Sahi scripts are not running through Putty - linux

I started Sahi using putty but I got the following error during running scripts:
Script didn't start 150 ms.
I ran both Sahi and script through putty. It's a point to note that running through Linux terminal it's working fine. Please help me regarding this issue.

You might want to check if there's any difference between the environments (env) when running in a terminal and when running in Putty. Also, if those sahi scripts are bash, you can run it with bash -x to see what's going on inside.


Run mlagents_envs UnityEnvironment from remote ssh login

I have a script in which I build a mlagents_envs.environments.UnityEnvironment that successfully launches and works when I run the script from terminal sessions started on my ubuntu machine (that has a GUI). And if I ssh into the machine, I can run these scripts from tmux sessions that were originally created locally on my machine. If, however, I try to run the script from a terminal session created through the remote ssh connection, the script hangs when trying to create the UnityEnvironment. It just says:
Found path: <path_to_unity_executable>
and eventually times out.
I've tried to run the script with a virtual display and it still doesn't work. Specifically, I've tried:
$ xvfb-run --auto-servernum --server-args='-screen 1 640x480x24:64' python3 -batchmode
$ xvfb-run --auto-servernum --server-args='-screen 1 640x480x24:64' python3
And I've tried the instructions found here:
Has anyone encountered this issue? Do you have any suggestions?
The solution ended up being fairly simple. I just needed to specify the right DEVICE before running the script.
$ DEVICE=:1 python3
If anyone else runs into this, you might also need to enable X11 forwarding in both the ssh settings on the server and the client. I'm not 100% sure.

Is it possible to run a command from Cygwin, into a Git Bash terminal, with arguments?

I haven't been able to find a similar question, but I can't imagine this is an issue that comes up too much.
At my workplace I've decided to switch over to a full Linux experience by using Cygwin, over what I was previously using, Git Bash.
The only slight drawback is that we have a script written in Ruby that deploys changes to our site. I can run this from my Git Bash terminal no problem, but not Cygwin as there doesn't seem to be a Ruby installation on here. I've learned about sending standard output to other terminal windows, but I've only been successful when both terminals have been the same shell.
What I'd like to do is the following:
1. Type a command into Cygwin that opens a Git Bash terminal and automatically runs ./ on that Git Bash terminal upon opening.
2. If possible, also pass in an argument in the same command, that the script expects upon running. (In this case it's whether we want to deploy to our staging or production server).
Is this possible? So far I can get what looks to be a Git Bash terminal to open and prompt me for the server, but when I enter it, it does not work. I get an error with regards to a command within the script not being found. Thing is, running this same ./ script in a Git Bash terminal that I open myself works perfectly as it always has. The Git Bash terminal that is being opened by Cygwin does not appear to have all of the capabilities of a Git Bash terminal I open 'the normal way'.
The command I am running so far from Cygwin is as follows:
/cygdrive/c/'Program Files'/Git/git-bash.exe "./"
I understand there is probably a way of getting this to work by installing Ruby via Cygwin but I'd like to mess around with my work environment as little as possible in case I somehow affect my ability to deploy my work... and besides, Git Bash definitely runs this script without an issue so I can't see why I would need a duplicate installation.
Many thanks!

#reboot via crontab isnt working

IM running a VPS server on Ubuntu 14.04 minimal x86. I connect to it using putty via SSH.
On the server i have a simple script that is starting a few instances of bots
nohup node /nodebots/bot10/server.js &
I use root as a user, so all the privileges and +chmod X are set properly (in my opinion)
The idea is that my node.js program is not excelent + the service im running the bots for sometimes has reboots, server crashes etc.
Ive installed crontab and at this moment struggling to set the script to be run at boot.
Ive used various solutions including trying to boot it via init.d , adding a line to rc.local and well using crontab -e. None of it helps.
Currently the code in crontab looked the following ways
`#reboot sh /nodebots/`
#reboot root /nodebots/sh
#reboot cd /nodebots/ && sh
None of it helped.
Im new to Ubuntu, coding and even terminal commands. I would really apreaciate any kind of help. I will be more then grateful for a step by step tutorial on what im doing wrong and what should be done.

Controlling a remote process in Linux

I'm connected to a server remotely. Now, I need to run a process, but the condition here is the process shouldn't terminate even though I had turned off my computer.
How to deal with this problem?
Relevant help is heart-fully appreciated..!!
Thanks in Advance..
You have several options:
Run the script using nohup
Run it through screen
Run it using tmux
Use VNC and run the script from within the X session.

Using script to automatically start program when the system boot up (linux, shell)

Here is the situation, I'm planning to use a simple script to start a program call "STAF", when the Suse system is fully booted. I have achieved this by putting it in the "/etc/init.d/", but this script is basically executed at the background, which means that I cannot see its progress.
When the "STAF" is started this way it works but it doesn't show any working progress when its running service (for example ping, or system backup), instead if I start the "STAF" manually by running the same script whit a terminal, the working progress of "STAF" can be seen on the terminal. Its sort of like the program needs to be started with a interactive terminal, but how can I make this starting process automatic and it should imitate human opening a terminal and run the script?
Sorry if I explained it poorly because its a confusing situation. Thanks.
First, go to the KDE Startup and Shutdown options under System Settings. Then add this command as a new startup script:
konsole -e bash
I believe the screen utility can do what you describe. Instead of running STAF on startup, you would run screen STAF. To open that terminal, you would run screen -ls to get the screen ID, and screen -r ... to open it.
(Disclaimer: I have not tried this.)
