Excel 2007: How to display mm:ss format not as a DateTime (e.g. 73:07)? - ms-office

I need to create and Excel table that computes daily training times. each row has the following fields: Date, Distance, Time and Minutes/Km. My main problem is that I want to display the Time in format of mm:ss. For example: 24 min and 3 sec should be 24:03, but "Excel" turns it to 00:03:00 (3 min after midnight). I've tried setting up "special formatting" but still "Excel insists" on formatting the hours. More over, training may exceed 60 minutes and I still want it only as mm:ss
My second question is after I'm done with the formatting issue, what is the simple way to compute Time/Distance?

enter the values as 0:mm:ss and format as [m]:ss
as this is now in the mins & seconds, simple arithmetic will allow you to calculate your statistics

Excel shows 24:03 as 3 minutes when you format it as time, because 24:03 is the same as 12:03 AM (in military time).
Use General Format to Add Times
Instead of trying to format as Time, use the General Format and the following formula:
=number of minutes + (number of seconds / 60)
Ex: for 24 minutes and 3 seconds:
This will give you a value of 24.05.
Do this for each time period. Let's say you enter this formula in cells A1 and A2. Then, to get the total sum of elapsed time, use this formula in cell A3:
Convert back to minutes and seconds
If you put =24+3/60 into each cell, you will have a value of 48.1 in cell A3.
Now you need to convert this back to minutes and seconds. Use the following formula in cell A4:
This takes the decimal portion and multiples it by 60. Remember, we divided by 60 in the beginning, so to convert it back to seconds we need to multiply.
You could have also done this separately, i.e. in cell A3 use this formula:
and this formula in cell A4:
Here's a screenshot showing the final formulas:

To make life easier when entering multiple dates/times it is possible to use a custom format to remove the need to enter the colon, and the leading "hour" 0. This however requires a second field for the numerical date to be stored, as the displayed date from the custom format is in base 10.
Displaying a number as a time (no need to enter colons, but no time conversion)
For displaying the times on the sheet, and for entering them without having to type the colon set the cell format to custom and use:
Then enter your time. For example, if you wanted to enter 62:30, then you would simply type 6230 and your custom format would visually insert a colon 2 decimal points from the right.
If you only need to display the times, stop here.
Converting number to time
If you need to be able to calculate with the times, you will need to convert them from base 10 into the time format.
This can be done with the following formula (change A2 to the relevant cell reference):
=TIME starts the number to time conversion
We don't need hours, so enter 0, at the beginning of the formula, as the format is always hh,mm,ss (to display hours and minutes instead of minutes and seconds, place the 0 at the end of the formula).
For the minutes, TRUNC(A2/100), discards the rightmost 2 digits.
For the seconds, MOD(A2,100) keeps the rightmost 2 digits and discards everything to the left.
The above formula was found and adapted from this article:
PC Mag.com - Easy Date and Time Entry in Excel
Alternatively, you could skip the 0/:00 custom formatting, and just enter your time in a cell to be referenced of the edge of the visible workspace or on another sheet as you would for the custom formatting (ie: 6230 for 62:30)
Then change the display format of the cells with the formula to [m]:ss as #Sean Chessire suggested.
Here is a screen shot to show what I mean.

If you are using hand inputted data, you can enter your data as mm:ss,0 or mm:ss.0 depending on your language/region selection instead of 00:mm:ss.
You need to specify your cell format as [m]:ss if you like to see all minutes seconds format instead of hours minutes seconds format.

as text:
=CONCATENATE(TEXT(cell;"d");" days ";TEXT(cell;"t");" hours ";MID(TEXT(cell;"hh:mm:ss");4;2);" minutes ";TEXT(cell;"s");" seconds")

5.In the Format Cells box, click Custom in the Category list.
6.In the Type box, at the top of the list of formats, type [h]:mm;# and then click OK. (That’s a colon after [h], and a semicolon after mm.)
YOu can then add hours. The format will be in the Type list the next time you need it.
From MS, works well.

One convenient trick to entering elapsed times into Excel is to have two zeros and a colon before the number of minutes, details follow. For copy and paste operations into Excel without have to worry about formatting at all one can use the format 00:XX:XX where XX are two digits totaling < 60. In that case, Excel will echo 0:XX:XX in the cell contents displayed and store the data as 12:XX:XX AM. If one pastes data in a 00:XXX:XX format into Excel, or 00:XX:XX where either XX > 59 this will be converted into a fraction of a day.
For example, 00:121:12 becomes 0.0841666666666667, which if multiplied by the number of seconds in a day, 86,400, becomes 7272 s. Next, 00:21:12 would by default show 0:21:12 stored as 12:21:12 AM. Finally, 00:21:60 becomes 0.0152777777777778, also a fraction of a day.
This suggestion is made merely to avoid having to worry about specific formatting in Excel, and letting the program worry about it. Note, for Excel data internally formatted as 12:XX:XX AM one can only use certain Excel commands, for example, one can take an average. However, subtraction will only work when the result is a positive number. Such that converting times into seconds, fractions of a day, or other real number is suggested for access to more complete arithmetic operation coverage.
For example, if one has a column of mixed time formats, or times that are negative and will not display, if one changes the number formatting to General, all the times will be converted to fractions of a day.


How to create a lap time and session time format in excel?

I would like to know how to format some cells in Excel for my fuel formula. I created a simple spreadsheet that is used to take the average lap time and total race session time to calculate the amount of fuel needed to finish the race. The formula I wrote works with decimal based numbers but I am wondering if I can make the spreadsheet better by formatting so someone types their actual lap time and session time, MM:SS.split. instead of having to type the times in decimal format which may become confusing
I wrote a function that will give me the correct fuel calculation but I want the cells to be custom formatted for lap times and session times instead of decimals and still show the total fuel needed as a regular number.
Expected: |1:00|10:00| 10 Laps |
Actual: |1.00|10.00| 10|
If you are not going to perform any calculations on these numbers, then you can use the formula TEXT(). For the times, you can use something like the below where m means minutes and s means seconds and 1440 is 24 hours*60 minutes (1 in excel is equivalent to 1 day, so you need to divide by 1440 to make a day become a minute):
And the below for the laps:
=TEXT(A1, "#"" Laps""")
But if you have to perform calculation on these numbers, then you will have to format the cells directly instead of using the formula (Home > Format > Format Cells > Custom (Under General, or Ctrl+1 on the cell) and use the formatting I used in the text formula, i.e. mm:ss and # "Laps" respectively. For the times however, you will have to manually divide by 1440.
Have you tried changing the data type of the cell to Time?

Controlling Excel time format input/output

Background: I have been officiating our local jogging events for about ten years now. I am responsible for handling the data of the participants (name, sporting club, bib number) split into their categories (age bracket+gender, distance). The main task is collecting their times, and processing that data (sorting the runners within their category etc). I can handle this with Excel mostly fine.
Problem: What is the ideal time format for entering the race times of the participants? The times are either in the format mm:ss or (for slower runners and/or longer distances) h:mm:ss. Excel doesn't seem to have a built-in format where the hours field is optional. For optimizing my workflow ideally I would like to have a cell format such that the input
47:12 is to be interpreted as 47 minutes and 12 seconds, and the input 1:09:38 is to be interpreted as 1hr 9 minutes and 38 seconds. However, Excel, with the best fitting cell format that I found, will insist that the input 47:12 means 47 hours and 12 minutes. For times exceeding 1 hour I would input 1:03:00 if I meant that the seconds field is to be left with value zero.
How to make Excel realize that when the format can handle up to three numbers as inputs, it would, when given only two numbers, move them towards the end?
Thinking: I "can" key in 47 minutes and 12 seconds as 0:47:12 all right. But because most of the times are under 1 hour, that is partly wasted effort. Also, using such a format the data is displayed on the screen together with that superfluous 0:. What's worse (IIRC) those leading zeros
also appear in the printed versions, which is strange (insulting even) in a shorter distance for junior participants.
My hack: I enter the times as general numbers in the mm,ss format (in these parts a comma serves as a decimal separator). Excel can sort those as numbers just fine. I then duplicate the data of that sorted column to another "printable" version (formatted as text), where the data is just copied, but I correct the times exceeding 60 minutes by hand. This works just fine as long as I'm not in a hurry (our event is not exactly Boston Marathon, say, less than 200 participants), and remember to hide the column that is not supposed to be printed. This is kludgy, and there have been accidents, when other officials have been rushing me to get the results printed.
I managed to create a format where the hour-field is optional. It works with a conditional format. First you format your cells as standard, so you get the times as comma-values. After that you create a conditional format for these cells, which has two rules:
if cellvalue > 0.04166667 format hh:mm:ss
if cellvalue < 0.04166666 format mm:ss
So you get what you really want and you can use the original values for sorting and so on.
For the input you need four additional columns. You enter the times as you want, e.g. 47:12 and 1:09:38. In the next three columns you split these values in hour, minute and second, whereby the interpretation limit is 3 hours (03:00), which is 0.125.
So, these are the formulas for the split columns (your input is in B1):
Hours: =IF(B1>0.125,0,HOUR(B1))
Minutes: =IF(B1>0.125,INT(B1)*24+HOUR(B1),MINUTE(B1))
Seconds: =IF(B1>0.125,MINUTE(B1),SECOND(B1))
And finally, you put all values togehter in the forth column:
and use the conditional format above.
If you will be entering your data as
where the comma is the decimal point, then you can convert it to "Excel Time" with the simple formula:
Format the result as you wish.
If you want everything displayed as h:mm:ss then use that as your custom format (Format > Cells > Number > Custom Type:...)
If you want h to be displayed only with values of 60 minutes or greater, then use
for your cell's custom format.
Beware that seconds must be entered with two digits always. In other words
6,2 will translate to 6 min 20 sec.
6,02 will translate to 6 min 2 sec
I really like IQV's answer above, but as pointed out in the comment section, the leading zero will be required for the data entry side. If for whatever reason this is not acceptable you can use the following ugly formula to convert your time entered in your usual method of mm,ss to hh:mm:ss with the hh: being displayed as required. Unfortunately it converts the whole thing to text which means you can no longer perform math operations on it.
and since you use , as your decimal separator the formula would become:
If you use ; as your list separator then your formula becomes
There are probably some cleaner formulas, but that will get you started. Just replace D2 with the location where your time is stored.
Again I still prefer IQV's answer as you can do much more with the time information when its stored as a number and not text.
Option 2
lets say you change your data storage method to hhmm,ss in cell D6. you could rip apart the information and reassemble it in a display friendly version as follows.
you will need to substitute your list separator for the , and then substitute a coma for the decimal.

Formatting Existing Excel Cells to Time Format Without Date

I'm working on an excel 2010 sheet where I mark down the date and time an event happens. The date is in one column, and auto formats to 17-Nov when I would type in 11-17 (I was fine with this). The time is in a separate column.
I am trying to find the average time an event occurred, without regard to the date, so I would use =AVERAGE(C1:C10). However, I only receive a date back (like 17-APR).
I did not format the cells before I began to enter in data, and I would simply type in a 3:27pm event as 1527, and no reformatting would happen.
Now, when I attempt to reformat the column to hhmm, all the numbers entered so far turn to 0000. When I try to edit the 0000, it is formatted as 6/13/1906 12:00:00 AM.
What I want to do is have the time formatted as hhmm and not include a date in the cell, and be able to run formulas on it, such as the average time an even occurred.
*Currently time is entered simply as ####. I entered 3:27pm as 1527.
*Trying to reformat the time column results in 0000 in all cells in the column that previously had a ####.
*Modifying the 0000 displays as 6/13/1906 12:00:00 AM
*I want to format the time as hhmm so I can simply type in 2357, and have it display as 2357, but understand I mean 11:57pm, and let me take averages.
*Hell, even being able to enter 1547 and have it auto format to 15:47 or 3:47p would be great.
Thanks for reading my question!
An easy way to apply an autoformat (though Excel won't see it as a true "Time") is to go into Format Cells>Custom> and use ##":"##. This will turn 1245 into 12:45. Mind you, this will be a text string so if you copy it to another cell and then apply a time, it will show as 12:00:00. Excel will also not be able to run formulas on it, but it's a quick and dirty way to make it look pretty.
Another option is to have a formula such as =TIME(LEFT(A1,2),RIGHT(A1,2),) where A1 would be replaced with the cell you are actually referencing. This will convert the number to a time that Excel will recognize as a time allowing you to run other functions on it, but requires another column.
If you are entering the times as 4-digit numbers, you'll need to do a calculation to get the hours and minutes, then use the TIME function to get an actual time:-
Another way is
but then you have to format the result as a time.
Excel sees a number like 1547 as approximately 4 years on from 1st January 1900 if you format it as a date, so it will come out as something like 26/3/1904 in UK format or 3/26/1904 in US-style format.
Note that the time function can only give you values up to 23:59:59 (stored as 0.999988426), but the second method will give you a datetime value with one or more days as the whole number part. This can be useful if you want to do calculations on times spanning more than one day.
The above behaviour is because dates and times are stored as real numbers with the whole number part representing days and the decimal part representing fractions of a day (i.e. times). In spite of misleading information from Microsoft here, dates actually start from 31/12/1899 (written as 0/1/1900) with serial number 0 and increment by 1 per day from then on.

MS-EXCEL: time averages + numbers to time

I am working on a project for my work and I am having an issue trying to take times and averaging them out. I am getting a #DIV/0! When I convert the cells to XX:XX.
Below are screen shots of the same data and function. The top is with regular numbers the bottom is where I formatted all cells to display in time XX:XX.
Numbers (works fine)
= AVERAGE(H29,J29,P29,V29,AE29,AJ29)
Time (XX:XX) however I get the #DIV/0!. The AVERAGE Function I am using looks like this:
Also, if possible, could I enter the data in regular numbers (not time) then have it display in average time (hours:min) on the right?.
Thank you.
When working in Excel with dates and times always leave the value as a number and apply formatting. where you have tried to enter a time in hh:mm, you need to show the hours even if they are blank, or the value of that cell becomes a string. But you can't average a string.
These are valid entries 00:23 or 0:23
:23 is not valid time, so is treated as a string
Valid times are stored as a number where 24 hours = 1.
Times are stored as a fraction for example 0:45 = 0.031250000
To fix it, add in the missing leading zeros, or if you have explicitly entered text strings: type a 1 in any cell and copy it, then select all of your time cells and do paste special multiply. That will convert them back to numbers and your average should work. Then apply your custom formatting of required .
I would suggest that users enter the time in minutes eg 17, 23, 92 and you average these, but for the conversion I suggest that you use a formula like this:
This will convert the average time in minutes, into a fraction of a day.
You can then put custom formatting onto the cell to change the format to hh:mm

Working with time DURATION, not time of day

I'm doing some benchmarking, and I want to use Excel to produce graphs of the results. I've got a simple but annoying problem which is baking my noodle.
The problem is that Excel insists that "time" means a time of day. It refuses to let me work with time durations. When I try to say "three minutes and six seconds", it misinterprets this as "three minutes and six seconds past midnight", which isn't what I meant at all.
I can work around the problem by laboriously converting everything to seconds. But then all my graphs are labelled in seconds, not minutes and seconds. Plus it's a pain to have to keep typing in =3*60+6 rather than just 3:06. And once I've done it, I have to look at the formula to check whether I entered the data correctly [and didn't screw up the formula].
Does anybody know how I can make Excel work with a time duration not anchored to a specific time of day?
You can easily do this with the normal "Time" data type - just change the format!
Excels time/date format is simply 1.0 equals 1 full day (starting on 1/1/1900). So 36 hours would be 1.5. If you change the format to [h]:mm, you'll see 36:00.
Therefore, if you want to work with durations, you can simply use subtraction, e.g.
A1: Start: 36:00 (=1.5)
A2: End: 60:00 (=2.5)
A3: Duration: =A2-A1 24:00 (=1.0)
Use format d "days" h:mm:ss or [h]:mm:ss, depending on your needs.
Say you have a duration of 30h 12m 54s:
h:mm:ss -> 6:12:54 (not correct for a duration)
[h]:mm:ss -> 30:12:54
d "days" h:mm:ss -> 1 days 6:12:54
Variations are possible: I like something like d"d" h"h" mm"m" ss"s" which formats as 1d 6h 12m 54s.
The custom format hh:mm only shows the number of hours correctly up to 23:59, after that, you get the remainder, less full days. For example, 48 hours would be displayed as 00:00, even though the underlaying value is correct.
To correctly display duration in hours and seconds (below or beyond a full day), you should use the custom format [h]:mm;# In this case, 48 hours would be displayed as 48:00.
With custom format of a cell you can insert a type like this: d "days", h:mm:ss, which will give you a result like 16 days, 13:56:15 in an excel-cell.
If you would like to show the duration in hours you use the following type [h]:mm:ss, which will lead to something like 397:56:15. Control check: 16 =(397 hours -13 hours)/24
I don't know how to make the chart label the axis in the format "X1 min : X2 sec", but here's another way to get durations, in the format of minutes with decimals representing seconds (.5 = 30 sec, .25 = 15 sec, etc.)
Suppose in column A you have your time data, for example in cell A1 you have 12:03:06, which your 3min 6sec data misinterpreted as 3:06 past midnight, and column B is free.
In cell B1 enter this formula: =MINUTE(A1) + SECOND(A1)/60 and hit enter/return. Grab the lower right corner of cell B2 and drag as far down as the A column goes to apply the formula to all data in col A.
Last step, be sure to highlight all of column B and set it to Number format (the application of the formula may have automatically set format to Time).
Highlight the cell(s)/column which you want as Duration, right click on the mouse to "Format Cells". Go to "Custom" and look for "h:mm" if you want to input duration in hour and minutes format. If you want to include seconds as well, click on "h:mm:ss". You can even add up the total duration after that.
Hope this helps.
The best way I found to resolve this issue was by using a combination of the above. All my cells were entered as a Custom Format to only show "HH:MM" - if I entered in "4:06" (being 4 minutes and 6 seconds) the field would show the numbers I entered correctly - but the data itself would represent HH:MM in the background.
Fortunately time is based on factors of 60 (60 seconds = 60 minutes). So 7H:15M / 60 = 7M:15S - I hope you can see where this is going. Accordingly, if I take my 4:06 and divide by 60 when working with the data (eg. to total up my total time or average time across 100 cells I would use the normal SUM or AVERAGE formulas and then divide by 60 in the formula.
Example =(SUM(A1:A5))/60. If my data was across the 5 time tracking fields was the 4:06, 3:15, 9:12, 2:54, 7:38 (representing MM:SS for us, but the data in the background is actually HH:MM) then when I work out the sum of those 5 fields are, what I want should be 27M:05S but what shows instead is 1D:03H:05M:00S. As mentioned above, 1D:3H:5M divided by 60 = 27M:5S ... which is the sum I am looking for.
Further examples of this are:
=(SUM(G:G))/60 and
=(AVERAGE(B2:B90)/60) and =MIN(C:C) (this is a direct check so no /60 needed here!).
Note that your "formula" or "calculation" fields (average, total time, etc) MUST have the custom format of MM:SS once you have divided by 60 as Excel's default thinking is in HH:MM (hence this issue). Your data fields where you are entering in your times should need to be changed from "General" or "Number" format to the custom format of HH:MM.
This process is still a little bit cumbersome to use - but it does mean that your data entry is still entered in very easy and is "correctly" displayed on screen as 4:06 (which most people would view as minutes:seconds when under a "Minutes" header). Generally there will only be a couple of fields needing to be used for formulas such as "best time", "average time", "total time" etc when tracking times and they will not usually be changed once the formula is entered so this will be a "one off" process - I use this for my call tracking sheet at work to track "average call", "total call time for day".
Let's say that you want to display the time elapsed between 5pm on Monday and 2:30pm the next day, Tuesday.
In cell A1 (for example), type in the date. In A2, the time. (If you type in 5 pm, including the space, it will display as 5:00 PM. If you want the day of the week to display as well, then in C3 (for example) enter the formula, =A1, then highlight the cell, go into the formatting dropdown menu, select Custom, and type in dddd.
Repeat all this in the row below.
Finally, say you want to display that duration in cell D2. Enter the formula, =(a2+b2)-(a1+b1). If you want this displayed as "22h 30m", select the cell, and in the formatting menu under Custom, type in h"h" m"m".
What I wound up doing was: Put time duration in by hand, e.g. 1 min, 03 sec. Simple but effective. It seems Excel overwrote everything else, even when I used the 'custom format' given in some answers.
