Atomic reads and writes of properties - multithreading

This question has been asked before but i still don't understand it fully so here it goes.
If i have a class with a property (a non-nullable double or int) - can i read and write the property with multiple threads?
I have read somewhere that since doubles are 64 bytes, it is possible to read a double property on one thread while it is being written on a different one. This will result in the reading thread returning a value that is neither the original value nor the new written value.
When could this happen? Is it possible with ints as well? Does it happen with both 64 and 32 bit applications?
I haven't been able to replicate this situation in a console

If i have a class with a property (a non-nullable double or int) - can i read and write the property with multiple theads?
I assume you mean "without any synchronization".
double and long are both 64 bits (8 bytes) in size, and are not guaranteed to be written atomically. So if you were moving from a value with byte pattern ABCD EFGH to a value with byte pattern MNOP QRST, you could potentially end up seeing (from a different thread) ABCD QRST or MNOP EFGH.
With properly aligned values of size 32 bits or lower, atomicity is guaranteed. (I don't remember seeing any guarantees that values will be properly aligned, but I believe they are by default unless you force a particular layout via attributes.) The C# 4 spec doesn't even mention alignment in section 5.5 which deals with atomicity:
Reads and writes of the following data types are atomic: bool, char, byte, sbyte, short, ushort, uint, int, float, and reference types. In addition, reads and writes of enum types with an underlying type in the previous list are also atomic. Reads and writes of other types, including long, ulong, double, and decimal, as well as user-defined types, are not guaranteed to be atomic. Aside from the library functions designed for that purpose, there is no guarantee of atomic read-modify-write, such as in the case of increment or decrement.
Additionally, atomicity isn't the same as volatility - so without any extra care being taken, a read from one thread may not "see" a write from a different thread.

These operations are not atomic, that's why the Interlocked class exists in the first place, with methods like Increment(Int32) and Increment(Int64).
To ensure thread safety, you should use at least this class, if not more complex locking (with ReaderWriterLockSlim, for example, in case you want to synchronize access to groups of properties).


How to input a string value of unknown length from console in Fortran? [duplicate]

I would like to use deferred-length character strings in a "simple" manner to read user input. The reason that I want to do this is that I do not want to have to declare the size of a character string before knowing how large the user input will be. I know that there are "complicated" ways to do this. For example, the iso_varying_string module can be used: Also, there is a solution here: Fortran Character Input at Undefined Length. However, I was hoping for something as simple, or almost as simple, as the following:
program main
character(len = :), allocatable :: my_string
read(*, '(a)') my_string
write(*,'(a)') my_string
print *, allocated(my_string), len(my_string)
end program
When I run this program, the output is:
here is the user input
F 32765
Notice that there is no output from write(*,'(a)') my_string. Why?
Also, my_string has not been allocated. Why?
Why isn't this a simple feature of Fortran? Do other languages have this simple feature? Am I lacking some basic understanding about this issue in general?
vincentjs's answer isn't quite right.
Modern (2003+) Fortran does allow automatic allocation and re-allocation of strings on assignment, so a sequence of statements such as this
character(len=:), allocatable :: string
string = 'Hello'
string = 'my friend'
string = 'Hello '//string
is correct and will work as expected and write out 3 strings of different lengths. At least one compiler in widespread use, the Intel Fortran compiler, does not engage 2003 semantics by default so may raise an error on trying to compile this. Refer to the documentation for the setting to use Fortran 2003.
However, this feature is not available when reading a string so you have to resort to the tried and tested (aka old-fashioned if you prefer) approach of declaring a buffer of sufficient size for any input and of then assigning the allocatable variable. Like this:
character(len=long) :: buffer
character(len=:), allocatable :: string
read(*,*) buffer
string = trim(buffer)
No, I don't know why the language standard forbids automatic allocation on read, just that it does.
Deferred length character is a Fortran 2003 feature. Note that many of the complicated methods linked to are written against earlier language versions.
With Fortran 2003 support, reading a complete record into a character variable is relatively straight forward. A simple example with very minimal error handling below. Such a procedure only needs to be written once, and can be customized to suit a user's particular requirements.
CALL read_line(input_unit, my_string)
WRITE (*, "(A)") my_string
PRINT *, ALLOCATED(my_string), LEN(my_string)
SUBROUTINE read_line(unit, line)
! The unit, connected for formatted input, to read the record from.
! The contents of the record.
INTEGER :: stat ! IO statement IOSTAT result.
CHARACTER(256) :: buffer ! Buffer to read a piece of the record.
INTEGER :: size ! Number of characters read from the file.
line = ''
READ (unit, "(A)", ADVANCE='NO', IOSTAT=stat, SIZE=size) buffer
IF (stat > 0) STOP 'Error reading file.'
line = line // buffer(:size)
! An end of record condition or end of file condition stops the loop.
IF (stat < 0) RETURN
Deferred length arrays are just that: deferred length. You still need to allocate the size of the array using the allocate statement before you can assign values to it. Once you allocate it, you can't change the size of the array unless you deallocate and then reallocate with a new size. That's why you're getting a debug error.
Fortran does not provide a way to dynamically resize character arrays like the std::string class does in C++, for example. In C++, you could initialize std::string var = "temp", then redefine it to var = "temporary" without any extra work, and this would be valid. This is only possible because the resizing is done behind the scenes by the functions in the std::string class (it doubles the size if the buffer limit is exceeded, which is functionally equivalent to reallocateing with a 2x bigger array).
Practically speaking, the easiest way I've found when dealing with strings in Fortran is to allocate a reasonably large character array that will fit most expected inputs. If the size of the input exceeds the buffer, then simply increase the size of your array by reallocateing with a larger size. Removing trailing white space can be done using trim.
You know that there are "complicated" ways of doing what you want. Rather than address those, I'll answer your first two "why?"s.
Unlike intrinsic assignment a read statement does not have the target variable first allocated to the correct size and type parameters for the thing coming in (if it isn't already like that). Indeed, it is a requirement that the items in an input list be allocated. Fortran 2008, 9.6.3, clearly states:
If an input item or an output item is allocatable, it shall be allocated.
This is the case whether the allocatable variable is a character with deferred length, a variable with other deferred length-type parameters, or an array.
There is another way to declare a character with deferred length: giving it the pointer attribute. This doesn't help you, though, as we also see
If an input item is a pointer, it shall be associated with a definable target ...
Why you have no output from your write statement is related to why you see that the character variable isn't allocated: you haven't followed the requirements of Fortran and so you can't expect the behaviour that isn't specified.
I'll speculate as to why this restriction is here. I see two obvious ways to relax the restriction
allow automatic allocation generally;
allow allocation of a deferred length character.
The second case would be easy:
If an input item or an output item is allocatable, it shall be allocated unless it is a scalar character variable with deferred length.
This, though, is clumsy and such special cases seem against the ethos of the standard as a whole. We'd also need a carefully thought out rule about alloction for this special case.
If we go for the general case for allocation, we'd presumably require that the unallocated effective item is the final effective item in the list:
integer, allocatable :: a(:), b(:)
character(7) :: ifile = '1 2 3 4'
read(ifile,*) a, b
and then we have to worry about
type aaargh(len)
integer, len :: len
integer, dimension(len) :: a, b
end type
type(aaargh), allocatable :: a(:)
character(9) :: ifile = '1 2 3 4 5'
read(ifile,*) a
It gets quite messy very quickly. Which seems like a lot of problems to resolve where there are ways, of varying difficulty, of solving the read problem.
Finally, I'll also note that allocation is possible during a data transfer statement. Although a variable must be allocated (as the rules are now) when appearing in input list components of an allocated variable of derived type needn't be if that effective item is processed by defined input.

Does std::ptr::write transfer the "uninitialized-ness" of the bytes it writes?

I'm working on a library that help transact types that fit in a pointer-size int over FFI boundaries. Suppose I have a struct like this:
use std::mem::{size_of, align_of};
struct PaddingDemo {
data: u8,
force_pad: [usize; 0]
assert_eq!(size_of::<PaddingDemo>(), size_of::<usize>());
assert_eq!(align_of::<PaddingDemo>(), align_of::<usize>());
This struct has 1 data byte and 7 padding bytes. I want to pack an instance of this struct into a usize and then unpack it on the other side of an FFI boundary. Because this library is generic, I'm using MaybeUninit and ptr::write:
use std::ptr;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
let data = PaddingDemo { data: 12, force_pad: [] };
// In order to ensure all the bytes are initialized,
// zero-initialize the buffer
let mut packed: MaybeUninit<usize> = MaybeUninit::zeroed();
let ptr = packed.as_mut_ptr() as *mut PaddingDemo;
let packed_int = unsafe {
std::ptr::write(ptr, data);
// Attempt to trigger UB in Miri by reading the
// possibly uninitialized bytes
let copied = unsafe { ptr::read(&packed_int) };
Does that assume_init call triggered undefined behavior? In other words, when the ptr::write copies the struct into the buffer, does it copy the uninitialized-ness of the padding bytes, overwriting the initialized state as zero bytes?
Currently, when this or similar code is run in Miri, it doesn't detect any Undefined Behavior. However, per the discussion about this issue on github, ptr::write is supposedly allowed to copy those padding bytes, and furthermore to copy their uninitialized-ness. Is that true? The docs for ptr::write don't talk about this at all, nor does the nomicon section on uninitialized memory.
Does that assume_init call triggered undefined behavior?
Yes. "Uninitialized" is just another value that a byte in the Rust Abstract Machine can have, next to the usual 0x00 - 0xFF. Let us write this special byte as 0xUU. (See this blog post for a bit more background on this subject.) 0xUU is preserved by copies just like any other possible value a byte can have is preserved by copies.
But the details are a bit more complicated.
There are two ways to copy data around in memory in Rust.
Unfortunately, the details for this are also not explicitly specified by the Rust language team, so what follows is my personal interpretation. I think what I am saying is uncontroversial unless marked otherwise, but of course that could be a wrong impression.
Untyped / byte-wise copy
In general, when a range of bytes is being copied, the source range just overwrites the target range -- so if the source range was "0x00 0xUU 0xUU 0xUU", then after the copy the target range will have that exact list of bytes.
This is what memcpy/memmove in C behave like (in my interpretation of the standard, which is not very clear here unfortunately). In Rust, ptr::copy{,_nonoverlapping} probably performs a byte-wise copy, but it's not actually precisely specified right now and some people might want to say it is typed as well. This was discussed a bit in this issue.
Typed copy
The alternative is a "typed copy", which is what happens on every normal assignment (=) and when passing values to/from a function. A typed copy interprets the source memory at some type T, and then "re-serializes" that value of type T into the target memory.
The key difference to a byte-wise copy is that information which is not relevant at the type T is lost. This is basically a complicated way of saying that a typed copy "forgets" padding, and effectively resets it to uninitialized. Compared to an untyped copy, a typed copy loses more information. Untyped copies preserve the underlying representation, typed copies just preserve the represented value.
So even when you transmute 0usize to PaddingDemo, a typed copy of that value can reset this to "0x00 0xUU 0xUU 0xUU" (or any other possible bytes for the padding) -- assuming data sits at offset 0, which is not guaranteed (add #[repr(C)] if you want that guarantee).
In your case, ptr::write takes an argument of type PaddingDemo, and the argument is passed via a typed copy. So already at that point, the padding bytes may change arbitrarily, in particular they may become 0xUU.
Uninitialized usize
Whether your code has UB then depends on yet another factor, namely whether having an uninitialized byte in a usize is UB. The question is, does a (partially) uninitialized range of memory represent some integer? Currently, it does not and thus there is UB. However, whether that should be the case is heavily debated and it seems likely that we will eventually permit it.
Many other details are still unclear, though -- for example, transmuting "0x00 0xUU 0xUU 0xUU" to an integer may well result in a fully uninitialized integer, i.e., integers may not be able to preserve "partial initialization". To preserve partially initialized bytes in integers we would have to basically say that an integer has no abstract "value", it is just a sequence of (possibly uninitialized) bytes. This does not reflect how integers get used in operations like /. (Some of this also depends on LLVM decisions around poison and freeze; LLVM might decide that when doing a load at integer type, the result is fully poison if any input byte is poison.) So even if the code is not UB because we permit uninitialized integers, it may not behave as expected because the data you want to transfer is being lost.
If you want to transfer raw bytes around, I suggest to use a type suited for that, such as MaybeUninit. If you use an integer type, the goal should be to transfer integer values -- i.e., numbers.

What does the IS_ALIGNED macro in the linux kernel do?

I've been trying to read the implementation of a kernel module, and I'm stumbling on this piece of code.
unsigned long addr = (unsigned long) buf;
if (!IS_ALIGNED(addr, 1 << 9)) {
DMCRIT("#%s in %s is not sector-aligned. I/O buffer must be sector-aligned.", name, caller);
The IS_ALIGNED macro is defined in the kernel source as follows:
#define IS_ALIGNED(x, a) (((x) & ((typeof(x))(a) - 1)) == 0)
I understand that data has to be aligned along the size of a datatype to work, but I still don't understand what the code does.
It left-shifts 1 by 9, then subtracts by 1, which gives 111111111. Then 111111111 does bitwise-and with x.
Why does this code work? How is this checking for byte alignment?
In systems programming it is common to need a memory address to be aligned to a certain number of bytes -- that is, several lowest-order bits are zero.
Basically, !IS_ALIGNED(addr, 1 << 9) checks whether addr is on a 512-byte (2^9) boundary (the last 9 bits are zero). This is a common requirement when erasing flash locations because flash memory is split into large blocks which must be erased or written as a single unit.
Another application of this I ran into. I was working with a certain DMA controller which has a modulo feature. Basically, that means you can allow it to change only the last several bits of an address (destination address in this case). This is useful for protecting memory from mistakes in the way you use a DMA controller. Problem it, I initially forgot to tell the compiler to align the DMA destination buffer to the modulo value. This caused some incredibly interesting bugs (random variables that have nothing to do with the thing using the DMA controller being overwritten... sometimes).
As far as "how does the macro code work?", if you subtract 1 from a number that ends with all zeroes, you will get a number that ends with all ones. For example, 0b00010000 - 0b1 = 0b00001111. This is a way of creating a binary mask from the integer number of required-alignment bytes. This mask has ones only in the bits we are interested in checking for zero-value. After we AND the address with the mask containing ones in the lowest-order bits we get a 0 if any only if the lowest 9 (in this case) bits are zero.
"Why does it need to be aligned?": This comes down to the internal makeup of flash memory. Erasing and writing flash is a much less straightforward process then reading it, and typically it requires higher-than-logic-level voltages to be supplied to the memory cells. The circuitry required to make write and erase operations possible with a one-byte granularity would waste a great deal of silicon real estate only to be used rarely. Basically, designing a flash chip is a statistics and tradeoff game (like anything else in engineering) and the statistics work out such that writing and erasing in groups gives the best bang for the buck.
At no extra charge, I will tell you that you will be seeing a lot of this type of this type of thing if you are reading driver and kernel code. It may be helpful to familiarize yourself with the contents of this article (or at least keep it around as a reference):

Why is string manipulation more expensive?

I've heard this so many times, that I have taken it for granted. But thinking back on it, can someone help me realize why string manipulation, say comparison etc, is more expensive than say an integer, or some other primitive?
8bit example:
1 bit can be 1 or 0. With 2 bits you can represent 0, 1, 2, and 3. And so on.
With a byte you have 2^8 possibilities, from 0 to 255.
In a string a single letter is stored in a byte, so "Hello world" is 11 bytes.
If I want to do 100 + 100, 100 is stored in 1 byte of memory, I need only two bytes to sum two numbers. The result will need again 1 byte.
Now let's try with strings, "100" + "100", this is 3 bytes plus 3 bytes and the result, "100100" needs 6 bytes to be stored.
This is over-simplified, but more or less it works in this way.
The int data type in C# was carefully selected to be a good match with processor design. Which can store an int in a cpu register, a storage location that's an easy factor of 3 faster than memory. And a single cpu instruction to compare values of type int. The CMP instruction runs in less than a single cpu cycle, a fraction of a nano-second.
That doesn't work nearly as well for a string, it is a variable length data type and every single char in the string must be compared to test for equality. So it is automatically proportionally slower by the size of the string. Furthermore, string comparison is afflicted by culture dependent comparison rules. The kind that make "ss" and "ß" equal in German and "Aa" and "Å" equal in Danish. Nothing subtle to deal with, taken care of by highly optimized table-driven code inside the CLR. It can't beat CMP.
I've always thought it was because of the immutability of strings. That is, every time you make a change to the string, it requires allocating memory for a whole new string (rather than modifying the original in place).
Probably a woefully naive understanding but perhaps someone else can expound further.
There are several things to consider when looking at the "cost" of manipulating strings.
There is the cost in terms of memory usage, there is the cost in terms of CPU cycles used, and there is a cost associated with the complexity of the code involved.
Integer manipulation (Add, Subtract, Multipy, Divide, Compare) is most often done by the CPU at the hardware level, in few (or even 1) instruction. When the manipulation is done, the answer fits back in the same size chunk of memory.
Strings are stored in blocks of memory, which have to be manipulated a byte or word at a time. Comparing two 100 character long strings may require 100 separate comparison operations.
Any manipulation that makes a string longer will require, either moving the string to a bigger block of memory, or moving other stuff around in memory to allow growing the existing block.
Any manipulation that leaves the string the same, or smaller, could be done in place, if the language allows for it. If not, then again, a new block of memory has to be allocated and contents moved.

How should one use Disruptor (Disruptor Pattern) to build real-world message systems?

As the RingBuffer up-front allocates objects of a given type, how can you use a single ring buffer to process messages of various different types?
You can't create new object instances to insert into the ringBuffer and that would defeat the purpose of up-front allocation.
So you could have 3 messages in an async messaging pattern:
So my question is how are you meant to use the Disruptor pattern for real-world messageing systems?
One approach (our most common pattern) is to store the message in its marshalled form, i.e. as a byte array. For incoming requests e.g. Fix messages, binary message, are quickly pulled of the network and placed in the ring buffer. The unmarshalling and dispatch of different types of messages are handled by EventProcessors (Consumers) on that ring buffer. For outbound requests, the message is serialised into the preallocated byte array that forms the entry in the ring buffer.
If you are using some fixed size byte array as the preallocated entry, some additional logic is required to handle overflow for larger messages. I.e. pick a reasonable default size and if it is exceeded allocate a temporary array that is bigger. Then discard it when the entry is reused or consumed (depending on your use case) reverting back to the original preallocated byte array.
If you have different consumers for different message types you could quickly identify if your consumer is interested in the specific message either by knowing an offset into the byte array that carries the type information or by passing a discriminator value through on the entry.
Also there is no rule against creating object instances and passing references (we do this in a couple of places too). You do lose the benefits of object preallocation, however one of the design goals of the disruptor was to allow the user the choice of the most appropriate form of storage.
There is a library called Javolution ( that let's you defined objects as structs with fixed-length fields like string[40] etc. that rely on byte-buffers internally instead of variable size objects... that allows the token ring to be initialized with fixed size objects and thus (hopefully) contiguous blocks of memory that allow the cache to work more efficiently.
We are using that for passing events / messages and use standard strings etc. for our business-logic.
Back to object pools.
The following is an hypothesis.
If you will have 3 types of messages (A,B,C), you can make 3 arrays of those pre-allocated. That will create 3 memory zones A, B, C.
It's not like there is only one cache line, there are many and they don't have to be contiguous. Some cache lines will refer to something in zone A, other B and other C.
So the ring buffer entry can have 1 reference to a common ancestor or interface of A & B & C.
The problem is to select the instance in the pools; the simplest is to have the same array length as the ring buffer length. This implies a lot of wasted pooled objects since only one of the 3 is ever used at any entry, ex: ring buffer entry 1234 might be using message B[1234] but A[1234] and C[1234] are not used and unusable by anyone.
You could also make a super-entry with all 3 A+B+C instance inlined and indicate the type with some byte or enum. Just as wasteful on memory size, but looks a bit worse because of the fatness of the entry. For example a reader only working on C messages will have less cache locality.
I hope I'm not too wrong with this hypothesis.
