VIM hide (not fold!) lines - vim

Is there a way to totally hide certain lines? I do not want folding, I one them to not be visible at all.
Example: I program with php; functions and class variables have phpdocs, and I hate how much vertical space lines with nothing but /** and */ can take. Thus I would like to not show them (and most likely some other things). Though I have doubts that that is possible...
Note: I know about global commands and they don't do what I want. You can one of printing of what I want. But I want lines hidden in the editing area.

You can make comments invisible:
:hi! Comment guifg=bg ctermfg=white
:hi! link Comment Ignore

I know this isn't really what you're asking for, but have you tried using folding with a blank foldtext? That way the lines a folded region appears like an empty line. To do this, set
set foldmethod=marker
set foldmarker=\/**,*\/
set foldtext='\ '
I prefer a foldtext which indicates that there's something there, possibly by making is look like a single commented line. In this case, replacing the first folded line with a single comment string // at the current indent level:
set foldtext=substitute(getline(v:foldstart),'\\/\\*\\*.*','\\/\\/','g'
I find this unobtrusive, while still reminding me that there is some hidden text.
Hope this helps.


Vim: Hide all code around selected code

I want to be able to hide all code around the specific section of code that I am working with. Now I am wondering if this is possible in Vim somehow. I have experimented with it a bit already and have been successful at hiding lines above and below my selection by using highlight group Igore. This enables me to only see the lines that I want to focus on but the problem is when I begin to edit the code and add or remove lines. When I add a line or remove a line the already set highlight group Ignore is still maintaining the set line numbers so I either get to see some of the hidden code or some of the code that I want to see gets long and extends into the hidden line numbers. So I am wondering if there is some way to fix this or any other way to accomplish what I want in Vim?
Appreciate any suggestions!
Hiding or shading parts of the buffer is not the Vim way. Folding is the built-in feature that comes closest. With :set foldmethod=manual, you can then use zf or :fold to hide the parts above and below.
For a plugin solution, have a look at NrrwRgn - A Narrow Region Plugin. It allows you to edit parts of a buffer in a separate scratch buffer, with automatic syncing back.
To hide a range of lines (let's say from 1 to 10 and 20 to end, you can type :1,10fo|20,$fo
From there, you can create a function based on the current cursor position -10/+10
Note you have first to :set foldmethod=manual to make this works.
EDIT: a simple solution : :1,.-10fo|.+10,$fo

Plugin name for showing indentation guide in gVim

Anybody, any idea??
which plugin is showing the indentation guide in the image below. Downloaded from
A similar effect could be achieved with:
set list
set listchars+=tab:\│┈
Maybe with another filler character.
See :help 'list' and :help 'listchars'.
As I was writing that answer it appeared to me that the answer was probably in the colorscheme's author's ~/.vimrc.
I think that you should really work on sharpening your deduction skills. It takes about 30 seconds to 1 minute to find that information by yourself:
Go to the site where you get that pic from:
Look around for something Vim-related. The navigation is generally the first place to go and what do you find? "Vim themes" at
That image illustrates the first "theme" featured, that's a good sign. But let's read the introduction text (emphasis mine, typos his):
If you are curious what some other things are (like the indetation markers) and how they work, take a look at my .vimrc. Note that the encoding is broken with that file so the "set lcs" part is probably not copy-pasteable, follow the instructions in the comments above that line in order to find out how you can make your own unicode-lcs.
Wow! It looks like you are getting closer to the truth. Beware of the Cigarette Man!
Follow the link and do a search for lcs.
Not sure what you mean by "indentation guide", but I don't think any plugin is involved.
The first thing I see that you might be referring to is the characters at the beginning of lines indicating where there are tabs. That can be done by doing setting the listchars option to an appropriate value, turning the list option on, and selecting a color for the SpecialKey highlight group.
The other thing you might be referring to is highlighting of the column that currently contains the cursor. That can be done by turning on the cursorcolumn option. The color used for that can be set with the CursorColumn highlight group.
There's also a plugin, vim-indent-guides
Here's a nice plugin for vim:

Context sensitive word wrap in vi/vim

How can I can specific word wrapping for specific tags. For example, in LaTex I want word wrapping for my paragraphs but not for my figure commands (they are always very long and run off the screen).
Or with Javascript, I want the right margin for code to be at, for example 50 columns, but for the comments to be at only 40 columns
This is not builtin
You could probably script something yourself using a devious combination of `formatexpr` and synID(). I suggest you look at the help of the latter first, because it contains inspirational samples:
for id in synstack(line("."), col("."))
echo synIDattr(id, "name")
taken from :he synstack
The formatexpr is usually set to something like
:set formatexpr=mylang#Format()
thus delegating to a filetype plugin. You could implement the function to use different margins for different syntax contexts.
Bear in mind
the default formatexpr (if absent, formatprg) are probably no good for a source file (in my experience it has the tendency to string together lines as if they were text paragraphs). But then again, you can implement it any which way you want
that syntax highlighting may become out of sync. I'm not sure what happens when the cursor is at, say, 70% of a large document and you issue ggVGgq. It might not update the syntax highlighting all the way (meaning that your formatexpr function would get the 'wrong' synID() values. You get around this by saying something like
:syntax sync fromstart
this again might impact the highlighting performance depending on the size/complexity of the source and highlighting scripts

extend/modify vim highlighting for all filetypes at once?

How do I extend/modify vim highlighting for all filetypes at once?
I have certain relatively simple patterns which I'd like highlight differently, that can occur in any filetype. So rather than adding something like the below to every conceivable filetype I might use (~/.vim/syntax/python.vim, .../css.vim, .../html.vim, ...) is there some way I can define it once for all filetypes?
syn match SpecialComment "#[#\-+].*" containedin=Comment
syn match Comment "\* .*$"hs=s+1 containedin=SpecialComment
As suggested I saved my changes to ~/.vim/after/filetype.vim, with the result that it works in Cream but not stock Gvim or Vim. The actual code I'm using here, a sample python file to test against here, and the desired result:
You could try putting those two lines in ~/.vim/after/filetype.vim. That should get sourced after any of the top level syntax files. It's possibly not the 'correct' place to put it, but it should work.
filetype.vim seems to be sourced BEFORE the syntax files, so it gets overwritten by the default syntax file. Therefore, I'd recommend you create a new file called something like:
with the highlight lines that you're interested in. Then, add this to ~/.vim/after/filetype.vim:
if !exists("after_autocmds_loaded")
let after_autocmds_loaded = 1
au BufNewFile,BufRead * source ~/.vim/after/common_syntax.vim
This will cause the file to be sourced once the file has been read.
P.S. Responding to the comment in your sample code: "why can't we use plain ol 'comment' group instead of 'pythoncomment' etc. ?", it's because the syntax highlight group is pythonComment, which is merely coloured in the same way as Comment. If your syntax is unique enough for it not to be a problem, you could just do containedin=ALL. If it is close, but not quite unique, you could do containedin=ALLBUT,conflictgroup where conflictgroup is the highlight group you want to steer clear of.

Does Vim have an auto-comment feature based on the file's syntax?

I'm not sure this is possible, but I'm interesting in making this happen.
Ideally, I would like to map this feature to SHIFT+CTRL+3.
I'm looking for a way to have Vim enter a comment (single line) which corresponds to the syntax of the file I'm editing. If there are multiple single-line comment styles, Vim could either automatically pick one, or give me the choice. If the single-line comment has two parts (e.g. /* and */), then pressing SHIFT+CTRL+3 the first time will start the comment, and the second time will close the comment.
Python: #
JavaScript: //
C, C++: /* with */ or //
I know there are scripts which will insert comments for you, but I haven't seen any that will do this based on the syntax of the file.
I highly recommend NERD Commenter.
Sort of! I don't believe vim will do this out of the box, but you can install plugins that will do fairly intelligent commenting (using movement keys, visual line highlighting, etc) that are specific to the filetype being edited. You can get these plugins off of, and you should be able to make your own key mappings in your .vimrc file if you don't like the ones they come with.
tComment is pretty well regarded, and has worked for me.
I've heard that EnhCommentify might be better, but I haven't used it myself.
Seems like a similar question to this:
How to comment in vim while respecting the indent?
Use the nerd commenter plugin:
See: this script which provides a function to commented a highlighted area in visual mode.
You want to start a comment in insert mode so your function would look more like:
fun CommentLines()
exe ":s#^#".g:Comment."#g"
Not quite what you're looking for, but efficient, and I suppose you know which comment to use.
(all this in command mode)
Put your cursor to the first line you want to comment. We willl then set a marker called a (valid names are a-z, single character) by typing
put the cursor to the last line, then set a marker called b by typing
Then comment the whole block (by searching for a newline and inserting the comment character (note the use of "#" as search delimiter because otherwise wee have to escape the "/")
or for Python:
To uncomment:
As we do line comments, it doesn't matter if we have other comments already in the file, they will be preserved.
