Licensing your work [closed] - security

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Let's say I am selling some PHP scripts, developed from scratch by me, and also some Flash games, also developed from scratch by me.
I sold the flash games and PHP scripts to some clients, and to some of them I even sold them with source codes.
Now if one customer will sell the code to someone else without my approval, and that someone else, the 3rd person would claim that the code belongs to him, what can be done?
Can PHP scripts or codes be signed online or something like that?

When you sold to clients, does the contract stipulate that they are forbidden to sell it ? Also more importantly does the contract also specify that the client must not modify in anyway the source code and then sell it ?
Today, the best way to protect your I.P. is to use a lawyer and yes, this is a sad thing.

You're trying to solve a social problem by technological means. This won't work.
If someone does that to you, you should get a lawyer and sue him.


How to list all the domains in India under one website based on categories [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I need to list all the website links (domains) in India under one website based on categories.
You just cannot list 100% of Indian websites. If I understand what you want, you want something like a Web crawler for Indian domains. Another "google". But even big spiders like Google's, Yahoo's, Bing's spiders can't build a database of all the websites. They do this with algorithms (with partly published algorithms), but I think you need even more, because you need a 100% accurate database, so you would need to have to ask them from all domain registrars, but you obviously can't do that.
Even if it was possible I definitely would not do this for a client, but created a company for that. But I would say that's practically impossible.
What you can do is that you can search for a few thousands of sites and categorize them manually or build a small "spider".

Measure the user experience of a website [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I know that this is no technical question, but since someone has posted a similar question here I thought it should be ok.
What I want to do is to measure the user experience of any website. Ideally, I would like to use some type of algorithm to get a number with a corresponding metric to evaluate the user experience.
I can think of some type of heuristics, e.g. if user gets a 404-error, the user experience is very low. On the other hand, if he or she buys something in an online store, the user experience is high. Of course this would not work if the page is e.g. a news page.
Does anyone of you know how I could calculate the user experience for websites?
Thanks in advance,
What I understand from your question is that you want to measure the user experience based on technical terms, i.e.: number of views for a specific page, number of error pages showed to users, how many times a link has been clicked, what locations the users come from all over the world, and so on.
So, I think you are asking about website analytics, which you custom to do measurements for whatever you want, as famous examples for those tools:
Google Analytics
Open Web Analytics (open source)
Please let me know if I answered your question.

Beta site and invitations [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm launching a startup web site, what i would like to know is how to start with that, i mean is better to use invitations first of all?
Then how to send invitations and to who?
How can i plan invitations? Which are best practices?
Does anyone is passed from this step with his own site?
Any experience on here?
Whether you create a beta version of the site first is completely up to you.
It really depends what type of website you're planning to make. Beta's are obviously a good way to gain feedback on your website and its functionality before releasing to everyone. Thus, allowing you to make improvements/fix bugs before everyone uses the site.
In terms of actually getting users for the beta, it's very much a case of marketing your website and its existence well (through social media, advertising etc.), and then providing some kind of 'sign up for the beta' page. You could then close registration for the beta once you have enough users, and devise some method of gaining feedback from users.
I haven't personally created a beta myself, but if I was to do it, I would do the above.
Hope that's of some help.

Protecting from "registration bots"? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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What is best strategy of protecting from "registration bots". Ones that just POSTing registration forms to my server, creating dumb users.
For my application, it started with just several new accounts per day. But now it became a real problem.
I would like to avoid confirmation mail, as much as possible. What are strategies to prevent this?
You can use a variety of techniques here:
Use a CAPTCHA like reCaptcha
Present the user with a trivial problem like "2+2=?". A human will be able to respond correctly where as a bot won't.
Add a hidden text field to your form. Bots are programmed to fill in every field they can. If you find that the hidden field has some data in it when the form was submitted, discard the request.
Use something like reCaptcha
Any kind of captcha will do it. eg: reCAPTCHA, but for popular bots a simple check like: "from the following checkboxes below please select the nth one" will do it.
Also, if you use a popular app like phpBB, just a little tweaking of registration page will do it.
If your site is very popular, then it's a different story altogether, and there will be always a way to write bots specifically designed for your site, but these basic tricks should be enough to stop generic bots.
You could log the IPs of those bots and block them. That is if they are not rotating lots of IPs.

knowledge sharing discussion forum on company intranet / network drive [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am investigating the feasibility of setting up a discussion forum / message board in my company to enable knowledge sharing etc.
What are the steps involved in implementing such a solution?
I would definitely recommend a Wiki - we've used Mindtouch internally for a number of years and have also posted all of our documentation externally on a wiki.
The steps will depend on what technology you already have in place and what kind of shop you are. If you have SharePoint (WSS 3.0 or MOSS 2007), then you already have blog, wiki and discussion group functionality built in. Not the best in the world, but it's there.
A shop that uses more open source tools is less likely to find SharePoint compelling. ;-)
Instead of (or maybe in addition to) a discussion forum, I would recommend a wiki server. This way you can have different howtos, lists, documentation, etc available and the important things will tend to stay up to date. We have one in our department and it is quite useful (if only people would log in when editing...).
I was not involved in setting it up, so I cannot give any details on that, but it is based on mediawiki.
