How to unwrap text in Vim? - vim

I usually have the tw=80 option set when I edit files, especially LaTeX sources. However, say, I want to compose an email in Vim with the tw=80 option, and then copy and paste it to a web browser. Before I copy and paste, I want to unwrap the text so that there isn't a line break every 80 characters or so. I have tried tw=0 and then gq, but that just wraps the text to the default width of 80 characters. My question is: How do I unwrap text, so that each paragraph of my email appears as a single line? Is there an easy command for that?

Go to the beginning of you paragraph and enter:
(The J is a capital letter in case that's not clear)
For whole document combine it with norm:
:%norm vipJ
This command will only unwrap paragraphs. I guess this is the behaviour you want.

Since joining paragraph lines using Normal mode commands is already
covered by another answer, let us consider solving the same issue by
means of line-oriented Ex commands.
Suppose that the cursor is located at the first line of a paragraph.
Then, to unwrap it, one can simply join the following lines up until
the last line of that paragraph. A convenient way of doing that is to
run the :join command designed exactly for the purpose. To define
the line range for the command to operate on, besides the obvious
starting line which is the current one, it is necessary to specify
the ending line. It can be found using the pattern matching the very
end of a paragraph, that is, two newline characters in a row or,
equivalently, a newline character followed by an empty line. Thus,
translating the said definition to Ex-command syntax, we obtain:
For all paragraphs to be unwrapped, run this command on the first line
of every paragraph. A useful tool to jump through them, repeating
a given sequence of actions, is the :global command (or :g for
short). As :global scans lines from top to bottom, the first line
of the next paragraph is just the first non-empty line among those
remaining unprocessed. This observation gives us the command
which is more efficient than its straightforward Normal-mode

The problem with :%norm vipJ is that if you have consecutive lines shorter than 80 characters it will also join them, even if they're separated by a blank line. For instance the following example:
# Title 1
## Title 2
Will become:
# Title 1 ## Title 2
With ib's answer, the problem is with lists:
- item1
- item2
- item1 - item2
Thanks to this forum post I discovered another method of achieving this which I wrapped in a function that works much better for me since it doesn't do any of that:
function! SoftWrap()
let s:old_fo = &formatoptions
let s:old_tw = &textwidth
set fo=
set tw=999999 " works for paragraphs up to 12k lines
normal gggqG
let &fo = s:old_fo
let &tw = s:old_tw
Edit: Updated the method because I realized it wasn't working on a Linux setup. Remove the lines containing fo if this newer version doesn't work with MacVim (I have no way to test).


Concatenating numbers in vim

i have a series of hexadecimal numbers as shown below in colums.
I would want to arrange the numbers in one single row starting from the last row as follows.
i.e 0123456789abcdef. How can i get it done in vim without using macros?
The commands
Reverse the lines with
:g/./m 0
Join all the lines and the ! flag does not insert or remove white-space.
The Explanation
The :global command takes the form: :g/{pat}/{cmd}. So run command {cmd} on ever line that matches pattern {pat}. In this case our pattern is . which matches a non empty line. Our command is :move. The :move {address} command will move a whole line to an address/line, {address}. In our case we are moving each line to the top of the file so we use 0.
All together the :g/./m0 will take every non empty line and move it to the top. Since the :global command runs from the top of the file to the bottom, the first line gets moved to the top first and the last line get moved to the top of the file last. Think of this kind of like a stack (LILO). Therefore the lines are reversed.
Now all that is left is the join all the lines together with out any extra white space. The :join command takes the form :{range}join[!]. We want to join from the first line, 1, to the last line, $, so our range would be 1,$. However this is very common so there is a shortcut for this range, %. The optional ! flag tells :join to not add or remove any white space. All together :%j! will concatenate the lines into one long line.
As a side note is probably more common to reverse the lines via :g/^/m0 as the ^ pattern matches every line not just non-empty lines.
For more help see:
:h :g
:h :m
:h :j
with Join plugin ( you could just do:
:%J '' r
:J '' 4 r
r flag means join lines in reverse
to achieve the goal. It supports more features regarding line joining. check it out..
and.... that script was written by me. :P
Kent's plugin does the job and is recommended if you need to do this often; here's a (more long-winded) alternative with built-in commands:
First, use the :move command together with :global to reverse the lines.
Then, join without any separator:

Vim: delete empty lines around cursor

Suppose I'm editing the following document (* = cursor):
What sequence can I use to delete the surrounding white space so that I'm left with:
Note: I'm looking for an answer that handles any number of empty lines, not just this exact case.
EDIT 1: Line numbers are unknown and I only want to effect the span my cursor is in.
EDIT 2: Edited example to show I need to preserve leading whitespace on edges
Easy. In normal mode, dipO<Esc> should do it.
dip on a blank line deletes it and all adjacent blank lines.
O<Esc> opens a new empty line, then goes back to normal mode.
Even more concise, cip<Esc> would roll these two steps into one, as suggested by #Lorkenpeist.
A possible solution is to use the :join command with a range:
[range]join! will join together a [range] of lines. The ! means with out inserting any extra space.
The starting point is to search backwards to the first character then down 1 line, ?.?+1
As the 1 in +1 can be assumed this can be abbreviated ?.?+
The ending point is to search forwards to the next character then up 1 line, /./-1
Same as before the 1 can be assumed so, /./-
As we are using the same pattern only searching forward the pattern can be omitted. //-
The command :join can be shorted to just :j
Final shortened command:
Here are some related commands that might be handy:
1) to delete all empty lines:
2) Squeeze all empty lines into just 1 empty line:
For more help see:
:h :j
:h [range]
:h :g
:h :v
Short Answer: ()V)kc<esc>
In normal mode, if you type () your cursor will move to the first blank line. ( moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous block of non-blank lines, and ) moves the cursor to the end (specifically, to the first blank line after said block). Then a simple d) will delete all text until the beginning of the next non-blank line. So the complete sequence is ()d).
EDIT: You're right, that deletes the whitespace at the beginning of the next non-blank line. Instead of d) try V)kd. V puts you in visual line mode, ) jumps to the first non-blank line (skipping the whitespace at the beginning of the line), k moves the cursor up one line. At this point you've selected all the blank lines, so d deletes the selection.
Finally, type O (capital O) followed by escape to crate a new blank line to replace the ones you deleted. Alternatively, replacing dO<Escape> with c<Escape> does the same thing with one less keystroke, so the entire sequence would be ()V)kc<Esc>.
These answers are irrelevant after the updated question:
This may not be the answer you want to hear, but I would make use of ranges. Take a look at the line number for the first empty line (let's say 55 for example) and the second to last empty line (perhaps 67). Then just do :55,67d.
Or, perhaps you only want there to ever be one empty line in your whole file. In that case you can match any occurrence of one or more empty lines and replace them with one empty line.
This answer works:
If you just want to use normal mode you could search for the last line with something on it. For instance,
I didn't test so much, but it should work for your examples. There maybe more elegant solutions.
function! DelWrapLines()
while match(getline('.'),'^\s*$')>=0
exe 'normal kJ'
exe 'silent +|+,/./-1d|noh'
exe 'normal k'
source it and try :call DelWrapLines()
I know this question has already been resolved, but I just found a great solution in "sed & awk, 2nd Ed." (O'Reilly) that I thought was worth sharing. It does not use vim at all, but instead uses sed. This script will replace all instances of one or more blank lines (assuming there is no whitespace in those lines) with a single blank line. On the command line:
sed '/ˆ$/{
}' myfile
Keep in mind that sed does not actually edit the file, but instead prints the edited lines to standard output. You can redirect this input to a file:
sed '/ˆ$/{
}' myfile > tempfile
Be careful though, if you try to write it directly to myfile, it will just delete the entire contents of the file, which is clearly not what you want! After you write the output to tempfile, you can just mv tempfile myfile and tada! All instances of multiple blank lines are replaced by a single blank line.
Even better:
cat -s myfile > temp
mv temp myfile
cat is awesome, yes?
If you want to do it inside vim, you can replace all instances of multiple blank lines with a single blank line by using vim's handy feature of executing shell commands on a range of lines within vim.
:%!cat -s
That's all it takes, and your entire file is reformatted all nice!

Sorting Vim Folds

I have a file that looks something like this:
blah blah blah
blah blah
blah blah blah blah
In my vimrc I have set foldmethod=marker, so that the contents of the file are all folded at the curly braces. My question is, how can I sort the file based on the fold header? I want the aarvaark section to come first, then cat, then dog.
Some folded sections have other folds within them. I do not want to sort those lower fold levels. The file should be sorted by level 1 folds only.
With all folds closed (zM or :set foldlevel=0), you can use delete dd and paste p to manually shift the folded blocks around. This is okay for small amounts of text.
For huge texts, you'd have to write a sort function yourself, as Vim does not offer such functionality. The following algorithm can be used:
Join all folded lines together with a delimiter that does not exist in the text (e.g. <Nul>).
Execute the :sort command.
Un-join the range on the special delimiter.
With error handling and corner cases, it's actually quite a bit of implementation effort. I've made an attempt here:
One approach would be as follows:
Search and replace the line endings so that the level-one folds are each on one line (i.e. replacing the line ending with a unique string that doesn't appear elsewhere in the file).
Use :sort to sort the lines in the file, as usual.
Reverse the search and replace from Step 1 to reintroduce the line endings.
This could all be recorded as a Vim macro.
Steps 1 and 3 would be straightforward if there weren't nested folds, or if there was an easy way of distinguishing top-level folds from nested ones (e.g. if the level-one {{{ and }}} lines are flush left and the others have leading space). If this isn't the case, it's probably still possible but much more difficult.
I would use power of Vim macros.
Suppose that you do not have any other staff in your file except the records and first record starts on the first line. And that you do not have start of level 1 and end on the same line. And all your {} match well.
Go to the first entry and record a macro to register a (qa - start recording q - stop)
Copy mine or better record it yourself: (^M - stands for literal enter)
/{^M find next {
V%k select line-vise till the end of level 1 but not the closing line with }}}
:s/\n/EEEEEE/^M change symbol 'end of line' to some unique string inside selection
j^ go one line down and to the begging of the line in case the previous record had leading spaces.
Run the macro starting from the second line (suppose that the first is processed already when you recorded the macro.)
In normal mode 100000#a - use whatever number greater than number of your records. Macro will stop itself when all lines are processed if the first record is in the first line of file. As a side effect it will visually select the first line - unselect it.
Sort the file
Restore the end of lines:
Note ^M should be literal enter. To type it use Ctrl-V Enter
It works with nested levels because % jumps to the matching closing }. That is why it is important that you have all the {} matched well.
Macro will stop when could not go up with k that is why you must have the first record on the first line. Empty lines or anything that is not a record between records will be ignored by the macro.
The method above should work well for your file. If you want a more general approach with folds then use the following commands in the macro instead of /{ and %
Firstly open all folds
zj - go to the start of the next open fold
]z - go to the end of the current fold.
The rest of the macro is the same.
This method is more general but I found it less reliable since it depend on all folds open, folding enable and so on.
There's a vim-sort-folds plugin that looks specially made for this.

How to repeat the same search and replace command over disjunct line ranges in Vim?

I had a situation where I wanted to replace FOO with BAR through out a file. However, I only want to do it in certain places, say, between lines 68–104, 500–537, and 1044–1195. In practice, I dropped markers at the lines of interest (via ma, mb, mc, etc.) and ran the following:
:'a,'b s/FOO/BAR/g | 'c,'d s/FOO/BAR/g | 'e,'f s/FOO/BAR/g
I had to repeat this dozens of times with different search and replace terms s/CAT/DOG, etc., and it became a pain to have to rewrite the command line each time. I was lucky in that I had only three places that I needed to confine my search to (imagine how messy the command line would get if there were 30 or 40).
Short of writing a function, is there any neater way of doing this?
On a related note. I copied FOO to the s (search) register, and BAR to the r (replace) and tried running
:'a,'b s/\=#s/\=#r/ | 'c,'d s/\=#s/\=#r/ | 'e,'f s/\=#s/\=#r/
This would have saved me having to rewrite the command line each time, but, alas, it didn’t work. The replace bit \=#r was fine, but the \=#s bit in the search pattern gave me an error.
Any tips would be appreciated.
If you need to perform a set of line-wise operations (like substitutions) on a bunch of different ranges of lines, one trick you can use is to make those lines look different by first adding a prefix (that isn't shared by any of the other lines).
The way I usually do this is to indent the entire file with something like >G performed on the first line, and then use either :s/^ /X/ commands or block-visual to replace the leading spaces with X on the lines I want.
Then use :g in conjunction with :s. eg:
Finally, remove the temporary prefixes.
In order to get rid of the necessity to retype the same search
pattern, substitution string and flags, one can simply use the
:& command with the & flag:
:'a,'bs/pat/str/g | 'c,'d&& | 'e,'f&&
(See :help :& for details.)
Instead of using marker use this one :
:68,104s/FOO/BAR/g << substitue from line 68 to 104
This should make your job a little bit easier and clearer.
inspired by #Vdt's answer:
I am not sure but you could write all the substitutions down in a file and source that file i think.
and then :so substitutions.vim maybe you can also use this for multiple files of same structure. you can add an e to add an ignore error message, if it is not clear that the substitutions are found on the corresponding line blocks.
With q:, you can recall previous command lines and edit them as a normal Vim buffer, so you can quickly replace FOO and BAR with something else, then re-execute the line with Enter.
The s/\=#s/\=#r/ doesn't work; as you said, this only works in the replacement part. But for the pattern, you can use Ctrl + R Ctrl + R s to insert the contents of register s, instead of \=#s. Preferably use the default register, then it's a simple s//, but you probably know that already.
When performed over a closed fold, substitutions are limited to that fold.
fold each region
put the cursor on one closed fold
perform the substitution: :s/foo/bar<CR>
move to the next closed fold with zj or zk
use the command-line history: :<C-p><CR> or :<Up><CR> to perform the same substitution
You can also add the c flag at the end of your substitution so that Vim asks you for a confirmation before actually performing it. This can be tedious if you have lot of matches.
Here's the simplest way to do it
5,10 : startlinenum,endlinenum

Is there a good Vi(m) command for transposing arguments in a function call? Bonus points for Emacs

For example if I have some code like:
foo = bar("abc", "def", true, callback);
Is there a nice command to move true to the 1st or 2nd position leaving the commas intact?
P.S as a bonus my friend want to know if this works in Emacs too.
In Vim if you place the cursor at the start of the first word and do dWWP then it will have the desired effect. Here is a breakdown:
dW delete the current word, including the comma and the following whitespace
W move to the start of the next word
P insert the deleted text before the cursor
This will work if there are further parameters after the pair to be swapped - it will need to be modified if there are only two parameters or you want to swap the last two parameters, since it will paste the text after the closing bracket.
Alternatively you could use a regex substitution:
:%s/(\([^,]\+\),\s*\([^,)]\+\)/(\2, \1/
This will find the first two arguments after the open bracket and swap them.
A search of found the swap parameters plugin, which should do exactly what you want and can handle situations that either of the above methods cannot.
I don't know the answer for vi, but in Emacs, transpose-sexps (C-M-t) will swap two arguments either side of the cursor. Actually transpose-words (M-t) was my first guess, but that leaves the quotes behind.
You need a transpose emacs command. But its limited to not guessing that its transposing in lists, it only considers text (it can't guess the 1st, 2nd word of list). Try this.
Keep your cursor at after comma of true. Use M-x transpose-words. By default it will transpose with next word from the point. Shortcut is M-t.
You can use C-u 2 M-t for transpose with next second word.
Now coming to your question. If you want to move true, to backward 1 word, use C-u -1 M-t, and for backward 2 words C-u -2 M-t.
Am not a VIM guy. So sorry bout that.
If you want to do this as a refactoring, not just as text manipulation, I'd suggest looking into Xrefactory, a refactoring tool for Emacsen (free for C/Java, commercial for C++).
Transposing previous (Ctrl-t p) and next (Ctrl-t n) argument ... add the
following into your .vimrc file:
map <C-t>p ?,\\|(<CR>wd/,\\|)<CR>?,\\|(<CR>"_dw?,\\|(<CR>a, <C-c>?,<CR>P/,<CR>w
map <C-t>n ?,\\|(<CR>wv/,<CR>d"_dw/\\,\\|)<CR>i, <C-r>"<C-c>?,<CR>?,\\|(<CR>w
