How to force IntelliJ to always search in "Whole Project" - search

I like to use the Find in Path function CTRL+SHIFT+F, that searches for text strings in several files.
One thing I often run into though, is that I search for something that I know exists in at least one file, I get zero results or I find just some of the files that contain the search term.
Then I realise that the Scope setting in the Find Dialog box has been set to Module or Directory for some reason rather that "Whole project" which is what I almost always want.
What fools me here is that this only seems to happen occasionally - often I'll have the scope set to Whole project like I want to, but sometimes it will be something else.
How does IntelliJ decide which scope to use?
Also, is there some setting that can be used to force IntelliJ to always select "Whole project" as the default?

Just collapse the project tab before: Command + 1 or Alt + 1
The default selection depends on the context which launched the search. If you have the project tab open with a folder/file selected it will search in that folder or the parent of that file.
To search by default just close that panel (this will make the context be the whole project) and press the search shortcut and it will be scope properly.

Not really a solution, but how to avoid using the mouse for this:
When the dialog is open, press Alth before pressing enter. This will cause the scope to be set to Whole project.


Expand all entries in tree with one click

Everytime reopen my android studio project all entries of the left tree get closed.How to avoid that / or open them with one click instead of open one by one?
Directly show:
Instead of:
Open the selected file and Use "Scroll from Source" to directly navigate to the required file
Another way to expand entire directory structure is to click/select any folder from where you want to expand the sub directories and click-hold right arrow button, this will do the job.
You can click on the item you want to expand and press number pad's * button. This will expand all the folders in that level of the tree. Any sub folders will need to be expanded though. Answer from here.
Best way is to go to Android Studio Preferences and search for Fully Expand Tree Node. There you can either add abbreviation specific to you or new shortcut. Usually you select package you want to expand and search with double pressing Shift then you hit it or use that shortcut and every sub directory or package will get expanded. There is no delay its instant.

Sublime Text 3 Project

I am trying to use sublime for editing and making rainmeter skins, I have installed a plugin that recognizes rainmeter code nice.
In my code I have an #include=\somelocation...
at that location the file has things like colour=something
In the actual file being loaded fontColor=#colour#
How do I get it so that if I change the name of colour inside the location file it would update everywhere else?
You can use the Find in Files... functionality, located in the Find menu. In the Find: box, enter what you'd like to look for (the buttons to the left allow you to search by regex, respect capitalization, and other options - just mouse over for a description). In the Where: box, enter where you'd like to search. If nothing is entered, the search will run in all open files and folders. Click on the ... button for some extra options. Finally, enter what you'd like to replace the found values with (if anything, you can also use this dialog to simply search files).
Clicking Find will first perform the search for you, so you can verify its results. Clicking Replace will do all the replacements.

Visual Studio hot key - switch Find context/location

Is there a hot key to toggle the search context/location in the "Find"/"Find in Files" commands (Ctr+F and Shift+Ctrl+F respectively )? I'm talking about the drop down that asks where to search for example Current Project, Current Document, Entire Solution etc.
"Find" is probably my most used feature since working with markup and CSS very often I can't just F12 to a selector definition or Shift+F12 to Find Usages, a regular text search is really the only option and I want to make this as efficient as possible.
Yes, I can tab to it but this takes 6-tabs and if I do it fast, often get the count wrong and prematurely execute bad searches; so it's not cutting it.
If there isn't a hotkey how can I set one? Ctrl + F3 would work well since F3 is "Find Next"
I'm not sure if there is a command in Visual Studio that does what you are looking for.
If there is one, you can set the shortcut key in the Tools\Options menu (Environment\Keyboard).
In the screenshot, I'm searching for all the VS command that contain "find". Perhaps one of these is what you need.
Then move to the Press shortcut keys textbox and choose your desired key binding.

Can you configure the Visual Studio Find Options?

Is it possible to get the VS 2012 find dialog to always use Current Document and reset case & whole-word when I press Ctrl+F? Currently it remembers my last options and I often forget to turn them off.
Also it sometimes switches to All open documents on its own which totally throws me off. I haven't yet figured out why or when this happens.
I've searched for registry keys and extensions but so far nothing useful has turned up.
It's not possible to get the dialog or the quick find UI to always choose a specific scope out of the box. During beta of VS 2012, this behavior was implemented where CTRL+F would always set the scope to Current Document and Ctrl+Shift+F would set the scope Entire Solution upon invocation of the commands. A lot of users were unhappy with this behavior, so it was reverted. There are no registry keys that you can set to alter this behavior.
Visual Studio always tries to reuse the last used scope. There are circumstances at which that scope is not available, and that'll cause the IDE to change the scope on you. Let's suppose you do a search in "Current Project", after that you close the entire solution and then invoke the dialog. The scope will have to change to something else.
You probably know about this, but Ctrl+F3 will search for the word that is under the caret and it'll always perform that search with the Whole Word option on in the current document. Perhaps that'll suit your needs.
I've published a Visual Studio "SmartFind" extension to fix this issue.

How do I open a new tab when searching in Aptana Studio 3?

Kind of a newbie question.
Sometimes I use the project-wide search feature, and my search results appear listed in the window below, along with the related hierarchy placement.
Let's say I double click a file. It opens. Fine.
However, if I double-click again on another file in the search results window, it will replace the file I just opened. It's impossible for me to open multiple search results, short of manually opening them from the project view.
It wasn't always this way - it worked when I first installed the program, but something changed about three days in and I can't do it anymore.
Go to Preferences > General > Search and uncheck Reuse editors to show matches.
