Connect to FTP server and download file from FTP to local machine - c#-4.0

I need to know a way to connect to a FTP site and i am unable to find an example to do the program using C#.
I need to write the code where i could connect, and download files from the FTP server without using third party component.
How can i do this ? Help.

There is FtpWebRequest class in .Net 4
There are examples at the end. Here is a sample taken from msdn:
public static bool DisplayFileFromServer(Uri serverUri)
// The serverUri parameter should start with the ftp:// scheme.
if (serverUri.Scheme != Uri.UriSchemeFtp)
return false;
// Get the object used to communicate with the server.
WebClient request = new WebClient();
// This example assumes the FTP site uses anonymous logon.
request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential ("anonymous","");
byte [] newFileData = request.DownloadData (serverUri.ToString());
string fileString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(newFileData);
catch (WebException e)
return true;

This isn't specifically a question as such.
You need to use the socket classes within the .NET framework:
MSDN - System.Net.Sockets
A good example I've previously used is: - Create an ftp class library


Azure connection attempt failed

I'm using the following code to connect. I can connect to other Azure Resources ok.
But for one resource I get the following error: URL and Key are correct.
{"A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond"}
The Code is as follows
_searchClient = new SearchServiceClient(searchServiceName, new
_httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("api-key", apiKey);
_searchServiceEndpoint = String.Format("https://{0}.{1}",
searchServiceName, _searchClient.SearchDnsSuffix);
bool result = RunAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
Any ideas? thx in advance? How can I troubleshoot this?
I will show how this is done in c#
you will need a appsettings.json
you will need this code in the program.cs file
there are a lot of other files in the example from the document
that you may need to use , learn and edit for ur usecase
When working in c# and azure, always know what is unique about the file structured your solution first. This is why we build the examples from the docs as we learn the solution. Next we must study the different blocks of code that when executed deliver one feature or functionality to the solution as a whole.
"SearchServiceName": "[Put your search service name here]",
"SearchIndexName": "hotels",
"SearchServiceAdminApiKey": "[Put your primary or secondary Admin API key here]",
"SearchServiceQueryApiKey": "[Put your primary or secondary Query API key here]"
namespace AzureSearch.SDKHowTo
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.Azure.Search;
using Microsoft.Azure.Search.Models;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Spatial;
// This sample shows how to delete, create, upload documents and query an index
static void Main(string[] args)
IConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.json");
IConfigurationRoot configuration = builder.Build();
SearchServiceClient serviceClient = CreateSearchServiceClient(configuration);
string indexName = configuration["SearchIndexName"];
Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Deleting index...\n");
DeleteIndexIfExists(indexName, serviceClient);
Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Creating index...\n");
CreateIndex(indexName, serviceClient);
ISearchIndexClient indexClient = serviceClient.Indexes.GetClient(indexName);
Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Uploading documents...\n");
ISearchIndexClient indexClientForQueries = CreateSearchIndexClient(indexName, configuration);
Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Complete. Press any key to end application...\n");
private static SearchServiceClient CreateSearchServiceClient(IConfigurationRoot configuration)
string searchServiceName = configuration["SearchServiceName"];
string adminApiKey = configuration["SearchServiceAdminApiKey"];
SearchServiceClient serviceClient = new SearchServiceClient(searchServiceName, new SearchCredentials(adminApiKey));
return serviceClient;
private static SearchIndexClient CreateSearchIndexClient(string indexName, IConfigurationRoot configuration)
string searchServiceName = configuration["SearchServiceName"];
string queryApiKey = configuration["SearchServiceQueryApiKey"];
SearchIndexClient indexClient = new SearchIndexClient(searchServiceName, indexName, new SearchCredentials(queryApiKey));
return indexClient;
private static void DeleteIndexIfExists(string indexName, SearchServiceClient serviceClient)
if (serviceClient.Indexes.Exists(indexName))
private static void CreateIndex(string indexName, SearchServiceClient serviceClient)
var definition = new Index()
Name = indexName,
Fields = FieldBuilder.BuildForType<Hotel>()
Azure concepts to learn
How and why we create azure clients
Why do we use appsettings.json
What is some example file structures for azure search solutions
What coding lanague do you want to use to build that solutio
do u want to use the azure sdk
How to find and create api keys
C# concepts to learn
What is an interface and how do you use it
How to import one file in the file structure into another
How the main function works
How to call variables in to a function
How to call a function with a function
How to write server side code vs client side code
How to deploy c# code to azure
What version of c# are u using What’s is and what version will u use
What is core and what version will u use
As u can see azure and c# have a high learning curve.
Luckily you have stack overflow and documentation to research all of the above questions and more:)
For how u would troubleshoot...what I do is research each block of code in the documentation example and run all of the code locally. Then I test each block of code one at a time. Ur always testing data flowing thought the block of code. So you can just console log the result of a block a code by creating a test varable and print that varable to the console.
Because each block of Code represents one feature or functionality, each test will output either a pass or fail delivery of that feature or functionality. Thus you can design functionality, implement that design and create a test for new Feature.

ASP.NET core WEB API with AD FS authentication

I have small RESTful API written in ASP.NET core and I am looking into how to add authentication to it using Active Directory. I have to use our companies server for authentication using AD but I do not see any tutorials of how to do this.
I guess that JWT authentication is not what I am looking for or I might be wrong and misunderstand something. I am total noob in question of authentication.
I know we have solved that in one of the nodejs project of ours and it was not that straight forward. I would appreciate any help in that matter.
As of today, System.DirectoryServices hasn't been implemented in ASP.NET Core yet, but we could use Novell.Directory.Ldap.NETStandard.
You can install the package via NuGet Novell.Directory.Ldap.NETStandard.
Sample code -
using Novell.Directory.Ldap;
namespace YourNamespace
public class LdapAuthenticationService : IAuthenticationService
public bool ValidateUser(string domainName, string username, string password)
string userDn = $"{username}#{domainName}";
using (var connection = new LdapConnection {SecureSocketLayer = false})
connection.Connect(domainName, LdapConnection.DEFAULT_PORT);
connection.Bind(userDn, password);
if (connection.Bound)
return true;
catch (LdapException ex)
// Log exception
return false;

File uploading from web application to Sharepoint server

This is my first time ever with Sharepoint. Here is the scenario
I have a stand alone web application
I also have a stand alone sharepoint server.
Both are on different servers.
I need to upload a file from web application to sharepoint
I found 2 methods online,
Using the webservice provided by Sharepoint (CopyIntoItems)
Using jQuery library of Sharepoint webservice
After searching the web, I think the jQuery part will not work (you can correct me).
I am looking for a method that takes username/password and uploads a pdf file to Sharepoint server. The following is my C# code that tries to upload but ends up in error
public bool UploadFile(string file, string destination)
bool success = false;
CopySoapClient client = new CopySoapClient();
if (client.ClientCredentials != null)
client.ClientCredentials.Windows.AllowedImpersonationLevel = System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation;
string filename = Path.GetFileName(file);
string destinationUrl = destination + filename;
string[] destinationUrls = { destinationUrl };
FieldInformation i1 = new FieldInformation { DisplayName = "Title", InternalName = "Title", Type = FieldType.Text, Value = filename };
FieldInformation[] info = { i1 };
CopyResult[] result;
byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(file);
//uint ret = client.CopyIntoItems(filename, destinationUrls, info, data, out result);
uint ret = client.CopyIntoItems(file, destinationUrls, info, data, out result);
if (result != null && result.Length > 0 && result[0].ErrorCode == 0)
success = true;
if (client.State == System.ServiceModel.CommunicationState.Faulted)
if (client.State != System.ServiceModel.CommunicationState.Closed)
return success;
I am calling the above function like this
UploadFile(#"C:\temp\uploadFile.txt", "http://spf-03:300/demo/Dokumente").ToString();
Error that i get:
Error Code: Destination Invalid
Error Message: The service method 'Copy' must be called on the same domain that contains the target URL.
There is the 3rd option with SharePoint 2010 and that is to use the Client Side object model. The client side object model a a sub set of the larger Sharepoint API, but it does cover uploading documents. Below is blog post with an example of uploading.
Upload document through client object model
As with most things in SharePoint you will need to authenticate against it the site, so find out if your site collection is forms based or claims based and then you should be able to find sample code for your situation.
Solution to the problem:
The problem was that the "security token webservice" was not working and it was giving some error when we manually ran the webservice.
The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error.
For more information about the error, either turn on
IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute
or from the configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the
exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per
the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SDK documentation and inspect the
server trace logs.
The above exception is a generic one. To view the exact exception we enabled remote error viewing from the web.config file of the webservice(link) and saw the exact exception.
We found the solution for the exception and the service started. After that everything was working fine.

SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model - Kerberos/Claims Authentication

I'm trying to read a value from a list in a remote SharePoint site (different SP Web App). The web apps are set up with Claims Auth, and the client web app SP Managed account is configured with an SPN. I believe Kerberos and claims are set up correctly, but I am unable to reach the remote server, and the request causes an exception: "The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized."
The exception occurs in the line ctx.ExecuteQuery(); but it does not catch the exception in the if (scope.HasException) instead, the exception is caught by the calling code (outside of the using{} block).
When I look at the traffic at the remote server using Wireshark, it doesn't look like the request is even getting to the server; it's almost as if the 401 occurs before the Kerberos ticket is exchanged for the claim.
Here's my code:
using (ClientContext ctx = new ClientContext(contextUrl))
CredentialCache cc = new CredentialCache();
cc.Add(new Uri(contextUrl), "Kerberos", CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials);
ctx.Credentials = cc;
ctx.AuthenticationMode = ClientAuthenticationMode.Default;
ExceptionHandlingScope scope = new ExceptionHandlingScope(ctx);
Web ctxWeb = ctx.Web;
List ctxList;
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ListItemCollection listItems;
using (scope.StartScope())
using (scope.StartTry())
ctxList = ctxWeb.Lists.GetByTitle("Reusable Content");
CamlQuery qry = new CamlQuery();
qry.ViewXml = string.Format(ViewQueryByField, "Title", "Text", SharedContentTitle);
listItems = ctxList.GetItems(qry);
ctx.Load(listItems, items => items.Include(
item => item["Title"],
item => item["ReusableHtml"],
item => item["ReusableText"]));
using (scope.StartCatch()) { }
using (scope.StartFinally()) { }
if (scope.HasException)
result = string.Format("Error retrieving content<!-- Error Message: {0} | {1} -->", scope.ErrorMessage, contextUrl);
if (listItems.Count == 1)
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ListItem contentItem = listItems[0];
if (SelectedType == SharedContentType.Html)
result = contentItem["ReusableHtml"].ToString();
else if (SelectedType == SharedContentType.Text)
result = contentItem["ReusableText"].ToString();
I realize the part with the CredentialCache shouldn't be necessary in claims, but every single example I can find is either running in a console app, or in a client side application of some kind; this code is running in the codebehind of a regular ASP.NET UserControl.
Edit: I should probably mention, the code above doesn't even work when the remote URL is the root site collection on the same web app as the calling code (which is in a site collection under /sites/)--in other words, even when the hostname is the same as the calling code.
Any suggestions of what to try next are greatly appreciated!
Is there a reason why you are not using the standard OM?
You already said this is running in a web part, which means it is in the context of application pool account. Unless you elevate permissions by switching users, it won't authenticate correctly. Maybe try that. But I would not use the client OM when you do have access to the API already.

FtpWebRequest + Windows Azure = not working?

Is it possible download data on Windows Azure via FtpWebRequest (ASP.NET/C#)?
I am doing this currently and not sure if my problem is that FtpWebRequest is in general not working as expected, or if I have a different failure..
Has sb. did this before?
If you're talking about Windows Azure Storage, then definitely not. FTP is not supported.
If you're working with Compute roles, you could write something to support this, but it's DIY, a la:
I could solve my problem doing the ftp-request with FTPLib.
This means: You can copy/load files to azure or to an external source!
Make this working also with AlexFTPS , you just need to add StartKeepAlive.
string fileName = Path.GetFileName(this.UrlString);
Uri uri = new Uri(this.UrlString);
string descFilePath = Path.Combine(this.DestDir, fileName);
using (FTPSClient client = new FTPSClient())
// Connect to the server, with mandatory SSL/TLS
// encryption during authentication and
// optional encryption on the data channel
// (directory lists, file transfers)
new NetworkCredential("anonymous",
// Download a file
client.GetFile(uri.PathAndQuery, descFilePath);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Failed to download", ex);
