mapping # in vim - vim

In my .vimrc I have mapped the #-key to a macro for commenting out/in lines of code.
Unfortunately # in vim already has a function - it searches backwards for the word beneath the cursor.
What I would now like to have is a way to map this functionality to another key-sequence (ideally I would like to have Control-* for that as * alone searches forward).
Does anyone know how to achieve this?
Many thanks!

Unfortunately, Ctrl + * cannot be used; I would propose \*; it's longer to type, but backwards searches are probably not that common.
:nnoremap <Leader>* #

Like Ingo Karkat said, mapping Ctrl+certain keys is impossible in vim. However, you can map Alt+8 instead:
noremap <A-8> #
I suggest Alt+8 instead of Alt+* because if you wanted to bend your hand in unnatural ways to press more than one modifier keys to perform a command, you would probably be using Emacs instead of Vim.

I use \+c for commenting and \+d for removing comments. The mappings are following :
:map \c <ESC>:s,^\(\s*\)[^/ \t]\#=,\1// <ESC>,e<CR>j$a
:map \d <ESC>:s,^\(\s*\)// \s\#!,\1<ESC>,e<CR>j$a
Above mappings are used in command mode. Taken from one answer on SO, which I am currently unable to find.


repurpose default key in vim

I heard that there is no internal function to call when typing a key combo in vim, unlike emacs. So I want to repurpose Ctrl-A to ^ (like, nnoremap < C-A> ^); however, the original function of Ctrl-A is also attractive, so I want to map it to some other keys, say Ctrl-S. How can I do this the vim way?
This question might have been asked but I searched around and did not find anything close. Thanks in advance.
PS: the stupid vim-emacs war is spamming everywhere and nowhere can i find a real solution that makes a desired feature to work in another environment.
The following should do:
nnoremap <C-A> ^
nnoremap <C-A>A <C-A>
This works because the noremap tells vim to do not apply any other mapping, thus the rhs of the second mapping above is the default <Ctrl-A>.
You will notice that the first mapping will take a delay to execute, because vim waits a while to allow you to type the second mapping. Vim-FAQ 20.16 may help if this bothers you.
But I'd advice against changing the default mapping because, as explained here, vim has many default mappings that may seems silly when you start using it. When you understand it better you will have a hard time finding another key to map it or to get used to the old/default mappings.

VIM keybinding to jump back to initial position after indenting the whole file

I have created a keybinding that should indent a whole file.
My first solution looked like this:
map <F4> gg=G
The problem is that after pressing F4, the cursor jumped to the first line of the file. So I have tried to improve my solution with the feature of markers, look like this:
map <F4> mzgg=G'z<CR>
I expected this would have resolved my problem, but the command do the same as the first. When I try to jump to the z marker manually vim told me "marker not set".
After changing the keybinding, I have or course restarted vim! I am using the GVIM 7.3 on a WIN 7 machine.
Thank you in advance for your Help!
After trying to get my keybinding working by tipping it directly to vim commandline. I find out that the keybinding was working quite nice. I think problem is that I create a session some times ago (with mksession) and if you load a session I think vim ignores the vimrc-file. Is this assumption right?
In these thread I find a soultion to make mksession save less options.
Another lightweight approach: set the ` mark, format the buffer and jump back to the mark afterwards.
:nnoremap <key> m`gg=G``
I would recommend the use of CTRLo and CTRLi which allow to go respectively backward and forward in the jump list. See :help jumps.
The following mapping
map <F4> gg=G2<C-o>
works. (It jumps back two times in the jump list)
But generally, the jump list is a great way to navigate in a file, this is likely the shortcuts that use the most in my daily use. It is also works if you jump to a tag to go back to your original location.
You might also want to use nnoremap rather than map, this way it will only work in normal mode, and you could potentially reuse F4 in combination in another key binding without having recursive mappings.
nnoremap <F4> gg=G2<C-o>

Insert character without entering insert mode?

Sometimes I want to insert a # to comment out a line and test it quickly. Currently I do:
Is there something shorter I can do?
Although I agree with others that there are better ways to comment and uncomment code, it seems that people have gotten distracted and forgotten to actually answer the question.
This is my approach to inserting a single character:
:noremap <key> i <Esc>r
I tend to find that I need to replace, remove, or add single characters very often if I'm correcting typos, so (resp.) r, x, and whatever is chosen for <key> in the above become very handy.
Note that . is also particularly handy for this sort of task. It repeats the previous action.
Personally though, I only map this function to a valuable key when I'm doing a task where I use it frequently enough to justify occupying a prime spot on the keyboard (such as correcting typos), because really, it only saves one keystroke per use and that's only when <key> is not a combination, which of course limits availability.
I map a couple of things to my <leader> key (\ by default):
" # comment the current line
nnoremap <leader>d I#<ESC>
" block comment in visual mode
vnoremap <leader>c <ESC>'<O/*<ESC>'>o*/<ESC>V'<k
If you want to add a # to the start of a group of lines, then do this:
j (as many times as necessary
You could use a recording. From normal mode, type:
qlml0i#<press escape>`lq
Then to comment out a line, just press #l
Mapping in vim is so easy that I might do something like
:nmap CC I#<Esc>:w<CR>
on the fly. If I get used to it, then I will add it to my vimrc file.
:help key-mapping
:help usr_40.txt
Actually there is a plugin you might wanna take a look at:
It is specifically designed for that purpose.
I'm particularly fond of the tComment plugin. gcc to comment a line, repeat to uncomment, multiple lines, motions, etc.

how to add vim keymap

While programming I am regulary using the following two lines:
sprintf(buff,"%s", __func__);
Is it possible to set any keyboard shortcut to insert these two lines?
E.g. when I type \sp in command mode, these functions get added at the cursor position in my file. Is this possible? And if so, how do I map my keys?
Thanks in Advance.
You can use abbreviations, which are designed for this.
:abbr spb sprintf(buff,"%s", __func__);
:abbr uart putrsUART(buff);
Use :help abbr for the gory details. Note that you need to type another character after the abbreviated form for vim to recognize them. This comes naturally for these as you will type ENTER as the next character. It is also possible to enter more than one line with abbreviations. Simply use <CR> where you want a new line.
Here's an easy mapping for normal mode that lets you hit \sp (unless you've remapped leader, in which case use that instead of \) in order to insert the sprintf statement.
map <Leader>sp isprintf(buff,"%s", __func__);<Esc>
That being said I think abbreviations are the way to go here
As already mentioned, abbreviations (which I would limit to insert mode (:iabbr), because you probably won't need them in the command-line) are best for simple expansions; you can also define them only for certain filetypes only (via :iabbr <buffer> ...).
Your __func__ looks like a template parameter that you need to adapt each time. You cannot do this via abbreviations, but there are various plugins (many inspired from functionality in the TextMate editor) that offer template insertion with parameter expansion and several advanced features. Check out one of snipMate, xptemplate, or UltiSnips.
Try snip-Mate for inserting regularly used codesnippets.
Wrong answer, Sorry:
Try this in your vimrc:
map <c-w> :sprintf(buff,"%s",func)<cr>
This means mapping to Ctrl-W.

Making inserting a single character in Vim an atomic operation

I've long used this very useful shortcut in vim:
nmap <space> i <esc>r
this means that if I press spacef, for example, it will insert a single character f at the given position.
unfortunately, however, this is not atomic, ie, if I press spacef and then navigate somewhere else, then press ., I get the equivalent of rf, not spacef.
all this makes sense, but here's the question: is there a way of making this atomic, so that . will repeat the 'insert character' operation, and so that undo etc all treat it as one operation, too?
Awesome! Michael's answer pointed me to the plugin I needed to finish my plugin, which can now do what you want - I had been trying to figure out how to do this for ages!
1) Install Tim Pope's plugin
2) Install my plugin
3) Add a mapping to your .vimrc:
nnoremap <space> :<C-U>call InsertChar#insert(v:count1)<CR>
Does this work for you?
noremap <silent> <space> :exe "normal i".nr2char(getchar())<CR>
You might want to have a look at this plugin script. It may be possible to configure your map so it can be supported. Read the supporting docs
Sorry I can't provide a specific answer to your problem but I will note that I tend to use the . key when I have to reproduce quite a lot of commands (e.g. I want to insert f 5 or more times).
If that is the case here, I don't think the saving of using your macro is worth it. You save one keystroke by using your macro rather than ifesc and that operation is atomic so you could then . to your heart's content.
I would just use the non-macro version if I know I want to repeat it a lot.
P.S. You know I'm starting to like the <kbd> tag quite a bit :-)
