Forming non-standard hyperlinks in CRM 2011 dialogs - dynamics-crm-2011

In CRM 2011 it's really easy to link to another CRM record or to link to an external website from within dialogs and emails. However, when I try to create non-http links (such as sip: or tel:) they do not work. I have tried using the hyperlink button and also using the hyperlink syntax:
As a result, it looks like a proper hyperlink, but clicking it does nothing. When examining the source, it appears as if the hyperlink is linking to the dialog page itself.
Is there another way to accomplish this?

Perhaps you could create a HTML web resource in CRM and access it by URL + a querystring parameter. You could then disseminate the querystring and "redirect" to the desired resource using something similar to:
var myFixedUrl = ParseQuerystringIntoUrl();;
Where ParseQuerystringIntoUrl is your own custom function to strip details from the querystring and reconstruct your desired URL.


Why are my Sharepoint Links missing the Tenant?

I am working on an automate flow that emails a share point page to a list of subscribers whenever the page is updated.
Everything works except the links contained in the email (/page). On share point i am able to navigate to the link however in the email the page redirects me to /sites/xxx/xxx.aspx. It is missing the tenant information.
Is there a setting i missed or something that is preventing sharepoint from including the full link when sending the email?
I made sure the full link was typed when the hyperlink was created and am using an HTTP to share point (in automate) and inserting the "CanvasContent1" into the email. I checked the html being sent and the link title is given as the full link but the href is given as /sites/xxx/xxx.aspx.
Thank you for everything
On a SharePoint page, links will be converted to relative links when the page is saved.
If you copy the page content as rendered into an email, then, yes, the tenant will not be included in the link, since the link is never intended to be used outside of the context of the page, where the link works fine.
So, you need to change your approach when emailing the page. Maybe email just a link to the page, then people can take it from there. Or, manipulate the html content in PowerAutomate and replace /sites/xxx with

Modify message with an Outlook web add-in (when reading email, not composing)

I'm trying to establish if this is even possible:
Can an outlook web add-in (i.e. a JavaScript add-in that works on the web and in outlook, not a COM based add-in) modify the body of an email while in read mode (i.e. the user is reading an email, not composing a new email or replying to an email).
What I need to do is trigger the add-in if the email contains hyperlinks (looks like I can do that with a contextual add-in using a regular expression) and then modify those hyperlinks (change the href or add an onClick event handler) so if the user clicks them the behaviour is different.
Based on #OutlookAdd-insTeam-MSFT comment I'll post my own answer:
You cannot modify the body of an email in read mode.
Cant comment. Not enough rep.
I am looking at the documentation for Read Scenario I dont see anything related to set property.
However I do see something about extracting info from an item, more importantly extracting URL's
May be you can extact URL's do your modifications and with the new content you can create a New message item or even Reply and Reply all
It should be able to do that using calling UpdateItem via EWS from the add-in, right? See
Why wouldn't that work #microsoft?

Excel Hyperlink adding redirectURL

I'm creating a hyperlink in excel
When I click on this link it changes the Url to
if I change the URL to have ?Displayy= with two y's it does not add the redirectURL attribute. I cannot find any documentation about why this is added. Anyone know why?
The end goal is to deep launch users to specific pages within the application via a hyperlink in excel.
Do the users need to be authenticated to view the pages you are sending them to?
If so the cause may be this (taken from this answer on super user
Clicking a URL in Excel seems to open it in your default browser. But that's not really true. Before opening it in your browser, Excel first runs Microsoft Office Protocol Discovery. This uses a Windows/Internet Explorer component to determine if the URL works. (It does not identify itself as Internet Explorer, but as "User Agent: Microsoft Office Existence Discovery".) And if the results are (somehow) okay then it will open the result of that check in your default browser.
Microsoft have issued a fix for this KB218153 - which can be found here:
This may not be your specific problem, but it is at least worth knowing about.

Set field via URL

Is it possible to have a field in the current item be changed by clicking a URL? The field would be a choice field with predefined choices.
Such as if the item field is currently:
Status: 2
If a user clicks the link, the field would now be:
Status: 3
If not, is there any other way for a user to easily change a field in the current item without actually haveing to visit the item?
Not Out Of The Box (OOTB) - but you've a few options.
Write an ASPX page to do what you want
Use something like SPServices and javascript to update the list item via the web services.
Use the Client Object Model (2010 only)
By the way - changing stuff on a 'get' can be dangerous as you can do malicious things - for example imagine you have a page that deletes the users account without any prompting (exact example doesn't matter) - what if someone clicks on that link by mistake or even worse what about an email sent with an image with that page as source URL - simply viewing the email could delete the users account.
It's not possible by using a GET request, but SharePoint 2010 is offering a RESTful API to manage ListItems from any client
The REST API is located within the virtual WebServices folgder under each SharePoint Site.
To perform an update on SharePoint ListItems you have to create a PUT Request. For more information on SharePoints REST API you should have a look at this MSDN site, there are also a lot of samples linked from this article.

problem with Infopath Form services

I want to have some url for my infopath form and give that link to user instead of going to form library and click is it possible?
Also when I created Infopath form I have given some text fields and button, I don't want the Infopath services buttons(Save,save as...) how I cna remove those?
Any suggestions would really be appreciated...Thanks
You can publish an InfoPath form to a network share and give your users a link to it (or use a file:// url on a webpage). Another option is to figure out the URL to the form within form services (whats the actual URL when they click on the new button) and send out that link as the official URL. Both options have advantages (and disadvantages) so make sure to evaluate them both with respect to what you are trying to accomplish and the environment (ie - are you just trying to save your users a click or is there some other reason you need the 'new' URL).
1.) Format your URL like this:
2.) You found already! ; )
