How do I fix unexpected end of file in bash script? - linux

I had much luck last time I submitted a question so here goes: I am trying to debug a somewhat large BASH script when I get the following error:
./ line 418: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
./ line 427: syntax error: unexpected end of file
The code below starts at line 400:
echo "###########################################################"
echo "###########################################################"
echo "Searching for activity of $mobileNumber on $MON $DAY......."
zgrep $mobileNumber $HOME/culebrapeak/$LOGCDR/$CULEB/$MON/$WAPLOG
echo "###########################################################"
How do I make this error go away? It looks like I have the double quotes in all the right places... but this is only my 4th or 5th bash script... so please go easy on me.

I was, indeed, missing a double quote at the top of my script. Thanks to all for the help!

A good way to solve problems like this is to use a text editor that highlights code between quotes. Short of that, if the "find" feature of your text editor gives a count too, you may be able to use it to quantitatively detect start/end character symmetry problems. The highlighting from the find feature will aide your eye tremedously.


Getting "ambiguous redirect" error in my shell script [duplicate]

The following line in my Bash script
gives me this error:
line 46: ${OUPUT_RESULTS}: ambiguous redirect
Bash can be pretty obtuse sometimes.
The following commands all return different error messages for basically the same error:
$ echo hello >
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline`
$ echo hello > ${NONEXISTENT}
bash: ${NONEXISTENT}: ambiguous redirect
$ echo hello > "${NONEXISTENT}"
bash: : No such file or directory
Adding quotes around the variable seems to be a good way to deal with the "ambiguous redirect" message: You tend to get a better message when you've made a typing mistake -- and when the error is due to spaces in the filename, using quotes is the fix.
Do you have a variable named OUPUT_RESULTS or is it the more likely OUTPUT_RESULTS?
michael#isolde:~/junk$ ABC=junk.txt
michael#isolde:~/junk$ echo "Booger" > $ABC
michael#isolde:~/junk$ echo "Booger" >> $ABB
bash: $ABB: ambiguous redirect
put quotes around your variable. If it happens to have spaces, it will give you "ambiguous redirect" as well. also check your spelling
eg of ambiguous redirect
$ var="file with spaces"
$ echo $AAAA" "$DDDD" "$MOL_TAG >> ${var}
bash: ${var}: ambiguous redirect
$ echo $AAAA" "$DDDD" "$MOL_TAG >> "${var}"
$ cat file\ with\ spaces
aaaa dddd mol_tag
I've recently found that blanks in the name of the redirect file will cause the "ambiguous redirect" message.
For example if you redirect to application$(date +%Y%m%d%k%M%S).log and you specify the wrong formatting characters, the redirect will fail before 10 AM for example. If however, you used application$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).log it would succeed. This is because the %k format yields ' 9' for 9AM where %H yields '09' for 9AM.
echo $(date +%Y%m%d%k%M%S) gives 20140626 95138
echo $(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S) gives 20140626095138
The erroneous date might give something like:
echo "a" > myapp20140626 95138.log
where the following is what would be desired:
echo "a" > myapp20140626095138.log
Does the path specified in ${OUPUT_RESULTS} contain any whitespace characters? If so, you may want to consider using ... >> "${OUPUT_RESULTS}" (using quotes).
(You may also want to consider renaming your variable to ${OUTPUT_RESULTS})
If your script's redirect contains a variable, and the script body defines that variable in a section enclosed by parenthesis, you will get the "ambiguous redirect" error. Here's a reproducible example:
vim to create the script
edit script to contain (logit="/home/ubuntu/test.log" && echo "a") >> ${logit}
chmod +x to make it executable
If you do this, you will get "/home/ubuntu/ line 1: $logit: ambiguous redirect". This is because
"Placing a list of commands between parentheses causes a subshell to
be created, and each of the commands in list to be executed in that
subshell, without removing non-exported variables. Since the list is
executed in a subshell, variable assignments do not remain in effect
after the subshell completes."
From Using parenthesis to group and expand expressions
To correct this, you can modify the script in step 2 to define the variable outside the parenthesis: logit="/home/ubuntu/test.log" && (echo "a") >> $logit
I got this error when trying to use brace expansion to write output to multiple files.
for example: echo "text" > {f1,f2}.txt results in -bash: {f1,f2}.txt: ambiguous redirect
In this case, use tee to output to multiple files:
echo "text" | tee {f1,f2,...,fn}.txt 1>/dev/null
the 1>/dev/null will prevent the text from being written to stdout
If you want to append to the file(s) use tee -a
If you are here trying to debug this "ambiguous redirect" error with GitHub Actions. I highly suggest trying it this way:
echo "MY_VAR=foobar" >> $GITHUB_ENV
The behavior I experienced with $GITHUB_ENV is that, it adds it to the pipeline environment variables as my example shows MY_VAR
I just had this error in a bash script. The issue was an accidental \ at the end of the previous line that was giving an error.
One other thing that can cause "ambiguous redirect" is \t \n \r in the variable name you are writing too
Maybe not \n\r? But err on the side of caution
Try this
echo "a" > ${output_name//[$'\t\n\r']}
I got hit with this one while parsing HTML, Tabs \t at the beginning of the line.
This might be the case too.
you have not specified the file in a variable and redirecting output to it, then bash will throw this error.
out_file = /path/to/output_file.t
for i in `echo "$files"`;
content=`cat $i`
echo "${content} ${i}" >> ${out_file}
out_file variable is not set up correctly so keep an eye on this too.
BTW this code is printing all the content and its filename on the console.
if you are using a variable name in the shell command, you must concatenate it with + sign.
for example :
if you have two files, and you are not going to hard code the file name, instead you want to use the variable name
"input.txt" = x
"output.txt" = y
then ('shell command within quotes' + x > + y)
it will work this way especially if you are using this inside a python program with os.system command probably
In my case, this was a helpful warning, because the target variable (not the file) was misspelled and did not exist.
echo "ja" >> $doesNotExist
resulting in
./ line 4: $doesNotExist: ambiguous redirect
For my case, if I specify the output file via a env (e.g $ENV_OF_LOG_FILE), then will get the error ambiguous redirect.
But, if I use plain text as file path (e.g /path/to/log_file), then there is no error.

Why can't I use $(...) in PS1 instead of backticks?

My current PS1:
PS1='\[\033]0;$TITLEPREFIX:${PWD//[^[:ascii:]]/?}\007\]\n\[\033[32m\]\u#\h \[\033[35m\]`date +%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S` \[\033[33m\]\w\[\033[36m\]`__git_ps1`\[\033[0m\]\n$: '
Yes, it's a mess, but it serves me well - my prompts look like this:
P2759474#RVPTINTCL415MQC 2017-10-06,11:20:18 ~/repos/jdk (master)
They are even color coded, with user#machine in green, timestamp in purple, current location in yellow, and any git branch in blue. I'm just a little annoyed that I have to use backticks instead of a $() construct.
Anyone know why? Willing to help me understand it? It's only a problem when parsing complex prompt values with subshell commands, and only a problem then because I want to understand why it matters there... General improvement suggestions always welcome while we're at it.
Update -
Currently when I try to use $() I get a lot of
bash: command substitution: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token ')'
bash: command substitution: line 1: 'date +%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S)'
bash: command substitution: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token ')'
bash: command substitution: line 1: '__git_ps1)'
My env has
BASH_VERSINFO=([0]="4" [1]="3" [2]="42" [3]="5" [4]="release" [5]="x86_64-pc-msys")
[ -z "$BASH_VERSION" ] || shopt -q promptvars || ps1_expanded=no;
That tells me something, maybe... Thanks!
When you start trying to embed commands in your prompt, it is time to start using PROMPT_COMMAND.
# You won't even have to put the title-bar stuff in your prompt
# and there are already shortcuts for date and time
set_titlebar () {
printf '\033]0;%s:%s\007' "$TITLEPREFIX" "${PWD//[^[:ascii:]]/?}"
set_prompt () {
PS1='\[\033[32m\]\u#\h ' # user#host in green
PS1+='\[\033[35m\]\D{%Y-%m-%d},\t ' # Don't need date
PS1+='\[\033[33m\]\w\[\033[36m\]' # Directory in orange
PS1+=$(__git_ps1) # git info, if appropriate
PS1+='\[\033[0m\]\n$: '

case in bash: "line 4: syntax error near unexpected token `)'"

case in bash:
line 4: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
I'm trying to use the command case in Bash (on my Raspberry Pi again), but when I run my script, Bash spits out errors. I've read over many tutorials and I think I'm doing the same thing as them, but something's just not right.
Here's my code:
case "$1" in
help) echo "You asked for help. Sorry, I'm busy."
*) echo "You didn't say anything. Try 'help' as the first argument."
Here's the output (the filename is newmkdir and I ran it with no arguments):
./newmkdir: line 4: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
./newmkdir: line 4: ` *) echo "You didn't say anything. Try 'help' as the first argument."'
I'm trying to have my script interpret help and then make anything else output the next line.
(Note this is just an example of a glitched script. This script has no meaning and might not even make sense, it's just a test.)
You are missing ;; at the end of each pattern:
case "$1" in
echo "You asked for help. Sorry, I'm busy."
echo "You didn't say anything. Try 'help' as the first argument."
Think of it as a break statement in a programming language. They are compulsory on case.

How to show line number when executing bash script

I have a test script which has a lot of commands and will generate lots of output, I use set -x or set -v and set -e, so the script would stop when error occurs. However, it's still rather difficult for me to locate which line did the execution stop in order to locate the problem.
Is there a method which can output the line number of the script before each line is executed?
Or output the line number before the command exhibition generated by set -x?
Or any method which can deal with my script line location problem would be a great help.
You mention that you're already using -x. The variable PS4 denotes the value is the prompt printed before the command line is echoed when the -x option is set and defaults to : followed by space.
You can change PS4 to emit the LINENO (The line number in the script or shell function currently executing).
For example, if your script reads:
$ cat script
echo ${foo}
echo $((2 + 2))
Executing it thus would print line numbers:
$ PS4='Line ${LINENO}: ' bash -x script
Line 1: foo=10
Line 2: echo 10
Line 3: echo 4
4 gives the ultimate PS4 that would output everything you will possibly need for tracing:
export PS4='+(${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}): ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'
In Bash, $LINENO contains the line number where the script currently executing.
If you need to know the line number where the function was called, try $BASH_LINENO. Note that this variable is an array.
For example:
function log() {
echo "LINENO: ${LINENO}"
function foo() {
log "$#"
foo "$#"
See here for details of Bash variables.
PS4 with value $LINENO is what you need,
E.g. Following script (
#!/bin/bash -xv
PS4='${LINENO}: '
echo "Hello"
echo "World"
Output would be:
+echo Hello
3 : Hello
+echo World
4 : World
Workaround for shells without LINENO
In a fairly sophisticated script I wouldn't like to see all line numbers; rather I would like to be in control of the output.
Define a function
echo_line_no () {
grep -n "$1" $0 | sed "s/echo_line_no//"
# grep the line(s) containing input $1 with line numbers
# replace the function name with nothing
} # echo_line_no
Use it with quotes like
echo_line_no "this is a simple comment with a line number"
Output is
16 "this is a simple comment with a line number"
if the number of this line in the source file is 16.
This basically answers the question How to show line number when executing bash script for users of ash or other shells without LINENO.
Anything more to add?
Sure. Why do you need this? How do you work with this? What can you do with this? Is this simple approach really sufficient or useful? Why do you want to tinker with this at all?
Want to know more? Read reflections on debugging
Simple (but powerful) solution: Place echo around the code you think that causes the problem and move the echo line by line until the messages does not appear anymore on screen - because the script has stop because of an error before.
Even more powerful solution: Install bashdb the bash debugger and debug the script line by line
If you're using $LINENO within a function, it will cache the first occurrence. Instead use ${BASH_LINENO[0]}

KornShell (ksh) redirection

I have a script which redirects std out/std err as below:
echo $LOG
$SCRIPTS/dmm_algo_ofac_daily_sched.ksh >> $LOG/test12.log 2>&1
This script is not able to expand $SCRIPTS and $LOG
If I replace it as below:
/test/scripts/daily_sched.ksh >> /test/log/test12.log 2>&1
It complains as below:
: bad file unit numberd/test.ksh: line 33: 1
Also I am not able to invoke the script from the directory where it is saved. If I do
./test.ksh it gives me error saying file not found. I am able to execute it via ksh /test/sched/test.ksh though.
Can someone help me with these. Thanks in advance.
I'm almost certain that the problem is because of DOS/Windows line endings
The error message you are getting is overwriting itself because of a carriage return. You can fix your file using dos2unix.
Add magic #!/bin/ksh to the first line to invoke directly without naming the interpreter on the command line.
I'll conjecture wildly that your root cause(s) has (have) nothing to do with redirection.
Is the script you've exhibited /test/sched/test.ksh or /test/scripts/test.ksh? Are you certain?
