Cassandra bulk insert solution - cassandra

I have a java program run as service , this program must insert 50k rows/s (1 row have 25 column ) to cassandra cluster.
My cluster contain 3 nodes, 1 node have 4 cpu core (core i5 2.4 ghz) , 4 gb ram.
i used Hector api, multithread, bulk insert but the performance is too low as expect (about 25k rows /s ).
Any one have suggest another solution for that. Is there cassandra support an internal bulk insert (without use Thrift).

Astyanax is a high level Java client for Apache Cassandra. Apache Cassandra is a highly available column oriented database.
Astyanax is currently in use at Netflix. Issues generally are fixed as quickly as possbile and releases done frequently.

I've had good luck creating sstables and loading them directly. There is a sstableloader
tool included in the distribution as well as a JMX interface. You can create the sstables using the SSTableSimpleUnsortedWriter class.
Details here.

The fastest way to bulk-insert data into Cassandra is sstableloader an utility provided by Cassandra in 0.8 onwards. For that you have to create sstables first which is possible with SSTableSimpleUnsortedWriter more about this is described here
Another faster way is Cassandras BulkoutputFormat for hadoop.With this we can write Hadoop job to load data to cassandra.See more on this bulkload to cassandra with hadoo


Less rows being inserted by sstableloader in ScyllaDB

I'm trying to migrate data from Cassandra to ScyllaDB from snapshot using sstableloader and data in some tables gets loaded without any error but when verifying count using PySpark, it gives less rows in ScyllaDB than in Cassandra. Help needed!
I work at ScyllaDB
There are two tools that can be used to help find the differences: ( you can use the check mode to find the missing rows. is a tool for migration from alive CQL clusters one to another (Cassandra --> Scylla) will work that also supports validation ( There is a blog series on using this tool
Please post a bug on if indeed there are missing rows.
Solved this problem by using nodetool repair on Cassandra keyspace, took snapshot and loaded the snapshot in ScyllaDB using sstableloader.

Insert Data using Spark in Cassandra

I am writing 1.2 billion rows of data (two columns) in Cassandra using spark and datastax spark connector. I have a two DC setup, I will be writing with local_quorum. I have 3 replications in both DC. Will there be latency introduced due to other DC. What other things should I keep in mind while inserting Data. I have tested on single DC and results are satisfactory.
Writes will be sent to other DC anyway, but because you're using LOCAL_QUORUM, Spark won't wait for confirmation from nodes in that DC, so it shouldn't affect the latency. The only thing that I would monitor - if the another DC is far away, and/or have a slow link, then the nodes where write happens may start to collect hints, and if this happens, then this may slightly affect performance because hints need to be written & then replayed after the remote node is back.

2 million queries against a dataframe

I need to run 2 million queries against a three columns table t (s,p,o) which size is 10 billions rows. The data type of each column is string.
Only two types of queries:
select s p o from t where s = param
select s p o from t where o = param
If I store the table in a Postgresql database takes 6 hours using a Java ThreadPoolExecutor.
Do you think Spark can speed up the queries processing even more?
What would be the best strategy? These are my ideas:
Load the table into a dataframe and launch the queries against the dataframe.
Load the table into a parquet database and launch the queries against this database.
Use Spark 2.4 to launch queries against the Postgresql database instead of querying directly.
Use Spark 3.0 to launch queries against the database loaded into PG-Strom, an extension module of PostgreSQL with GPU support.
Using Apache Spark on top of the existing MySQL or PostgresSQL server(s) (without the need to export or even stream data to Spark or Hadoop) can increase query performance more than ten times. Using multiple MySQL servers (replication or Percona XtraDB Cluster) gives us an additional performance increase for some queries. You can also use the Spark cache function to cache the whole MySQL query results table.
The idea is simple: Spark can read MySQL or PostgresSQL data via JDBC and can also execute SQL queries, so we can connect it directly to DB's and run the queries. Why is this faster? For long-running (i.e., reporting or BI) queries, it can be much faster as Spark is a massively parallel system. For example, MySQL can only use one CPU core per query, whereas Spark can use all cores on all cluster nodes.
But I recommend you use No-SQL(HBase, Cassandra,...) or New-SQL solutions for your analyses because they have better performance when the scale of your data increase.
Static Data? Spark; Otherwise tune Postgres
If the 10 billion rows are static or rarely updated, your best bet is going to be using Spark with appropriate partitions. The magic happens with parallelization, so the more cores you have, the better. You want to aim for partitions that are about half a gig in size each.
Determine the size of the data by running SELECT pg_size_pretty( pg_total_relation_size('tablename')); Divide the result by the number of cores available to Spark until you get between 1/8 and 3/4 gig.
Save as parquet if you really have static data or if you want to recover from a failure quickly.
If the source data are updated frequently, you're going to want to add indices in Postgres. It could be as straightforward as adding an index on each column. Partitioning in Postgres would also help.
Stick to Postgres. Newer databases are not appropriate for structured data such as yours. There are parallelization options. Aurora, if you're on AWS.
PG-Strom is not going to work for you here. You have simple data with few columns. Getting them into and out of a GPU is going to slow you down too much.

Cassandra throughput descrease when moving from "single data node" to "two data node" cassandra cluster

I have a single data node cassandra version 3.11.2 , and a cassandra c++ driver version 2.7. Single data node cluster having 500 000 rows. I read asynchronous and then and pushed data to queue where a scheduler take up the data write asynchronous using cassandra c++ driver. I have 10 application thread 10 io thread and 10 schedular thread. I got a TPS of 38000.
But the same activity I did with "TWO DATA NODE" cassandra cluster both reside on same Rack and try to read and write with consistency level "TWO". My TPS drop down to 12000.
Why my performance degrades so much even all configuration and client binary is same? By just changing READ CONSISTENCY to TWO and WRITE CONSITENCY to TWO.
What I need to do more to get a TPS around 40000. Do I need to add more DATA NODE?
The TWO consistency level means that when you read, you need to get data from two nodes, and this adds latency. The same for write - when you write with TWO, 2 nodes should confirm that data is written, that also adds latency...
I would recommend to read following section in DSE Architecture guide (better the whole guide completely) to get understanding about consistency levels.

All host(s) tried for query failed - com.datastax.driver.core.OperationTimedOutException

While performing Cassandra operations (Batch execution- insert and update operations on two tables) using spark job I am getting "All host(s) tried for query failed - com. datastax. driver. core. OperationTimedOutException" error.
Cluster information:
Cassandra | DSE 4.7.1
spark-cassandra-connector-java_2.10 version - 1.2.0-rc1 | cassandra-driver-core version - 2.1.7
Spark 1.2.1 | Hadoop 2.7.1 => 3 nodes
Cassandra 2.1.8 => 5 nodes
Each node having 28 gb memory and 24 cores
While searching for it's solution I came across some discussions, which says you should not use BATCHES. Though I would like to find the root cause of this error.Also, How and from where to set/get "SocketOptions. setReadTimeout", as this timeout limit must be greater than the Cassandra requests timeout as per standard guideline and to avoid possible errors.
Is the request_timeout_in_ms and the SocketOptions. setReadTimeout same?Can anyone help me with this?
While performing Cassandra operations (Batch execution- insert and
update operations on two tables) using spark job I am getting "All
host(s) tried for query failed - com. datastax. driver. core.
OperationTimedOutException" error.
Directly from the docs:
Why are my write tasks timing out/ failing?
The most common cause of this is that Spark is able to issue write requests much more quickly than Cassandra can handle them. This can lead to GC issues and build up of hints. If this is the case with your application, try lowering the number of concurrent writes and the current batch size using the following options.
spark.cassandra.output.batch.size.rows spark.cassandra.output.concurrent.writes
or in versions of the Spark Cassandra Connector greater than or equal to 1.2.0 set
which will allow you to control the amount of data written to C* per Spark core per second.
you should not use BATCHES
This is not always true, the connector uses local token aware batches for faster reads and writes but this is tricky to get right in a custom app. In many cases async queries are better or just as good.
This is a DataStax java driver method. The connector takes care of this for you, no need to change it.
