Is there an SVG to VML conversion tool? Offline or Online. (Not on the fly) - svg

I have been hunting high and low for a tool to convert an SVG file into VML which is readable by internet explorer.
I have found several 'on the fly' solutions but these are unnecessary as we only wish to use vector graphics on a few simple, non changing, but scaleable drawings.
Is there any tool out there, offline or online that will accept an SVG file and output VML code?
Kind regards.

I've never used it, but my understanding is that this can take an SVG file and output VML (or vice versa).
Looking at the documentation, it seems you just need to install it on your server and upload your SVG file. There is a command-line tool you can use to specify an output file. You can then download that newly-created VML file (and tweak a little by hand it if it's not survived the conversion process perfectly).


How to convert an Enhanced Windows Metafile (emf) to a JPG or PNG without loosing quality?

I am using Tableau to do some data representations and the only good quality image export Tableau allows is *.emf
Unfortunately, the online tool I use to put the report together(Canva) does not support emf format.
When I convert the file to jpg or png, the quality is drastically reduced :(
How can I overcome this matter? I tried many things such as opening emf in Illustrator and saving back with CMYK colors and 300dpi and such. But nothing seems to keep the crisp quality of the original emf file.
User Friendly solution:
InkScape opens enhanced windows metafiles, and many other vector-graphical file formats.
It exports to png with choice for output's resolution
It is opensource and available for Linux, windows and Mac OS X.
It is a fact that Tableau's image export feature does not provide many options. In general when I need high quality images, I use one of the below methods depending on the quality I need and the tools available to me at that time:
Screenshot method: If you have a large screen, taking a screenshot directly from Tableau yields better images than the exported ones. If my viz is exported to web, I sometimes enlarge the graphic from my web browser and then take the screenshot.
Converting from PDF: Since PDF can contain vector objects, Tableau's PDF files are in high quality most of the times. If you cannot use these PDF files, you may try converting these files to PNG or JPG files using online or desktop tools. Here is an online tool you may use for this purpose, but be careful about your confidential files when using such online services :)
And there are more ways to convert from PDF but are usually more complicated since they contain some Photoshop steps. I am not sure whether these are easy to apply methods for a lot of files but still you may want to check one of them:

Prevent SVG from being easily reverse-engineered

I just started at a new company and have been asked to do what I believe impossible, but I need confirmation on this. The website that my company has allows users to view images in extremely high resolution using SVGs. We've built a custom viewer for these images that allow you to zoom and scroll around the image and it works well. Because of this, the image format "needs" to remain SVG. However, we need to include a watermark to this image. The way we're doing this right now is passing the SVG and PNG watermark to the client, inserting the watermark into the SVG, and displaying it to the user. This is very obviously easily hacked as anyone with client-side experience knows (The dev team here is mostly older developers and don't have much web experience). Even if the raw SVG isn't intercepted, they can still just delete the watermark from the source. I've convinced my boss to make the watermark be injected on the server-side, so this leaves just the problem that SVGs are editable by the end-client.
What I want to know is if one of these two things are possible:
1) Is there another image format akin to SVG that could be used to keep this highly scalable image without loosing resolution, and without it being directly editable by an end-client? The only options that people seem to discuss for the web is JPG, GIF, PNG, and SVG. I've looked at Adobe Illustrator ".ai" files and EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) as other vector options, but I can't find anywhere if I can modify these images in PHP, which is key if I want to overlay a watermark in server-side code.
2) Is there a way to obfuscate the raw SVGs content so that the use can't go and manipulate it? I've seen SVGs that have <image ...> tags inside them with PNGs represented as long and complex strings before. Something like xlink:href="data:image/png;base64...". I was wondering if there's a way to display an SVG as this string, so that the data can't be directly manipulated. I'm sure there's an algorithm to reverse these, but so long as we're sticking with SVGs, I need to make this as secure as possible with as many hoops to jump through as possible if someone wants to steal the data.
Either way would be acceptable, as long as removing this watermark is more complex than just hitting F12 and removing the element inside the dev tools.
Is there another image format akin to SVG that could be used to keep this highly scalable image without loosing resolution, and without it being directly editable by an end-client?
SVG is a vector format, and to maintain extreme scalability, you need to stick with vectors, be it any format. However, in that case it will always be possible to remove the vectors that belong to your watermark. There are of course vector formats that are stored as binary, which would make it somewhat harder for an enduser to parse and edit, but those are not editable in PHP either, and are much less compatible. So you probably don't want to do this.
Is there a way to obfuscate the raw SVGs content so that the user can't go and manipulate it?
First, it will never be "secure" in the sense that as said above, it will always be possible to remove the watermark from a vector image. (Btw the only difference to bitmap formats like JPG is that content below the watermark in bitmap is actually missing, while in SVG it's still there.)
However, depending on how "good" you want this to be, you can do a few things. I think the "goodness" here means the effort needed to remove the watermark, and you can raise the bar relatively easily. You don't have to (and you probably can't reasonably) obfuscate the whole SVG.
One thing that comes to mind is that SVG is basically just XML, it consists of tags like <rect>, <line>, <circle> etc. The order of these tags doesn't matter much (mostly, with exceptions of course). So you could entwine the tags that draw your watermark pretty much randomly among existing tags. I mean really randomly, so different downloads would produce different results. If you do this well (eg. you find line tags to "hide" your watermark line tags, and so on), it will be hard to automatically remove the watermark, because it's all over relevant data that is your actual image. Of course, the watermark could still be visually in a corner, and this is already a weakness, anything drawn to a corner could possibly be removed automatically. And it will be easy to remove by hand with any decent editor I suppose. So it depends on what the purpose is.
But I still think this sort of thing could make it hard enough in many scenarios (and would be totally inadequate in others).

JPG image partially gray while loading

Anyone knows why the image, shown below, is partially gray while loading? I assume it has something to do with progressive JPG, but I haven't seen the grayscale effect before. Is there some kind of a JPG export setting that enables that? How is it called? Can I disable it?
Direct image link
The problem could either be the problem described in #KonradDzwinel answer OR my answer, both could look identical:
What is the problem
For some reason the file is saved or produced in way that make the file we call it Lossless JPEG.
I am not sure which software, tool or how this problem is was produced, but that won’t change the fact that your file had have some issues or even corrupted.
How to find the problem in the file
Your file was saved in way that it works identical but it had issues. To check whether your file is healthy or not, it requires a tool to scan/analysis the image file. I use a very nice and easy to use tool (software) called JPEGsnoop (link for download). This tool is free and I used it to scan and analysis your image files for problems.
Your file comes up with few places with following note, (the screen-shot btw shows only one note, but there were more):
NOTE: Scan parsing doesn’t support this SOF mode.
After I have re-saved the file correctly and analysis it again, it does not show any problems or notes:
What I did to create a problem FREE image file
For testing I have used Photoshop 5.5 to open the Lossless file and save it with new name with default jpeg (since I don't have the original file). But correctly I assume you have the original file, and I assume you have Photoshop any version does not matter OR any other image tool. Try to optimize your jpeg file best possible, analysis it and remember/note the saving setting for future wise image saving.
Here is an example of my Photoshop save settings, which result in problem FREE file:
How can I learn more about Lossless JPEG
I won’t go in details of this problem but I will leave some link that explain it in details, I hope also you find this is useful to solve your issue:
Software JPEGsnoop
Progressively encoded JPEGs contain ten scan layers by default. That means ten iterative layers of image information build on each other to deliver the final visual quality of the image. The first visible scan layer of a progressive JPEG is always highly pixelated and often black & white because it saves on color channel information.
Source (emphasis mine)
Another resource that explores this issue in lengh:

Need to know standards for png file in web graphics?

I'm starting to venture out from using jpeg and gif files to png, I was wondering if there were any standards for using png beside IE's lack of support for it. I also want to know if there was any current articles about setting I should be using when optimizing for web? Right now I'm using photoshop to do this, should I be using firework instead?
Which optimizations you use depends on the type of image. If your image contains only few colors, you might use png-8, otherwise you may need png-24. Same goes for the use of transparency/alpha blending.
The Photoshop save for web-feature does a fine job, but when your website has a lot of visitors, you may benefit from using PNGCrush for further compressing your images. You can use the YSlow plugin for FireFox to test how much bandwidth you can save by crushing your images.
Also, you can make use of CSS-sprites if your design allows it. This can result in less (but larger) images and therefore less requests and sometimes less bandwidth. But this doen't depend on the type of images you use.
Png is supported by IE, by the way. Only the alpha-transparency is not supported by IE 6, but there are CSS/Javascript trics to work around that, although they do not work for background images.
I wouldn't quit using jpg. Jpg is very useful when it comes to pictures. Png files are convenient for small images like buttons, graphical elements, and for images with large plain areas, like screenshots.

SVG to PDF on a shared linux server

I have a website which uses SVG for an interactive client side thingamabob. I would like to provide the option to download a PDF of the finished output. I can pass the final SVG output back to the server, where I want to convert to PDF, then return it to the client for download.
This would need to work on a headless shared linux server, where installation or compilation is either an enormous pain, or impossible. The website is PHP, so the ideal solution would be PHP, or use software that's easily installed on a shared webserver. Python, perl and ruby are available, along with the usual things you might expect on a linux box. Solutions that involve cairo, scripting inkscape, or installation more complex than 'FTP it up' are probably out. Spending large amounts of money are also out, naturally. As this is a shared server, memory and/or CPU hungry solutions are also out, as they will tend to get killed; this more or less rules out Batik.
The nearest that I've got so far is this XSL transform which I can drive from PHP and then squirt the resulting postscript through ps2pdf (which is already installed). The only problem with this is that it doesn't support SVG paths - if it did, it would be perfect.
There are a bunch or related questions on StackOverflow, all of which I've read through, but they all assume that you can either install stuff, spend money, or both.
Does anyone have an off-the-shelf solution to this, or should I just spend some downtime trying to add paths support to that XSL transform?
I stumbled across TCPDF today which would have been perfect for this, had I known about it at the time. It's just a collection of pure PHP classes, no external dependencies for most things.
It can build PDF's from scratch and you can include pretty much anything you want in there, including SVG (amongst many, many other things), as shown in these examples:
Main project page is here:
Sourceforge page is here:
You can use Apache FOP's free Batik SVG toolkit which has a transcoder api to transform SVG to PDF.
download link
You will need to write a tiny bit of java. There are code examples here – note you will need to set the transcoder to org.apache.fop.svg.PDFTranscoder instead of Java.
You should be able to do this without installing anything on your machine – just drag the jars on there and run a script. I quote:
All other libraries needed by Batik are included in the distribution. As a consequence the Batik archive is quite big, but after you have downloaded it, you will not need anything else.
have you looked at imagemagick? I suspect you also need ghostscript to complete the loop, which might make installation difficulty and performance a problem.
I'd suggest giving princexml a try, they provide various addons (including one for PHP) and can output PDF from SVG/HTML/XML.
i have used TCPDF ( in many projects and it work in almost every use case.
Here is the example of SVG:
and following is the code which can help you:
$pdf->ImageSVG($file='images/testsvg.svg', $x=15, $y=30, $w='', $h='', $link='', $align='', $palign='', $border=1, $fitonpage=false);
$pdf->ImageSVG($file='images/tux.svg', $x=30, $y=100, $w='', $h=100, $link='', $align='', $palign='', $border=0, $fitonpage=false);
