NPM private git module on Heroku - node.js

I am trying to deploy my app to Heroku however I rely on using some private git repos as modules. I do this for code reuse between projects, e.g. I have a custom logger I use in multiple apps.
The problem is Heroku obviously does not have ssh access to this code. I can't find anything on this problem. Ideally Heroku have a public key I can can just add to the modules.

Basic auth
GitHub has support for basic auth:
"dependencies" : {
"my-module" : "git+"
As does BitBucket:
"dependencies" : {
"my-module": "git+"
But having plain passwords in your package.json is probably not desired.
Personal access tokens (GitHub)
To make this answer more up-to-date, I would now suggest using a personal access token on GitHub instead of username/password combo.
You should now use:
"dependencies" : {
"my-module" : "git+https://<username>:<token>"
For Github you can generate a new token here:
App passwords (Bitbucket)
App passwords are primarily intended as a way to provide compatibility with apps that don't support two-factor authentication, and you can use them for this purpose as well. First, create an app password, then specify your dependency like this:
"dependencies" : {
"my-module": "git+https://<username>:<app-password>"
[Deprecated] API key for teams (Bitbucket)
For BitBucket you can generate an API Key on the Manage Team page and then use this URL:
"dependencies" : {
"my-module" : "git+https://<teamname>:<api-key>"

Update 2016-03-26
The method described no longer works if you are using npm3, since npm3 fetches all modules described in package.json before running the preinstall script. This has been confirmed as a bug.
The official node.js Heroku buildpack now includes heroku-prebuild and heroku-postbuild, which will be run before and after npm install respectively. You should use these scripts instead of preinstall and postinstall in all cases, to support both npm2 and npm3.
In other words, your package.json should resemble:
"scripts": {
"heroku-prebuild": "bash",
"heroku-postbuild": "bash"
I've come up with an alternative to Michael's answer, retaining the (IMO) favourable requirement of keeping your credentials out of source control, whilst not requiring a custom buildpack. This was borne out of frustration that the buildpack linked by Michael is rather out of date.
The solution is to setup and tear down the SSH environment in npm's preinstall and postinstall scripts, instead of in the buildpack.
Follow these instructions:
Create two scripts in your repo, let's call them and
Make them executable (chmod +x *.sh).
Add the following to
# Generates an SSH config file for connections if a config var exists.
if [ "$GIT_SSH_KEY" != "" ]; then
echo "Detected SSH key for git. Adding SSH config" >&1
echo "" >&1
# Ensure we have an ssh folder
if [ ! -d ~/.ssh ]; then
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
# Load the private key into a file.
echo $GIT_SSH_KEY | base64 --decode > ~/.ssh/deploy_key
# Change the permissions on the file to
# be read-only for this user.
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/deploy_key
# Setup the ssh config file.
echo -e "Host\n"\
" IdentityFile ~/.ssh/deploy_key\n"\
" IdentitiesOnly yes\n"\
" UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null\n"\
" StrictHostKeyChecking no"\
> ~/.ssh/config
Add the following to
if [ "$GIT_SSH_KEY" != "" ]; then
echo "Cleaning up SSH config" >&1
echo "" >&1
# Now that npm has finished running, we shouldn't need the ssh key/config anymore.
# Remove the files that we created.
rm -f ~/.ssh/config
rm -f ~/.ssh/deploy_key
# Clear that sensitive key data from the environment
export GIT_SSH_KEY=0
Add the following to your package.json:
"scripts": {
"preinstall": "bash",
"postinstall": "bash"
Generate a private/public key pair using ssh-agent.
Add the public key as a deploy key on Github.
Create a base64 encoded version of your private key, and set it as the Heroku config var GIT_SSH_KEY.
Commit and push your app to Github.
When Heroku builds your app, before npm installs your dependencies, the script is run. This creates a private key file from the decoded contents of the GIT_SSH_KEY environment variable, and creates an SSH config file to tell SSH to use this file when connecting to (If you are connecting to Bitbucket instead, then update the Host entry in to npm then installs the modules using this SSH config. After installation, the private key is removed and the config is wiped.
This allows Heroku to pull down your private modules via SSH, while keeping the private key out of the codebase. If your private key becomes compromised, since it is just one half of a deploy key, you can revoke the public key in GitHub and regenerate the keypair.
As an aside, since GitHub deploy keys have read/write permissions, if you are hosting the module in a GitHub organization, you can instead create a read-only team and assign a 'deploy' user to it. The deploy user can then be configured with the public half of the keypair. This adds an extra layer of security to your module.

It's a REALLY bad idea to have plain text passwords in your git repo, using an access token is better, but you will still want to be super careful.
"my_module": "git+"

I created a custom nodeJS buildpack that will allow you to specify an SSH key that is registered with ssh-agent and used by npm when dynos are first setup. It seamlessly allows you to specify your module as an ssh url in your package.json like shown:
"private_module": "git+ssh://"
To setup your app to use your private key:
Generate a key: ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" (Enter no passphrase. The buildpack does not support keys with passphrases)
Add the public key to github: pbcopy < ~/.ssh/ (in OS X) and paste the results into the github admin
Add the private key to your heroku app's config: cat id_rsa | base64 | pbcopy, then heroku config:set GIT_SSH_KEY=<paste_here> --app your-app-name
Setup your app to use the buildpack as described in the heroku nodeJS buildpack README included in the project. In summary the simplest way is to set a special config value with heroku config:set to the github url of the repository containing the desired buildpack. I'd recommend forking my version and linking to your own github fork, as I'm not promising to not change my buildpack.
My custom buildpack can be found here: and it works for my system. Comments and pull requests are more than welcome.

Based on the answer from #fiznool I created a buildpack to solve this problem using a custom ssh key stored as an environment variable. As the buildpack is technology agnostic, it can be used to download dependencies using any tool like composer for php, bundler for ruby, npm for javascript, etc:
Add the buildpack to your app:
$ heroku buildpacks:add --index 1
Generate a new SSH key without passphrase (lets say you named it deploy_key)
Add the public key to your private repository account. For example:
Encode the private key as a base64 string and add it as the CUSTOM_SSH_KEY environment variable of the heroku app.
Make a comma separated list of the hosts for which the ssh key should be used and add it as the CUSTOM_SSH_KEY_HOSTS environment variable of the heroku app.
# MacOS
$ heroku config:set CUSTOM_SSH_KEY=$(base64 --input ~/.ssh/deploy_key),
# Ubuntu
$ heroku config:set CUSTOM_SSH_KEY=$(base64 ~/.ssh/deploy_key),
Deploy your app and enjoy :)

I was able to setup resolving of Github private repositories in Heroku build via Personal access tokens.
Generate Github access token here:
Set access token as Heroku config var: heroku config:set GITHUB_TOKEN=<paste_here> --app your-app-name or via Heroku Dashboard
Add script:
if [ "$GITHUB_TOKEN" != "" ]; then
echo "Detected GITHUB_TOKEN. Setting git config to use the security token" >&1
git config --global url."https://${GITHUB_TOKEN}".insteadOf
add the prebuild script to package.json:
"scripts": {
"heroku-prebuild": "bash"
For local environment we can also use git config ... or we can add the access token to ~/.netrc file:
and installing private github repos should work.
npm install OWNER/REPO --save will appear in package.json as: "REPO": "github:OWNER/REPO"
and resolving private repos in Heroku build should also work.
optionally you can setup a postbuild script to unset the GITHUB_TOKEN.

This answer is good, but I changed a little bit preinstall script. Hope this will help someone.
# Generates an SSH config file for connections if a config var exists.
echo "Preinstall"
if [ "$GIT_SSH_KEY" != "" ]; then
echo "Detected SSH key for git. Adding SSH config" >&1
echo "" >&1
# Ensure we have an ssh folder
if [ ! -d ~/.ssh ]; then
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
# Load the private key into a file.
echo $GIT_SSH_KEY | base64 --decode > ~/.ssh/deploy_key
# Change the permissions on the file to
# be read-only for this user.
chmod o-w ~/
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/deploy_key
# Setup the ssh config file.
echo -e "Host\n"\
" IdentityFile ~/.ssh/deploy_key\n"\
" HostName\n" \
" IdentitiesOnly yes\n"\
" UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null\n"\
" StrictHostKeyChecking no"\
> ~/.ssh/config
echo "eval `ssh-agent -s`"
eval `ssh-agent -s`
echo "ssh-add -l"
ssh-add -l
echo "ssh-add ~/.ssh/deploy_key"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/deploy_key
# uncomment to check that everything works just fine
# ssh -v

You can use in package.json private repository with authentication example below:

In short it is not possible. The best solution to this problem I came up with is to use the new git subtree's. At the time of writing they are not in the official git source and so needs to be installed manual but they will be included in v1.7.11. At the moment it is available on homebrew and apt-get. it is then a case of doing
git subtree add -P /node_modules/someprivatemodue git#github.......someprivatemodule {master|tag|commit}
this bulks out the repo size but an update is easy by doing the command above with gitsubtree pull.

I have done this before with modules from github. Npm currently accepts the name of the package or a link to a tar.gz file which contains the package.
For example if you want to use express.js directly from Github (grab the link via the download section) you could do:
"dependencies" : {
"express" : ""
So you need to find a way to access you repository as a tar.gz file via http(s).


Heroku: How to deploy a NodeJS app with a private repo dependency?

I want to deploy a NodeJS app on Heroku that has a private repository listed as a dependency in package.json.
How do I grant Heroku read-only access to this single repository, without exposing any credentials unnecessarily?
This question has been asked repeatedly in various forms, but I was unable to get any of the answers working.
Here is what finally did the trick — Note that I am on Windows 10:
Generate key in git bash with the command ssh-keygen -t ssh-rsa -C "" (empty password)
Copy & paste the *.pub file (created by the above command) contents as a deploy key here:
my-private-repo above refers to the dependency, not the repo you are deploying
On Heroku, add as a buildpack — ABOVE — the heroku/nodejs buildpack
Set your Heroku app's environment variable BUILDPACK_SSH_KEY to the — ENTIRE — contents of the other file (not the one ending with .pub) including the NEWLINE at the end (not sure if that's optional)
Set dependency URL in package.json like so:
"dependencies": {
"my-private-repo": "git+ssh://"
Happy deploying 🙂

I can not use private repo as npm dependency in circleci deploys

I'm using circle ci to deploy a serverless built in nodejs. And I added as dependency of the main repo,a private github repo. E.g:
// package.json
"dependencies": {
"my-private-github-repo": "git+ssh://",
The problem is that I need to give access the deploy process to read and clone the private repo when npm install runs
I have configured my ssh user-keys in circle ci,I followed the steps in this documentation: creating-a-bitbucket-user-key, and I m also adding it in my config.yml like this:
// .circleci/config.xml
- add_ssh_keys:
- "My fingerprint"
But during the cicd it throws this message: 'There are no configured ssh keys to install'
There are no configured ssh keys to install
and, of course, npm install fails because can not access to the repo
Any clue? Thanks anyway
This thread mentions:
When this error appears, it typically means that the ssh keys have not been configured in all locations.
SSH keys will need to be set in both the project setting's page and within the config.yml.
Just in case, double-check the URL<your organization name>/<project name>/ssh and see if it matches Checkout SSH Keys page mentioned in the official documentation

'Git: gpg failed to sign the data' in visual studio code

After a fresh Linux install I'm trying to set up my environment and I keep getting the Git: gpg failed to sign the data error upon committing changes locally. I'm using Visual Studio Code, proprietary, not opensource version.
name = djweaver-dev
email =
signingkey = 37A0xxxx...
excludesfile = /home/dweaver/.gitignore_global
gpgSign = true
yikes. furthermore I can't find a way to copy the output log nor can I find where that log is so here is a pic:
Steps I have taken so far:
generated new key (RSA 4096) in gnugp
added signing key to global .gitconfig
set "git.enableCommitSigning": true in Visual Studio Code settings
cloned my repo from github
Typically when I commits in the past I would get a dialog box requesting GPG authentication upon commit. I do not get this now, just the error dialog.
UPDATE: Okay now I'm really confused. I restarted vscode (not the first time I've done this in this process) and voilà, it works. Only thing I can think of is maybe I biffed the directory somehow? Either way, it works now.
UPDATE: Oddly, I'm back to this same issue almost a month later after a fresh arch install. I've tried everything that I've been able to find on this site, and nothing works.
I've tried adding export GPG_TTY=$(tty) to .bash_profile, and also .bashrc
Git log:
Looking for git in: git
Using git 2.26.2 from git
> git rev-parse --show-toplevel
> git rev-parse --git-dir
Open repository: /home/dw/dev/website
> git status -z -u
> git symbolic-ref --short HEAD
> git rev-parse master
> git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name master#{u}
> git rev-list --left-right master...refs/remotes/origin/master
> git for-each-ref --format %(refname) %(objectname) --sort -committerdate
> git remote --verbose
Failed to watch ref '/home/dw/dev/website/.git/refs/remotes/origin/master', is most likely packed.
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, watch '/home/dw/dev/website/.git/refs/remotes/origin/master'
at FSWatcher.start (internal/fs/watchers.js:165:26)
at (fs.js:1270:11)
at (/usr/lib/code/extensions/git/dist/main.js:1:604919)
at T.updateTransientWatchers (/usr/lib/code/extensions/git/dist/main.js:1:83965)
at (/usr/lib/code/out/vs/workbench/services/extensions/node/extensionHostProcess.js:46:87)
at e.updateModelState (/usr/lib/code/extensions/git/dist/main.js:1:103179)
> git config --get commit.template
> git check-ignore -v -z --stdin
> git check-ignore -v -z --stdin
> git commit --quiet --allow-empty-message --file - -S
error: gpg failed to sign the data
fatal: failed to write commit object
> git config --get-all
> git config --get-all
Same config as last time, and both match each key I've been trying it with... user.signingkey matches. Not sure where else to go with this one, as I've tried it across newly initialized local repos as well as repos that I've pulled from github both with official MS vscode (AUR) and OSS version, in the vscode terminal emulator as well as gnome terminal with same results so it has to be either a git thing or a gnugp thing.
What I have noticed is that after committing without signing, it will work immediately after: I get prompted for my key passphrase the first time, then it works on subsequent commits until a seemingly random number of minutes later, it just doesn't work anymore and the process has to be repeated.
There were a few macos users posting about having a stalled gpg-agent running in the background and it fixed it for them, however, I am seeing:
[dw#dwLinux website]$ gpg-agent
gpg-agent[2870]: gpg-agent running and available
Whats interesting also is that by doing echo "test" | gpg --clearsign I get the same results: it works for a short period of time, then I can't sign anymore.
Okay so day number 2 of trying to fix this. To rule out the gpg-agent theory as described here I followed the instructions on how to reload gpg-agent using the $ gpg-connect-agent reloadagent /bye command demonstrated on the Arch Linux Wiki
This had no effect
So being that I can reproduce this problem across vscode official, oss code, and vscodium, as well as bash, I thought maybe this was a permissions related issue, as so many problems with linux typically are. I added my user to all kinds of groups, including root, and this also had no effect so I think I can safely rule out the following:
VS Code
Linux permissions
So my next focus was the config files themselves, but as has been stated before the credentials match the key in .gitconfig and my .bash_profile has been correctly configured with export GPG_TTY=$(tty).
An interesting note on this from the official GnuPG docs shows a syntax discrepency between their way, and the way you are instructed to append this to .bash_profile on the GitHub docs here
From GnuPG: "The far most common reason for this is that the environment variable GPG_TTY has not been set correctly. Make sure that it has been set to a real tty device and not just to ‘/dev/tty’; i.e. ‘GPG_TTY=tty’ is plainly wrong; what you want is ‘GPG_TTY=tty’ — note the back ticks. Also make sure that this environment variable gets exported, that is you should follow up the setting with an ‘export GPG_TTY’"
As I understood $(whatever) in bash was to execute a command, but for safe measure I've appended .bash_profile using both ways and neither solved the issue.
One last thing
In this post the user talks about gpg-agent authentication not being available when daemonized and gpg access is being initiated by another application (such as an IDE like VSCode), which explains how I could temporarily sign commits after committing a random file or doing echo "test" | gpg --clearsign and being authenticated... but alas like most other 'solutions' to this topic, they reveal that all they had to do in the end was add export GPG_TTY=$(tty) to their .bash_profile, which I have already tried.
Where to go from here?
I still can't explain why it worked on my previous install, and frankly, not a whole lot has changed afaik. I typically do fresh installs often and keep a pretty minimal arch linux build with lts kernel each time w/base-devel and nodejs/python/git/vscode/firefox/discord is pretty much my entire workflow. I'm all out of ideas.
first make sure to add
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
in your .bashrc
Apparently VSCode doesn't ask for the passphrase and that's why it gives an error.
I don't know the reason.
My personal solution do a console commit first or run the following line
echo "test" | gpg --clearsign
In order to avoid typing the passphrase on every commit, you can make GPG remember it for 8 hours or until the next reboot:
mkdir -p ~/.gnupg
echo "default-cache-ttl 28800" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
GitHub Guide
Maybe git cannot find gpg? That was my problem with working with VSCode and using Remote-Containers to create development containers. Try running this in the Terminal within VSCode (in the container)
git config --global --unset gpg.program
git config --global --add gpg.program /usr/bin/gpg
or wherever your gpg is located. You can find out by typing
which gpg
If that works then you can put it in your Dockerfile for your development container.
I had the same issue a few days ago while using VS Code with WSL. The problem is that VS Code doesn't load the .profile file (and all the environment variables in it) correctly (try to run this command but it doesn't get the correct result: echo $GPG_TTY). Fortunately, setting the "-l" option for shell args in VS Code preferences worked for me. This ensures that the .profile (or .zprofile) file is successfully loaded.
I added these lines to settings.json:
"terminal.integrated.shellArgs.linux": [
Make sure to add export GPG_TTY=$(tty) in your .profile file and restart your terminal and VS Code.
Update: Since VSCode is deprecating the shellArgs oprion, use
the following snippet as an alternative.
"terminal.integrated.profiles.linux": {
"bash": {
"path": "bash",
"args": ["-l"],
"icon": "terminal-bash"
"zsh": {
"path": "zsh",
"args": ["-l"],
"fish": {
"path": "fish",
"args": ["-l"],
"tmux": {
"path": "tmux",
"args": ["-l"],
"icon": "terminal-tmux"
"pwsh": {
"path": "pwsh",
"args": ["-l"],
"icon": "terminal-powershell"
"terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.linux": "bash"
-l option is added to all terminal profiles above,
delete unused profiles and set your default profile at your wish.
I have same issue, and I have resolved it.
GPG Suite to generate GPG key
How I solve this problem
I saw this answer, and followed it.
Get keys
gpg2 --list-keys
pub dsa2048 2010-08-19 [SC] [expires: 2024-05-11]
uid [ unknown] GPGTools Team <>
uid [ unknown] [jpeg image of size 6329]
sub rsa4096 2014-04-08 [S] [expires: 2024-05-11]
sub rsa4096 2020-05-11 [E] [expires: 2024-05-11]
pub rsa4096 2020-05-04 [SC] [expires: 2024-05-03]
uid [ unknown] GPGTools Support <>
sub rsa4096 2020-05-04 [E] [expires: 2024-05-03]
pub rsa4096 2021-07-29 [SC] [expires: 2025-07-29]
uid [ultimate] xxuser <>
sub rsa4096 2021-07-29 [E] [expires: 2025-07-29]
Since is the email that I create secret for, 926E268C01892E8A2FCCD2A101CEB6267272A9A5 is the key code I need.
Let git user this key.
git config --global user.signingkey 926E268C01892E8A2FCCD2A101CEB6267272A9A5
Now it should work.
git commit -S -m "This is a signed commit"
note If you need it to work with Github, you need to add your public GPG key to Github, following this Guide.
Make sure echo "test" | gpg --clearsign runs successfully first before trying the below.
Very helpful to check what git commit is doing under the hood. Run the following commit with GIT_TRACE=1 as follow
GIT_TRACE=1 git commit -S -m "MESSAGE"
This will show what user name, email and key does git uses when committing.
In my case, I found that git was picking up the wrong user's and key details for signing the commit. I mainly intended to use the local config of the repo rather than the global and adding the following to the local git config (located at "REPO_PATH/.git/config") got signing the commit to work both in Terminal and VSCode
name = USER NAME
email = USER EMAIL
signingKey = SIGNING KEY
It can also be set with the following:
git config --local "USER NAME"
git config --local "USER EMAIL"
git config --local user.signingkey "USIGNING KEY"
I'm not sure if this is too late, but... I did find an immediate solution.
To see what and you have, run:
git config -l
You may notice two entries for You may have made the same mistake as me! I put my actual name in there instead of GitHub username, and there ended up being two entries of! I just changed the global back to my github username, like so...
git config --global "ghusername"
Next, git commit, and it should work:
git commit -m "<YOUR MESSAGE>"
Let me know if this works for you, I want to know if it's the same problem.

Node.js permission denied public key

I'm trying to run a Git command via node over SSH but I keep getting the error:
Permission denied (publickey)
I guess this is because Node does not have access to my SSH keys since it is running in a child process?
How can I get past this?
On windows, if your credentials are correct then it should work.
I guess you are running something like this -
require('child_process').spawn('git', ['push', 'origin', 'master']);
It works for me in both cases, ssh and https.
I fixed this running a Bash script from node as follows:
"scripts": {
"start": "npm-run-all -p server update",
"server": "dyson rest 7070",
"update": "sh"
} looks like:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
set -o pipefail
function update {
eval $(ssh-agent -s)
ssh-add ${SSH_KEY}
git submodule update --recursive --remote
The main thing is to start the ssh-agent in Node and then add your ssh key to the agent before running your git command.
UPDATE: The above works but I found a better answer. The reason it was failing is because inside the executing script the HOME environment variable was not pointing to the same HOME when outside the script. I fixed this by putting my ssh keys in both HOME folders. Then the script was able to find the right key and voilà.
PS You can determine the value of the HOME variable in Node by logging process.env.HOME or in a shell script with echo "${HOME}".

Hexo deploy on github

I tried to deploy the Hexo on my GithubPage.
The generate process looks fine, but error happens when I deploy it on my GithubPage.
Here's the deployment part in _config.yml:
# Deployment
## Docs:
type: git
# branch: Hexo
So what's going on there?
Thx for help! :)
The context you provided in the question is not sufficient...
But according to invalid chars on the screenshot, I suppose that your Chinese file path may be the cause.
Node JS Error: ENOENT
Why does ENOENT mean "No such file or directory"?
try to update the _config.yml like this:
type: git
branch: master
yaml is very very very strict, and indent is important!
Not sure what reason causing this error.
Check your environment whether these things have been set up.
I think it might be your config type is wrong.
npm install hexo-deployer-git --save
git repository settings like
- type: git
branch: master
- type: git
branch: src
extend_dirs: /
ignore_hidden: false
public: .
By this way, you can not only deploy your blog, but also backup your blog files, which you can use the command git pull to get the blog files on another machine.
- set up your ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
ssh-agent -s
chmod id_rsa 600
ssh-add id_rsa
(you need to add the to the github's deployer key)
ssh -T
sometimes it maybe you have several gits, make deployer confused.
Try delete .git directory and make sure there is no any git in other directories.
encoding. It could be the encoding is different. In my case, I make all the files belong to UTF-8.
By the way, it could be your files' error.try npm install hexo-server --save and hexo server to detect whether the website can be deployed.
