Corona Lua waveform sound synthesis - audio

I would like to make a sound synth using the Corona SDK, which means in pure Lua. All the Lua synth programs rely on an underlying C program. Is there any Lua library that generates waveforms?

I have no experience when it comes to Audio.
But here are a couple of links to get you started!

I don't know if Corona has an audio API that would allow that, but the MOAI SDK is a free, open source, Lua-based engine that targets iOS (+ Android, PC, Mac, Linux) which you could add anything you want to.

Unfortunately, Corona SDK has very weak sound support, and there are not good Lua audio libraries that I know of. MOAI appears to be dead, or mostly dead.
AudioKit seems like the way to write synthesis these days, but it is Swift & Objective-C only. Would love to see it in Lua, but there does not seem to be a push in that direction:


What is the easiest way to play a sound sample in Haskell?

I'm toying around with constructing a basic music composition system for fun. I can represent music in memory, but I'd (obviously) like to be able to output actual sounds! I don't really care what the format is (MIDI, mp3, ogg, whatever). I just want to be able to load samples into the program and play them in the simplest way possible. I've searched around for a solution but everything I'm seeing is either a) too complex (overhead-wise) for my needs, b) not actively supported, or c) not well-documented. I would love to see an example of sound output or otherwise, some direction on the simplest way to do so.
You might like Euterpea, which isn't on Hackage but was a breeze to install and has quite verbose documentation (it seems it forms the core of an introductory Haskell course at Yale). Hover over the word "Euterpea" in the menu at the top to find more links/instructions.
I ended up using MIDI and sending events to SimpleSynth, on Mac OSX. This was achieved using the hmidi package and the bindings to OSX's CoreMIDI by bkomuves. I had to install a fork of the hmidi package from here to get it working with the latest GHC. I then installed SimpleSynth and enabled an IAC Driver using the Audio MIDI Setup utility on OSX. I then set SimpleSynth to listen from the IAC Driver I set up and was able to use the enumerateDestinations function from bkomuvres' bindings to CoreMIDI to grab the first available Destination and send MidiEvents from hmidi using send. It works like a charm!
With Haskell, you may wish to get a handle on the language fully by utilising other libraries/applications from your code, however the following link is a link to libraries for music and sound.
Another idea is to gain familiarity with OpenAL with C/C++ and then from there you will have some familiarity with the structure of HOpenAL (Haskell binding of OpenAL which indeed calls the OpenAL DLL/SO).
Link with straightforward tutorial for OpenAL ago!;wap2
I hope this helps...

How can I generate and play back procedural sounds (square wave, etc.) in Lazarus/Free Pascal?

How can I play and synthesize custom waves in Lazarus/Free Pascal? The solution has to be realtime-friendly, as it is for a game engine. It should be also multi-platform, so it can be used on win32, Linux and Mac. FMOD/BASS are out (even if aplicable) as I don't want to pay fees if I will want to use it commercially.
There are solutions to that. My favourite library is Steinberg's ASIO. It is a very simple API, it's got wrappers for Linux, Windows, MAC and i guess some other platforms as well. It is a professional API for low-latency recording / playback. You usually need a soundcard that supports it, but recently some drivers emerged, using native platform API to emulate ASIO device (e.g. ASIO4ALL in windows).
ASIO's got a simple function in which buffers are swapped, where you can generate your wavefrom procedurally to be played back practically immediately (there are latencies in order of milliseconds). That's for the realtimeness.
The API as such is royalty free which means you can use it in a commercial project and don't have to pay anyone.
As for Pascal bindings, I believe you will have to do that yourself. But the whole initialization and operation of ASIO is <100 lines of C/C++ code (and you actually only need to control sound synthesis and maybe device selection - ony two functions that need to be exported by the wrapper) so that really should not be hard at all.

How to play sound in lua

How to play sound in lua? Is there any simple trick how to do it?
My goal is to play some ogg (or mp3) files during playing my game, which is programmed in lua. It's running on windows.
Lua does not have any built-in sound APIs. As you are on Windows, you have these options:
Write bindings for a sound system of choice (OpenAL or something more high-level — as a separate non-Lua-specific question if you need help picking one).
Use LuaJIT2 FFI to directly access DLL functions of the sound system of choice.
Otherwise, if you do not use LuaJIT2, use Alien FFI library.
Or, indeed, use LuaCOM to play some sound (with DirectSound?), if you're familiar with COM stuff.
Lua doesn't have any native sound APIs. If there is a plugin/extension for Lua to accomplish audio control/playback, you'd have to go dig that up seperately. Or if Lua supports COM, you could speak to the Windows audio facilities directly.
proteaAudio is a pretty easy library for lua to play audio or even generate audio on the fly.
You can use the Corona library:
--Loads the selected audio (make sure the name is the same as the .wav file)
local audio1 = audio.loadSound( "audio1.wav" )
--Plays the audio on any available channel (theres up to 32 channels)
local audio1Channel = audio1 )
In windows, use luacom
require('luacom').CreateObject("wmplayer.ocx").URL="my.mp3"--Need to keep host process alive, not to close.

Crossplatform Offline Audio Processing Library

I am looking for an audio dsp library for cleaning up some speech (voice) recording. I have not decided which language to use yet.
Here are the feature I am looking for:
Work in Linux and Windows
Importing MP3
Working with multiple channels mixing
Noise Filter
Bandpass filter
I love to have these as well, but I can write my own if they are not available:
multi-band compressor
(if you can suggest an application that do these in scripting / one mouse click, I will accept your answer too)
What about something like SoX??
Take a look at Juce from Raw Material Software.
It is free for non-commercial use, and very reasonably priced for commercial use. it also has a lot of built in audio capabilities (mixing, file I/O, etc.) and has a nice cross platform GUI toolkit as well.
Audacity does most of those things.

Looking for an expressive audio programming language or library

I'm looking for an audio processing language or library which will allow me to experiment with different synthesis techniques. I've looked at Processing which I think is great at what it does, but haven't found any inspiring (and simple) audio libraries.
As a baseline, I want to simply create my own sample buffers and play them back (ideally in realtime). As a plus, the ability to handle MIDI events would be great. I'm an experienced C++ programmer so I could do it natively on but had hoped there was a more DSL (domain specific language) approach.
I have access to Windows, Mac or Linux so not too bothered yet about platform. Other languages I can deal with are C#, Java & Python.
Depending on how much you want to stay out of the low-level housekeeping details, you may want to look at CSound , or if you want to not actually write code, the patching-based system PureData is great to work with. As #Lou points out, ChucK is interesting (but was too buggy to use the last time I checked it out).
If you really do want to write code, look at the Synthesis Toolkit, a set of C++ classes for audio processing and synthesis.
For an app framework, I recommend JUCE, which has incredibly nice cross-platform handling of audio/midi IO and GUI elements.
Max MSP is an audio production tool that is highly expressive.
I guess you could say it's a high-level tool, and not a low-level programming language. My impression of it is that it's geared towards the technical musician or the artistic engineer, but anyway it kicks ass and you could go low-level with it if you want.
I've always been a big fan of SuperCollider. It's designed for Mac OS X but also works on Linux.
The language is mostly based on SmallTalk, and it's pretty easy to pick up if you understand the basics of functional programming. The quality of the sound output by the SC Server is very good and there is plenty of documentation both built into the app environment and available online.
One interesting point of SuperCollider is the usage on android devices, and it's intercommunication with python trough out other modules.
Here goes an example
I know you didn't say Ruby, but check out Archaeopteryx
or ChucK
Have a look at NAudio, an open source .NET audio SDK for working with audio files and devices in Windows. Some features include:
NAudio Features:
Play back audio using a variety of APIs
Decompress audio from different Wave Formats
Record audio using WaveIn, WASAPI or ASIO
Read and Write standard .WAV files
Mix and manipulate audio streams using a 32 bit floating mixing engine
Extensive support for reading and writing MIDI files
Full MIDI event model
Basic support for Windows Mixer APIs
A collection of useful Windows Forms Controls
Some basic audio effects, including a compressor
