter to filter the columns you could just as easily use addFilter on a store.
store.addFilter(new StoreFilter<BaseModelData>() {
public boolean select(Store<T> store, T parent, T item, String property) {
return !item.get("markAsDeleted");
GXT makes sure that when your Grid's store gets modified, the Grid is re-Rendered. So when other part of your application does update on the model, make sure that the same model gets updated on store EXPLICITLY.
You can use store.remove(), store.removeAll(), store.addAll() to replace the model with the updated one.

Is this a bug in primefaces autocomplete?

I'm trying to put an autocomplete that fetches suggestions as a list of Entry<String, Integer>
<p:autoComplete completeMethod="#{suggester.suggestTopics}"
var="x1" itemLabel="#{x1.key}" itemValue="#{x1.value.toString()}"
value="#{topicController.selected}" />
Manged bean code is as follows:
private int selected;
public int getSelected() {
return selected;
public void setSelected(int selected) {
this.selected= selected;
But this fails saying the Integer class doesn't have method/property named key. If I remove the value attribute from autocomplete then it starts working properly. But when I put value attribute it starts expecting that the object inside var should be of the same type as that inside value attribute. I believe/expect it should be that the object inside itemValue should be of the same type as that inside value attribute.
I want to use POJOs for suggestions but pass just the entity Id to the value
Using :
Primefaces 3.1
JSF 2.1.6
I believe/expect it should be that the object inside itemValue should
be of the same type as that inside value attribute.
Yes this makes sense, and it is the same in the primefaces showcase:
<p:autoComplete value="#{autoCompleteBean.selectedPlayer1}"
var="p" itemLabel="#{}" itemValue="#{p}"
converter="player" forceSelection="true"/>
As you see is var="p" and itemValue="#{p} where p is an instance of Player. And selectedPlayer1 is also an instance of Player.
I don't know if it works with a Map since the Primefaces example is called "Pojo support" and the suggestions should be a List of elements of the same type as in the value attribute.
I think you want to use the Simple auto complete , but instead you looked at the wrong example on the showcase of the Pojo Support
x1 refers to the int selected - while it expect to be referred to a POJO (with key and value properties.) , that's why you get the message
Integer class doesn't have method/property named key
Or simple use the Simple auto complete
As commented to Matt you dont need to rebuild Player(Pojo) from Db. You can set simply id property of Player(Pojo) and in action method may be utilize this id to fetch it from DB.
In your case in convertor you might do
Entry<String, Integer> e = new Entry<String, Integer>();
e.setId(value) // where value is passed in to convertor in method getAsObject.....
This value will be set to private Entry<String, Integer> selected
I have used Pojo autocomplete but not tried with generic classes.
Hope this helps.
I know the question is outdated but I've had the same problem.
The point is that you have to assign var to p (var="p"). I think it's terribly unobvious (documentation doesnot mention it has to be that way) 'cause I thought I can assign any var name I want.
