numa_police_memory - linux

I'm debugging NUMACTL on MIPS machine. In numa_police_memory() API, we have:
void numa_police_memory(void *mem, size_t size)
int pagesize = numa_pagesize_int();
unsigned long i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i += pagesize)
asm volatile("" :: "r" (((volatile unsigned char *)mem)[i]));
It seems "asm volatile("" :: "r" (((volatile unsigned char *)mem)[i]));" is used for reading a VM so that all the memory applied by previous mmap will be allocated onto some specific physical memory. But how does this asm code work? I can't read assembly language! Why is the first double quote empty???

Interestingly, there is no assembly code in this snippet at all, though the asm statement is used. It contains a blank assembly "program", an empty list of outputs, and a list of inputs. The input specification forces ((volatile unsigned char *)mem)[i] to be in a register. So all this bit of magic will do is generate a load of the first byte of each page (pre-fault the pages).


Is the sscanf function in the Linux kernel susceptible to buffer overflow attacks?

From what I understand, a typical buffer overflow attack occurs when an attack overflows a buffer of memory on the stack, thus allowing the attacker to inject malicious code and rewrite the return address on the stack to point to that code.
This is a common concern when using functions (such as sscanf) that blindly copy data from one area to another, checking one for a termination byte:
char str[8]; /* holds up to 8 bytes of data */
char *buf = "lots and lots of foobars"; /* way more than 8 bytes of data */
sscanf(buf, "%s", str); /* buffer overflow occurs here! */
I noticed some sysfs_ops store functions in the Linux kernel are implemented with the Linux kernel's version of the sscanf function:
static char str[8]; /* global string */
static ssize_t my_store(struct device *dev,
struct device_attribute *attr,
const char *buf, size_t size)
sscanf(buf, "%s", str); /* buf holds more than 8 bytes! */
return size;
Suppose this store callback function is set to a writable sysfs attribute. Would a malicious user be able to intentionally overflow the buffer via a write call?
Normally, I would expect guards against buffer overflow attacks -- such as limiting the number of bytes read -- but I see none in a good number of functions (for example in drivers/scsi/scsi_sysfs.c).
Does the implementation of the Linux kernel version of sscanf protect against buffer overflow attacks; or is there another reason -- perhaps buffer overflow attacks are impossible given how the Linux kernel works under the hood?
The Linux sscanf() is vulnerable to buffer overflows; inspection of the source shows this. You can use width specifiers to limit the amount a %s is allowed to write. At some point your str must have had copy_from_user() run on it as well. It is possible the user space to pass some garbage pointer to the kernel.
In the version of Linux you cited, the scsi_sysfs.c does have a buffer overflow. The latest version does not. The committed fix should fix the issue you see.
Short answer:
sscanf, when well called, will not cause buffer overflow, especially in sysfs xxx_store() function. (There are a lot sscanf in sysfs XXX_store() examples), because Linux kernel add a '\0' (zero-terminated) byte after the string (buf[len] = 0;) for your XXX_store() function.
Long answer:
Normally, sysfs are defined to have a strict formatted data. Since you expect 8 bytes at most, it's reasonable to limit the size you get like this:
static char str[8]; /* global string */
static ssize_t my_store(struct device *dev,
struct device_attribute *attr,
const char *buf, size_t size)
if (size > 8) {
printk("Error: Input size > 8: too large\n");
return -EINVAL;
sscanf(buf, "%s", str); /* buf holds more than 8 bytes! */
return size;
(Note: use 9 rather than 8, if you expect a 8-bytes string plus '\n')
(Note that you do reject some inputs such as those with many leading white spaces. However, who would send a string with many leading white spaces? Those who want to break your code, right? If they don't follow your spec, just reject them.)
Note that Linux kernel purposely inserts a '\0' at offset len (i.e. buf[len] = 0;) when the user write len bytes to sysfs purposely for safe sscanf, as said in a comment in kernel 2.6: fs/sysfs/file.c:
static int
fill_write_buffer(struct sysfs_buffer * buffer, const char __user * buf, size_t count)
int error;
if (!buffer->page)
buffer->page = (char *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_KERNEL);
if (!buffer->page)
return -ENOMEM;
if (count >= PAGE_SIZE)
count = PAGE_SIZE - 1;
error = copy_from_user(buffer->page,buf,count);
buffer->needs_read_fill = 1;
/* if buf is assumed to contain a string, terminate it by \0,
so e.g. sscanf() can scan the string easily */
buffer->page[count] = 0;
return error ? -EFAULT : count;
static ssize_t
sysfs_write_file(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
struct sysfs_buffer * buffer = file->private_data;
ssize_t len;
len = fill_write_buffer(buffer, buf, count);
if (len > 0)
len = flush_write_buffer(file->f_path.dentry, buffer, len);
if (len > 0)
*ppos += len;
return len;
Higher kernel version keeps the same logic (though already completely rewritten).

kmalloc: only allocating 4 bytes

So I am trying to dynamically allocate a buffer on module initialization. The buffer needs to be in scope at all times as it stores data that user space programs interact with. So here is my code:
static char* file_data
#define MAX_SIZE 256
file_data = kzalloc(MAX_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL)
However when I do sizeof file_data it always returns 4. What am I doing wrong?
Edit: The buffer stores input from a user space program, but 4 characters is all that can be stored.
size_t read_file(char* __user buf, size_t count)
unsigned int len = 0;
len = copy_to_user(buf, file_data, count);
return count;
ssize_t write_file(char* __user buf, size_t count)
if(count >= MAX_SIZE)
return -EINVAL;
copy_from_user(file_data, buf,count)
return count;
file_data is a pointer. On a 32-bit platform, it's size is 32 bits, or 4 bytes. What you want to know is the size of the data pointed to by file_data. You can't use the sizeof operator for this because sizeof is a compile time operation. You can't use it on things allocated dynamically at run time.
(Besides, you already know the size of the data pointed to by file_data -- it's MAX_SIZE?)
char *file_data is a pointer to a char. Evidently you're on a 32-bit system so any pointer is 4 bytes. The compiler (which handles sizeof) doesn't know or care how much memory you're allocating for file_data to point to, it just knows you're asking for the size of the pointer (which you are, whether you meant to or not). If you want the size of the memory it points to, you'll have to keep track of it yourself.

Reading x86 MSR from kernel module

My main aim is to get the address values of the last 16 branches maintained by the LBR registers when a program crashes. I tried two ways till now -
1) msr-tools
This allows me to read the msr values from the command line. I make system calls to it from the C program itself and try to read the values. But the register values seem no where related to the addresses in the program itself. Most probably the registers are getting polluted from the other branches in system code. I tried turning off recording of branches in ring 0 and far jumps. But that doesn't help. Still getting unrelated values.
2) accessing through kernel module
Ok I wrote a very simple module (I've never done this before) to access the msr registers directly and possibly avoid register pollution.
Here's what I have -
#define LBR 0x1d9 //IA32_DEBUGCTL MSR
//I first set this to some non 0 value using wrmsr (msr-tools)
static void __init do_rdmsr(unsigned msr, unsigned unused2)
uint64_t msr_value;
__asm__ __volatile__ (" rdmsr"
: "=A" (msr_value)
: "c" (msr)
printk(KERN_EMERG "%lu \n",msr_value);
static int hello_init(void)
printk(KERN_EMERG "Value is ");
do_rdmsr (LBR,0);
return 0;
static void hello_exit(void)
printk(KERN_EMERG "End\n");
But the problem is that every time I use dmesg to read the output I get just
Value is 0
(I have tried for other registers - it always comes as 0)
Is there something that I am forgetting here?
Any help? Thanks
Use the following:
unsigned long long x86_get_msr(int msr)
unsigned long msrl = 0, msrh = 0;
/* NOTE: rdmsr is always return EDX:EAX pair value */
asm volatile ("rdmsr" : "=a"(msrl), "=d"(msrh) : "c"(msr));
return ((unsigned long long)msrh << 32) | msrl;
You can use Ilya Matveychikov's answer... or... OR :
#include <asm/msr.h>
int err;
unsigned int msr, cpu;
unsigned long long val;
/* rdmsr without exception handling */
val = rdmsrl(msr);
/* rdmsr with exception handling */
err = rdmsrl_safe(msr, &val);
/* rdmsr on a given CPU (instead of current one) */
err = rdmsrl_safe_on_cpu(cpu, msr, &val);
And there are many more functions, such as :
int msr_set_bit(u32 msr, u8 bit)
int msr_clear_bit(u32 msr, u8 bit)
void rdmsr_on_cpus(const struct cpumask *mask, u32 msr_no, struct msr *msrs)
int rdmsr_safe_regs_on_cpu(unsigned int cpu, u32 regs[8])
Have a look at /lib/modules/<uname -r>/build/arch/x86/include/asm/msr.h

String manipulation in Linux kernel module

I am having a hard time in manipulating strings while writing module for linux. My problem is that I have a int Array[10] with different values in it. I need to produce a string to be able send to the buffer in my_read procedure. If my array is {0,1,112,20,4,0,0,0,0,0}
then my output should be:
when I try to place the above strings in char[] arrays some how weird characters end up there
here is the code
int my_read (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data)
int len;
if (off > 0){
*eof =1;
return 0;
/* get process tree */
int task_dep=0; /* depth of a task from INIT*/
char tmp[1024];
char A[ProcPerDepth[0]],B[ProcPerDepth[1]],C[ProcPerDepth[2]],D[ProcPerDepth[3]],E[ProcPerDepth[4]],F[ProcPerDepth[5]],G[ProcPerDepth[6]],H[ProcPerDepth[7]],I[ProcPerDepth[8]],J[ProcPerDepth[9]];
int i=0;
for (i=0;i<1024;i++){ tmp[i]='\0';}
memset(A, '\0', sizeof(A));memset(B, '\0', sizeof(B));memset(C, '\0', sizeof(C));
memset(D, '\0', sizeof(D));memset(E, '\0', sizeof(E));memset(F, '\0', sizeof(F));
memset(G, '\0', sizeof(G));memset(H, '\0', sizeof(H));memset(I, '\0', sizeof(I));memset(J, '\0', sizeof(J));
len = sprintf(page,"0:%s(%d)\n1:%s(%d)\n2:%s(%d)\n3:%s(%d)\n4:%s(%d)\n5:%s(%d)\n6:%s(%d)\n7:%s(%d)\n8:%s(%d)\n9:%s(%d)\n",A,ProcPerDepth[0],B,ProcPerDepth[1],C,ProcPerDepth[2],D,ProcPerDepth[3],E,ProcPerDepth[4],F,ProcPerDepth[5],G,ProcPerDepth[6],H,ProcPerDepth[7],I,ProcPerDepth[8],J,ProcPerDepth[9]);
return len;
it worked out with this:
char s[500];
for (i=len=0;i<10;++i){
I wonder if there is an easy flag to multiply string char in sprintf. thanx –
Here are a some issues:
You have entirely filled the A, B, C ... arrays with characters. Then, you pass them to an I/O routine that is expecting null-terminated strings. Because your strings are not null-terminated, printk() will keep printing whatever is in stack memory after your object until it finds a null by luck.
Multi-threaded kernels like Linux have strict and relatively small constraints regarding stack allocations. All instances in the kernel call chain must fit into a specific size or something will be overwritten. You may not get any detection of this error, just some kind of downstream crash as memory corruption leads to a panic or a wedge. Allocating large and variable arrays on a kernel stack is just not a good idea.
If you are going to write the tmp[] array and properly nul-terminate it, there is no reason to also initialize it. But if you were going to initialize it, you could do so with compiler-generated code by just saying: char tmp[1024] = { 0 }; (A partial initialization of an aggregate requires by C99 initialization of the entire aggregate.) A similar observation applies to the other arrays.
How about getting rid of most of those arrays and most of that code and just doing something along the lines of:
for(i = j = 0; i < n; ++i)
j += sprintf(page + j, "...", ...)

Buffer Overrun Issues VC++

When i execute my code i am getting this error
LPTSTR lpBuffer;
while(*lpBuffer != NULL)
printf("%s\n", lpBuffer); // or MessageBox(NULL, temp, "Test", 0); or whatever
lpBuffer += lstrlen(lpBuffer)+1;
printf("sizeof(lpBuffer) %d\n",lstrlen(lpBuffer));
sizeof(lpBuffer) 3
sizeof(lpBuffer) 3
sizeof(lpBuffer) 3
sizeof(lpBuffer) 0
lpBuffer points to random memory. You need something like this:
LPTSTR lpBuffer = new TCHAR[1025];
edit: Corrected the array size to be 1025 instead of 1024, because the length parameter is 1024. This API requires careful reading.
You are supposed to pass a memory address where the string will be copied. However you have not allocated any space for holding the characters. You need to allocate space before passing it to the GetLogicalDriveStrings function. You can allocate the memory on heap as #Windows programmer suppgested or if the maximum length of the string is known at compile time you can allocate it on stack using TCHAR lpBuffer[1024]; Additinally, you are using printf to print the unicode (may be as it depends on compiler flag). This will not work and will print only first character.
You need to actually pass in a buffer - note that the size of the buffer you pass in needs to be one less than the actual size of the buffer to account for the final terminating '\0' character (I have no idea why the API was designed like that).
Here's a slightly modified version of your example:
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
enum {
BUFSIZE = 1024
int _tmain (int argc, TCHAR *argv[])
LPTSTR lpBuffer = szTemp; // point lpBuffer to the buffer we've allocated
szTemp[0] = _T( '\0'); // I'm not sure if this is necessary, but it was
// in the example given for GetLogicalDriveStrings()
GetLogicalDriveStrings( BUFSIZE-1, lpBuffer); // note: BUFSIZE minus 1
while(*lpBuffer != _T('\0'))
_tprintf( _T("%s\n"), lpBuffer);
lpBuffer += lstrlen(lpBuffer)+1;
_tprintf( _T("length of lpBuffer: %d\n"),lstrlen(lpBuffer));
return 0;
