How to skip the screen for Name/Organization in Inno Script installer - inno-setup

Inno Setup allows you to see a screen in which you are prompted to input your name and Organization.
How I can make my installer skip this screen?

To skip the Name and Organization input in InnoSetup script do the following:

For that page to appear, your setup must have explicitly implemented the CheckSerial event function. If you remove that then the page will also disappear.


Inno Setup - How can I change the About dialog text?

Can I change the default text in the about dialog box? Overriding the AboutSetupMessage doesn't seem to do anything:
AboutSetupMenuItem=&About MyApp...
AboutSetupTitle=About MyApp
AboutSetupMessage={#MyAppPublisher} version {#MyAppVersion}%n{#MyCopyright}%nhome page:%n{#MyAppURL}
Doesn't seem to matter if I edit the default.isl or use a custom ISL either. The menu item and the title change, but not the message text.
Any ideas?
There's no AboutSetupMessage.
There's AboutSetupNote. It does not change the About box message though. It's appended to it.
There's no way to change the message.
For me the AboutSetupNote did not work on Inno Setup 5.6.1 Unicode, but the TranslatorNote did.
Alternatively try TranslatorNote. This one does not change the about box message but it will append to it which is the correct application of Inno Setup license.

Inno Setup: Color for modal and browse directory windows

Is it possible to change inner background color for modal and browse directory windows in Inno Setup? In my case I want it should be white.
UPD: Same behaviour is on the inner pages of Inner Setup, but I've fixed it by setting WizardForm.InnerPage.Color := clWhite;
I'm using VclStylesInno for styling my installer with custom style spreadsheat.
You cannot change the color of these in Inno Setup itself, except by a custom build of Inno Setup or some addon DLL (see below).
All you can do is to re-implement these dialogs from the scratch:
For the "browse" dialog: Handle the WizardForm.DirBrowseButton.OnClick and use CreateCustomForm and TFolderTreeView to implement the browse dialog. Download Inno Setup code and copy the existing implementation from SelFolderForm.pas.
For an example of handling WizardForm.DirBrowseButton.OnClick, see
How to display localized Program Files name (display name) during installation?
For the "cancel" dialog: Implement the CancelButtonClick event function. Make sure you set Confirm to False to get rid of the default prompt. And implement your own. Again, use the CreateCustomForm.
It's a lot of work for a small gain. I'd not do it.
Instead, you can use VCL Styles for Inno Setup (DLL) to style Inno Setup windows (including all modal dialogs).
As turned out, the reason was in the "Colors" option in Bitmap Designer, which I use to modify my installer style. This option makes some additional styling for controls:

Change Inno Setup messages from Pascal code

I need to change ConfirmUninstall, UninstalledMost (just in case), and UninstalledAll specifically from script to set a condition. Something like this:
if FileExists(ExpandConstant('{app}\Slash.exe')) then
SetupMessage(msgConfirmUninstall) := FmtMessage(SetupMessage(msgConfirmUninstall), ['Dagon Slasher'])
else if FileExists(ExpandConstant('{app}\Frank.exe')) then
SetupMessage(msgConfirmUninstall) := FmtMessage(SetupMessage(msgConfirmUninstall), ['Dagon Frankenstein'])
SetupMessage(msgConfirmUninstall) := FmtMessage(SetupMessage(msgConfirmUninstall), ['Dagon Video Tools']);
But this doesn't work. These messages are used in MsgBoxes, so I can't think of any other way. Running in silent mode is not really suitable for me, since setup will run uninstall if the programs (or one of them) has already been installed, so I don't want the user to accidentally uninstall the program by running the setup.
You cannot change these easily, see:
Replace or customize modal uninstallation windows in Inno Setup
Regarding the silent uninstall solution: I do not understand your problem with "setup will run uninstall if the programs (or one of them) has already been installed".
I assume you run the uninstaller only after the user confirms (s)he wants to install the new version, so you actually want to run the uninstaller silently, right?
And anyway, there's nothing that prevents you from running the uninstaller non-silently from your installer, even if the entry in "Add/Remove programs" refers to "silent" installation.
You can use generic messages that covers all setup types:
ConfirmUninstall=Are you sure you want to completely remove this game?
As your uninstall messages depend on a type of the installed application, you can modify the installer to:
Create custom "type" page (like a menu) as the very first one.
Once the user selects the "type", restart the installer with a custom switch (e.g. /APPTYPE=slasher) and exit.
Once the installer is (re-)run with the /APPTYPE, you know from the beginning, what component/type you are installing and hence you can set the AppName accordingly (using a scripted constant).
Of course, you skip the custom "type" page.
This is actually not difficult to implement. The only drawback is that the setup window is "recreated" after the user selects the "type".
I've sketched this solution already in my answer to Inno Setup Change AppName based on component(s) selected.

How to make a single page installation wizard?

I made a python program and I compiled it using Py2exe and it works great.
As you know, all the big softwares shifted to 1-3 steps install. And many have just one page install in which they include their EULA. I found an example of this:
How to make just a single page wizard in NSIS ? Is it possible to do a single page installer like shows the above image ?
A NSIS installer is never going to be a one page wizard because the actual installing happens on a 2nd page.
There are probably two ways to create the every detail on one page wizard:
Use Resource Hacker to edit the directory page in one of the NSIS ui's in NSIS\Contrib\UIs to add a richedit control and in the script use ChangeUI to apply this new page then at run-time use one of the license plugins to fill the richedit control.
Create a custom page with nsDialogs.

Inno setup a simple update

Is it possible to use same Inno Setup installer for installing new or updating/upgrading application. For example If the application is already installed the installer will check current version against newly availible. If it is true then I would like the installation procedure to be silent, meaning showing only the progress of update and not all availible installation features (e.g. folder location e.t.c). Thanks.
The solution to the problem was :
Passing the parameters /SILENT/SUPPRESSMSGBOXES
taken from
For the standard screens, simply add the following to your [Setup] section:
This will automatically hide the directory and group selection pages on subsequent installs (using the previously selected values, by default, unless you've used other settings that disable that behaviour).
Components and Tasks will still display, but that's usually a good thing as it allows the user to add additional components or re-perform certain tasks. (Note that you can use the checkedonce flag on [Tasks] entries to only tick them by default during the initial install, but allow the user to re-tick them manually if required.)
It's possible to skip even more pages through use of [Code], but this is rarely necessary.
Another option is that if the installer is being run from your application itself (eg. as part of a "Check for new versions" task) you can use the /SILENT command line parameter to hide the normal interactive UI.
