Vim replace is very hardy to use when I haven't came across problems like this:
1) replace numbers with other text
2) replace text like /static/ to
I assume I need to use some regex to tackle the first problem and some way to get around the / mark for the second.
Any quick solutions ?
For a large report I decided to add \ac{ } around every single word from the list of abbreviations, however we've now come to that this was a bad idea, and I want to remove them.
I could of course do this semi-automatic with a find-replace for each word in the list of abbreviations, or write a script. But I would rather want to know whether or not there is a magical Vim way of doing this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can solve this in multiple ways but the easiest is probably a simple search and replace:
This will:
Search and replace in the whole buffer: :%s/
Find the left part: \\ac{
Start a new capture group: \(..\)
Get every character that isn't }: [^}]\+
Find the right part: }
Replace all matched characters with the capture group: /\1
Apply this multiple times on every line: /g
I am trying to run this command in vi
but got this error E486: Pattern not found: href="\/
What am i doing wrong?
That error means pretty much what it says. vi didn't find any pattern href="/ (ignoring escapes) in your file.
Sometimes it's easier to use something besides / for the search delimiter if your search has a lot of slashes, so you don't need to escape them all. Try replacing the / delimiter with # instead, like this:
Then maybe you can more easily see what's wrong with your pattern:
becouse there are many '/' chars, try use another delimiter, ex ',':
On another note. That substition worked for me. Just copied and pasted. Are you on the same line that you are trying to perform the substitution on? the 'g' is meant globally on the line you are on. If you need to perform the search and replace on the file the use :%s/
How would you search for the following string in vim?
I've tried (a la Very No Magic)
But it gives me:
E492 not an editor command: /\V
You would think there'd be a simple way to search a string literally... I'm not too interested in slash escaping every slash, or writing a complicated search, because I have to rapidly search different URLs in a text file.
I'm not sure why you get not an editor command since I don't. The simplest way to search without having to escape slashes is to use ? instead, e.g.
" or since the : is not necessary
This does search in the other direction, so just keep that in mind
another way to search forward (from the position of your cursor) without escaping is use :s command.
you could do:
then press n to navigate matched text forward, N backwards
If you want to know how many matches in the buffer, use gn instead of n
note that, I said "without escaping", I was talking about the slash, if you want to do search precisely, you have to escape the period. .. since in regex, . means any char.
Can also set the search register directly.
:let #/='\V'
Then you can use n and N like normal.
Use MacVim (or GVim). Open the non-regex GUI search using ⌘f (or ctrlf on Windows). This is the recommended way to do a non-regex search in Vim. GUI Vim has many improvements over terminal vim like this one and I would highly suggest using it full time if you aren't already.
Searching in vim is just /, not :/. You can search for that string escaping only the slashes: /http:\/\/\/a\/b\/c
Let's say this is my text:
this is my text this
is my text this is my text
my text is this
I would like to highlight all text except pattern and delete the highlighted text.
p.e. text: this must be the result.
I've found the code how to select all text except pattern:
however I don't know how to delete all highlighted text.
This doesn't work:
Can anyone help me?
Try this:
\(^\|\(text\)\#<=\) # means start of line, or some point preceded by “text”
.\{-} # as few characters as possible
\($\|text\)\#= # without globbing characters, checking that we reached either end of line or occurrence of “text”.
Another way to do it:
Create a function that count matches of a pattern in a string (see :help match() to help you design that)
Use: :%s/.*/\=repeat('text', matchcount('text', submatch(0)))
Forgive me, because I'm not a vim expert, but wouldn't prepending the search with v find the inverse so that you could do something like this?
I've implemented Benoit's clever regular expression as a custom :DeleteExcept command in my PatternsOnText plugin. It offers other related commands like :SubstituteExcept or :SubstituteInSearch, too.
OP's example would be
:%DeleteExcept /text/
Comparing that with #Benoit's explicit command (:%s/\(^\|\(text\)\#<=\).\{-}\($\|text\)\#=//g), it's a lot simpler.
I want to search some text and move the entire line where the text belongs to the beginning of the file. Just that.
How about the simple move command?
:g/regex/norm dd1Gp
Well, what I'm gonna suggest is a primitive answer as primitive it can get. But nothing else springs to mind currently.
:g/A ... some text not including A, B or C.../d
(will tell you how many lines it has yanked)
and then you go to the beginning of the file and, for example
Although, if cases are as simple as this, maybe sorting lines by first letter .... I've never done anything similar but look for older questions.