Limiting object allocation over multiple threads - multithreading

I have an application which retrieves and caches the results of a clients query and sends the results out to a client from a cache.
I have a limit on the number of items which may be cached at any one time and keeping track of this limit has has drastically reduced the applications performance when processing a large number of concurrent requests. Is there a better way to solve this problem without locking so often which may improve performance?
Edit: I've gone with the CAS approach and it seems to work pretty well.

First, rather than using a lock, use atomic decrements and compare-and-exchange to manipulate your counter. The syntax for this varies with your compiler; in GCC you might do something like:
long remaining_cache_slots;
void release() {
__sync_add_and_fetch(&remaining_cache_slots, 1);
// Returns false if we've hit our cache limit
bool acquire() {
long prev_value, new_value;
do {
prev_value = remaining_cache_slots;
if (prev_value <= 0) return false;
new_value = prev_value - 1;
} while(!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&remaining_cache_slots, prev_value, new_value));
return true;
This should help reduce the window for contention. However, you'll still be bouncing that cache line all over the place, which at a high request rate can severely hurt your performance.
If you're willing to accept a certain amount of waste (ie, allowing the number of cached results - or rather, pending responses - to go slightly below the limit), you have some other options. One is to make the cache thread-local (if possible in your design). Another is to have each thread reserve a pool of 'cache tokens' to use.
What I mean by reserving a pool of cache tokens is that each thread can reserve ahead of time the right to insert N entries into the cache. When that thread removes an entry from the cache it adds it to its set of tokens; if it runs out of tokens, it tries to get them from a global pool, and if it has too many, it puts some of them back. The code might look a bit like this:
long global_cache_token_pool;
__thread long thread_local_token_pool = 0;
// Release 10 tokens to the global pool when we go over 20
// The maximum waste for this scheme is 20 * nthreads
// If we run out, acquire 5 tokens from the global pool
void release() {
if (thread_local_token_pool > THREAD_TOKEN_POOL_HIGHWATER) {
thread_local_token_pool -= THREAD_TOKEN_POOL_RELEASECT;
__sync_fetch_and_add(&global_token_pool, THREAD_TOKEN_POOL_RELEASECT);
bool acquire() {
if (thread_local_token_pool > 0) {
return true;
long prev_val, new_val, acquired;
do {
prev_val = global_token_pool;
acquired = std::min(THREAD_TOKEN_POOL_ACQUIRECT, prev_val);
if (acquired <= 0) return false;
new_val = prev_val - acquired;
} while (!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&remaining_cache_slots, prev_value, new_value));
thread_local_token_pool = acquired - 1;
return true;
Batching up requests like this reduces the frequency at which threads access shared data, and thus the amount of contention and cache churn. However, as mentioned before, it makes your limit a bit less precise, and so requires careful tuning to get the right balance.

In SendResults, try updating totalResultsCached only once after you process the results. This will minimize the time spent acquiring/releasing the lock.
void SendResults( int resultsToSend, Request *request )
for (int i=0; i<resultsToSend; ++i)
lock totalResultsCached
totalResultsCached -= resultsToSend;
unlock totalResultsCached
If resultsToSend is typically 1, then my suggestion will not make much of a difference.
Also, after hitting the cache limit, some extra requests may be dropped in ResultCallback, because SendResults is not updating totalResultsCached immediately after sending each request.


How to join all threads before deleting the ThreadPool

I am using a MultiThreading class which creates the required number of threads in its own threadpool and deletes itself after use.
std::thread *m_pool; //number of threads according to available cores
std::mutex m_locker;
std::condition_variable m_condition;
std::atomic<bool> m_exit;
int m_processors
m_pool = new std::thread[m_processors + 1]
void func()
for (int i = 0; i < m_processors; i++)
m_pool[i] = std::thread(func);
void reset(void)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_locker);
m_exit = true;
for(int i = 0; i <= m_processors; i++)
delete[] m_pool;
After running through all tasks, the for-loop is supposed to join all running threads before delete[] is being executed.
But there seems to be one last thread still running, while the m_pool does not exist anymore.
This leads to the problem, that I can't close my program anymore.
Is there any way to check if all threads are joined or wait for all threads to be joined before deleting the threadpool?
Simple typo bug I think.
Your loop that has the condition i <= m_processors is a bug and will actually process one extra entry past the end of the array. This is an off-by-one bug. Suppose m_processors is 2. You'll have an array that contains 2 elements with indices [0] and [1]. Yet, you'll be reading past the end of the array, attempting to join with the item at index [2]. m_pool[2] is undefined memory and you're likely going to either crash or block forever there.
You likely intended i < m_processors.
The real source of the problem is addressed by Wick's answer. I will extend it with some tips that also solve your problem while improving other aspects of your code.
If you use C++11 for std::thread, then you shouldn't create your thread handles using operator new[]. There are better ways of doing that with other C++ constructs, which will make everything simpler and exception safe (you don't leak memory if an unexpected exception is thrown).
Store your thread objects in a std::vector. It will manage the memory allocation and deallocation for you (no more new and delete). You can use other more flexible containers such as std::list if you insert/delete threads dynamically.
Fill the vector in place with std::generate or similar
std::vector<std::thread> m_pool;
// Fill the vector
std::generate_n( std::back_inserter(m_pool), m_processors,
[](){ return std::thread(func); } );
Join all the elements using range-for loop and delete handles using container's functions.
for( std::thread& t: m_pool ) {

Is it possible to block on wait on a semaphore without using the data when it's available?

The software I'm working on is a data analyzer with a sliding window. I have 2 threads, one producer and one consumer, that use a circular buffer.
The consumer must process data only if the first element in the buffer is old enough, therefore there are at least X elements in the buffer. But after the processing, only X/4 data can be deleted, because of the moving window.
My solution below works quite well, except that I have a trade-off between being fast (busy form of waiting in the check), or being efficient (sleep for some time). The problem is that the sleep time varies according to load, thread scheduling and elaboration complexity, so I can potentially slow down the performances.
Is there a way to poll a semaphore to check if there are at least X elements, blocking the thread otherwise, but acquiring only X/4 after the processing has been done? The tryAcquire option does not work because when it wakes the thread consumes all the data, and not one half.
I've thought about copyng the elements in a second buffer, but actually there are 7 circular buffers of big data, therefore I'd like to avoid data duplication, or even data moving.
//common structs
QSemaphore written;
QSemaphore free;
int writtenIndex = 0;
int readIndex = 0;
myCircularBuffer buf;
bool scan = true;
void produceData(data d)
while ( free.tryAcquire(1, 1000) == false && scan == true)
//avoid deadlock!
//once per second give up waiting and check if closing
if (scan == false) return; = d;
writtenIndex = (writtenIndex+1) % bufferSize;
void consumeData()
//here goes the problem: usleep (slow), sched_yield (B.F.O.W.) or what?
if ( - < X)
//usleep(100); ? how much time?
//sched_yield(); ?
//tryAcquire not an option!
readIndex = (readIndex + X/4) % bufferSize;

OpenMP: for loop with changing number of iterations

I would like to use OpenMP to make my program run faster. Unfortunately, the opposite is the case. My code looks something like this:
const int max_iterations = 10000;
int num_interation = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i = 0; i < std::min(num_interation, max_iterations); i++)
// do sth.
// update the number of required iterations
// num_interation can only become smaller over time
num_interation = update_iterations(...);
For some reason, many more iterations are processed than required. Without OpenMP, it takes 500 iterations on avarage. However, even when setting the numbers of threads to one (set_num_threads(1)), it computes more than one thousand iterations. The same happens if I use mutliple threads, and also when using a writelock when updating num_iterations.
I would assume that it has something todo with memory bandwidth or a race condition. But those problems should not appear in case of set_num_threads(1).
Therefore, I assume that it could have something todo with the scheduling and the chunk size. However, I am really not sure about this.
Can somebody give me a hint?
A quick answer for the behaviour you experience is given by the OpenMP standard page 56:
The iteration count for each associated loop is computed before entry
to the outermost loop. If execution of any associated loop changes any
of the values used to compute any of the iteration counts, then the
behavior is unspecified.
In essence, this means that you cannot modify the boundaries of your loop once you entered it. Although according to the standard the behaviour is "unspecified", in your case, what happen is quite clear since as soon as you switch OpenMP on on your code, you compute the number of iterations you had specified initially.
So you have to take another approach to this problem.
This is a possible solution (amongst many other) which I hope scales OK. It has the drawback of potentially allowing more iterations to happen than the number you intended (up to OMP_NUM_THREADS-1 more iterations than expected, assuming that //do sth. is balanced, and many more if not). Also, it assumes that update_iterations(...) is thread safe and can be called in parallel without unwanted side effects... This is a very strong assumption which you'd better enforce!
num_interation = std::min(num_interation, max_iterations);
#pragma omp parallel
int i = omp_get_thread_num();
const int nbth = omp_get_num_threads();
while ( i < num_interation ) {
// do sth.
// update the number of required iterations
// num_interation can only become smaller over time
int new_num_interation = update_iterations(...);
#pragma omp critical
num_interation = std::min(num_interation, new_num_interation);
i += nbth;
A more synchronised solution, if the //do sth. isn't so balanced and not doing too many extra iterations is important, could be:
num_interation = std::min(num_interation, max_iterations);
int nb_it_done = 0;
#pragma omp parallel
int i = omp_get_thread_num();
const int nbth = omp_get_num_threads();
while ( nb_it_done < num_interation ) {
// do sth.
// update the number of required iterations
// num_interation can only become smaller over time
int new_num_interation = update_iterations(i);
#pragma omp critical
num_interation = std::min(num_interation, new_num_interation);
i += nbth;
#pragma omp single
nb_it_done += nbth;
Another weird thing here is that, since you didn't show what i is used for, it isn't clear if iterating somewhat randomly into the domain is a problem. If it isn't, the first solution should work well, even for unbalanced //do sth.. But if it is a problem, then you'd better stick with the second solution (and even potentially reinforce the synchronism).
But at the end of the day, there is now way (that I can think of and with decent parallelism) to avoid potential extra work to be done, since the number of iterations can change along the way.

why it's slowly when I parse a message of Google protocol buffer in multi-thread?

I try to parse many Google protocol buffer messages from a binary file generated by calling SerializeToString. I first load all Bytes into a heap memory by calling new function. I also have two arrays to store the Bytes begin address of a message in the heap memory and the Bytes count of the message.
Then I begin to parse message by calling ParseFromString.I want to quicken the procedure by using multi-thread.
In each thread, I pass the start index and end index of address array and Byte count array.
In parent process. the main code is:
struct ParsePara
char* str_buffer;
size_t* buffer_offset;
size_t* binary_string_length_array;
size_t start_idx;
size_t end_idx;
Flight_Ticket_Info* ticket_info_buffer_array;
//Flight_Ticket_Info is class of message
//offset_size is the count of message
ticket_array = new Flight_Ticket_Info[offset_size];
const int max_thread_count = 6;
pthread_t pthread_id_vec[max_thread_count];
CTimer thread_cost;
vector<ParsePara*> para_vec;
const size_t each_count = ceil(float(offset_size) / max_thread_count);
for (size_t k = 0;k < max_thread_count;k++)
size_t start_idx = each_count * k;
size_t end_idx = each_count * (k+1);
if (start_idx >= offset_size)
if (end_idx >= offset_size)
end_idx = offset_size;
ParsePara* cand_para_ptr = new ParsePara();
if (!cand_para_ptr)
_ERROR_EXIT(0,"[Malloc memory fail.]");
cand_para_ptr->str_buffer = m_valdata;//heap memory for storing Bytes of message
cand_para_ptr->buffer_offset = offset_array;//begin address of each message
cand_para_ptr->start_idx = start_idx;
cand_para_ptr->end_idx = end_idx;
cand_para_ptr->ticket_info_buffer_array = ticket_array;//array to store message
cand_para_ptr->binary_string_length_array = binary_length_array;//Bytes count of each message
for(size_t k = 0 ;k < para_vec.size();k++)
int ret = pthread_create(&pthread_id_vec[k],NULL,parserFlightTicketForMultiThread,para_vec[k]);
if (0 != ret)
_ERROR_EXIT(0,"[Error] [create thread fail]");
for (size_t k = 0;k < para_vec.size();k++)
In each thread the thread function is:
void* parserFlightTicketForMultiThread(void* void_para_ptr)
ParsePara* para_ptr = (ParsePara*) void_para_ptr;
void parserFlightTicketForMany(const char* str_buffer,Flight_Ticket_Info* ticket_info_buffer_array,
size_t* buffer_offset,const size_t start_idx,const size_t end_idx,size_t* binary_string_length_array)
for (size_t k = start_idx;k < end_idx;k++)
if (k % 100000 == 0)
cout << k << endl;
size_t cand_offset = buffer_offset[k];
size_t binary_length = binary_string_length_array[k];
printf("done %ld %ld\n",start_idx,end_idx);
But multi-thread cost is more than one thread.
one thread cost is:40455623ms
My computer is 8 core and six thread cost is:131586865ms
Anyone can help me? thank you!
Some possible problems -- you'll have to experiment to determine which:
Protobuf parsing speed is often limited by memory bandwidth rather than CPU time, especially with a large input data set. In that case, more threads won't help, since all the cores are sharing bandwidth to main memory. Indeed, having multiple cores fighting over memory bandwidth could make the overall operation slower. Note that the biggest consumer of memory is not the input bytes but rather the parsed data objects -- that is, the output of parsing -- which are many times larger than the encoded data. To improve this problem, consider writing the parsing loop so that it fully-processes each message immediately after parsing, before moving on to the text message. That way, instead of allocating k protobuf objects, you only need to allocate one protobuf object per thread, and repeatedly reuse the same object for parsing. This way the object will (probably) stay in the core's private L1 cache and avoid consuming memory bandwidth; only the input bytes will be read over the main bus.
How are you loading data into RAM? Did you read() into a large array or did you mmap()? In the latter case the data is read from disk lazily -- it won't happen until you actually attempt to parse it. Even in the read() case, it could be that the data has been swapped out, creating similar effects. Either way, your threads are now not just fighting for memory bandwidth, but disk bandwidth, which is of course much slower. Having six threads reading separate parts of a big file will definitely be slower overall than having one thread read the whole file, because the operating system optimizes for sequential access.
Protobuf allocates memory during parsing. Many memory allocators take a lock while allocating new memory. Since all your threads are allocating tons and tons of objects in a tight loop, they will contend for this lock. Make sure you are using a thread-friendly memory allocator, such as Google's tcmalloc. Note that repeatedly reusing the same protobuf object in a parse-consume loop rather than allocating lots of different objects will also help immensely here, because the protobuf object will automatically reuse memory for sub-objects.
There may be a bug in your code and it might not be doing what you expect at all when multithreaded. For example, a bug might be causing all the threads to process the same data, rather than different data, and it could be that the data they're choosing happens to be bigger. Make sure you are testing that the results of your code are exactly the same when you run single-threaded vs. multi-threaded.
In short, if you want multiple cores to make your code faster, you have to think about not just what each core is doing, but what data is going in and out of each core, and how much the cores have to talk to each other. Ideally you want each core to operate all on its own without talking to anyone or anything; then you get maximum parallelism. That's not usually possible, of course, but the closer you can get to that, the better.
BTW, a random optimization for you:
Replace that with:
Creating at std::string makes a copy of the data, which wastes time (and memory bandwidth). (This doesn't explain why threading is slow, though.)

Design pattern for asynchronous while loop

I have a function that boils down to:
config = generateConfigurationForTesting();
result = executeWork(config);
doWork = isDone(result);
How can I rewrite this for efficient asynchronous execution, assuming all functions are thread safe, independent of previous iterations, and probably require more iterations than the maximum number of allowable threads ?
The problem here is we don't know how many iterations are required in advance so we can't make a dispatch_group or use dispatch_apply.
This is my first attempt, but it looks a bit ugly to me because of arbitrarily chosen values and sleeping;
int thread_count = 0;
bool doWork = true;
int max_threads = 20; // arbitrarily chosen number
dispatch_queue_t queue =
dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
if(thread_count < max_threads)
dispatch_async(queue, ^{ Config myconfig = generateConfigurationForTesting();
Result myresult = executeWork();
dispatch_async(queue, checkResult(myresult)); });
usleep(100); // don't consume too much CPU
void checkResult(Result value)
if(value == good) doWork = false;
Based on your description, it looks like generateConfigurationForTesting is some kind of randomization technique or otherwise a generator which can make a near-infinite number of configuration (hence your comment that you don't know ahead of time how many iterations you will need). With that as an assumption, you are basically stuck with the model that you've created, since your executor needs to be limited by some reasonable assumptions about the queue and you don't want to over-generate, as that would just extend the length of the run after you have succeeded in finding value ==good measurements.
I would suggest you consider using a queue (or OSAtomicIncrement* and OSAtomicDecrement*) to protect access to thread_count and doWork. As it stands, the thread_count increment and decrement will happen in two different queues (main_queue for the main thread and the default queue for the background task) and thus could simultaneously increment and decrement the thread count. This could lead to an undercount (which would cause more threads to be created than you expect) or an overcount (which would cause you to never complete your task).
Another option to making this look a little nicer would be to have checkResult add new elements into the queue if value!=good. This way, you load up the initial elements of the queue using dispatch_apply( 20, queue, ^{ ... }) and you don't need the thread_count at all. The first 20 will be added using dispatch_apply (or an amount that dispatch_apply feels is appropriate for your configuration) and then each time checkResult is called you can either set doWork=false or add another operation to queue.
dispatch_apply() works for this, just pass ncpu as the number of iterations (apply never uses more than ncpu worker threads) and keep each instance of your worker block running for as long as there is more work to do (i.e. loop back to generateConfigurationForTesting() unless !doWork).
