Symfony2/ get variable from subdomaine and htaccess - .htaccess

I using Symfony2.
What would be the best practice to get a variable from URL. I am using subdomain to get the city.
how do I get Paris as variable.
I believe I need to play with Kernel and htaccess, but I haven't figured out how.
Thanks if you can put me on right tracks about that.

You should read the documentation of Symfony. One of the basis components of Symfony is the Routing that provides exactly what you need :
Using the subdomain is not the solution, but you can play with .htaccess to rewrite subdomain to (if web server allows it) after having configured your route in Symfony.


How can I display a subpage of my Silverstripe website as a subdomain?

I have a website build on Silverstripe 3.
Now I want that a user can enter the Subdomain URL and see the content of the page But without redirection. The subdomain URL should stay in their browser.
I already created the subdomain and let it point to the root directory of my website. As I understand it right I now need some rewrite conditions in my .htaccess file? And that is the point I struggle with. I googled a little bit and did some trail and fail but nothing seems to work. Maybe I understand it totally wrong, used the wrong rewrite conditions or insert them on the wrong place.. Maybe there are Silverstripe specific issues to pay attention to?
Long story short: I need help please!
As Robbie Averill pointed out in his comment, you could install the Subsites module. But you'd have to create a Subsite (eg. a separate site-tree) for every domain.
There's another module though, the homepagefordomain module. With that module you can specify one (or multiple) domains per page. When you visit one of these domains, the page that was specified as home-page for that domain will show up. I think this is a more flexible approach than messing with the .htaccess file.

How to access one website from different directories in Kohana

I have big issue of how to do this.
I have a virtual host and access my project via it. I know want to redirect it to more friendly and accessible form.
What I use:
What I want:
I cannot determine if I should somehow change routes in boostrap.php or make some changes in .htaccess file (tried Redirect and RewriteRule but failed miserably). I would really welcome any kind of help on this topic.
(I am semi-begginer in programming, thanks for understanding that)
You can copy the /system/config/url.php to /application/config/url.php

Website A 'redirect' to subdomain of website B, with content of website A

There has been a question made towards me recently to do the following:
We have a website with Drupal running in IIS.
On that site is an URL Redirect to a website hosted externally, obviously with a name completely irrelevant to the name of our company.
The question now is the following;
They want to change to URL to a subdomain of our website. Example: from "" to "" (while still showing content of the external website)
They want the current page of that website to be reflected in the URL bar. So it wouldn't say "", but it would say "" (instead of "")
It's possible that I forgot another 'condition' but have mentioned before this.
So, if someone visits through our URL Redirect to External-website, it needs to show our subdomain instead of their domain in the URL, AND it needs to show the current page when people start browsing while still using our subdomain in the URL.
Now, I checked the external-website, and it seems that most of the links available are relative links (if this would be any useful information).
Currently, the external website is hosted externally, and will remain to be so for next few years. (I believe we bought the company)
I have been asking around and looking up, and the best possible thing seems to use domain forwarding, but even then it still doesn't seem to comply with the entirety that they asked of me.
I am but a 'simple' .NET programmer, held responsible to do support for anything involving the websites, and I can't say I have extended knowledge about infrastructure. (But I can ask people to do this for me)
Is there anything that could solve this?
Thanks so much!
IIS's URL rewite and Application Request Routing (ARR) combo can help you what you want to achive. Here are few links which may guide you to configure ARR. Please note that these links dont exibit exact solution to your problem however you can take clue from it and fabricate your solution accordingly.
It sounds like you'll want to use a full-page iframe: do not redirect but show a page with an "inner page" instead: that inner page is the external web site. That way, users do not see the external site in their URL bar.
You need to configure the equivalent of Apache Virtual Host with Reverse Proxy on IIS.
See this answers:

Custom URL in Codeigniter using htaccess

I am developing a site on Codeigniter 2.0.2 . Its a site where companies/users can signup and create their own profile page, have their own custom url(like, have their own feedback system, display their services.
This said, I have been successful in display the profile page in the following format
This displays the home page for the company samplecompany , where company is the controller and profile is the method.
Now I have few questions,
I guess it is possible to create to have/get using htaccess and a default controller. If anybody can help with the htaccess rule , that would be awesome. I am already using htacess to remove index.php from CI but could not get this working.
There will be few other pages for the given user/company such as feedback, contact us, services etc. So the implementation links that come to my mind is of the form
` or or or
wheresamplecompany` is the dynamic part
Is it possible to create site links in the format?
I understand using A record for a given domain, I can point a domain say, to so typing he should be taken to . If this is successfully implemented, will
work correctly?
I guess it is possible to create to have/get using htaccess and a default controller. If anybody can help with the htaccess rule , that would be awesome. I am already using htacess to remove index.php from CI but could not get this working.
There will be few other pages for the given user/company such as feedback, contact us, services etc. So the implementation links that come to my mind is of the form ` or
You can accomplish this using routes. For example, in your /config/routes.php file, put this:
$route['samplecompany'] = "company/profile/samplecompany";
$route['samplecompany/(:any)'] = "company/profiles/samplecompany/$1";
The first rule tells CodeIgniter that when someone accesses that it should process it as if the URL were "company/profile/samplecompany". The second rule captures anything that comes in the URI string after "samplecompany" and appends it onto the end.
However, if you have multiple companies(not just samplecompany), you're probably going to want to extend CI's router to suppor this unless you want to manually edit the config file each time a new company is added.
OK, you're definitely going to want to handle dynamic company names(as per your comment). This is a little trickier. I can't give you the full code, but I can point you in the right direction.
You'll want to extend CI's router and on an incoming request query the DB for the list of company names. If the URI segment matches a company name, you'll want to serve it up using your company/profile method. If it does not, you will ignore it and let CI handle it normally. Check out this post on this topic for more information: forum link.
Here's a great guide on how to achieve what you need: Codeigniter Vanity URL's.

Dynamically creating URLs for other websites

I'd like to know how websites have created URLs with other domains like these on
I'm guessing it's some .htaccess stuff to redirect domain names to a dynamic page?
Your URL has an GET Request. So when someone calls the page with the parameters hl=en, safe=off etc., the page can process those parameters. So for instance safe=off means that you want to get back any search result. The q=site:... is your search string. In this case Google will look it up in its database and give you the results. So when you call this URL there is probably no .htaccess processing done. However you can process the URL and GET request with .htacces and i.e. redirect the user to another page.
Maybe you'll describe a bit further what exactly you trying to do/want to know. This makes explaining easier.
EDIT: After reading Gumbo's comment I looked at the Google result page. So maybe your question means the trafficestimate-URLs. They look like This is really a good case for .htaccess. So using .htaccess they take the URL and redirect it to Here you have again a GET request and an application builds the page.
Some URL rewriting is probably involved. Otherwise they would have to create an existing file for every possible request.
Using Apache’s mod_rewrite in a .htaccess file is one option. But since the server identifies itself with “Microsoft-IIS/7.5”, they are probably rather using ISAPI_Rewrite, a mod_rewrite derivative for Microsoft’s IIS.
