r.js optimizer resolving configured deps files - requirejs

I try requireJS optimizer to pack all my scripts into one file and I cannot overcome one issue.
My requireJs configuration is
var require = {
// 'baseUrl': 'static/scripts',
'paths': {
'external': 'global/external'
'waitSeconds': 2,
// 'enforceDefine': true,
'deps': ['external/jquery-1.7.2'],
'config': {
requireJs will load everything that is in deps before it starts loading any other scripts. since jquery wraps itself with define function and with name jquery I can load it to my scripts simply by calling
var var $ = require('jquery');
This works great when code is not optimized.
when I run r.js (with node - but this I think is irrelevant) optimizer prints error that it cannot resolve jquery dependency.
There is nothing in requireJs optimizer faq on that. I tried play with configuring 'path' property but it didnt fix anything.

I removed deps property and added new element to paths
var require = {
// 'baseUrl': 'static/scripts',
'paths': {
'external': 'global/external'
'jquery': 'global/external/jquery-1.7.2'
'waitSeconds': 2,
it didnt play before because I tried to setup path to jquery like
'jquery': 'external/jquery-1.7.2'
thinking that external should evaluate to
then I just set path.jquery in build script (or as argument to r.js) once again and it worked


Durandal optimization with Gulp and Gulp-Durandal not working

We are building an application with Durandal which is quite big at the moment and we currently looking into bundling all JS files located in the App folder into a main-built.js file. Pretty basic and usual stuff I guess.
I'm using Gulp with the Gulp-Durandal extension. Here our gulpfile :
var gulp = require('gulp');
var durandal = require('gulp-durandal');
gulp.task('build-portal', function () {
baseDir: 'app',
main: 'main.js',
output: 'main-built.js',
almond: false,
minify: false
And here's a snippet of our main.js file
paths: {
'text': '../Scripts/text',
'durandal': '../Scripts/durandal',
'plugins': '../Scripts/durandal/plugins',
'transitions': '../Scripts/durandal/transitions'
shim: {
waitSeconds: 0
define('jquery', [], function () { return jQuery; });
define('knockout', [], function () { return ko; });
define('ga', function () { return ga; });
["require", "exports", "durandal/app", "durandal/viewLocator", "durandal/system", "plugins/router", "services/logger", "modules/knockout.extensions", "modules/knockout.validation.custom"],
function (require, exports, __app__, __viewLocator__, __system__, __router__, __logger__, __koExtensions__, __koValidationCustom__) {
var app = __app__;
var viewLocator = __viewLocator__;
var system = __system__;
var router = __router__;
As you can see in the gulpfile, we do not want to use Almond but RequireJs instead, for some reasons almond isn't workin with our project and anyhow, we prefer RequireJs whether its bigger than almond at the end. That's where it look to brake. Running the command to build the main-built.js file took sometime but at the end I get the file built with everything in it.
The problem is that when I try to load the application, it is stuck to the loading screen. It doesn't go any further and there's no errors at all in the browser console.
I created a new project on the side to test if our code was somewhat faulty and found that it might not. You can found that project here :
If I build that project with almond option to true, everything works fine but if I switch almound off to tell gulp to use RequireJs, I got the same behavior as our app. You got stuck at the loading screen, without any errors.
So here I am, I do read a lot on the subject but didn't found anything to solve this. Hope someone here already encounter these behavior and have a solution to share.
I had the same requirement and issue. It seems require.js wasn't calling the main module which will startup the Durandal app, that's why it's stuck in the loading screen. I was able to resolve it by implicitly calling the main module:
gulp.task("durandal", function() {
return durandal({
baseDir: "app",
main: "main.js",
output: "main-built.js",
almond: false,
minify: true,
rjsConfigAdapter: function(config) {
//Tell requirejs to load the "main" module
config.insertRequire = ["main"];
return config;
I downloaded your project and tried building it with the latest versions of gulp and durandal. Initially it didn't build and gave me the following error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'normalize' of undefined
This is a problem with the text-plugin of rjs and you can solve this by adding the following to your gulp-file (next to the almond, minify, output... properties):
rjsConfigAdapter : function(rjsConfig){
rjsConfig.deps = ['text'];
return rjsConfig;
Once I did that, the build finished and I could build with or without minify, almond and require and the application works fine.

requirejs callback undefined

Project Structure
wwwroot <-- files under this location are static files public to the site
modules ┌───────────────┐
global.js <--│ Built modules │
dropdown.js └───────────────┘
global.js ┌────────────────┐
dropdown <--│ Source modules │
dropdown.js └────────────────┘
global.cs Contents (pre-built version at ~/modules/global.js)
baseUrl: "scripts/modules",
paths: {
jquery: "../../lib/jquery/js/jquery",
bootstrap: "../../lib/bootstrap/js/bootstrap",
knockout: "../../lib/knockout/knockout"
shims: {
bootstrap: {
deps: ['jquery']
define(function (require) {
var $ = require('jquery');
var ko = require('knockout');
var bootstrap = require('bootstrap');
dropdown.js Contents (pre-built version at ~/modules/dropdown.js)
define(function () {
console.log('dropdown initialized');
return 'foo';
Contains this script tag in the <head> of the page for loading requires config:
<script src="~/lib/requirejs/require.js" data-main="scripts/modules/global"></script>
In the body of the HTML page, I have the following:
require(['global'], function () {
require(['dropdown'], function (dropdown) {
The dropdown callback is undefined instead of the expected "foo" string that I'm returning from the defined module.
In fact, the console does not contain a log item for "dropdown initialized" either. This makes me believe the module is not being invoked somehow? However, it's strange the dropdown.js is present in F12 debugger as a script loaded into the page. Therefore, requires did make a call to load it, but did not run the contents of the define?
Noteworthy mentions
I'm using r.js to optimize and build. Both global.js and dropdown.js are processed over.
The name assigned to the dropdown module by r.js processing is "modules/dropdown/dropdown.js". I'm unsure if I should be using this somehow, or if I'm referring to the module correctly as just dropdown and relying on my baseUrl config having the correct path.
Edit #1
I have added the r.js build configuration used with grunt per commenter request. In conjunction, I updated the file structure to include the overall project structure, instead of just the runtime public wwwroot structure.
The r.js process will compile built forms of global.js + other modules in ~/wwwroot/scripts/modules from the source location ~/modules in summary.
function getRequireJsConfiguration() {
var baseUrl = './';
var paths = {
jquery: "wwwroot/lib/jquery/js/jquery",
bootstrap: "wwwroot/lib/bootstrap/js/bootstrap",
knockout: "wwwroot/lib/knockout/knockout"
var shims = {
bootstrap: {
deps: ['jquery']
var optimize = 'none';
var configuration = {};
var jsFilePaths = grunt.file.expand('modules/**/*.js');
jsFilePaths.forEach(function (jsFilePath) {
var fileName = jsFilePath.split('/').pop();
if (configuration[fileName]) {
throw 'Duplicate module name conflict: ' + fileName;
configuration[fileName] = {
options: {
baseUrl: './',
name: jsFilePath,
out: 'wwwroot/scripts/modules/' + fileName,
paths: paths,
shims: shims,
optimize: optimize,
exclude: ['jquery', 'knockout', 'bootstrap']
configuration['global'] = {
options: {
baseUrl: './',
name: 'modules/global.js',
out: 'wwwroot/scripts/modules/global.js',
paths: paths,
shims: shims,
optimize: optimize,
return configuration;
Edit #2
Thought it'd be a good idea to include the versions of requirejs packages I'm using:
requirejs: 2.1.15
grunt-contrib-requirejs: 0.4.4
The name assigned to the dropdown module by r.js processing is "modules/dropdown/dropdown.js". I'm unsure if I should be using this somehow, or if I'm referring to the module correctly as just dropdown and relying on my baseUrl config having the correct path.
In a sense, yes, you should be using that full path. That's what Require refers to as the module id - "modules/dropdown/dropdown" (if the .js in the above output was real, I suggest stripping that extension in the "name" config. .js is assumed by RequireJS, you don't want that string in your module ids). The basePath is used, when given IDs, to transform some unknown ID to a file path (e.g. 'bootstrap' id -> (applying path config) -> '../../lib/bootstrap/js/bootstrap' -> (applying base URL) -> 'scripts/modules/../../lib/bootstrap/js/bootstrap').
Really, though, just allowing r.js to concatenate everything into one file
is the preferred way to go. You could use the include option to include modules un-referenced by global.js in with the optimized bundle, too ( https://github.com/jrburke/r.js/blob/master/build/example.build.js#L438 )
As to your specific problem: your lazy require(['dropdown']) call is misleading you. By combining the requested module id with the basePath, RequireJS comes up with the URL you want - scripts/modules/dropdown - which defines a module with the module id scripts/module/dropdown - but since you requested the module id dropdown, you get nothing. (I would've guessed you'd get a RuntimeError instead of undefined, but I suppose that's how things go). One way or another you need to address the id/path mismatches.
Although I have resolved my issue with the hints wyantb's answer provided, I've since changed my approach to a single file concat due to the simplicity it brings. I still wanted to post the specifics of how I solved this question's issue for anyone else to happens along it.
In the grunt build configuration options, I added the onBuildWrite field to transform the content, so my assigned module IDs lined up with how I was lazily loading them.
onBuildWrite: function (moduleName, path, contents) {
return contents.replace(/modules\/global.js/, 'global');
This code is specifically for the global.js file. I implemented a similar onBuildWrite for the other module files (in the foreach loop). The transformation will essentially strip the path and extension from the module name that r.js assigns.
Here are some examples of before and after:
Before After
/modules/global.js global
/modules/dropdown/dropdown.js dropdown
/modules/loginButton/loginButton.js loginButton
Therefore, when I load the modules using the HTML script from my original question, requirejs resolves and finds a match.
Either require by path or define global and dropdown in global.cs
require(['./global'], function () {
require(['./dropdown'], function (dropdown) {

How to get a single javascript page using r.js

I am doing my first try using requireJS and it works great !
I now would like to use the optimizer and i meet some issues when running my code in the browser.
I have these JS files:
a.js, b.js and c.js are modules i define for my application using requireJS.
paths: {
'jQuery': 'lib/jquery.min.js'
shim: {
'jQuery': {
exports: '$'
require(['a.js'], function(A){
var Entity = new A();
baseUrl: ".",
paths: {
requireLib: "lib/require.min",
jquery: "lib/jquery.min"
name: "main",
out: "main-built.js",
include: ["requireLib"]
Also i am wondering why do we have to specify the paths of the libraries into the build.js and not the other javascript files.
When i do not use the optimizer and only load the file
<script src="/javascripts/lib/require.min.js" data-main="/javascripts/main"></script>
it works great, but when i run r.js -o ./public/javascripts/build.js and only load
<script src="/javascripts/main-built.js"></script> i get the error Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function in the minified code.
How to explain that ?
Here are the logs i get when running r.js
Tracing dependencies for: main
Uglifying file: /public/javascripts/main-built.js
This is definitely wrong:
require(['a.js'], function(A){
var Entity = new A();
You should not use extensions in the list of dependencies you give to require or define. Modules should be named without extension. So here 'a', not 'a.js'. Using 'a.js' will cause RequireJS to fail loading what you really want once the optimizer has run. Let's say you have a file named a.js which has:
define(function () {
return function () {};
The optimizer will include it into your main-built.js file like this:
define("a", function () {
return function () {};
Note how the first parameter to define is now "a". This has been added by r.js. This is the name of the module. When you load main-built.js, a module named "a" is defined. When you use require with "a.js", you are telling RequireJS you want something in a file named a.js so RequireJS will go looking for that and ignore what is in main-built.js.
Also, jQuery 1.8 or over does not need a shim.
I just have added
shim: {
'jQuery': {
exports: '$'
into the build.js file, and it works perfectly !
Thanks !

How to ignore libraries in browserify programmatic api

Assume the below code is found in bundler.js and tracing entry.js leads to var B = require('backbone'); (Backbone is a dependency installed as declared in package.json).
var browserify = require('browserify');
var bundle = new browserify();
noParse: ['backbone']
Executing this bundler yields a stream that contains the original backbone source. Based on browserify's command line options I expected it to skip backbone alltogether. Reading through the source, I expected perhaps the following would work:
var browserify = require('browserify');
var bundle = new browserify({
noParse: ['backbone']
Though backbone source still appears in the stream output.
Is it possible to use --noparse=FILE as a configuration option in this application of the api?
As you can see from here the --noparse option provided on the command line is passed to the browserify({ }) call.
So in order to tell browserify to not parse jquery and three.js you have to pass the full path to your jquery and three.js files.
noParse: [
.require(require.resolve('./entry.js'), { entry: true })
var browserify = require("browserify")
browserify({entries: ['./src/client/app.js']})
That would make browserify ignore jquery, and then jquery can be added on index.html directly.

Best practice for minifying TypeScript modules

I'm using requirejs and AMD modules for my TypeScript project, with something like 20 different source files at the moment and likely to grow substantially. All of this works, but it's very slow to load all 20 files, so it would be better to have them minified. But because of how requirejs wants to load everything, it seems like it's going to require that I keep the modules in separate files - I don't think I can just take the generated module1.js and module2.js files and minify them into one file and then have requirejs load those without changing some code. (I could be wrong on this.)
The other way that I see to do this is to use the r.js file that requirejs provides to merge all the different files together in a way that still keeps requirejs happy. But r.js requires node.js, and I'd rather not introduce that as a dependency in my build process if there's any other way to do it.
So before I dive into this and try half a dozen different solutions - how are other folks approaching this with big projects?
What you could do is to implement a thin RequireJS shim to use in a minified build. Depending on how much of the RequireJS API you want to use, you could get by with very little. For simplicity you could also use named modules.
Say, while developing you use RequireJS to load your modules. When you want to make a minified build, you could simply include a simple loader in the minified file.
If you have files app.js, foo.js and bar.js as follows:
//from app.js
define("app", ["foo", "bar"], function(foo, bar) {
return {
run: function() { alert(foo + bar); }
//from foo.js
define("foo", [], function() {
return "Hello ";
//from bar.js
define("bar", [], function() {
return "World!";
And let's say you minify all those files together. At the top of the file you include the following shim:
//from your-require-shim.js
(function(exports) {
var modules = {};
var define = function(name, dependencies, func) {
modules[name] = {
var require = function(name) {
var module = modules[name];
//if we have cached result -> return
if(module.result) { return module.result; }
var deps = [];
//resolve all dependencies
for(var i=0,len=module.dependencies.length;i<len;i++) {
var depName = module.dependencies[i];
var dep = modules[depName];
if(!dep.result) {
//resolve dependency
module.result = module.func.apply(this, deps );
return module.result;
exports.require = require;
exports.define = define;
And execute the module defined in app.js
Like in this fiddle.
It's a crude PoC of course, but I'm sure you get the meaning.
If you are using ASP.NET MVC 4, you can make a bundle which will minify everything when you deploy to production in a set of files or in a folder. You'll find more info on bundles here.
