How to generate a secure session id - security

for a C++ Web-Server I have to generate session id's. I thought of using some kind of random number and hash that with the initial IP address of the session and maybe a timestamp.
Will this yield a reasonable unguessable ID? What would be a good random generator algorithm (most preferable one implemented by boost-random)?
kind regards
My solution now looks like:
std::string secure_session_generator::operator()( const char* /* network_connection_name */ )
std::stringstream out;
out << std::hex << distribution_( generator_ );
return out.str();
with the members are default constructed:
boost::random::random_device generator_;
boost::random::uniform_int_distribution< boost::uint_least64_t > distribution_;

You could use the example here: Boost example. Then just increase the size to something more befitting a session id like 64 characters or somethings. That way you don't have to use computation on hashing or anything, and it's already readable.
Or without using boost-random and just using ctime and stdio.h
string getRandom(int ip)
srand(time(NULL) + ip + rand());
stringstream ss;
for(int i = 0;i < 64;i++)
int i = rand() % 127;
while(i < 32)
i = rand() % 127;
ss << char(i);
return ss.str();
Alternatively, without using an IP, you could just pump back a rand() in place of IP, just make sure you seed srand with something.
Also, by all means, I am not a cryptographer, so use are your own risk.


Improve serial building of a string with openMP {Copeland-Erdős constant}

I'm building a program to find substrings of Copeland-Erdős constant in C++11
Copeland-Erdős constant is a string with all primes in order:
2,3,5,7,11,13… → 23571113…
I need to check if a substring given is inside that constant, and do it in a quick way.
By the moment I've build a serial program using Miller Rabin function for checking if the numbers generated by a counter are primes or not and add to the main string (constant). To find 8th Marsene Number (231-1) the program spends 8 minutes.
And then, I use find to check if the substring given is in the constant and the position where it starts.
I use serial programming. I start at 0 and check if all numbers are prime to add them or not... I don't know if there is any other way to do it. The substring can be a mix of primes. ex: 1..{1131}..7 (substring of 11,13,17)
Do you have any proposal to improve the program execution time by using OpenMP?
I want to calculate 9th Mersene Number in "human time". I've spend more than one day and it doesn't find it (well, arrive to the number).
gcc version 4.4.7 20120313
while (found == -1 && lastNumber < LIMIT) //while not found & not pass our limit
//I generate at least a string with double size of the input (llargada)
for (lastNumber; primers.length() <= 2*llargada; lastNumber++){
if (is_prime_mr(lastNumber))
primers += to_string(lastNumber); //if prime, we add it to the main string
found = primers.find(sequencia); //search substring and keep position
if (found == string::npos){ //if not found
indexOfZero += primers.length()/2; //keep IndexOfZero, the position of string in global constant
primers.erase(0,primers.length()/2); //delete first middle part of calculated string
if (found != -1){
cout << "FOUNDED!" << endl;
cout << "POS: " << indexOfZero << " + " << found << " = " << indexOfZero+found << endl;} //that give us the real position of the substring in the main string
//although we only spend 2*inputString.size() memory
cout << "NOT FOUND" << endl;
Improving serial execution:
For starters, you do not need to check every number to see if it's prime, but rather every odd number (except for 2). We know that no even number past two can be prime. This should cut down your execution time in half.
Also, I do not understand why you have a nested loop. You should only have to check your list once.
Also, I fear that your algorithm might not be correct. Currently, if you do not find the substring, you delete half of your string and move on. However, if you have 50 non-primes in a row, you could end up deleting the entire string except for the very last character. But what if the substring you're looking for is 3 digits and needed 2 of the previous characters? Then you've erased some of the information needed to find your solution!
Finally, you should only search for your substring if you've actually found a prime number. Otherwise, you have already searched for it last iteration and nothing has been added to your string.
Combining all of these ideas, you have:
primers = "23";
lastNumber = 3;
found = -1;
while (found == -1)
lastNumber += 2;
if (is_prime_mr(lastNumber)) {
primers += to_string(lastNumber); //if prime, we add it to the main string
found = primers.find(sequencia); //search substring and keep position
if (found == string::npos)
found = -1;
Also, you should write your own find function to only check the last few digits (where few = length of your most recent concatenation to the global string primers). If the substring wasn't in the previous global string, there's only a few places it could pop up in your newest string. That algorithm should be O(1) as opposed to O(n).
int findSub(std::string total, std::string substring, std::string lastAddition);
With this change your if statement should change to:
if (found != -1)
Adding parallelism:
Unfortunately, as-is, your algorithm is inherently serial because you have to iterate through all the primes one-by-one, adding them to the list in a row in order to find your answer. There's no simple OpenMP way to parallelize your algorithm.
However, you can take advantage of parallelism by breaking up your string into pieces and having each thread work separately. Then, the only tricky thing you have to do is consider the boundaries between the final strings to double check you haven't missed anything. Something like as follows:
bool globalFound = false;
bool found;
std::vector<std::string> primers;
#pragma omp parallel private(lastNumber, myFinalNumber, found, my_id, num_threads)
my_id = omp_get_thread_num();
num_threads = omp_get_num_threads();
if (my_id == 0) { // first thread starts at 0... well, actually 3
#pragma omp barrier
primers[my_id] = "23";
lastNumber = 3;
else {
// barrier needed to ensure that primers is initialized to correct size
#pragma omp barrier
primers[my_id] = "";
lastNumber = (my_id/(double)num_threads)*LIMIT - 2; // figure out my starting place
if (lastNumber % 2 == 0) // ensure I'm not even
found = false;
myFinalNumber = ((my_id+1)/(double)num_threads)*LIMIT - 2;
while (!globalFound && lastNumber < myFinalNumber)
lastNumber += 2;
if (is_prime_mr(lastNumber)) {
primers[my_id] += to_string(lastNumber);
found = findSub(primers[my_id], sequencia, to_string(lastNumber)); // your new version of find
if (found) {
#pragma omp atomic
globalFound = true;
if (!globalFound) {
// Result was not found in any thread, so check for boundaries/endpoints
globalFound = findVectorSubstring(primers, sequencia);
I'll let you finish this (by writing the smart find, findVectorSubstring - should only be checking for boundaries between elements of primers, and double checking you understand the logic of this new algorithm). Furthermore, if the arbitrary LIMIT that you setup turns out to be too small, you can always wrap this whole thing in a loop that searches between i*LIMIT and (i+1)*LIMIT.
Lastly, yes there will be load balancing issues. I can certainly imagine threads finding an uneven amount of prime numbers. Therefore, certain threads will be doing more work in the find function than others. However, a smart version of find() should be O(1) whereas is_prime_mr() is probably O(n) or O(logn), so I'm assuming that the majority of the execution time will be spent in the is_prime_mr() function. Therefore, I do not believe the load balancing will be too bad.
Hope this helps.

How can I use strrev to reverse a string?

I want to reverse the string array result but when i run this code in online compiler it says "strrev was not declared". I don't understand this.
cin >> input;
length = strlen(result);
cout<<"Case "<<j<<": ";
for(i = 0;i<=length;i++)
Where does strrev come from? It's not part of the Standard library. You will have to include the header file that defines it, and include that.
You are using C++ (cout) so don't use char arrays and strlen, but use std::string instead. (You will need #include <string> at the top of your file)
for(int j=0;j<test;j++) // Life is easier if you get in the habit of writing loops like this
std::string input; // Don't declare variables until you need them.
std::cin >> input;
// Initialize 'result' as the reverse of input directly.
const std::string result(input.crbegin(), input.crend());
const char* const answer = (input == result) ? "Yes" : "No";
std::cout << "Case " << (j+1) << ": " answer << std::endl; // Offset test case for output.
You'll notice that my code is a LOT shorter than yours - I'm getting the library to do nearly all the heavy lifting. I've also avoided using namespace std. In the long term, it makes your code clearer if you leave it out.
I'm also tempted to write a function fromCin, which returns the string. Then I would write const std::string input = fromCin(); which has the lovely result that all my variables in the loop are constants.

SHA1 ERROR WHILE USING TinyECC in tinyos-2.x

I am using TinyOS-2.1.2 and to achieve security techniques I am using TinyECC-2.0. I want to use the SHA1 available in tinyecc. But, when I take the hash of a value say,
uint8_t data=123;
I use the three functions of sha given in namely, SHA1.reset, SHA1.update and SHA1.digest to obtain the result. But each time I run the code ie. do "make micaz sim" I get different hash results for the same data.
How to get a unique hash value for each data taken?
The code is:
#include "sha1.h"
module DisseminationC {
uses {
interface SHA1;
void hash(){
uint8_t x=123;
call SHA1.context(context);
call SHA1.update(context, x, sizeof(x));
call SHA1.digest(context, Message_Digest[SHA1HashSize]);
dbg("All", "%s Hash is : %d \n", sim_time_string(), Message_Digest);
I made modifications in the code as shown below. Now, I am getting a hash output. But the problem is that for every different number given as input I am getting the same answer. How do I solve this issue?
Please help me..
#include "sha1.h"
module SecurityC{
uses interface Boot;
uses interface SHA1;
uint8_t Message_Digest[SHA1HashSize];
SHA1Context context;
uint8_t num=123;
uint32_t length=3;
uint8_t i;
event void Boot.booted()
dbg("Boot", "Application booted.\n");
call SHA1.reset(&context);
call SHA1.update(&context, &num, length);
call SHA1.digest(&context, Message_Digest);
for(i = 0; i < SHA1HashSize; i++) {
dbg("Boot", "%s KEY IS: %x \n", sim_time_string(), Message_Digest[i]);
First of all, your code is bad. It lacks two braces and the function SHA1.context doesn't exist in this library (it should be SHA1.reset, I think). Moreover, Message_Digest and context aren't declared. Please provide the full code you actually use.
However, I see you have at least two serious bugs.
Firstly, you pass the value of x to SHA1.update, but you should pass a pointer to the message. Therefore, the function processes a message that lies at the address 123 in the memory (you should get a compiler warning about this). If you want to calculate a hash from the value of x, try this:
call SHA1.update(context, &x, sizeof(x));
Secondly, Message_Digest seems to be a uint8_t array of size SHA1HashSize. In the last statement you print a pointer to this array instead of its content (and again, the compiler should warn you), so you get an adress of this array in the memory. You may want to process the array in a loop:
uint8_t i;
for(i = 0; i < SHA1HashSize; ++i) {
// process Message_Digest[i], for instance print it

string to boost::uuid conversion

I've just started using boost in c++ and I just wanted to ask a couple of questions relating to uuids.
I am loading in a file which requires I know the uuids so I can link some objects together. For this reason, I'm trying to write my own uuids but I'm not sure if there's any special conditions for the strings etc as the strings I've been using (usually something basic) are not working. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I've tried using a string generator, but to no avail thus far so I'm assuming there's something wrong with my strings (which have currently just been random words).
Here's a short example kind of thing, can't give the real code:
void loadFiles(std::string xmlFile);
void linkObjects(custObj network)
for (int i = 0; i < network->getLength(); i++)
if (i > 0)
I took your question as "I need a sample". Here's a sample that shows
uuids with Boost Uuid.
#include <boost/uuid/uuid.hpp>
#include <boost/uuid/uuid_io.hpp>
#include <boost/uuid/random_generator.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
using namespace boost::uuids;
int main()
random_generator gen;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
uuid new_one = gen(); // here's how you generate one
std::cout << "You can just print it: " << new_one << "; ";
// or assign it to a string
std::string as_text = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(new_one);
std::cout << "as_text: '" << as_text << "'\n";
// now, read it back in:
uuid roundtrip = boost::lexical_cast<uuid>(as_text);
assert(roundtrip == new_one);
See it Live On Coliru

Adding a simple MAC to url parameters?

I want to add a simple kind of MAC to some of my URL parameters. This is only intended as an additional line of defense against application bugs and caching related problems/bugs, and not intended as any form of replacement of the actual login security in the application. A given business-object-id is already protected by backends to be limited to a single user.
So basically I'd like to add a short authentication code to my url parameters, on the size of 2-4 characters. I think I'd like to have a reversible function along the lines of f(business-data-id + logged-on-user-id + ??) = hash, but I am open to suggestions.
The primary intention is to stop id guessing, and to make sure that url's are fairly distinct per logged on user. I also don't want something big and clunky like an MD5.
Since you aren't looking for cryptographic quality, maybe a 24-bit CRC would fit your needs. While MD5 is "fast" in absolute terms, CRC is, relatively, "blindingly fast". Then the 3-byte CRC could be text-encoded into four characters with Base-64 encoding.
Here's a Java implementation of the check used for OpenPGP ASCII-armor checksums:
private static byte[] crc(byte[] data)
int crc = 0xB704CE;
for (int octets = 0; octets < data.length; ++octets) {
crc ^= (data[octets] & 0xFF) << 16;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
crc <<= 1;
if ((crc & 0x1000000) != 0)
crc ^= 0x1864CFB;
byte[] b = new byte[3];
for (int shift = 16, idx = 0; shift >= 0; shift -= 8) {
b[idx++] = (byte) (crc >>> shift);
return b;
I would hash a secret key (which is known only by the server), together with whatever you want to protect—probably the combination of object identifier and user identifier.
If what you want is basically MD5 but smaller, why not just use MD5 but just the last 4 characters? This doesn't add a huge blob to your urls, it's always 4 nice hex digits.
A quick question for which I'm sure there's a good answer for, but why not store this information in a cookie?
Then you could use something big and clunky like MD5 and your URLs would still be pretty.
