Finding DLLs required of a Win exe on Linux (cross-compiled with mingw)? - linux

I'm using MinGW on Linux to cross-compile to Windows. Getting that working was a breeze. Packing it up with the required DLLs was not quite as simple though. The solution at the moment is to run the executable on Windows and copy over DLLs until it actually runs.
Is there a tool for Linux that lists the DLLs required by my Windows .exe? (Something like a combination of ldd and DependencyWalker.)

As of Late 2015 there are no toolchain utilities that support listing dynamic dependencies for windows binaries (such as ldd or otool).
From my tests, a complete dependency list can usually be seen with something like:
strings MY.EXE | grep -i '\.dll$'
Hackish, but it has always worked for me.
For a complete example, try this script I use in my cross environment on linux.

Check that your utility supports PE format with objdump --help. Install cross compiler toolsets for MinGW if not (like
Than look to:
objdump --private-headers $EXE

$ objdump -p program.exe | grep "DLL Name:"
DLL Name: KERNEL32.dll
DLL Name: msvcrt.dll
FWIW one can use objdump with -p (or -x) option.
It's so much better than sifting through '.dll' strings as it most likely will give lot of false positives.

while [ $nc -gt 0 ];
for f in *.exe *.dll
for dep in $(strings $f | grep -i '\.dll$')
if [ ! -e $dep ]; then
echo $notfounddlls | grep -iw $dep > /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
dllloc=$(find $dllbase -iname $dep)
if [ ! -z $dllloc ]; then
cp $dllloc .
echo "Copying "$(basename $dllloc)
nc=$(($nc + 1))
notfounddlls="$notfounddlls $dep"
echo "System DLLS: "$notfounddlls


How can I test if a file could be marked as executable and run? [duplicate]

I am wondering what's the easiest way to check if a program is executable with bash, without executing it ? It should at least check whether the file has execute rights, and is of the same architecture (for example, not a windows executable or another unsupported architecture, not 64 bits if the system is 32 bits, ...) as the current system.
Take a look at the various test operators (this is for the test command itself, but the built-in BASH and TCSH tests are more or less the same).
You'll notice that -x FILE says FILE exists and execute (or search) permission is granted.
BASH, Bourne, Ksh, Zsh Script
if [[ -x "$file" ]]
echo "File '$file' is executable"
echo "File '$file' is not executable or found"
TCSH or CSH Script:
if ( -x "$file" ) then
echo "File '$file' is executable"
echo "File '$file' is not executable or found"
To determine the type of file it is, try the file command. You can parse the output to see exactly what type of file it is. Word 'o Warning: Sometimes file will return more than one line. Here's what happens on my Mac:
$ file /bin/ls
/bin/ls: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures
/bin/ls (for architecture x86_64): Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64
/bin/ls (for architecture i386): Mach-O executable i386
The file command returns different output depending upon the OS. However, the word executable will be in executable programs, and usually the architecture will appear too.
Compare the above to what I get on my Linux box:
$ file /bin/ls
/bin/ls: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, AMD x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped
And a Solaris box:
$ file /bin/ls
/bin/ls: ELF 32-bit MSB executable SPARC Version 1, dynamically linked, stripped
In all three, you'll see the word executable and the architecture (x86-64, i386, or SPARC with 32-bit).
Thank you very much, that seems the way to go. Before I mark this as my answer, can you please guide me as to what kind of script shell check I would have to perform (ie, what kind of parsing) on 'file' in order to check whether I can execute a program ? If such a test is too difficult to make on a general basis, I would at least like to check whether it's a linux executable or osX (Mach-O)
Off the top of my head, you could do something like this in BASH:
if [ -x "$file" ] && file "$file" | grep -q "Mach-O"
echo "This is an executable Mac file"
elif [ -x "$file" ] && file "$file" | grep -q "GNU/Linux"
echo "This is an executable Linux File"
elif [ -x "$file" ] && file "$file" | grep q "shell script"
echo "This is an executable Shell Script"
elif [ -x "$file" ]
echo "This file is merely marked executable, but what type is a mystery"
echo "This file isn't even marked as being executable"
Basically, I'm running the test, then if that is successful, I do a grep on the output of the file command. The grep -q means don't print any output, but use the exit code of grep to see if I found the string. If your system doesn't take grep -q, you can try grep "regex" > /dev/null 2>&1.
Again, the output of the file command may vary from system to system, so you'll have to verify that these will work on your system. Also, I'm checking the executable bit. If a file is a binary executable, but the executable bit isn't on, I'll say it's not executable. This may not be what you want.
Seems nobody noticed that -x operator does not differ file with directory.
So to precisely check an executable file, you may use
[[ -f SomeFile && -x SomeFile ]]
Testing files, directories and symlinks
The solutions given here fail on either directories or symlinks (or both). On Linux, you can test files, directories and symlinks with:
if [[ -f "$file" && -x $(realpath "$file") ]]; then .... fi
On OS X, you should be able to install coreutils with homebrew and use grealpath.
Defining an isexec function
You can define a function for convenience:
isexec() {
if [[ -f "$1" && -x $(realpath "$1") ]]; then
Or simply
isexec() { [[ -f "$1" && -x $(realpath "$1") ]]; }
Then you can test using:
if `isexec "$file"`; then ... fi
Also seems nobody noticed -x operator on symlinks. A symlink (chain) to a regular file (not classified as executable) fails the test.
First you need to remember that in Unix and Linux, everything is a file, even directories. For a file to have the rights to be executed as a command, it needs to satisfy 3 conditions:
It needs to be a regular file
It needs to have read-permissions
It needs to have execute-permissions
So this can be done simply with:
[ -f "${file}" ] && [ -r "${file}" ] && [ -x "${file}" ]
If your file is a symbolic link to a regular file, the test command will operate on the target and not the link-name. So the above command distinguishes if a file can be used as a command or not. So there is no need to pass the file first to realpath or readlink or any of those variants.
If the file can be executed on the current OS, that is a different question. Some answers above already pointed to some possibilities for that, so there is no need to repeat it here.
To test whether a file itself has ACL_EXECUTE bit set in any of permission sets (user, group, others) regardless of where it resides, i. e. even on a tmpfs with noexec option, use stat -c '%A' to get the permission string and then check if it contains at least a single “x” letter:
if [[ "$(stat -c '%A' 'my_exec_file')" == *'x'* ]] ; then
echo 'Has executable permission for someone'
The right-hand part of comparison may be modified to fit more specific cases, such as *x*x*x* to check whether all kinds of users should be able to execute the file when it is placed on a volume mounted with exec option.
This might be not so obvious, but sometime is required to test the executable to appropriately call it without an external shell process:
function tkl_is_file_os_exec()
[[ ! -x "$1" ]] && return 255
local exec_header_bytes
case "$OSTYPE" in
cygwin* | msys* | mingw*)
# The bash version 3.2+ might require a file path together with the extension,
# otherwise will throw the error: `bash: ...: No such file or directory`.
# So we make a guess to avoid the error.
read -r -n 4 exec_header_bytes 2> /dev/null < "$1" ||
[[ -x "${1%.exe}.exe" ]] && read -r -n 4 exec_header_bytes 2> /dev/null < "${1%.exe}.exe"
} ||
[[ -x "${}.com" ]] && read -r -n 4 exec_header_bytes 2> /dev/null < "${}.com"
} &&
if [[ "${exec_header_bytes:0:3}" == $'MZ\x90' ]]; then
# $'MZ\x90\00' for bash version 3.2.42+
# $'MZ\x90\03' for bash version 4.0+
[[ "${exec_header_bytes:3:1}" == $'\x00' || "${exec_header_bytes:3:1}" == $'\x03' ]] && return 0
read -r -n 4 exec_header_bytes < "$1"
[[ "$exec_header_bytes" == $'\x7fELF' ]] && return 0
return 1
# executes script in the shell process in case of a shell script, otherwise executes as usual
function tkl_exec_inproc()
if tkl_is_file_os_exec "$1"; then
. "$#"
return $?
echo 123
return 123
In Cygwin:
> tkl_exec_inproc /cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/cmd.exe /c 'echo 123'
> tkl_exec_inproc /cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/ 65001
Active code page: 65001
> tkl_exec_inproc ./
> echo $?
In Linux:
> tkl_exec_inproc /bin/bash -c 'echo 123'
> tkl_exec_inproc ./
> echo $?

Why does musl ldconfig ignore standard directories?

I was trying to make a docker container based on Alpine linux. During installation of some software I noticed that shared libraries were not installed properly. After some investigation I found the musl ldconfig to be ignoring standard library directories.
The ldconfig script contains the following:
case "$FILE" in
/lib/*|/usr/lib/*|/usr/local/lib/*) ;;
*) [ -h "$LINK" -o ! -e "$LINK" ] && ln -sf "$TARGET" "$LINK"
What is the reason for this?

How do I check if a file is executable on Linux [duplicate]

I am wondering what's the easiest way to check if a program is executable with bash, without executing it ? It should at least check whether the file has execute rights, and is of the same architecture (for example, not a windows executable or another unsupported architecture, not 64 bits if the system is 32 bits, ...) as the current system.
Take a look at the various test operators (this is for the test command itself, but the built-in BASH and TCSH tests are more or less the same).
You'll notice that -x FILE says FILE exists and execute (or search) permission is granted.
BASH, Bourne, Ksh, Zsh Script
if [[ -x "$file" ]]
echo "File '$file' is executable"
echo "File '$file' is not executable or found"
TCSH or CSH Script:
if ( -x "$file" ) then
echo "File '$file' is executable"
echo "File '$file' is not executable or found"
To determine the type of file it is, try the file command. You can parse the output to see exactly what type of file it is. Word 'o Warning: Sometimes file will return more than one line. Here's what happens on my Mac:
$ file /bin/ls
/bin/ls: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures
/bin/ls (for architecture x86_64): Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64
/bin/ls (for architecture i386): Mach-O executable i386
The file command returns different output depending upon the OS. However, the word executable will be in executable programs, and usually the architecture will appear too.
Compare the above to what I get on my Linux box:
$ file /bin/ls
/bin/ls: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, AMD x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped
And a Solaris box:
$ file /bin/ls
/bin/ls: ELF 32-bit MSB executable SPARC Version 1, dynamically linked, stripped
In all three, you'll see the word executable and the architecture (x86-64, i386, or SPARC with 32-bit).
Thank you very much, that seems the way to go. Before I mark this as my answer, can you please guide me as to what kind of script shell check I would have to perform (ie, what kind of parsing) on 'file' in order to check whether I can execute a program ? If such a test is too difficult to make on a general basis, I would at least like to check whether it's a linux executable or osX (Mach-O)
Off the top of my head, you could do something like this in BASH:
if [ -x "$file" ] && file "$file" | grep -q "Mach-O"
echo "This is an executable Mac file"
elif [ -x "$file" ] && file "$file" | grep -q "GNU/Linux"
echo "This is an executable Linux File"
elif [ -x "$file" ] && file "$file" | grep q "shell script"
echo "This is an executable Shell Script"
elif [ -x "$file" ]
echo "This file is merely marked executable, but what type is a mystery"
echo "This file isn't even marked as being executable"
Basically, I'm running the test, then if that is successful, I do a grep on the output of the file command. The grep -q means don't print any output, but use the exit code of grep to see if I found the string. If your system doesn't take grep -q, you can try grep "regex" > /dev/null 2>&1.
Again, the output of the file command may vary from system to system, so you'll have to verify that these will work on your system. Also, I'm checking the executable bit. If a file is a binary executable, but the executable bit isn't on, I'll say it's not executable. This may not be what you want.
Seems nobody noticed that -x operator does not differ file with directory.
So to precisely check an executable file, you may use
[[ -f SomeFile && -x SomeFile ]]
Testing files, directories and symlinks
The solutions given here fail on either directories or symlinks (or both). On Linux, you can test files, directories and symlinks with:
if [[ -f "$file" && -x $(realpath "$file") ]]; then .... fi
On OS X, you should be able to install coreutils with homebrew and use grealpath.
Defining an isexec function
You can define a function for convenience:
isexec() {
if [[ -f "$1" && -x $(realpath "$1") ]]; then
Or simply
isexec() { [[ -f "$1" && -x $(realpath "$1") ]]; }
Then you can test using:
if `isexec "$file"`; then ... fi
Also seems nobody noticed -x operator on symlinks. A symlink (chain) to a regular file (not classified as executable) fails the test.
First you need to remember that in Unix and Linux, everything is a file, even directories. For a file to have the rights to be executed as a command, it needs to satisfy 3 conditions:
It needs to be a regular file
It needs to have read-permissions
It needs to have execute-permissions
So this can be done simply with:
[ -f "${file}" ] && [ -r "${file}" ] && [ -x "${file}" ]
If your file is a symbolic link to a regular file, the test command will operate on the target and not the link-name. So the above command distinguishes if a file can be used as a command or not. So there is no need to pass the file first to realpath or readlink or any of those variants.
If the file can be executed on the current OS, that is a different question. Some answers above already pointed to some possibilities for that, so there is no need to repeat it here.
To test whether a file itself has ACL_EXECUTE bit set in any of permission sets (user, group, others) regardless of where it resides, i. e. even on a tmpfs with noexec option, use stat -c '%A' to get the permission string and then check if it contains at least a single “x” letter:
if [[ "$(stat -c '%A' 'my_exec_file')" == *'x'* ]] ; then
echo 'Has executable permission for someone'
The right-hand part of comparison may be modified to fit more specific cases, such as *x*x*x* to check whether all kinds of users should be able to execute the file when it is placed on a volume mounted with exec option.
This might be not so obvious, but sometime is required to test the executable to appropriately call it without an external shell process:
function tkl_is_file_os_exec()
[[ ! -x "$1" ]] && return 255
local exec_header_bytes
case "$OSTYPE" in
cygwin* | msys* | mingw*)
# The bash version 3.2+ might require a file path together with the extension,
# otherwise will throw the error: `bash: ...: No such file or directory`.
# So we make a guess to avoid the error.
read -r -n 4 exec_header_bytes 2> /dev/null < "$1" ||
[[ -x "${1%.exe}.exe" ]] && read -r -n 4 exec_header_bytes 2> /dev/null < "${1%.exe}.exe"
} ||
[[ -x "${}.com" ]] && read -r -n 4 exec_header_bytes 2> /dev/null < "${}.com"
} &&
if [[ "${exec_header_bytes:0:3}" == $'MZ\x90' ]]; then
# $'MZ\x90\00' for bash version 3.2.42+
# $'MZ\x90\03' for bash version 4.0+
[[ "${exec_header_bytes:3:1}" == $'\x00' || "${exec_header_bytes:3:1}" == $'\x03' ]] && return 0
read -r -n 4 exec_header_bytes < "$1"
[[ "$exec_header_bytes" == $'\x7fELF' ]] && return 0
return 1
# executes script in the shell process in case of a shell script, otherwise executes as usual
function tkl_exec_inproc()
if tkl_is_file_os_exec "$1"; then
. "$#"
return $?
echo 123
return 123
In Cygwin:
> tkl_exec_inproc /cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/cmd.exe /c 'echo 123'
> tkl_exec_inproc /cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/ 65001
Active code page: 65001
> tkl_exec_inproc ./
> echo $?
In Linux:
> tkl_exec_inproc /bin/bash -c 'echo 123'
> tkl_exec_inproc ./
> echo $?

lpr command not working with CYGWIN.

while :
if [ -e ./*.pdf ]
#printer=$(lpstat -p | grep printer | head -n1 | cut -d \ -f 2)
printer=$(cat printer.ini)
for file in *.pdf
echo "Printing $file"
$(lpr -P $printer $file)
echo "Moving $file"
$(mv $file ./p)
when I'm trying to run this script in windows using CYGWIN it is showing..lpr is not a internal or external command..Please give me a solution for this.
Cygwin has modules (packages). A limited amount of them are installed by default, you need to choose the ones you need by running the setup again and selecting them. lpr is in cygutils, iirc. Also, you seem to be running this in a windows command prompt instead of sh or mintty, etc. (error is specific to cmd.exe afaik).

identify and delete all x64 architecture files

I have a folder with many .a and .o libraries for i386 and x64
I want to find and remove all the x64 libraries?
I know objdump can help but I don't know how to use it (maybe using a bash script with 'find' or 'sed') to make a list of the files and remove them.
You can try the following script (it runs from the same folder with the libraries). I suggest you replace the "rm -f" with an echo first, to check the list of files to be deleted.
for f in *; do
fileInfo=$(file $f)
echo $fileInfo | grep -q "ELF 64-bit"
if [ $exitCode -eq 0 ]; then
rm -f "$f"
