Folder permissions in Azure web sites - azure

Just getting my head around the new Azure web sites feature and hitting my first obstacle. I'm deploying a PHP site which writes cache data to the file system, but the app is throwing an error because the folder it wants to write to does not have write permission. Is it possible to set permissions on folders or is this a no-no?
I can probably work round this but would like to know if it's possible.

Folder permissions cannot be set/customized. This means whatever location your app writes to should be under your site root.

Your site can only write to locations under C:\DWASFiles\Sites\[siteName]\VirtualDirectory0 and to the %TEMP% folder.
Two caveats here:
Stuff can't be written directly under VirtualDirectory0, you have to create a subfolder under there and place your files in that subfolder
The %TEMP% folder really is temporary! If your site instance goes down for any reason and is brought back up somewhere else then everything in your %TEMP% folder will be gone. Use it only for files that really are temporary.

Is the folder that the app is trying to write to under the site's folder?
It's my understanding that folder permissions cannot be set/changed. But I haven't seen anything from Microsoft that definitively says "yes" or "no" to that.

It should be possible using webdeploy.
However I don't think there is a way do it without manually setting up the webdeploy package - as described in the post


How persistent is data I put on my Azure WebApp via FTP?

I've been searching around and can't find any clear answers to this. I need a small amount of data - talking kilobytes, probably not ever reaching megabyte range - available as a file on my Azure instance, outside the web app itself, for a web job to work with. I won't get into why this is necessary, but it is (alternatives have been explored), and the question is now where to put those files. The obvious answer seems to be to connect to the FTP, create a directory, plop them there and work with them there.
I did a quick test and I'm able to create a "downloads" directory within the "data" directory, drop some files in it, and work with them there. It works great for this very small, simple need that I have.
How long will that data stay there? Is that directory purged at any point automatically by the servers? Is that directory part of any backups that are maintained? How "safe" is something I manually put outside the wwwroot folder?
It will never be purged. The only folder that can get purged is the %TEMP% folder. All other folders that you have write access to will be persisted forever.

Limit IIS virtual Directories pointing to same folder path

I have an project that I use for a couple different purposes. We have addresses that access the same virtual directory via different paths ( and I do not want to break the project up as they use similar functionality that seems redundant to have in two places. None the less as it stands and both are the same. I want to make it so that is not accessible. Is there a way to do that from the App Pool/Virtual Directory settings or do I just have to hope that external users dont type /default.aspx?
I know I can set the default document to like survey.aspx (purpose of the second url) but that does not prevent some savvy users from typing in default.aspx just to see what it does. Any assistance here would be great.
Since they point to the same .aspx file could you not include an if statement at the start of the file to grab the URL and if it includes use2 then go back?

Coldfusion security to hide directory of files?

So, I decided to try to break my website...I googled my site by typing in and behold, all of the users uploaded files were available for view under a specific directory.
What kind of script/ counter measure should I use to block these files from being viewed? I already have a script that checks the path and the logged in status, however this doesn't seem to be working. I've looked all over for solutions...but I can't quite find one. I'm using ColdFusion 8.
This isn't a ColdFusion issue so much as a web server configuration issue.
You should either:
configure your web server not to show a directory of files when using a URL without a filename (e.g.,
drop a blank default web document (index.html, index.htm, default.htm, index.cfm, whatever) into that directory so that it displays that document rather than the list of files. If you use index.cfm, it'll fire your Application.cfm/cfc in your file path and use whatever other security you've built.
(or, better, do both)
The best way to secure your file listings and the files themselves is to store them in another folder outside of the Web site root folder. You can then serve them up using CFDIRECTORY and CFCONTENT. The pages that display the files can check your access controls and only serve the files to those allowed to see them.

How to setup IIS 7 using physical path directing to DropBox?

I'm using multiple computers for development and I want to be able to store my files in my dropbox folder. I went to change the physical path in IIS from c:\inetpup\wwwroot to the dropbox folder but I get this error:
The requested page cannot be accessed
because the related configuration data
for the page is invalid.
I couldn't find the config file so I was wondering if anyone had done this before or whether there a better way to sync everything nicely across several PCs?
I tried it (IIS 7.5, Win 7) and it should work just fine to let your physical path of your web look at your dropfox folder. I would guess your web.config file generally contains malformed XML (see KB942055).
I'd suggest, try to map it to an empty folder just with an index.html file and see if this error still occurs.
As a workaround, I guess you can put Dropbox in your wwwroot folder and set up a virtual directory that points to Dropbox. However, there are some security issues that may hinder you from doing so. I come across a nice tutorial on how to set up Dropbox to IIS as FTP Publishing. Hope it helps.
Hodgin's guide on using Dropbox as FTP publishing.

Where should you save your IIS files

May seem like a dumb question... but where should you save your website files in IIS?
If i need to make a WCF application should I just put the code in the wwwroot folder and convert the WCF folder into application?
Its generally good to create a virtual directory and point it to the actual physical location, instead of putting all your files/projects in wwwroot folder
