xargs can't get user input? - linux

i have a sample code like this:
CMD="svn up blablabla | grep -v .tgz"
echo $CMD | xargs -n -P ${PARALLEL:=20} -- bash -c
the purpose is to run svn update in parallel. However when encounter the conflicts, which should prompt out several selection for users to choose, it just passes without waiting for user input. And an error is shown:
Conflict discovered in 'blablabla'.
Select: (p) postpone, (df) diff-full, (e) edit,
(mc) mine-conflict, (tc) theirs-conflict,
(s) show all options: svn: Can't read stdin: End of file found
Is there any way to fix this?

Yes, there is a way to fix this! See the answer to how to prompt a user from a script run with xargs. Long story short, use
xargs -a FILENAME your_script
xargs -a <(cat FILENAME) your_script
The first version actually reads lines from a file, and the second one fakes reading lines from a file, which is convenient for using xargs in pipe chains with awk or perl. Remember to use the -0 flag if you don't want to break on whitespace!

Another solution, which doesn't rely on Bash but on GNU's flavor of xargs, is to use the -o or --open-tty option:
echo $CMD | xargs -n -P ${PARALLEL:=20} --open-tty -- bash -c
From the manpage:
-o, --open-tty
Reopen stdin as /dev/tty in the child process before executing the command. This is use‐
ful if you want xargs to run an interactive application.


Move a file list based upon grep pattern in command line [duplicate]

I want to pass each output from a command as multiple argument to a second command, e.g.:
grep "pattern" input
and I want to copy these outputs, e.g:
cp file1 file1.bac
cp file2 file2.bac
cp file3 file3.bac
How can I do that in one go? Something like:
grep "pattern" input | cp $1 $1.bac
You can use xargs:
grep 'pattern' input | xargs -I% cp "%" "%.bac"
You can use $() to interpolate the output of a command. So, you could use kill -9 $(grep -hP '^\d+$' $(ls -lad /dir/*/pid | grep -P '/dir/\d+/pid' | awk '{ print $9 }')) if you wanted to.
In addition to Chris Jester-Young good answer, I would say that xargs is also a good solution for these situations:
grep ... `ls -lad ... | awk '{ print $9 }'` | xargs kill -9
will make it. All together:
grep -hP '^\d+$' `ls -lad /dir/*/pid | grep -P '/dir/\d+/pid' | awk '{ print $9 }'` | xargs kill -9
For completeness, I'll also mention command substitution and explain why this is not recommended:
cp $(grep -l "pattern" input) directory/
(The backtick syntax cp `grep -l "pattern" input` directory/ is roughly equivalent, but it is obsolete and unwieldy; don't use that.)
This will fail if the output from grep produces a file name which contains whitespace or a shell metacharacter.
Of course, it's fine to use this if you know exactly which file names the grep can produce, and have verified that none of them are problematic. But for a production script, don't use this.
Anyway, for the OP's scenario, where you need to refer to each match individually and add an extension to it, the xargs or while read alternatives are superior anyway.
In the worst case (meaning problematic or unspecified file names), pass the matches to a subshell via xargs:
grep -l "pattern" input |
xargs -r sh -c 'for f; do cp "$f" "$f.bac"; done' _
... where obviously the script inside the for loop could be arbitrarily complex.
In the ideal case, the command you want to run is simple (or versatile) enough that you can simply pass it an arbitrarily long list of file names. For example, GNU cp has a -t option to facilitate this use of xargs (the -t option allows you to put the destination directory first on the command line, so you can put as many files as you like at the end of the command):
grep -l "pattern" input | xargs cp -t destdir
which will expand into
cp -t destdir file1 file2 file3 file4 ...
for as many matches as xargs can fit onto the command line of cp, repeated as many times as it takes to pass all the files to cp. (Unfortunately, this doesn't match the OP's scenario; if you need to rename every file while copying, you need to pass in just two arguments per cp invocation: the source file name and the destination file name to copy it to.)
So in other words, if you use the command substitution syntax and grep produces a really long list of matches, you risk bumping into ARG_MAX and "Argument list too long" errors; but xargs will specifically avoid this by instead copying only as many arguments as it can safely pass to cp at a time, and running cp multiple times if necessary instead.
The above will still work incorrectly if you have file names which contain newlines. Perhaps see also https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/020
for f in files; do
if grep -q PATTERN "$f"; then
echo cp -v "$f" "${f}.bac"
files can be *.txt or *.text which basically means files ending in *.txt or *text or replace with something that you want/need, of course replace PATTERN with yours. Remove echo if you're satisfied with the output. For a recursive solution take a look at the bash shell option globstar

Problems with tail -f and awk? [duplicate]

Is that possible to use grep on a continuous stream?
What I mean is sort of a tail -f <file> command, but with grep on the output in order to keep only the lines that interest me.
I've tried tail -f <file> | grep pattern but it seems that grep can only be executed once tail finishes, that is to say never.
Turn on grep's line buffering mode when using BSD grep (FreeBSD, Mac OS X etc.)
tail -f file | grep --line-buffered my_pattern
It looks like a while ago --line-buffered didn't matter for GNU grep (used on pretty much any Linux) as it flushed by default (YMMV for other Unix-likes such as SmartOS, AIX or QNX). However, as of November 2020, --line-buffered is needed (at least with GNU grep 3.5 in openSUSE, but it seems generally needed based on comments below).
I use the tail -f <file> | grep <pattern> all the time.
It will wait till grep flushes, not till it finishes (I'm using Ubuntu).
I think that your problem is that grep uses some output buffering. Try
tail -f file | stdbuf -o0 grep my_pattern
it will set output buffering mode of grep to unbuffered.
If you want to find matches in the entire file (not just the tail), and you want it to sit and wait for any new matches, this works nicely:
tail -c +0 -f <file> | grep --line-buffered <pattern>
The -c +0 flag says that the output should start 0 bytes (-c) from the beginning (+) of the file.
In most cases, you can tail -f /var/log/some.log |grep foo and it will work just fine.
If you need to use multiple greps on a running log file and you find that you get no output, you may need to stick the --line-buffered switch into your middle grep(s), like so:
tail -f /var/log/some.log | grep --line-buffered foo | grep bar
you may consider this answer as enhancement .. usually I am using
tail -F <fileName> | grep --line-buffered <pattern> -A 3 -B 5
-F is better in case of file rotate (-f will not work properly if file rotated)
-A and -B is useful to get lines just before and after the pattern occurrence .. these blocks will appeared between dashed line separators
But For me I prefer doing the following
tail -F <file> | less
this is very useful if you want to search inside streamed logs. I mean go back and forward and look deeply
Didn't see anyone offer my usual go-to for this:
less +F <file>
ctrl + c
/<search term>
shift + f
I prefer this, because you can use ctrl + c to stop and navigate through the file whenever, and then just hit shift + f to return to the live, streaming search.
sed would be a better choice (stream editor)
tail -n0 -f <file> | sed -n '/search string/p'
and then if you wanted the tail command to exit once you found a particular string:
tail --pid=$(($BASHPID+1)) -n0 -f <file> | sed -n '/search string/{p; q}'
Obviously a bashism: $BASHPID will be the process id of the tail command. The sed command is next after tail in the pipe, so the sed process id will be $BASHPID+1.
Yes, this will actually work just fine. Grep and most Unix commands operate on streams one line at a time. Each line that comes out of tail will be analyzed and passed on if it matches.
This one command workes for me (Suse):
mail-srv:/var/log # tail -f /var/log/mail.info |grep --line-buffered LOGIN >> logins_to_mail
collecting logins to mail service
Coming some late on this question, considering this kind of work as an important part of monitoring job, here is my (not so short) answer...
Following logs using bash
1. Command tail
This command is a little more porewfull than read on already published answer
Difference between follow option tail -f and tail -F, from manpage:
-f, --follow[={name|descriptor}]
output appended data as the file grows;
-F same as --follow=name --retry
keep trying to open a file if it is inaccessible
This mean: by using -F instead of -f, tail will re-open file(s) when removed (on log rotation, for sample).
This is usefull for watching logfile over many days.
Ability of following more than one file simultaneously
I've already used:
tail -F /var/www/clients/client*/web*/log/{error,access}.log /var/log/{mail,auth}.log \
/var/log/apache2/{,ssl_,other_vhosts_}access.log \
For following events through hundreds of files... (consider rest of this answer to understand how to make it readable... ;)
Using switches -n (Don't use -c for line buffering!).By default tail will show 10 last lines. This can be tunned:
tail -n 0 -F file
Will follow file, but only new lines will be printed
tail -n +0 -F file
Will print whole file before following his progression.
2. Buffer issues when piping:
If you plan to filter ouptuts, consider buffering! See -u option for sed, --line-buffered for grep, or stdbuf command:
tail -F /some/files | sed -une '/Regular Expression/p'
Is (a lot more efficient than using grep) a lot more reactive than if you does'nt use -u switch in sed command.
tail -F /some/files |
sed -une '/Regular Expression/p' |
stdbuf -i0 -o0 tee /some/resultfile
3. Recent journaling system
On recent system, instead of tail -f /var/log/syslog you have to run journalctl -xf, in near same way...
journalctl -axf | sed -une '/Regular Expression/p'
But read man page, this tool was built for log analyses!
4. Integrating this in a bash script
Colored output of two files (or more)
Here is a sample of script watching for many files, coloring ouptut differently for 1st file than others:
tail -F "$#" |
sed -une "
/^==> /{h;};
s/^\\(.*\\)\\n==> .* <==/\\o33[47;31m\\1\\o33[0m/;
They work fine on my host, running:
sudo ./myColoredTail /var/log/{kern.,sys}log
Interactive script
You may be watching logs for reacting on events?
Here is a little script playing some sound when some USB device appear or disappear, but same script could send mail, or any other interaction, like powering on coffe machine...
exec {tailF}< <(tail -F /var/log/kern.log)
while :;do
read -rsn 1 -t .3 keyboard
[ "${keyboard,}" = "q" ] && break
if read -ru $tailF -t 0 _ ;then
read -ru $tailF line
case $line in
*New\ USB\ device\ found* ) play /some/sound.ogg ;;
*USB\ disconnect* ) play /some/othersound.ogg ;;
printf "\r%s\e[K" "$line"
exec {tailF}<&-
kill $tailPid
You could quit by pressing Q key.
you certainly won't succeed with
tail -f /var/log/foo.log |grep --line-buffered string2search
when you use "colortail" as an alias for tail, eg. in bash
alias tail='colortail -n 30'
you can check by
type alias
if this outputs something like
tail isan alias of colortail -n 30.
then you have your culprit :)
remove the alias with
unalias tail
ensure that you're using the 'real' tail binary by this command
type tail
which should output something like:
tail is /usr/bin/tail
and then you can run your command
tail -f foo.log |grep --line-buffered something
Good luck.
Use awk(another great bash utility) instead of grep where you dont have the line buffered option! It will continuously stream your data from tail.
this is how you use grep
tail -f <file> | grep pattern
This is how you would use awk
tail -f <file> | awk '/pattern/{print $0}'

Proper way to not print to shell with tee command

I would like to use tee to append to multiple files, however, I don't need it to print to my shell, just the files. Outputting to /dev/null works great, as the command still appends to the files, and doesn't print to the shell:
echo test | tee -a file1 file2 file3 &>/dev/null
I was just wondering if this is the proper way to do it, as tee --help doesn't seem to have a parameter to not print to shell:
-a, --append append to the given FILEs, do not overwrite
-i, --ignore-interrupts ignore interrupt signals
-p diagnose errors writing to non pipes
--output-error[=MODE] set behavior on write error. See MODE below
--help display this help and exit
--version output version information and exit
I'm pretty sure this is the right way to do it, I guess I would just like some confirmation.
Well okay then...
... | tee -a file1 file2 >> file3

Linux and Crunch password generator

I have a program which requires one variable -e, ./program -e
I know how to use crunch in linux using pipe ./program | crunch etc
but I do not know how to add the first variable -e
is there a way I can just run crunch in the middle of a command?
* btw a user of mine has lost the password to an important zip file
It's as simple as that:
./program -e | crunch etc
Considering your comment below you might give this a try:
./program `crunch etc` -e
I think the correct answer is rather:
crunch | xargs -I{} ./program -e {}
see man xargs for more explanations (-I simply gives a reuseable name to what is read on the input stream...)

Is there a way to make linux CLI IO redirection persistent?

I have multiple piped commands, like this:
find [options] | grep [options] | xargs grep [options]
Each one of them can potentially produce errors (permissions errors, spaces-in-filenames errors, etc) that I am not interested in. So, I want to redirect all errors to /dev/null. I know I can do this with 2>/dev/null, for each command. Can I set IO redirection persistently? Ideally, I would just set it once, at the beginning/end of the command, and then it would affect all subsequent/preceding piped commands. Also, can IO redirection be set permanently, so that it continues to affect all commands until it is reset?
I'm using bash (I checked the man page for bash builtins and did not see the '>' and '<' characters at the top, so I assumed it was a linux thing... sorry)
I'm going to assume that you're using bash, or at least some sort of Bourne-like shell.
I'm also assuming that what you want to avoid is the following:
find ... 2>/dev/null | grep ... 2>/dev/null | xargs ... 2>/dev/null
i.e. repeating the 2>/dev/null part for each segment of the pipeline.
You can do that with:
( find ... | grep ... | xargs ... ) 2>/dev/null
You can also set the redirection permanently as follows:
exec 2>/dev/null
and (assuming that STDOUT and STDERR were both pointing to the same place before), you can undo that with:
exec 2>&1
Start a new shell with a redirected stderr, and run your pipeline in there?
Something like
$ bash 2>/dev/null -c "find [options] | grep [options] | xargs grep [options]"
It seems to work (i.e. no visible output) when I do
$ bash 2>/dev/null -c "echo nope 1>&2"
Of course, a side effect is that it is going to be tricky to understand what happened in the event of anything unexpected going on, but that's your business.
