How to recover a file overwritten with another in Linux? [closed] - linux

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I did this on the command line(Ubuntu 12.04)
mv some_arbit_file required_file
Is there any way I can recover required_file. I had put so much work into this. I usually backup files. But, I forgot this time. Will appreciate any help.

You can't "undo" your command. Maybe you can found some recovery tools that will help you...
By the way the next time, to avoid this kind of trouble I suggest you use the -i option. It will tell you if you're going to overwritte a file.
You can create aliases in ~/.bashrc :
alias mv="mv -i"
#you can also add aliases to cp and rm
alias cp="cp -i"
alias rm="rm -i"

To prevent this kind of problem in the future you need to have a backup system. It's better if this backup system does some form of version control and doesn't require any effort on your part to maintain. You don't want to be thinking about which files need backing up, it should be "all of them, yes even the contents of /tmp, every hour at least"
Using git/svn or another file versioning system is not a bad idea, but what happens if you forget to add new files to the repo? What happens if the repo itself gets deleted? What happens when you try to shovel your entire music collection into it, or want to store special unix files like pipes and symlinks? I also find git repos insanely easy to corrupt, especially if I manually delete things or move them about.
A more robust system is to first buy a new hard disk of a suitably large size - one or two terabytes should be enough. Designate this your backup drive. Then get something like Rsnapshot and make it work. You will then have versioned backups that can be recovered using standard file tools from a half broken machine that is booting from CD where the network isn't up after a catastrophic failure of your boot drive (yes, I am speaking from experience here).
Between Rsnapshot and Apple's TimeMachine (which works in a very similar way) I have recovered from several SSD failures, a hard disk crash and a powercut that silently corrupted half my music collection which I didn't find until a week later.

You could try to use photorec from the testdisk package. It works when you delete a file, but I don't know actually if overwriting it counts as a deletion.
For the future, I would suggest you to use a service like Dropbox for all your important files. It allows you to recover any version of every file.

Have a look at this ext3 recovery page.
Because it is hard, I try to be proactive and use git in every directory. This way, when I do a mistake I can git checkout to get the old file back.


Creating symbolic filesystem to quietly decompress files? [closed]

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Closed 4 months ago.
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I have a large directory of gzip-compressed files.
I want to use a tool to index these files. The tool works by walking over a folder and reading all text files. Unfortunately, the tool doesn't support reading gzip-compressed text files, and it's not practical for me to temporarily decompress all the files so the tool can access them. It would consume a massive amount of disk space, and even though disk space is cheap, it's still impractical in my use-case.
I also don't have access to the tool to modify it to add support for gzip-compression.
So I was thinking of a way to insert a middle-man, between the tool and my files, that would transparently perform the decompression on the fly.
To that end, is there any way for me, under Linux, to create a sort of symbolic filesystem that mirrors my folder contents, and create a "fake" file for each original file so that, when read, it silently calls a script that accesses the original file, pipes it through gunzip, and returns the output? The effect would be, from the tool's perspective, it's reading un-compressed files without me having to decompress them all at once.
Are there any other solutions that I'm overlooking?
There are a few approaches that occur to me, each with varying amounts of difficulty. The options are ordered by how easy they would be IMHO.
Option 1 -- A compressed-at-rest filesystem
Several modern file systems support compression at rest -- i.e., the data is stored compressed, and decompressed for you on demand. You could set up a partition of your disk with one of these filesystems (I would recommend zfs), and then copy all of your data into the partition.
Once you've done that, you'd have the disk usage of compressed data, but would be able to interact with the filesystem as if it were uncompressed.
Option 2 -- FUSE Wrapper
If you're willing to do some coding for this, using FUSE would be an attractive option. FUSE is a library that effectively lets you describe a file system, and implement reading/writing as just callbacks to user code.
If you weren't worried about performance, it would be relatively straightforward to write some python script that mirrors a directory tree and wraps all read calls with gunzip.
Between option 1 and 2, I would lean towards 1. It will be more performant than any script you could hack out yourself, and would give you added convenience being able to use the data directly.

electron - incremental updating?

I am using electron-vue & electron-packager.
I am wondering whether I can do something like incremental updating, that is, after running an electron build command, I don't need to copy the whole electron-linux-x64 folder to my dist machine to update it to the newest, but instead I only need to copy some files in the folder.
Here is what I found up to now: I edit some code for the renderer process. Then I let electron-packager to build a package for linux. Then I find that not all the generated files have been changed. Instead, it seems that only the resources/*.asar have been changed. If I just copy these files to the dist machine, it seems that the machine updates well. But I am not sure whether some hidden files are changed too.
I would appreciate it if anyone could help me!
Since there are some upvotes to this question, and after three years I have gained more knowledge let me answer myself, making whoever reads this post can find a solution :)
Firstly, in 2020 there may already have solutions. For instance, try this and this.
Secondly, you can also use rsync to only copy the changed parts in a folder. Moreover, if a big file (say 10GB) only changes a little bit in the middle (say 1MB), it will only transfer that little bit (say 1MB). This is a general tool and can be used everywhere.
Lastly, as a side remark, manually copy your file to the development server is not a good idea. Try to automate this process. The simplest would be a several-line bash script using scp/rsync and so on, and the most complex may be Kubernetes and Docker.

How are linux filesystems created? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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i've been studying the linux operating system for a while now, i understand what file systems are but i'm curious as to how they're made. Is it possible for a programmer to create their own custom made file system in linux, is it possible to combine multiple file systems together and how much control do we have over a file system? Thanks.
Also does anyone know any online sources or books that talk about linux file systems
Certainly a programmer can create a file system, everyone can, you just have to use the command to do that. In addition to that a programmer theoretically can implement logic that creates what you probably refer to as "custom made filesystem", just as a programmer can change, remove or add anything he wants from any part of the system he uses. It is questionable though if many programmers actually are able to create a working and usable file system from scratch, since that is quite a complex thing to do.
Combining multiple filesystems is certainly possible, but maybe you should define in more detail what you actually ask by that. You certainly can use multiple filesystems inside a single system by simply mounting them. You can mount one filesystem inside another. You can even use a loopback device to store a whole filesystem inside a file contained in another filesystem. What you can not do is somehow take two separate file systems, hold a magic wand over them and declare them as one from now on. Well, actually you can do that but it won't work as expected ;-)
About the last question, how much control we have... well, difficult to answer without you giving any metric to do so... We certainly can configure a filesystem, we can use it and its content. We can even destroy or damage it, mount it, check it, examine it, monitor it, repair it, create it, ... I personally would indeed call that some amount of "control" we have over filesystems.

Linux links with "ln" command [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm writing a shell script in bash where I'm making some links between files, but I'm not sure what kind of link to use (physical or symbolic). Doing some research, I've noticed that it's more common to use symbolic links instead of physical ones. My question is why to use symbolic links when they require an indirection (it creates an extra I-node to safe the information about the real I-node of the file) instead of using hard links that point directly to the file?
In other words:
ln -s ...
instead of
ln -P ...
The main reason for symlinks is that a 'soft' symlink can cross filesystem boundaries. The file representing the symlink will contain a string that is the actual path of the file being pointed at. As long as the end-user representations of that path remain the same, the symlink will work. If you move the file at the end of the symlink, the symlink will now be stale (aka "dangling"), because the resource it pointed at no longer exists.
A hard (aka physical) symlink works at the inode layer. Since inodes are only unique within a single file system, you cannot hardlink ACROSS file systems. You could quite easily run into a duplicate inode situation if this were allowed. The benefit is that no matter where you move the target of a hardlink, the links pointing at the resource will "follow", because they're pointing at the inode itself, and don't care what the actual path/resource name is.
Off the top of my head:
symbol links work across filesystems. If you don't want to keep track of what filesystem the source file and destination link are on, or if you sometimes move files across filesystems, it is less of a hassle to use symbolic links.
$#&#$& emacs backup files. When you edit, say file.txt and make a change to it in emacs, emacs renames the original file to file.txt~ and saves your changes under the original file name. If there was a hard link to file.txt, it is now linked to file.txt~, which is probably not what you want. A symbolic link to file.txt will still point to the updated inode.
A hardlink can only work on the same filesystem, renames the inode. A file can only be deleted when the last link to its inode is gone. Hardlinks usually are for files instead of directories.
A symlink is an actual file containing a path to another file. Symlinks can work across file systems as well. They can point to different file types as well. A symlink can also point to either files or directories.
Hard links don't make sense across filesystems, since they're basically pointers to inodes on the local FS. Symlinks don't care; since they're just names, they can live anywhere.
If you look at the directory listing and see a symlink, you know it's to a particular other location. Hard links, on the other hand, offer no such clue. You might not know you were playing around in some important file til you stat both its names.

How do I protect my licensing file? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a licensing file for my application. The only way it can be broken right now and the user can have unlimited access is by deleting the licensing file every 30 days and reinstalling the program.
How do I best protect this file? (or information)
My first thought is to hide the file a few folders deep somewhere under windows %AllUsersProfile%. And use obscure names for the folders as to not advertise the location.
Another thought was to write to the registry, but we cannot always write to the HKEY_Local_Machine like I wanted to due to it requiring admin privileges.
Create a license file during the setup. And consider the absence of a license file as an invalid license file. Uninstalling, deleting the file and then reinstalling is much more annoying than just deleting a file.
And I hate it if files with an obscure random name appear somewhere on my system, since I wonder if I got infected with a virus, or if it's just some badly behaved software.
And don't try too hard. It's no use to make it harder than downloading a crack or license-reset tool from the next warez site. And a cracker will find your license file very quickly with tools like FileMon.
One idea that might actually work(except against cracks that patch your binary):
Fix the expiration date on download and embed the license file in the setup. That way they actually need to download a new version whenever their license expires. But of course your users might find that unacceptable or might not fit your distribution model...
Pretty much any method of hiding or obscuring your license file is crackable. You really need to decide among some scenarios:
I trust my customers, but they might inadvertently break my license terms
My product is highly desirable and thus will be the target of crackers
My product isn't interesting to crackers, but my customers are slimebags and will copy the snot out of it.
In case 1, a simple license file to help your customers with compliance is fine. Probably hiding it or obscuring it isn't necessary. I assume that isn't your case since you posted this question.
In cases 2 and 3, there's little you can do that can't be easily defeated. The tools available to crackers are quite powerful and widely available, along with techniques for using them. Our company ( has a full-time cryptographer who just watches how people crack software so we can build stronger protection against it.
Probably the most "normal" approach for a DIY solution is to encrypt the license file using some "standard" algorithm like AES 128-bit or triple DES. Then make the key from a hash of several factors, like the MAC address, MB serial number, install date, and perhaps some user-input data ("name" "Phone" etc). However, crypto can get complicated so you want to make sure you know what you're doing with this approach.
Force the application to go to a remote server over port 80 to check a hash which was set at the first install, perhaps against the MAC address (not an absolute guarantee but good enough). If they try to install again it is at least tied to the MAC address and you can stop the install.
If your customer base is small and you have the resources to support them you can perform the same behavior without internet access except that the customer needs to come to you to get a license file. They generate a key via their system, again tied to the MAC address, then send you the key which you generate the license file from. This is dependent of course on the number of outgoing downloads a day.
One solution is to embed an expiration date with the license file. If your protected program does not find a license file, it's invalid.
So even if the user deletes it, it won't help much, it's still expired.
The only problem in this case is: you need to fix an expiration date when you distribute license files. You can solve this with other tricks (redistribute new licenses regularly, etc.), but that may not suit every need.
