optgroup with Combo Box control - xpages

Is it possible to render <optgroup> tags within select by native or ExtLib Combo box control?
I want to use native solution, so getComponent() or validators will work. That disqualifies inline html with jQuery/dojo, i think.

There doesn't seem to be native support for the <optGroup> tag jet. However, in contrast to the assumption of disqualifying jQuery/dojo, does this seem to be the solution. Where getComponent(), getValue(), setValue() etc.. still work.
The only thing that needs to be done for every <optGroup> you want, is adding a <xp:selectItem itemLabel="With your optGroup label" itemValue"optGroup1"></xp:selectItem>. When multiple <optGroups>'s are used the itemValue needs to increment by 1. I pasted an example below, hope this helps.
<xp:script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js" clientSide="true"></xp:script>
<xp:comboBox id="comboBox1" styleClass="optGroup">
<xp:selectItem itemLabel="Swedish Cars" itemValue="optGroup1"></xp:selectItem>
<xp:selectItem itemLabel="Volvo" itemValue="volvo"></xp:selectItem>
<xp:selectItem itemLabel="Saab" itemValue="saab"></xp:selectItem>
<xp:selectItem itemLabel="German Cars" itemValue="optGroup2"></xp:selectItem>
<xp:selectItem itemLabel="Mercedes" itemValue="mercedes"></xp:selectItem>
<xp:selectItem itemLabel="Audi" itemValue="audi"></xp:selectItem>
<xp:scriptBlock id="scriptBlock1">
//Iterate across the <option>'s for which the itemValues begin with "optGroup".
$('.optGroup option[value^="optGroup"]').each(function(index, node) {
//Use the actual itemValue ("optGroup1") to get all its siblings until the next
//<option> is found with (again) an itemValue of "optGroup" (i.e. "optGroup2").
$('.optGroup option[value="' + node.value + '"]').
//No harm for last iteration: .nextAll() will be used if the selector is
//not matched or is not supplied (in this example "optGroup3" won't get a match).
nextUntil('.optGroup option[value="optGroup' + (index + 2) + '"]').
//Wrap them in a <optGroup> tag and give it its label (itemLabel).
wrapAll('<optGroup label="' + node.text + '"></optGroup>');
//Remove the initial <option> since we no longer need it.
<xp:button value="Submit" id="button1">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true"
print("Submitting: " + getComponent("comboBox1").getValue() );

I have found this answer to my question.
Computed values for combo box in Domino Designer can return string vectors/arrays, usually as return value of #DbLookup or #DbColumn. While experimenting, I have found you can return native component for select items, including group (which inherits from select item).
Following snippet will build what I wanted: grouped hierarchy of items.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/core">
<xp:comboBox id="comboBox1" value="#{viewScope.combo}">
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[${javascript:var itms = new javax.faces.model.SelectItem[2];
var itm = null;
itm = new javax.faces.model.SelectItem();
itms[0] = itm;
itm = new javax.faces.model.SelectItem();
itms[1] = itm;
var g = new javax.faces.model.SelectItemGroup();
Based on this example you can combine many data sources to build computed <optgroup> combos, including backing beans or scoped variables.


Xpages: how to do partial refresh correctly

I am trying to get a partial refresh to ONLY refresh the chunk of the page that I need to refresh. I understand that if I do a normal partial refresh the entire JSF lifecycle gets called. I understand that a way around this is to set "Set partial execution mode" and to select the ID I want to refresh.
However I can't get it to work.
Below I have put in a very simple example. When I put a value in the execID then I do not see the refreshed form row. When I don't put the execID in I DO see the values of the form rows, but I believe I am not doing a partial refresh.
I am not understanding something. Any help would be very much appreiciated.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/core"
<xe:formRow id="flyApplication" labelPosition="inherit"
<xp:checkBoxGroup id="field1" layout="lineDirection"
<xp:eventHandler event="onchange" submit="true"
refreshMode="partial" refreshId="pnlModules" execMode="partial" execId="pnlModules">
<xp:this.action><![CDATA[#{javascript:var v = getComponent("field1").getValue();
print (v);}]]></xp:this.action>
<xp:panel id="pnlModules">
<xe:formRow id="fr2" labelPosition="inherit"
<xe:this.rendered><![CDATA[#{javascript:var v = getComponent("field1").getValue();
if (v == "Yes")
{return true}
{return false}}]]></xe:this.rendered>ddd<xp:checkBoxGroup id="field2" layout="lineDirection"
<xp:selectItem itemLabel="Values" itemValue="Values"></xp:selectItem>
Partial Execution requires that the control that triggers the event be inside the panel that is getting partially executed.
Keep in mind that partial refresh and partial execution are two different things but can be used together if you keep in mind what I said above.

Edit box in repeat control with default value does not update on delete

I have a Repeat control in which I have a edit box which has passed a default value.There is a Delete button to delete that row.
just for test I have used a computed field along with the edit box.Computed field is also passed the same value as edit box.Now both computed Field and Edit Box has same value,When I click on Delete button randomly,it gets delete but only computed field updates properly in repeat control wherever deleted,
In case of Edit box,it shows the last record disappears.
So the issue is, the value in edit box does not get update like computed field does.I have done the test by writing following code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/core">
<xp:dominoDocument var="document1" formName="testing">
<xp:inputText id="inputText1" multipleSeparator=",">
<xp:this.defaultValue><![CDATA[#{javascript:var v:java.util.Vector = new java.util.Vector();
return v;}]]></xp:this.defaultValue>
<xp:repeat id="repeat1" rows="30" var="r" indexVar="i" first="0">
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:return getComponent("inputText1").getValue();}]]></xp:this.value>
<xp:div style="text-align:center">
<xp:label value="#{javascript:r}" id="label1"
<xp:button value="Delete" id="button1">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true"
<xp:this.action><![CDATA[#{javascript:var v:java.util.Vector = getComponent("inputText1").getValue();
if(v != null){
var sdtString = getComponent("inputText2").getValue();
<xp:inputText id="inputText2">
This is the example code for testing to get the exact issue.
Edit 1: Real Scenario
We have an application to select multiple dates for a meeting and hence using the notes free time we mark multiple dates and then users are allowed to edit/delete the same in another window..Since, it was not possible/feasible enough to save all the fields in SSJS, we rather preferred binding each field with the data-source under the repeat control by using custom properties of the custom control (hope I am making some sense). Every fields is mapped as #chintan pointed out as follows:
As described in the first part of the question the fields are not getting updated since we set them using default values. However, based on the suggestion we tried to set the field using the script library which does work well, however, might seem stupid but it messes the date field. When we set the value using the following:
var d:java.util.Date = new java.util.Date(compositeData.selectedDate);
It jumbles up the month, date and year field and shows a complete different value (the same code works well when put as the default value).
Hope this makes sense.
Any kind of solution can be appreciated.
inputText2's defaultValue gets executed only once at first page load. Then the XPage memorized that repeat 1 has inputText2 defaultValue 1, repeat 2 has inputText2 defaultValue 2 and so on.
Example: as you can see in print log, inputText2's defaultValue doesn't get calculated again after deleting row 3 and later row 1.
Turn it around and set inputText2's value in label1's value code:
value="#{javascript:getComponent('inputText2').setValue(r); r}"
then it will set inputText2's value properly. You don't need inputText2's defaultValue property anymore.
As an alternative you can define inputText2's value property and bind it to a row-specific data source or viewScope variable.
As you described in your "Edit 1 Real Scenario", you want to edit and delete pairs of dates. I created the following example. Instead of dates I just use strings for simplicity. Keep the dates in a viewScope variable and edit/delete them right there:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
{"from":"a", "to":"b"},
{"from":"c", "to":"d"},
{"from":"x", "to":"y"}];}]]></xp:this.beforePageLoad>
<xp:br />
<xp:this.action><![CDATA[#{javascript: viewScope.dates.remove(i);
<xp:this.action><![CDATA[#{javascript: "";
var length = viewScope.dates.length;
var result = "";
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result += viewScope.dates[i].from + " - " + viewScope.dates[i].to + "<br />";
Create the viewScope variable as an array of objects.

Xpages 8.5.3 Bug ? xp:input text

I have 2 edit Boxes, 1 is editable, the other just prints the name of the sessionScope, both fields are in a in 2 cells next to each other , see code below, inputText1 is a editable text field, inputText2 is non editable text, printing #{sessionScope.Tmp1_ABC}
<xp:inputText id="inputText1"
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[${javascript:var fieldName = "Tmp_" + #ReplaceSubstring(varcollection," ","");
return '#{sessionScope.' + #ReplaceSubstring(fieldName,#List(" ",")","("),"") + '}';}]]></xp:this.value>
event="onchange" submit="true" refreshMode="partial"
refreshId="panel_1" />
<xp:inputText id="inputText2"
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:var fieldName = "Tmp1_" + #ReplaceSubstring(varcollection," ","");
return '#{sessionScope.' + #ReplaceSubstring(fieldName,#List(" ",")","("),"") + '}';}]]></xp:this.value>
event="onchange" submit="true" refreshMode="partial"
refreshId="panel_1" />
AFAIK you can't assemble your data binding that way. Data binding is an EL expression, not SSJS. You could try to trick using ${} to compute #{}
As per Stefan, using SSJS (javascript:) to define a value for an input control results in it only being read-only. For values to be editable they must be bound using Expression Language (EL). For something as complex as the example (looping over a list of field/variable) you will most likely have to learn a little Java to allow you to connect your input controls to the bean via EL. If the purpose of the code is to have one field editable and the other read-only you should (as Per suggested) change the control from being an inputText to just (computed) text or a label and remove the event handler. Somebody reading the code could easily be confused in thinking you intended both to be editable.

Cannot get selected value of a combobox

I'm going crazy: I cannot access the selected value of a combobox in the onchange event:
<xp:comboBox id="comboBox1" value="#{sessionScope.groupBy}">
<xp:selectItem itemLabel="nothing" itemValue=""></xp:selectItem>
<xp:selectItem itemLabel="State" itemValue="state"></xp:selectItem>
<xp:selectItem itemLabel="CCType" itemValue="cctype"></xp:selectItem>
<xp:eventHandler event="onchange" submit="true" refreshMode="complete">
#{javascript:sessionScope.groupBy = getComponent("comboBox1").getValue();
print( getComponent("comboBox1").getValue() )}
I want to store the value and reload the page to access the value I just submitted. I also tried getSubmittedValue() and value only. They always return null.
What is the trick here?
I have a problem similar to that one but if I understand your quandary I may have a solution. You are trying to capture the value of a combo box field that you select correct? Here is the code for the combo box (name: POVendor). The view I'm drawing the list from is named "PLBV".
#DbColumn(#DbName(), "PLBV", 1)
Here is the code for the Computed field that captures the value of the selection in the combo box. Just do a partial refresh on the computed field from the combo box & it should work fine.
var item = document1.getValue("POVendor");
return item;
I was facing the similar issue, tried the below option and it worked for me.
Set the Server Options on the onChange event of the combobox to Full Update and check the option "Process Data without validation
This will give you the desired result.(Your sessionScope.groupBy will be set to the new selected value of the combobox.

Formatting checkBoxGroup on an XPage

I've got a checkBoxGroup that can expand to 20 items or so, as users pick which fields from a view that they want to export to a spreadsheet. I'm curious how I might control the display of those 20 checkboxes (dynamically determined) to be in more than one row or even to display in a column instead.
<xp:checkBoxGroup id="fieldChoicesBox">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="false" id="eventHandler2">
<![CDATA[var x= '#{javascript:getClientId("fieldChoicesBox")}';
var y= '#{javascript:getClientId("fieldChoicesBoxList")}';
<![CDATA[#{javascript: var viewName=#UpperCase(getComponent("viewChoice").getValue());
var tmp = #DbLookup(#DbName(),"dbprofile",viewName,"Value");
This is all built off code I originally got from Russ Maher (see http://xpagetips.blogspot.com/2012/06/extending-your-xpages-applications-with.html) so any brilliance is attributable to him, while all mistakes are mine.
Alternatively, if you have an idea for how to pick fields or columns to display in the export that works more easily or elegantly, I'd be thrilled to hear it.
If your using or can use the ExtLib I'd use the valuePicker control, lets you select multiple values from the one control ( hold down ctrl while choosing ). Heres an example:
<xp:inputtext id="example" multipleSeparator=","></xp:inputText>
<xe:valuePicker for="example" pickerText="text">
<xe:simpleValuePicker valueList="test1, test2, test3, test4"
