Vim function hints for C - vim

I'm trying to achieve something simple, usually called "function hints". For example, scintilla-based editors have it:
You type a name, and just get the prototype. There are a few problems with that in vim:
You have to rebuild the ctags to keep it up to date
You can't type C-X C-O after the (, you'll just get "Pattern not found"
You can't type C-X C-O in normal mode, the cursor will just jump around
You get the annoying preview window at the top
I've tried a few plugins; most of them mess things up even more [^1].Can anyone recommend a simple way to get just that ? A simple rectangle containing the function prototype and nothing more.
[^1] It's really mind-numbing how idiotic some of these plugins are. One plugin (I won't mention it) actually contained in the .vim file a list of functions from libc.

ctags for autocompletion is a mess. I suggest you try a compiler based plugin such as clang-complete or gcc-sense (haven't tried this one). Advantages are:
more accuracy as what they do is pretty much compiling
compile errors are marked on the fly over the source code
You have to rebuild the ctags to keep it up to date
you don't need to deal with ctags (they are still useful to jump around though)
You can't type C-X C-O after the (, you'll just get "Pattern not found"
what would you expect?
You can't type C-X C-O in normal mode, the cursor will just jump around
you can always remap that sequence if you think it's a frequent mistake (something like nnoremap <C-x><C-o> a<C-x><C-o>)
You get the annoying preview window at the top
You can disable this by removing preview fromcompleteopt option. see :help completeopt
I'm using the following setup:
clang-complete for completion
supertab to complete with tab key
ultisnips for function signature placeholders. (also works with snipmate)
and some vimrc settings:
set pumheight=10 " so the complete menu doesn't get too big
set completeopt=menu,longest " menu, menuone, longest and preview
let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType='context'
let g:clang_complete_auto=0 " I can start the autocompletion myself, thanks..
let g:clang_snippets=1 " use a snippet engine for placeholders
let g:clang_snippets_engine='ultisnips'
let g:clang_auto_select=2 " automatically select and insert the first match

Try to use eclim (plugin for integration with Eclipse).
This solution is overheaded a lot but it works in all cases.


Vim backslash in command

I feel like this is a very stupid question, but I can't seem to find the answer to this anywhere. I'm relatively new to vim. After a fresh install I installed the vim-LaTeX plugin, or the LaTeX-suite for vim. It works correctly apart for the fact that there are some commands I don't understand. It gives the following instruction:
To do this, visually select a portion of the text and press \ll while in visual mode. The visually selected portion will be saved to a temporary file with the preamble from the current document prepended. Latex-Suite will then switch focus to this temporary file and compile it
But if I press '\' it does nothing and double l moves the cursor to the right. I don't understand what I'm supposed to be doing, and I feel incredibly stupid. Sorry if off-topic.
The \ is the default value for the :help <Leader> key. Plugins are encouraged to start all default mappings with <Leader>. If you've redefined it, you need to use that key instead.
Otherwise, you need to press V \ L L (without Shift) in quick succession (by default within one second).
If you want to find out whether the plugin has been successfully installed and there's actually an action behind those keys, you can use either:
:verbose vmap <Leader>ll
:verbose vmap \ll
If Vim says No mapping found, or just lists other mappings starting with some of the keys, the plugin isn't installed properly, or you're not using it right.
Press v to go into visual mode. Then you can use your arrow keys to select text. After you've selected the text you want, type \ll.
That should be it.

Mapping TO ctrl+[something] doesn't work in gvim

I am using GVim 7.4 and I would like to do some really simple mapping to use CtrlP fuzzy matching of tags when a key combination is used.
I tried 2 approaches and they all seem to fail when vim calls Control + [x] combination. While I do understand that there are restrictions when it comes to mapping Ctrl+[x] codes, I haven't found any information on why ctrl mapping wouldn't work.
noremap \t :CtrlPTag<CR><C-\>w
This one enters CtrlP tag mode but then it doesn't enter word from under the cursor.
noremap \t <C-p><C-\>w
Here we don't even get to CtrlP window (I even omit going into tag mode here for simplicity).
As far as I understand (I'm no CtrlP user), the plugin is triggered via some command / key combination, and then presents interactive selection and filtering. It even has different "source" modes.
Now, this is a pretty heavy integration into Vim, probably using scratch buffers and its own input loop. That's why you cannot simply append keys to the mapping and get them interpreted by the plugin "as typed".
Typically, these plugins offer mode selection and so on via (optional) command arguments. Check the plugin's help, and if you cannot get the plugin into the state you need, best contact the plugin's author and ask for such enhancement.

vim - navigating characters in command mode

Relatively new to VIM and having a great time using it.
One very minor annoyance I've been having is command mode character navigation when I want to revise a command. I'm used to using readline shortcuts on the regular (non-vim) command line but these shortcuts don't seem to work in : command mode.
For example, using ctrl + b to go back a character ends up sending me to the start of the line, or using alt + f to go forward a word ends up clearing the line and exiting command mode.
The only way I've found to navigate in command mode is to use the arrow keys, but I'm under the impression you should avoid the arrow keys in vim for max efficiency.
What is the standard way to navigate around in : command mode? Do vim users usually use the arrow keys here? Is there a different way to modify commands?
As a more concrete example, I've been using vimgrep a lot to search through files. I'll do a command like:
:vimgrep /font-family/j my-project/**/*.less | cope
Later, I'll want to use the same search but look for a different property, so I hit : then ctrl + p to access my previous vimgrep. Now here I have to use the arrow keys to navigate backwards to the search string and modify it. It would be much faster if I could use readline to navigate backwards by word then delete by word.
For small edits, Backspace and light use of the cursor keys should be fine. For anything larger, I would advise to use the command-line window:
In the command-line window the command line can be edited just like editing
text in any window.
So, there's no need to mentally switch to readline key mappings; just use the full editing power (including any custom mappings) of Vim!
You can switch via <C-F> from the command-line, or directly enter it (from normal mode) by pressing q: instead of :. All the details can be found at :help cmdline-window.
I like this question. Long time vim user, but new-ish here, so I can't vote it up. But indeed, perhaps unofficially, many vim fans feel that most of the time the goal is to not have your hands leave home row position (fingers move, hands relatively still).
I will admit, when it comes to command mode, I use the arrows. With P being on my pinky finger, I would miss-hit ctrl-P a lot, and it's faster to slide my right hand down (on my Natural keyboard) and find the up-arrow by quick feel, instantly, to do the same thing. Once I'm there, left-right arrows are also easy to find without looking or delay. Also Ctrl-arrows let you skip by word.
One of the great things about vim is the :help. I have easily spent tens of hours over the years reading through it, and it solves 95% of my problems if I have enough time and working-memory to push deep enough into it.
Here is what I found for :help readline:
READLINE readline.vim ft-readline-syntax
The readline library is primarily used by the BASH shell, which adds
quite a few commands and options to the ones already available. To
highlight these items as well you can add the following to your
|vimrc| or just type it in the command line before loading a file with
the readline syntax:
let readline_has_bash = 1
This will add highlighting for the commands that BASH (version 2.05a
and later, and part earlier) adds.
Give it a try! (I am using vim 7.4)
You can see a list of the default key binds with :help cmdline-history (scroll down a bit) and :help ex-edit-index.
You can remap this with cnoremap:
cnoremap <C-b> <Left>
cnoremap <C-a> <C-b>
" .. Probably more
Note that using cmap will probably get you into problems here since the right-hand side is the currently mapped action, whereas with cnoremap the right-hand side it will always use the native Vim action.

"M-" bindings in vim on iTerm2/Terminal don't work

I noticed that iTerm2 offers the very convenient feature of using "Option key as +ESC" (or as meta, but apparently that's obsolete).
I tried them both and the option key works as expected in Bash (set -o emacs mode) and Emacs, but not in Vim. Thus, I can't make use of any "M-" bindings.
What I've found is that:
if I set option to "+ESC", vim just understands ESC+key, and has no idea I actually meant Meta-key.
if I set option to "meta", keys modified with "option" behave just as without a modifier (don't know how to formally test what vim understands from a key combination that I'm typing).
"M-" mappings work perfectly in MacVim (7.3.53), but that's outside of a console and not in the scope of this question.
I'm interested in how to make those mappings work in Vim, under iTerm2 or Terminal.
My specs:
MAC OS X Lion 10.7.2
vim #7.3.107_0+python26 [though MacPorts]
I've downloaded the latest iTerm2 and tried to see what it sent to/what was printed by Vim (i<C-v><M-a>) with the following settings:
Option as Option:
Vim prints æ which is normal and expected on my french keyboard
Option as Meta:
Vim stays there, waiting for something to happen. Nothing is printed. If I press Option and a in sequence I just obtain a. Pressing Option and a in some random order may print á, which is weird and totally unexpected.
Option as +ESC:
Vim prints ^[a which means "Escape character followed by the character a".
From these tests it appears that Vim will never ever receive <M-> without some hypothetical black magic.
If you stick with "Option as +ESC", it seems that you will have to change all your custom <M-something> mappings to <Esc>something. This may work but it will make writing any kind of prose in any non-english language a pain.
What I do: I leave the Option key as it is so that I can type characters like œ…«» easily and I use <Leader> (mapped to ,, see :help mapleader) for all my custom mappings.
Some people here like to reserve it for plugins and advocate a somewhat simpler and potentially safer approach.
inoremap <leader>, <C-x><C-o> "my way (copied elsewhere)
inoremap ,, <C-x><C-o> "another way
I left my option key to act as Normal and discovered that Vim saw them as <T- bindings. So, for example, I have this mapping setup in my .vimrc to move to the end of a word when in Insert mode:
noremap! <T-Right> <C-o><Right>;

TextMate's Jump to Function in VIM?

Recently I've been trying my hand at using vim instead of TextMate and one of the features that I've missed most in VIM is TextMate's jump to method function (CMD + Shift + T for those who don't know). From looking around I havn't seen any particular way to emulate this functionality and was wondering if anyone here has had experience with this sort of functionality in VIM.
Thanks in advance for any answers
You're looking for vim's 'tags' functionality ... I answered a similar question about tags here: How to implement own tag jump in VIM with CTRL-]?
This functionality has been implemented in fuzzyfinder using :FufBufferTag. See the ticket
I'd love to hear good suggestions as I use Vim all the time but haven't used TextMate. I do the following things which slightly overlap.
Search for d-e-f-space-<first few letters of function name>. So to go to function foo (in Python or Ruby, and within the same file of course), I type /def fo and I'm there. I also have incremental search enabled in Vim.
Use marks for functions which I visit often. So I'll ma at the function definition and then 'a back to it later. I know it's not function definitions but it is a crutch.
you can create a tags file with ctags
basically $ctags -R
Then once you're in vim :set tags=/path/to/tagsfile
this will also be any tag so not just class names, methods, etc. In normal mode ctrl-] on the method/class/ and it will jump to that position.
You can also use the taglist plugin which will display current tags in a side window. ctags
I had pretty much the same problem and I found a quick and dirty solution (paste this in your .vimrc and call by typing :LS)
function! s:ListFunctions()
vimgrep /function/j %
command! -bar -narg=0 LS call s:ListFunctions()
If you require more functionality then Exuberant Ctags will do better for you
I'm using CommandT for file searching, then / to search for a particular function. However, the real issue is with CSS. Cmd Shift T in Textmate enable quick jumps to a particular CSS class, and that is a huge time-saver.
CTags doesn't support CSS parsing, unless you re-compile with a patch (found via google), but I'm not even sure if we can do fuzzy searching for CSS classes like in Textmate. I really miss the Cmd Shift T feature.
I've written a TextMate Bundle command (you can easily assign it to Ctrl+] for example) that lookup for the definition of the class or method under the caret and displays it in a tooltip, along with the file name and the line where it was find.
Check it out: Add a shortcut to TextMate to lookup a class or method definition in a tooltip
Hope you'll find it useful!
The feature described in this question has many different names depending on the IDE/Editor:
In Resharper it's called "Goto File member"
In Sublime Text 2 it's called "Goto Symbol"
In PyCharm it's called "Goto Symbol"
The feature is essentially the same though in all of the above implementations (and I assume it's very similar in TextMate as well). The feature brings up an interactive list of methods/functions (and potentially also includes member variables/properties).
The list allows interactive filtering by typing the name of a methods/functions/etc. The list also usually allows the use of arrow keys to select a method/function/etc. Hitting the enter key with a method/function/etc selected navigates to the line in the current file where the selected method/function/etc is defined.
Of all the existing answers in this question the only one that I see which seems to provide a reasonably similar implementation of this feature is to use the command:
in vim's FuzzyFinder plugin.
The answer which suggests using the taglist plugin is not a good solution, because the functionality offered by the taglist plugin is quite different from the feature. The taglist plugin offers similar functionality - the ability to view an outline of methods in the currently file, but it does not offer an interactive way to filter that list in realtime. The taglist plugin does allow you to search the tag buffer, but that's not nearly as convenient as the "Goto symbol" functionality offered in other editors.
I wanted to provide an alternative suggestion here, which is to use the command:
in the excellent Ctrlp vim plugin. In my opinion this by far the best implementation of the "Goto Symbol" feature currently available in vim.
