Can I make SST/Sysview notify me when job is completed? - mainframe

I am monitoring a job using Sysview on our glorious IBM mainframe. Can I somehow make the tool or the mainframe just notify me once the job is done, or will I have to sit around and poll it for hours?

You could add a last step to your batch job that does an IEBGENER to send an email or text message via an OUTPUT statement pointed to by the SYSUT2 DD. Use the MAILTO parameter of the OUTPUT statement.
I admit this is pretty clunky. You might want to communicate your desire to the IBM Rational folks, either as a marketing requirement or a SHARE requirement.

You can make use of SMTP utility in JCL and have the data to be present on email in corresponding DDs. I'm not having syntax here but do lemme know if you need.


Schedule Multiple Emails Python 3

I am using SMTPlib package to create multiple emails in one application and the code works fine to send email. But, I want to be able to schedule each email to be sent at different day/time.
For instance, one at 9AM Monday and another at 12 Noon Wed.
I looked at some slightly different questions and answers on SO, where the recommendation is use of Crontab. However, Crontab is only helpful to schedule the entire application not individual parts of the application.
Sched package is also available, but I am not familiar with it and hence not sure, if I can efficiently use this for my use case.
Appreciate your thoughts
Maybe you should create separate python file/process responsible only for sending emails. You can run it when you need to queue/send emails and you might just kill it afterwards.

How to get a notification ( by an email ) of mainframe job completion

I am looking for your help , actually everyday i have to monitor my TWSZ/OPC jobs on system and its really boring to check ..
I would like to know if is there any way to get a notification once our OPC jobs whether are completed or no
Thank you
One very easy way to approach this is to get the freely available XMITIP package and add an end of job email step to let you know how it went.

Is Cron the right option for this?

I am trying to create a script that watches my college time table and registers them for a class when it is open. Kind of like an Ebay auction sniper. I was wondering if cron is the right tool for this. I need to be able to run the script for every user. The user will enter their username and password and the script will query the timetable.
Looking for some advice on if cron is the tool or if there are other tools out there.
cron runs a particular program or script at a specified time. For example, if you wanted a report compiled and e-mailed every day at 2 a.m., that would be a cron job.
In this sense, cron has a timetable, but I am not sure that it is the sort of timetable of which you are thinking.
From a system-design perspective, the clean way to achieve the effect you want naturally would be to let the students' class requests join a queue, then to have the college's registrar's own computer take requests from the queue as seats became available. However, I assume from your Ebay reference that this is not possible in your case.

How to run Node.js jobs routines

Right now I have a weekly email job that works by first checking a last_email_sent timestamp against the current time, it then uses setTimeout to schedule a routine that is exactly a week from the last_email_sent timestamp. If the process ever restarts, the setTimeout would be queued again but the interval would of course be smaller. This works for a weekly email job, but is there a better way to handle jobs in node.js? Maybe there's a module out there that can let me manage my jobs that I'm not aware of.
There's a handy module in called node-cron.
It'll give you more flexibility.
Many of the modules listed in the node.js wiki under "Message Queues" will help with this type of system. Being a TJ Holowaychuck fanboy, I myself would probably first look at Kue.

As a user, I want a status bar (or similar) to notify me that a job is working when using a Wx.Python gui app

Can someone recommend a straight forward way of adding some type of graphical notification (status bar, spinning clocks, etc...) to my wx.Python gui application? Currently, it searches logs on a server for unique strings, and often times takes upwards to 3-4 minutes to complete. However, it would be convenient to have some type of display letting a user know that the status of the job towards finishing/completion. If I added a feature like this, I'm not sure, but I'm afraid I may have to look at using threads ... and I'm a complete newbie to Python? Any help and direction will be appreciated.
Yes, you'd need to use threads or queues or something similar. Fortunately, there are some excellent examples here: and this tutorial I wrote is pretty straight-forward too:
Using threads isn't that hard. Basically you put the long running part in the thread and every so often, you send a status update to your GUI using a thread-safe method, like wx.PostEvent or wx.CallAfter. Then you can update your statusbar or a progress bar or whatever you're using.
