Using the DataView in XPages Extension Library Mobile Controls - xpages

On page 1 of a mobile app I need to display categories from a categorised view. When the user selects a category the app should transition to page 2 showing documents in the selected category. The customer does not want the category to expand/collapse on the first page of the app.
Would I use the DataView for this? Any advice on how best to achieve this?

if something like this (application is in Czech, but you can still see what it is about) is what you need, I can send you the code.
"dopoledne" and "odpoledne" are categories

Yes what you want is a dataview, there is a property to disable collapsing / expanding of the category sections.
My suggestion would be to view either of the remodelled templates "Discussion 853 XL" or "Teamroom 853 XL" that come with the ExtLib, these applications have been modified to add mobile front ends and are great examples of how to build mobile applications

I do something along these lines in mobile pages of XPages Help Application - Contents and Index views both drill down from categories to documents in the category. I think I just use a repeat control.
The one thing to bear in mind is that you cannot currently redirect to the current Mobile Page with different parameters. That's why I switch between two mobile pages that use the same Custom Control for the view.


Need some guidance around creating a custom page to display different views for a SharePoint List.

I'm familiar with SharePoint but would like some guidance on developing a custom page.
I have 1 list and have created 3 different views.
On my Page, I have added a webpart to show the list.
I'd like to be able to add some form items - possibly radio buttons/ a picker/ or just text links at the top that would allow the user to switch views on the list below.
I'd like to add some other information and make the experience more intuitive for the user.
In short, is there a way to add a list web part and some options to choose the view of that list in another section of the page?
Sure, just do something like this
var dview = MyList.Views["YourViewTitle"];
dview.DefaultView = true;
Each view has its own URL so you just need to use some HTML and JavaScript. When a box is checked or a button is clicked then you can load the URL of the view.

Is there any way we can display web-content on public page randomly on page refresh?

We are using liferay 6.1
On Public page we want to display web-content in one portlet, but it should not be only selected one.
we want to display it randomly on page refresh. Like on page refresh it should display different web content from group of web content.
Any hint ?
Consider to use structures & templates: With structures you give some contents of an article - this might be alternative content, or just a description of a filter that you want to display.
A simple structure (that contains all of the content in just one article, not exactly what you ask for) just has repeatable HTML text fields. Edit all of them with the content you want to show alternating.
In your template you read an article with this content, generate a random number and only show the fragment from the content that the random number suggests.
Another way is to have a template that queries Liferay's API for several articles. Then you randomly select one of them and display it.
Templates can be written in Velocity, Freemarker or XSL. The nice thing is they're completely runtime-configurable.
Liferay Blogs, particularly those of James Falkner, have a few articles on how to work with the API from templates.
You can customized the "Web Content Display" portlet with a hook.
Add to config-page the "show randomized" checkbox, get the list of existing journal articles and choose random one of them.

Using an Outline with XPages Extension Library Mobile Controls

I am using the XPages Extension Library mobile controls to create a mobile web interface for an existing Notes app.
When displaying a document with a large number of fields I would like to use an accordion type UI so that parts of the page can be expanded or collapsed to show or hide the fields in each pane (similar to sections in a traditional Notes client app).
Having looked at the "Accordion Outline" in the Ext Lib demo app I started to build the page using the Outline control. Within each entry (node) of the Outline I, ideally, want to place a rounded list and then put my fields & controls inside that.
But it looks like the nodes in the Outline can't contain this type of content - unless I'm missing something?
Any suggestions as to which controls I can use this type of UI?
You can any time use an xp:panel and assign it the dijit.accordeon (look up the exact name please) dojo type. Then you can put anything inside including repeat controls etc. I would guess it might make sense to build your own CC to hold the content for each accordeon panel

In XPages Mobile App / Mobile Control, how to make picklist

I have two pages, one page for input, another page for the options, how to send value form page to another page on xPages Mobile Controls, or is there another way to make like this.
See my sample page:
1. Page 1:User Input
Page 2:Picklist
note: the built-in typeahead not posible
The in built type ahead is missing the dojo tundra.css file when using the single page app control. This file comes with Dojo its just not being included. Import this file to get the type ahead to work.
I'm unsure as to what you mean about passing value from one page to another, you can submit data to a document and open it in another page, add it to a scoped variable, add a parameter to the URL. All of these options will work.
Have a look at my blog post on this topic. There are a couple of gotchas to get around, most notably, ensuring the the page with your document datasource gets recalculated at the correct time. I'm working on a NotesIn9 on it.
Part 3 covers a couple of amendments to get it working with existing documents and includes a sample page that will work in the Extension Library Demo db. Note the extra view that needs to be created and other details in Part Two.

SharePoint 2007 - add additional menu to Global Navigation in a Master Page

In the source code for a master page, there is a section that has the following ASP.NET item: . This contains the "Welcome (User Name)" and Site Actions menus.
How do I create an additional menu that is similar to the look and feel of the Welcome menu? I've tried to create Front End HTML that behaves similar to the out of the box SharePoint menus, but it isn't quite right. I would prefer to utilize an ASP.NET or SharePoint control that acts similar to the SharePoint menu if that is possible.
For example, is <SharePoint:AspMenu> the appropriate control to use?
i am sure you will get better answer than this but just wanted to point what i have done to do this
i have added javascript library (JQuery) (for some other reason ) and when time come to do this thing i just added a JQuery code that creates another item in the navigation list with appropriate style and css class with the needed link and caption.
You could try another instance of the PersonalActions control with a custom GroupId. But when the control is rendered, it might also say "Welcome, [User]" just like the original.
