Resin installation on ubuntu with sun java - ubuntu-10.04

I'm trying to install resin on ubuntu. I already have jdk1.6 installed. But when I do
sudo apt-get install resin
It shows 'open-jdk' will also be downloaded. Why does this happen? I don't want open jdk. Is there any other way to install resin without open jdk and pointing my resin to sun jdk home. I'm relatively new to ubuntu or say linux. Thanks


Error while installinng libimobiledevice in ubuntu 14.04

After installing libimobiledevice in ubuntu 14.04, when I run command 'ideviceinfo' it is generating error
'Could not connect to lockdownd, error "code -5"'
I have other dependencies - build-essential
Correctly installed with no error.
Can I get some advices about the error ?
You didn't mention how you acquired libimobiledevice - did you install it via apt-get or did you compile it from source?
Ubuntu 14.04 ships with a very old version of libimobiledevice, and there have been changes made to libimobiledevice to provide compatibility with newer versions of iOS which are probably not in Ubuntu 14.04.
We host a PPA which provides up-to-date builds of libimobiledevice; currently only for Ubuntu 16.04 though. You can find it at .
Let me know if you need help configuring the PPA and installing the latest libimobiledevice.

How to install JavaPackage on ubuntu

I came across a debian application by the name JavaPackage which can create a debian installation file (.deb) form a java binary (.tar.gz) which you can then install using dpkg -i application_name.deb. With Ubuntu being a debian-based linux distribution, it is possible that it can be installed on ubuntu as well.
How do I go about installing it on Ubuntu/Kubuntu 16.04.2 LTS?
java-package is available in the official ubuntu repositories. All you need to do is update the repository with the latest version then install it as shown below:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install java-package

How to uninstall MPICH in linux (Ubuntu)?

I have manually downloaded and installed MPICH from using the cookbook starting from section 2.2. But now I want to remove it. Does anybody have an idea how to uninstall it correctly, so I can reinstall another version? I have googled but have not found an answer that I can use.
"sudo apt-get remove mpich" doesn't remove the manually installed version.
My OS is Linux Mint 17.1, and the mpich version is 3.2
I don't think I can use this thread Ubuntu 12.04 and MPICH performance

installing specific packages on ns2

I want to install ns2 on my computer. After trying in some ways like:installing on Ubuntu 13.10, or installing via cygwin on 64 bits windows 7, I faced with problems such as unable to find ns.exe in ns-2.26 or other versions directory of cygwin. Now I've installed win XP sp3 on VMware, and ns2 on cygwin in this windows environment. Now most of those problems(with Ubuntu 13.10 or cygwin on win7) are solved but i need to have these packages "XFree86"(all of them) and "mansim" on ns2 (v2.26). The problem here, is that i don't know where and how can i download and install them and not sure whether it's possible or not. I've googled it but can't find useful idea. Thanks in advance and sorry for bad English.
Solved you say? Why then be interested in the year 2002 XFree86?
I.e. XFree86 hasn't been used in a new OS release since then : Redhat 9 and other OS´s from that year. (The latest OS with XFree86 was RHEL3, based on Redhat 9.)
Cygwin: If you have X (The GUI Desktop), you also have the "x-packages". (xorg-***, libX*)
Ubuntu: You'd usually not download software. 'apt' is used for that.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install g++ g++-4.4 autoconf libtool libxmu-dev xgraph
.... When 'libxmu-dev' is installed, you have all the required X-libraries for ns2.
Mannasim: There's an old patch for ns-2.29.3.
But what we mostly use today is the patch for ns-2.35. Or the complete "ns235-mannasim":
$ git clone git://
Mannasim INFO:!searchin/ns-users/mannasim|sort:date

Adobe Air native installer Linux - Dependency is not satisfiable

I created native installers for my air application successfully under MacOS and Windows.
With Ubuntu 10 I am able to create a .deb package, but when I launch it opens the Ubuntu software center showing error:
Dependency is not satisfiable: adobeair (>=
I thought native installer should be able to download the proper adobe air version if available (2.5.1 seems available as deb package). If I install air for linux 2.5.1 from adobe website my application launches fine.
Did anyone experience the same issue?
Thanks in advance for any help
Unfortunately, many years late "Adobe AIR for Linux is no longer supported." following what adobe page says. Using the "AIR archive" is possible to get unsupported versions, the 2.6.0 version is the most recent available. If you need to install a program that require a newer version of it, you might go to Virtual box with a Windows guest.
For version 2.6.0 the recommend steps for Ubuntu 16.10 are:
for 32bit machine
wget -O adobe-air_i386.deb
sudo dpkg -i adobe-air_i386.deb
sudo apt-get install -f && rm adobe-air_i386.deb
for 64bit machine
wget -O adobe-air_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i adobe-air_amd64.deb
sudo apt-get install -f && rm adobe-air_amd64.deb
The recommend steps for Ubuntu 16.04/14.04/12.04/Linux Mint 18/17/13 (both extracted from here):
wget -O
chmod +x;sudo ./
What version of the adobeair package is available from the Ubuntu repositories?
A .deb is just an archive and the dependencies have to be available from the repositories the system is configured to use. It can't resolve the dependency by downloading it from some specific location you know of but the system is not configured to use.
If the needed version of the package is not available from the Ubuntu repositories then your only options are to reconfigure the system to use an additional repository that does have the needed dependency before you try to install your package, or download and manually install the dependency before you try to to install your package.
Try to install itdpkg -i --force-architecture adobeair.deb
